Variety (April 1964)

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Wednesday, Avril a 1964 Ava Says Agents or To Get Around 157, oh ane Bat “agers, it’ may ‘attempt: to: ‘aid ‘the agency. org by enforcing. ‘existing legislation, ‘that performers may The “Amierican Guild of: Variety Artists. and. the. Artists’ Representatives Assn. are’ on the: verge: of | -jurdisdictional tiff over the “question. _ of. : yariety ., concerts. ]. AGVA charges its jurisdiction. was bypassed -at a recent’ Allan Sher-: “man ‘show in /St;.Louis. ‘ The per| formance ‘was -ruled a straight con-} cert and under: American Guild of} * Musical Artists. jurisdiction: _ _ AGVAhas | ‘taken the “position.” ‘that this is a test case which:may]|. determine ‘the future of ‘all ‘such | © concerts. “AGVA Spokesman : recalled. that a ‘recent. ruling ‘by the union’s national board‘ Tejected an “ARA.: request ‘for a15% -commisBion .on promotional dates: AGVA regards the Sherman con“-eert as apromotional. stand. under. .{ts jurisdiction. and feels that ‘the shift to another union. was : made} franchised by. AGVA: la. High Court. Upholds Peeler’ s Obscenity Rap. “New-Orleans,: “April y French: Quarter | stripper. Vines and: Agatha. Sullivan were ver © Frolics.. “Glub On: Street, for. “intentionally’ perform| . in order: to circumvent. its 15%. commission ban. A discussion. of the matter. was. held ‘Monday’ :(6) | with ARA and: other meets are. also ; slated. ~ ARA, in ‘addition, is ‘seeking talks with AGVA on the status ‘of: ‘per-. sonal managers who’ bypass. talent agencies. Although AGVA has no; “Jurisdicion_ over personal man-; ments.” ”? inal District ‘Court found ‘Miss April. &, 1963. Miss Vines ~ ‘appealed, alleging ‘insufficient to ‘sustain’ .a .guilty (Miss Vines). performed. these = § intent. Of arousing sexual: desire.” a | Miss-Vines-was sentenced. by the ‘lower: court to pay a fine. of $300 SMASH HIT | “Prison.” JHE GLAMOROUS NEW: ai m3 | . : Dave Clark 5 i in 1 May 99 ‘ : § The ‘Dave. ‘Clark . Five wil get] * | § their first’ Carnegie: Ha Show folks are raving about ‘the ° ¢ all new Hotel Avery,-All new, | 22te. May, 29° under auspices, :0 large, beautifully furnished de: . hate rooms with private bath; te9} p.m. Earlier times’ were. schedevision & fadio. Air: conditioning, # | uled because of the.extreme. youth = _AVIRY é WASHINGTON StS. | of the expected ‘audience.. a ‘Theatre Three,. headed. by ‘Sid = Bernstein, ‘also: produced ‘the .East= =| er week rock: ’n’: roller at the | || Paramount Theatre, N, Y.: “THE COMEDIAN”. ' only Real ‘Monthly. PROFESSIO AL GAG SERVICE | THE LATEST — THE GREATEST — | _ ‘THE MOST-UP-TO-DATEST. = [| Now In. its. 160th Issue, containing | stories one-liners,.".poemettes, -song | ‘| titles, hecklers, ‘audience. stuff, mono-. . logs. parodies, .double gags. bits ‘| Ideas. Intros, ‘impressions . . personations, political, Interruptions.” “Thoughts of the Day,.Humorous Views of the News. ‘Vignettes, ‘ete. (20 Pages), | S25. YR. SINGLE ISSUES. $3 $35 YR-SINGLE. ISSUES 4. : We C.0.D.'s oa SILLY GLASON,: 200: Ww.: -§ath St... New York City 1019, co 51316 | -Regina, Sask.; "april Te Fotal attendance. “Was: {Sy (22). || caliy by: Charlie’ Underhill, ‘fea-: tSheb. Wooley: : “| Wen. APRIL ‘eh: | 10 ame NEW. YORK WORLD'S FAIR WORLD FOOD. PAVILION Concessionaires, a -ONEDAY Operators ae ONLY! Onthe Premises : a you've sive 2 up on “workieg the Fate beceuse of high costs... DON'T! Now. you can get choice space, some of it. already equipped, te. the spectaculer. World of Food at the price: you. set: yourself! Don‘? ‘miss: ” “AT YOUR.-PRICE! out on this one day opportunity to cock [a on 160. million. customers. fa the best spot, in. the biggest Fair. of ail times? _ f. BIG FREE EXHIBITS FINEST LOCATION oe INSURE PROFITS! “ON. FAIRGROUNDS. You: can't miss when big space, free Werle of -Food is. {ust 75° feet teem” exhibits. by such famous: names .as Main gate where 65% of all visitors ; Lipton, ‘Whirlpool, Knox will enter: and leave. 1, eR at onty Gelatin, Morton . S3lt and. many -.). .tRT, BMT tar ine others are Pulling In, customers for . Re to ‘parking ~ . um. . “COME TO THE AUCTION AND: GET YOUR spoT. OAT A BARGAIN!» For further Information. and. Brochure. contact _ J: L. TODD. AUCTION CO; oe 49. West 37th Street, New York City oe Phone: 212 LW 4-2500. “LICENSED e : BONDED © bd _INSURED TGrrsecucteveceeereeverseoe eee pe etate be booked: only’ by agents: ‘whoare | | at the. cinema: . |. Stewart’s. current : highland ‘and . : lowlands . -Swing’ ‘will ‘be™.-mainly | ‘pthrough. cinemas ‘on the Caledon| oe has started. a“.drive to raise $30, 000 to. build: Scotland’s.: first water= ‘therapy treatment. pool for spastic: children: In. the: past. ‘eight. yéars, 3: 4 tthe Mr. Pastry Swimming: Pool. Fund, ‘founded: by “Hearne, has raised: | | more: fhan. $300, 000. towards; the: Provision » of 36. similar Pools Ravine _ For ‘Sexual: Indecency’ fs “the: Louisiana « -State Supreme | [fF Court has upheldthe.. obscenity . conviction of Barbara Jean iL iss. y arrested. Jan," 11,.1963, at ‘the Sil-| : . ‘Bourbon: “ing. "in the: presence -of’ other. per-"} ‘sons. . with | the: intent of ‘arousing sexual. desire, ‘sexually — ‘indecent |: -dancing;: “posing : and. body: ‘move Judge I Bernard Cocké of Crim. Vines: guilty’. on: May 13, 1963. Miss |. | Sullivan: was: found. ‘not. guilty. “On that: the. law and the’evidence were: ‘verdict: However, Justice Frank W.“Hawthorne ‘of the Supreme Courtopined.that from the evidence pre-. -sented. at hier trial. “the inference. is “inescapable and: the appellant’ ‘moveiments: :and.,-actions with ‘the 4 | and mee 60. days in the: “Parish: ‘Bow at Carnegie Hall N.Y.;.|' Hall. concert. ‘Saturday’: (14), . ‘bard .of ‘the. boulevards fed more.| than: ‘two dozen of his compositions. ‘toa ‘largely: French. ‘audience over-. fiowing the hallto 250 chairs : on. stage, delivering. the ‘well-paced. program in . two 50-minute acts. | Ever ‘mindful of his ‘U.S_ listeners,, a Aznavour’ explained. the theme or}. -import -of. his French ‘lyrics and in| . -some Cases. ‘Sang. ‘a. good English -* translation, * : | || Opry’ Tall. $8, 140, Regina’ | | fastidious ;.restaurant,. -or the guy | Theatre Three Productions. They'll: “do two. ‘shows -at-5 p.m..and_ 8:30: A ‘healthy: gross. of $8,140. was racked. up for two ‘performances. of" \*Grand Ole Opry” in. the :1, '860-.. lseat Exhibition. Auditorium, Satur1}:3,529. Tickets were. ‘sealed. to: $2.50. : |. Unit, booked: by “Marlin ~ ‘Payne. ‘of Billings, Mont., and: handled: lo-. Thtared Buck -Owens, George | Jones, }!: |} Bey ‘Clark; ‘Ernest, Asworth’ and: -Got To. ‘Learn,” }loud . and — COME TO THE ee | _Exaggerate, ”. | | Stewart's Highland Swing | Glasgow, April 7... Andy “Stewart.” comedian who. recently .returned. from a qujck . tred. to the: U.S. Starts a tour of principal » Scot towns. .April-'23. at -the® Alhambra. Theatre, Dunfermline,’ .an area ‘starved, of. live yvaude. He will head’ a “package. ‘show: for’ three: nights jan Associated. ‘Cinemas : circuit. ‘| He'll spend ‘the summer ‘heading. his own show at the H: M:: Theatre, Aberdeen, before’ short .:séasors ‘in ‘Newcastle-on-Tyneand. , Liverpool. “4 Charles Aznavour _ “ (Carnegie Hall; NX). “Felix G... _Gerstman, in association withHenri. Goldgran presenta Sim, : contrabass; Pierre Urban, guitar. At. Carnegie 1 Hall, » April 4, . — 64; ‘$5.90. top. _ have not. seen. ‘him, : is built : like Eddie Cantor, “with -the face and delivery of: a latterday’ ‘Al J olson. ‘There isn’t ‘the rieh, ‘honeyed. voice of. Jolson, but there is a more SOphisticated showmaiiship. and there. -are. all those self-written songs, Ace: cording to. the. Gallic: authority: who}. | Sat. alongside. this: ‘reviewer, “the ancient art. of: the. trouvere, or |: ; Provencale.. ‘troubadour, has. -been. ' revived:in“Erance and :Aznavour is one: ofthe four new practitioners | using the: medium, ‘of pop: ‘ditties: to. {carry on an ancient and. serious. art expression. He is also. a terrific. ‘entertainer. In. his. ‘Second: ‘annual: Catnegie” ‘the. ‘First impression ‘is that’ ‘this guy could’ .be -a.. waiter: in. a not-too who talks bafbers into: letting’ him put* showéards. in:-their. windows, | and September’. ‘héadlines. the Republican « State af: "| ‘Convention: ‘at. Albuquerque, N.M, May -23 : but as. he warms” up, his:: person ality: impresses. so deeply. that he | ‘won’t be. forgotten. or mistaken for anyone else. He -may be the ‘image. ‘for: Pierre ‘Average, . but: -he’s also 4what.’ ‘every’, Parisian. housewife. ‘would like: her. husband to. be The songs run. the range from “Come SeeThe Com asks . “se Qui?”, 99. ‘Chevalier . | Protruding : lip. ‘For all of. this: ‘there’ ‘was. no |i | Beatle-like. ovation; : but. plenty: of {ft sincere: -mitting.” He {f roused them: with a ‘wailer titled: “I Lost My:-Head,” got big-returns from : “Lazy. Days: of. Youth” in | English, :.picked’ a‘ woman: in ‘the |F | front ‘row as. the. target for “You | ‘and’: switched. from |[upbeat to: “bhies'’ as.. fhe “Situation . called. for. a) cp}: (Backing the chiatiter-. was. a’ ear ; -pable imported. group,. consisting of | -B} Andre: :Gerard, —drums; Francois | Guin, ‘trombone,. Pierre Sim,. con|} ‘| tfibass,. Pierre. Urban, ‘guitar and | Henry Birs, whose. otherwise okay. ‘|-piano. was’ much: ‘too. intrusive on |i. .| Several -of the . supposedly ‘piano | '}Passages. If the N.Y. ‘State Legislature: ts —— ‘going. to pass any laws. to help. the |} -_" | theatre, the first one should make |j.°"" ita penal. ‘offense ‘for a’. “photo[Ff . ne ‘} | grapher ‘to wander about .on stage, {K. | ; : 4 | destroying : the mood. ‘at‘'a' perfor-"}4::: EW .J| | mance, for. which an audience hasjf.: | o paid. its: Money,.. as” one. did here. ‘on ooo wt: ae "arid, hogs i nena “Seot | ‘minstrel: ; . even opera. tion; assisted by:Henry. Birs, piano;.| ‘Andre. Gerard, drums; ‘Francois {fi : | Guin... trombane and. flute, ‘Pierre ‘Charles Agnavour, for: those: who * sino Royal, Washington, ’ ‘starting: April: 30 .: . Betty. Madigan lined ‘| Aruba,..June. 29, ‘Mi Velasco goes “set-to entertain at the Texas Prison “Rodeo, Huntsville, Oct. 18 and:25 |'Fontaine booked for .aString of | a ‘promotion. ‘tour. for “Ice ‘Trava‘ganza,” the’ blades ‘show he’s: “-producing with Paul Feigay for the | & Tommy -Makem. tapped. for. the | Edmunds. has. signed. with’ -GAC | and is booked -for’a séries of fair. “Dallas, “April’:29 ‘for 11: ‘days : and {if ‘the . Tidelands, Houston, : “May az “Baby,. you've. let yourself become |: for a week, | Slobby,.so-try to jack it up: because ‘| I still: love. you” a* barker ‘type | of: rowser:, .| edians!” Along’. the -way_ he likes -€'| Paris in ‘the month: of May, begs1 “Sarah” to write the. folks a letter, f.. advises. that: “You've aS for six days . bemoans. that he |. -[ | is 20 years older. that his wife and. tT hates her ‘second ‘husband already, poe a) ‘A plays an old; -unsuccessful song & |4 a = {dance man ‘waiting’ in the wings § | to g0 on, and. achieves the. miracle |. fof | ‘doing -a valid’: impression ".of'] ‘without Strawhat. Or Broadway” ‘units. has been. booked.) a ‘into ‘the Candado Beach -Hotel;, | ‘Puerto. Rico, ‘June ‘4° for a: month {ff with. options...:. | ‘inked for: the Sidney, Ja. wfair Aug. jit te. Bostéi’ s “$30, 600; 000° ‘War Memorial Auditorium. in. ‘the: ‘back -bay . But. city -officials still have. not come to grips with the need for. adequate. parking for the: | new. convention centre, . which is. also. expected to’ be“a showcase: for™ section: is expected. to be. open in -November::. one-nighters,. ‘concerts;. band; ‘circus, :vaude.. attractions, . ballet © and. | Meantime,. it’s understood -that Donnelly“ Memorial _ + * Richard ‘Hearne, English aude. performer. knowa. as Me “Spastry, :| the UK. age ree | | “The. Alhambra Theatre in Bradfora, wie north ¢ of: £-England. vaudery; a 7 Pop. Concert re j recently staged .a special. golden jubilee bill ‘to ‘mark 50 years of show: —— : Freddy, Frinton .and: Billy ‘Dainty. \House opened: in March, 1914, ‘with ‘| the Wylie-Tate revue,. “A. Yearin-an Hour,” | ‘Starring. ‘Nellie: Wallace. | An independent’ theatre, the Alhambra: is ‘the only survivor of Brad | ford’s. six theatres. and: music-halls. » are _ ee biz. . Artistes:-who participated “included -Yaria, Edmund’ Hockridge, : Vane, Cale Dates New York | . Ponicie Ponce. pacted for: tne uaJune 8 for’ three days . Barton ‘skedded for the’ ‘Rooster up for the “Aruba Caribbeaii,| “BR ane | ‘TOP TALENT KEN. CURTIS Singing Film Stor. ' in’ Aug:. Bl. Harmonica: Rascals. . Anita Bryant: to work. the Rut| fl land. (Vt.)Fair Sept: 7 . .. Frank | ‘one-nighters in May by General aE ‘Also.on TV's o ‘Artists. Corp... “th ‘“RIPCORD” ; : ‘ Personalmanager Jerry: Levy: ‘in. W from the Coast ..°. Van Johnson | -"GUNSMOKE™ ” “set -for /a 10-day : nitery. tour . of -South “America:: starting ‘May’. to. Itinerary includes. Montevideo, |i] | TIMMY. AY BROWN ‘Buenos. :Aires,. Sao. Paulo, . Rio. de} ° . Singing Halfback =. | Janeiro and Lima . , Maria. ‘Man-| No: ‘1 Ground Gainer of the. yille started at Tilly's: Monday (6): PHILA.. EAGLES © Skater: Dick Button ‘ off ‘on. MERCURY REC! RECORDS BILL LHALEY | KING OF ROCK ‘N: ROLL ~ Oveter Barrill.Club. Quebec puebec City” ~ BOBBY LE Lewis | “TOSSIN’ AND. TURNIN' a iz ABC-PARAMOUNT RECORDS 5 FEMALE -BEATLES Fast Rising. lnitrumental ot And Vocal: ‘Quintet... _ Wael: ‘New Record. Release _VERA ALLIK | Finland’ 's Youthful: Stared “in: “OXANA‘’ ne STEWART. Song. Stylist, Current: ‘Sheraton-King Edward: Hotel: “Toronto, Ont. a ‘SISTER. ‘ROSETTA “THARPE World Fomous Singer-Guitarist: : Return Tour-in April. =) of British ‘Isles =: Write: — ~ Wire — Phone... iL JOYCE AGENCY N.Y: World’s Fair... . Clancy Bros: Crescendo, “Hollywood, ‘May 6. . “Chicago | "Trini ‘Lopez has’ :béeen : set”: for Mister Kelly’s. July 27-Aug. 12°. Jack Jones. down for: the ‘game spot: Sept. .21-Oct: 10°. “0 Jimmy |: ‘dates. in the ‘Midwest in. August }ff . . Frank Fontaine | . Julius LaRosa plays || : the. Chippewa, -‘Wisc., Home: Show | April” .23-27, . the Cabana ‘Motel, ai One of ‘Bob. ‘Simpson’s“Hits of Jimmy Dean is «Jimmy D "SB West 48th St. a5 ” Dir.: Marry Greben, 203 N. ‘Wabash: AN. “PL 59857. DEarborn 2-0996,. Chieago, ‘Ufinois.. : Affiliated Offices: © GAY'S. GAGS” Phila; Les. Veges. Europe ‘ Published: Monthl Topical’ s..Original ene liners. jouer Sere || | BUCK. BUCKLEY Sis pack Weswee (latest) im i. pack. Issues 1 ener (latest). $97 46 back Iseves (@rst) ($22. FE ' Send checks: to: EDDIE GAY. . eh. . Bex, 181, New. ‘York. N. ¥.: teens. af RLSON . “Kevisrs “down for The. ‘Ai-Sar-Ben, "Omaha, re . Eileen. -. ‘tail, ‘Detroit, May 18 for ‘Six days. —_ : gg wih Oe. Sy UY. VEGAS 5° i> VARIETIES -[ md REVUE FT oason at , birmingham, ® | Feeling: is that the approxiinately. 3,000. parking spaces |: -~: to “be provided ‘within the huge ‘Prudential Center; : ‘now :under: con-.-... | striction, will. take. care of only ‘a fraction -of the cars’ of those at° tending events.. ‘Fheatre; recently sold. fo the Christian Science. Church, will ot: hook after, June. — oe ce