Variety (April 1964)

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Hearing. ‘Month. is-‘Joan-: ‘Fontaine. ‘Previously Nannette. Fabray. : Sot Honor to. William Weissel;: asst.: ‘a Viennese. . ish Appeal. luncheon: on Wednesday, Avet 83 1964 . Broady w Josephine Baker. guest” at: to: “day's (Wed.). luneheon’ of ‘Overseas | Press” ‘Chub. . . _Honorary ‘chairman ‘of? Better Austria handed" Grand’. ‘Insignia. mer. of" N. Y.. Philharmonic... He’ S Otto. -Preminget Wilk. be ‘the guest. ‘speaker. at the. United aso. ‘April 30; : ate the: Americana. .: -. oy | 2 and ‘Robert O. Reynolds. have. been'| ° we . insured. ‘for. $1, 600, 000°: each-. “by. |: : “Sthe’ Massachusetts. ‘Mutual: Life. * ‘Business. “partners : Gene. ‘Autry. “Increased usages ‘of coinmachinés: (automatic venders, ‘jukeboxes, toll | “¥oads:.for “exact change” --entree; | _” ete): ‘given as’ reasons for short-. ages of coin, Even the banks: have'| ‘become ‘worried... wt. . a © “Bob: Kintners (NBC. prez), ‘engaged ‘to: WilliamThomas: Oliver, : sénior.|__ ’at Bowdoin: College.. Bride-to-be. is “ Jege.. Both. ‘plan to ‘join: ‘the: Peace. '-Corps after: their marriage. .1, .. “Erader. Vie’s ‘celebrates its. sixth | “Bob: ‘Newhart’ “will: be: garlanded . anniversary: April. 13 --with an -in-}with | the. Notre.-Dame “Club: of " vitational:: .celebrity: party. and: the | introduction ..efits new fortune —Laughlin’ “se “The. ‘Neurotic’s. Note--book,”’ -_ Bobbs-A errill. : “Hotel, Grand ‘Bahama Island, will: be. the: 40th hostelry to. be -man-: “ agéd by: the Dinkler Hotel: Corp.) veasing,‘the -seeond. ‘onthe island. . |.The. Bahamian © Club; -in Nassau, ‘is 8 private casino. ve “2. Irene’ (and: Vernon). Castle, now | -. 71, who’ New York. as. a honored. guest of a Hotel. Plaza din: oer: ‘dante’ under: ‘Ballroom Dance’ Mag! auspiecés, ‘sounded. Off ,on: to-“_day’s. > Twist ‘and. | “other “dance “styles—and “naturally” got " “beaucoup” press. Space. back . from | Hawaii.: vacation... Ye ‘caught in one of. those tidal ‘waves, ... backwash-of the Alaska. earthquake, . i whieh’: chased beach: hotel: :guests: a :* fo ‘high: ground “until: 3-in-the[: _*porning “for ‘safety... ‘It’ waseerie |. ot] but. not. dangerous. he. reports... . 26-year-old ° ‘maestro-son’ ‘of ‘the ‘late. Eddy and |. “eur|. .“nently at the St: Regis’ Maisonette, engaged .to. socialite Mrs. :Cheray. Georgea : Zauderer, who. resumed _ -lét”. premiere.: tomorrow (Thurs.): ‘ hight-at -the’ Rainbow Room which teed. --off its: post-opening ‘. night: 5 businéss * with “Funny Girl” . and “this: past. Sunday:-with the. Eva ‘Le Gallienne: Lincoln. Repertory. sup“per. oS nights a ‘week: . better known’ as Toshiba, unveilipg ° “Thursday. (16) ‘with -a. “pécktaileryand. all (the. trimmings. The ‘Doug. Jas Leigh -installation . will use To| _ Shiba’s. own ‘light. bulbs, especially. t flown in’-from Tokyo. at attached. .five Rolls-Royces at the ”. just-opened ‘auto . show “at the. =. ‘part of: his $27. 231.94 .”. damage suit © ‘against, the British | -* aitomotive.-coneern. : This results. from. a. Jeastom-built” Rolls: che th Loew’ Ss. ‘Pheatres has ‘taken: ‘a 1401 year. lease. on.the two-story ramp' garage-on the. ‘northeast ‘corner of |}: “1th “Ave. and °53é St. .as auxiliary; parking space ‘fer. -its. Americana‘ Hotel which. is south. of. the parking |. ; Jot. es “Susan Kintner, “daughter ‘of the’ ‘a Senior: at: Middlebury . (Vt.) Col cookies ‘inspired. ‘-by.. Mignon. Me-' -bv arrangement “with “Lou | Chesler’s-. ‘Lieayan’ “Beach ‘Lucayan . chas «..its.: -OWn “gaming ‘Serky”. RCA exec Frank. M, Folsoin; just was . Peter = ’ Duchin; Marjorie . “Oelrichs:* ‘Duchin, ‘her ~ maiden... name’ ‘following ; : divorce: “AL, Sune wedding is | planned: 4 ani The. discipline. « Same-day: ‘eocktaileries are ‘beitig: held here. and: in Paris. tomorrow: -* (Thurs.) to. launch.the 13th. annual. ’: April-in. Paris ballwhich ‘is. ‘sched-: __uled. for: Oct:-30: at. ‘the first major: ' function. in. the ‘newlyrebuilt pall-{:room of. ‘the. Hotel Astor: . “party: is: in the Hotel de Ville. (City: Hall) and ‘Gotham: shindig | at the Pierre. = *’ _ Alec Cohen hosts ‘the post. Ham ‘The: RR, ‘since Jerome Brody. took: it. over. is now. open: seven. Tokyo Shibaura Electric Ca.: -Ltd., “its new ‘ spectacular ‘Times. Square—a.. 1,800: square. “fob: ‘Sign | ¢ _-on-.-47th: “and: Broadway. .—-. next... Irving. Geist, w:k. .in show biz,: oy Teak in 196i for $23,000,. with fe _| which. the industrialist. was dis-]-. ‘satisfied and sued: It was. replaced, on but: not: to. his Satisfaction. Gail . Benedict signed. . as. guest |: ‘|commentator for the: International | Fashion Festival at the Desért Inn, ||. Las Vegas, and takes. five ‘days .of |: j leave. from..ier. p.r. post: ‘at: the Savoy. ‘Hilton’ to handle: the assign-} -ment.. She'll introduce the. top for-; . ‘eign. designers onthe: 18th and the} _|-American. group-.on. ‘the. 19th, ‘She L-recently ‘appeared.. on~. the night” ‘Show with: Jobnny. Carson. “Chicago mi (DBtaware 74°84) Bak. Corcoran, . ‘press ‘agent : “for 4 British production . company. : UE: _ Michael: ‘S.:,Baumohlplaned to} ‘Drury Lane. “Theatre, « on.. ‘the: sick | list." = “Garden. ‘Distoiet” Stage ™ Guild’s April 10, ‘AI, 17. and 18... Sherman . “Wolf, . former. veepee : at -Aaron . ‘Cushman — Associates, opened ° ‘his: own ‘pubrel ‘firm: ” of ‘Dimes. -Chicago’ Ss “Decency. -In’-Entertainment” ‘award at the club’s ‘annual dinner at Palmer House, April13.° “Larry © Garnello,: business “man-. “T9‘. Tendon (HY de. Park 4561/72/39. “larry -Secombe guest: of. ‘honor “at the ‘Easter parade celebrations: in Battersea “Park. 7 “Dorothy. ‘Baker’ opened’ a ‘thee ‘week : cabaret: engagement at the Society ; ‘last week, , -Decta® Records: tossed a éocktail: -ery-at their West End headquarters | ‘for: Peter, Paul and. Mary.. gala. performance | .‘of . Ealing; on April 22." =}. Roman Polanski, the’ Polish di_ ‘ yector of. “Knife In Water,” Joined |. | forces . ‘with Gene -GutowskiAna]. + Ni: YY. over. the weekend. for confabs Chicago With Seven ‘Arts. atid -Universal; He next presentation ‘will be away from his: London base. ‘{ for. about. two “weeks, : Granada, _Associated-‘TeleVision, | { ‘Rediffusion ° and. Four™ Star: joint |: ‘hosts, at‘a Dorchester Teception -on |. “Bob Newkirk’ will be. preem “act | Monday. (6) for. Gene” Barry, “who. when the” ‘Edgewater Beach.. bows. its. new: ‘Marine: Room; “April 14... Phil Ford &: Mimi: ‘Hines. set so many: ‘ dates ‘that*they . ‘have taken ‘an. apartment .at. Astor" . Towers for ‘five :months.:.. - “Lew -Dav enport penned a revue, “Windfall,” whieh will be. present| ‘ed June 5 ‘at Theatre First. ‘Open‘ing. night: ‘is. ca: ‘ benefit. for’ “Mareh. stars, ‘in. “Burke's. Law.” ro ‘producer of the. Children’s Film ‘| Foundation, and Avill: start -his new: ‘position: July :1, after.hé has com“| pleted’ “Eagle Rock” for the. CFF. Harold..Cheshire flew to Buda-. pest last weekend; ‘at theinvitation ; Lof the: ‘principal: of the Istvan. Bar -langhy . School. of: Pantomime, for. lecture. demonstrations and’ a. per-formance : at othe Budapest ” ‘Youth | Theatre. The Queen-: Mother attending ate -Ibsen’s}.. . “Brand” at the Questor. Theatre, ia “Sel Hurok, ‘celebrating his: 78th I birthday this week, made his debut, “in West End: management, last. Week: | Ww: with the ‘preseiitation: of: the. “Mexi-: “can © ‘Ballet at the Drury ‘Lane. °° | Henry: Geddes naméd executive: 1 a een “parting . the’ theatre. to join’. Elec-: ager. ‘at. Drury Lane -Theatre,’:de-. Paris}: ‘tronics’ ‘Representatives « Associates. His: ‘Drury: Lane. ‘Teplacement * is” Tom. Cunningham. « nn man ‘and: host. of WNBQ's -.WGN’s’ farm service. ‘director, agriculture;. -andSterling: (Red) Quinlan, broad-. cast -exec . of | veld Enterprises; | communications. ae Td Aviv i a “By ““Azaria. Rapo port: _ (73. Ahad: Hoam ‘St.:° Tel: 235066). “Dr. : ‘Ophira.Bar-lan; ‘tor a: brief: private: visit here,. Seen. ‘touring some of the locations used’ Cel, Coitedian’ ‘Orson: Beaiibought. ‘a i presently by French. and. ‘Ameri. three-story ‘building-‘on | West. 15th: ae __. St.-where he will establish a. ‘private |° *~school for children from. 4-7 years. .. “Classes: start in September. 15th St::School, as it will-be called,. 7 will operate’: cn’ the: Summerhill : (England): System—some. 45 years |: pla. coercive: a ‘old—which ds based. on non | Ricordi, 4 the Israel ‘Opera: concerning fees: for local. productions ‘of . Puccinioperas. These will be resumed. now‘and: include “La Boheme,” “Turan-: can. film: companies. . conéluding ‘his second. tour of this -country,. concertizing with -orchés-: tras. and playing © ‘chamber. music, most suceessful‘once. more. Italy’ Ss: ‘music: publishing* house, -has .come to terms with dot,”. “La Tosca”. and. “Girl: -of the. Golder: West? 0 podium: during the ‘recent ‘series: -of. the ‘Israel. Philharmonic. con}. eerts.. Israeli-‘singer Nathania’ ‘Dov-| | Yat. repeated . her:. ‘New ‘York: fest: -(under’ ‘Leonard’ Bernstein), sing-‘ing -the: ‘solo. -part™ in. Mabler's: ‘Fourth: symphony. . “Une Soiree A Paris,” with. Zizi Jeanmaire: ‘and a. ‘troupe . of 40°: ‘Singers: ‘and’ dancers, warm: -audiencé. reception’ -at’.Tel | LBJ? ?.Figurés. Hearst exee F Con “nuff. running for. Congress as Demo. -in. .NY. versus -Ogden -: Reid «Jr. whose’: family owned HerTrib, | | “Voice of ‘the,.GOP.” ‘At last night’s. Grove. bash. ‘top surprise. introductee was -our. that defense. table: promised’ they’d: put’ ‘on stand: (ag “the real -mastermind : of Sin‘ign Jr. ‘hoax. press, stunt, te”) but didn’t. : had <a Aviv’s Frédric . Mann: Auditorium, but. received. mild reviews. only,. at. the ‘start ‘of’ a: two weeks’ tour ‘of ‘Israel. :.The: -Yves: : ‘Saint-Laurent, costumes; Stole the show. -. “The. -Italian-Danish | cireus, © ‘Pak miri-Benneweics, “set -up:-its : huge tent Jat ‘the. ‘State. ‘Plaza in“ Tel: Aviv’ and: ‘started ‘a. -most success| ful venture, : playing” ‘to: Gapacity: audience. and enjoying: high, eritical. acclaim, The company: includes: a Moslem’ a¢robats. from": Morocco, .the ~ Gli Hassani, granted special. ‘visas by the Israel who. had: been Government ‘in. spite’ of. thefact. that . -Morocco. doesn’t: Tecognize . the existence’ of Israel. . Radio: . station:WGN: : ‘eurtently | ‘conducting -. search” ‘for “folk -and bluegrass ‘talent, :with.a top..prize. ‘of -an Epic “Records | ‘eontract.-and_1 a one-week engagement: at. the ‘It’s’ Herecoffee.’ “house. ‘Plus. ar ‘fepe recorder. -: ‘ . “Recipients: cf the. “Jaycees’ an-: | nual: “Chicagoan. of Year”: award: ineluded «Louis | Sudler; . business--“Artists’. -Showeise, ” cited: in the category of. arts;: Orion’ Samuelson; ‘head of . ‘Suber. music publishers, chosen ‘to: ‘seat (on -the: board of ACUM, the: . Jocal ASCAP; : Jack’ “Garfein;" ‘ fitm ‘director, “in. ‘Pianist Clifford “Curzon and. con-. = ductor’ Istvan Kerteez . shared the. belted. | Press. e1ib). on Meaning | of Free: : Ponenes Aimed: at Tocal. Fed Courts. ‘Cork a | "Herkx cire ‘not. ‘Up ““feom"*: 82. 000 _: UP from: Aas 00, to.. 812,000, OB way’ Thi in1 wood BY. ‘Walter Winchell : ‘showfolk ‘honored: by. G-men wiih pew: near--FBY’s' W.--G.: Simon; .-at | Capacity-packed Kowto on: “ta-ta: event, Mr. Simon resigned after /mearly 25 years:” ‘Chief’d. Sinatra }: Jr: : kidnap’: ease, ‘Greenlease | child |‘kidnap-murder:.. “Weinberger | baby |: -kidnap-murder” near: NYC.: c Prolific bookwriterRichard’ ‘Gen: ; -Man’s ‘tome “That. Kid: ‘The “Story Of: Jerry Lewis,” here: sition L: -A.'news media: which: flang 67th *: birthday... party. for.” this 7 | Grandpa‘ at. Grove last: night... Re-: ~ Lmoved: couvert charge ($7 per pair) wal only. (End of Lesson-in-Reporting!): : ar Veteran film pet ‘Preston. Foster. Landstar: Vera: Miles. “-gemceed |. | Safety. Couneil ..affair ‘attended | ‘by 4: over 1.500. WARTETY'S cub fractured, ‘crowd. with ‘old’::safety slogan on |: “My. -back ..of. big... truck: “Watch! Rear—Not. Hers!” 2° -Mass: ‘L. A: “news: people: . -Peebeedee?.. As | in ThePea-BODY. Award??? . : _(Whut. school didjiz ‘went at?). Flutist “Jean: “Pierte.’ ‘Rampal, Jim”: ‘Wilson, giant-sized ‘KNXT| ‘CBS ‘eamerate.. (his camera. and" floodlamp: ‘wrecked by -over-zeaious: |'Fed_. cop.::when: . Wilson : ‘snapped. Sinatra Sr.’ in Fed: Bldg. garage ‘| during. -Kidnapease) . arrested:. and | “charged. with ‘violating Fed Court’s -edict banning ‘Jlensmen. U-S..Attor‘ney Francis C: ‘Whalen :wants fo: drop: charge but: KNXT ‘rejected |;same.. Plan. test’ case, slong with “AP, UP, ete: 9: Manny ote on: band chief ‘here; ‘| -guided New York ‘scribe into. rally } for Ike. at Biltmore -Bowl’ where. GOPeople refused’ admish: without: pass. ° 1 ales to: report. society: stuff. Hearst :blatts. coming: out: for. guest, “the “Wes” . LA: Times: city. ‘ed Hank: Osborii out © ‘furious: : “critique *. (at .” Speedy. sellout: ‘Ambassador “ did: ‘not: pick up. tab |: ! (as: ‘VARIETY 'erratumed) for. oppo-'| Salinger: quarters: in LA" vat. 7 Ambass’ ‘Royal Suite.” “(Sech Airz!)| > -““Cholly:. Angeleno”. (Lynn. Spen-. Cer) ‘back: at. Her-Ex ‘society.: desk | after’. long | jliness. : Started. ‘with. “Hearst 45: years . ago .as police Scribe. after: college: One of first: ‘christened : ‘The -blatt's me. “Bud” Lewis, « ay ar [ed of ex-LA Mirror... -! _ oe Ne: Y. Journal ‘Amerieaii ‘com> posing room:.“slowdown,”: ordered |-; ‘by same Union that. started. A14-"|° [| day. strike last: year, depressed ‘all NY ‘news ‘people wondering What| | Next?22.° 5. Dorothy Malone, “Oscar: “Winner. *1:(1956), -going slightly: dafty: waiting. “for 20th : ‘to. sign ‘her for tv series. | Two’ episodes’ in “the can, bat. no ®: { sig... ’ Paris. By ‘Gene’ ‘Moskewits” “Yeo Ave Neuilly; SAB. 0712)" Vet | ‘film. “producer. ‘Lourau “reelected head ‘of . the Ss dieate of French ° Filmi ro: |. yn Pr “| tor” of Republic . Pictures of New ‘ducers... herself':and her’. children. from different. countries. “Screen stars Jeanne. Moreau: and| Serge. Reggiani’ may take top roles. | {in a French Jegit version. of ‘Arthur’ next: + ‘Liberties. ‘Union.. Miller’ s. season. After. the Fall “ Dan:‘Oppenheim in to jmddte : ‘mal ‘with © local.. playwrights. ‘and * di‘rectors. on’. promising. plays’: for ‘Broadway as well:as.the possibility. ‘of ‘making’: a “Yank-slanted tele | ‘series! Sofas Funny Thing Happened,” next. season at the Palais Royal. Yank | producer Arthur ‘Lesser produces 2 with: “Madame De Letraz. aan we “Weik, ‘batoneer,’ one of: few |. _ Actress" Marja “Mauban ‘penning |: a novel ‘about’ an: aging. actress” reminiscing:.. She: ‘herself. : is” still: ‘young’ of. the hit ‘French | transposition. ‘of :Jean Kerr’s and. French: “gymnasts, ° ‘SON, . international .cireus. and then an: ; Sports: » ful “The Three Musketeers” season, wWith: Opera |: ‘and dean: Mare Thibault... ~ Malaysia 2 “By Gerdon Ooi. _ 3, ‘Raffles Place, Singapore, Tel. 10606/43505). . zine. "Phe. Troika ‘Restauranf,. “new ere, dispensing ‘Russian | though. not necessarily’ ‘Red. cusine. ’, Kemanan “Motel | opened’ “‘Trengganu;, on Malaya’ Ss “Story ‘of.-Three Loves’ breaking record “at: Odeon: ‘Katong. -Another |: pic doing record biz is “Fun. in Aca-. | ‘pulco” (Par) at. Cathay. Cinema. | .“Tarzdn’s ‘-Three Challenges”. New. Year ‘season; pic was’ shot ‘in. nearby: Thailand and. the admission. Price: was. :norma!.: doors away from the :world-famed. ‘Tiger ‘Balm .” Garden, Singapore’ Ss" No. .1 tourist. attraction. ~ ist: Promotion “Board, .. Minister K: M. Byrne,. Sydney ‘where he headed ..a 12-man delegation at the .13th. “Annual: Pa-. cific. Area’ . Travel . __ Association (PATA). Conference: it: will. ‘Pele .. ‘to. bring in: more ' Visitors. 7 $10,000. :at Universal’s a in” . ‘Music: Hall and. the legit ABC | den” Fashion .Gala. , ‘May: disappear next season.. | .. Hazel Seott’ playingnightiy’. in. ‘Mae. Mercer’s. Blues. Bar boite:.. ‘~ . Georges 7 starring: in "Madame: ‘hus living’ here, now | charges . for’ tele’ appearances . to |: Taise ‘money for living expenses: for First Military Film Fest will-unspool in. Versaillés,. June. 2-8:"Films ill. be all: ‘sorts:. of © army shorts | ¥ves. “Robert "will “stage | ‘the 7 French. ‘version. of Yank legiter, “Mary, Mary,” on. legit ‘stage here. . ‘Comirig Palais. Des: Sperts shows} ‘include a performance. of Russo | Mexican. ‘Folk. Battet,. Jazz: ‘Fest headed. by. Ella Fitzgerald and: Osear Peter--| “Hotiday 6 on. Tee" doing even bet|: ‘ter. than last -year with big atten|. dance hikes because. of bus service. from outlying districts. ‘It is draw‘ing. daily around: :$2:000. over last-j: year ‘at. ‘the. Dig-seating Palais Pes | 25th year as honorary chairman of “Albert : ‘Sarfati. will, produce at ‘musical version of that old faith| next.| -director'| Georges Aurie doing the music. and | : edy team ‘Roger Pierre “Gov. . Peabody’ Ss “mother. starring comedy oge . ‘ Gailed ° in’ deep Southland . with. other. .Civil “Rights” demonstrators) } | ‘called ‘“‘Mrs. -Peebeedee”’” by. many a J try: Club, Diners’ ‘Club: here. has conie: out: with a bi-monthly. members’ ‘maga iat Rast lists ~to. cater, to: American tout| “Cathay’s: Hong Kong ‘production, : (MGM): drawing capacity crowds at {~ Odeon . because’ of. current ‘Chinese | “David ‘Miller to -Apgenitine Film, 7 ‘Fest as: only U.S. member of jury. . Stefanie | ‘Powers reoptioned by :, Walter Pidgeon to tour strawhat circuit with. “Take Her, She's Mine.” ‘Jim: Richardson retired ‘after 33 . years with Fox. West ‘Coast as. the. a aire: manager.. John: ‘Payne . ‘and: Lisa Kirk to a head ‘L.A, Civie™ Light. Opera’s -{“Here’s: Love.” . >. Hollywood Nuscum set to clear. “Chalk Gar ‘Columbia Pictures for another year. Joan. Shawlee. ‘returned from a “Guerrillas . in. Pink:Late’. in. Philippines. “Phil. Gittelman switched from. Shafer office as associate, ‘Ralph : ‘Carter, managing direc. . Zealand, “-homeward-bound. Ken Drake heads newly-opened Jack‘ Kruschen . tees’ off 15-day Pp. a. tour on May: 4 to: bally Metro's -“UnsinkableMolly. Brown.” | Sam... Marx,. vet. film . producer,. ‘set as ‘West. Coast rep of .Keefe Brasselle’ s Richelieu Productions. -Gene Kelly succeeds James Whit-: more’ of Hollywood : Helené -Towers. agency to. Hal “Chicago. office of. ‘Hanna-Barbera = 1 as veepee in charge of sales. “Arts Division. ‘of: American Civil : “Bob Hope. will receive third: an ‘award May. ‘Angeles Press.-Club. “headliner of ‘the Year?‘ ‘# from Greater Los’. y Edgar Bergen breaking in his’ Tucson, “before. opening at. ‘the Roosevelt, ‘New Orleans. “Mia. Farrow, . daughter of: Maureen “O'Sullivan: and late John Farrow,hopped to London to’ re-. ‘tT place. Britt. Ekland in -20th-Fox’ & “Guns: ‘of Batasi.” — " Vivian’ Blaine © replaces ‘Betiy 7 Grable. as femme star with Dan’ ‘Dailey in “Guys and: Dolls,” Sei‘den-Bufman production : opening May 5 at: Cocoanut Grove Playhouse, ‘Miami. | ‘Everett. Sharp resigned post of : veepee-general sales manager : of Manhattan Films International, @f-— general. manager ‘of Sero Amuse ment Co. . . Mrs... Ida. Mayer Cummings. hon-: ored.. last. Sunday. at. Ambassador. ‘Hotel . with: Silver’ Jubilee -dinner’ | celebrating her 25th year as prexy of L._A: Jewish Home for the Aged: ‘Mary Pickford: also ‘installed . fer. ‘home... ‘Palm Sprit Springs “Bill ‘Bendix spending most of his time at: his manse at Canyon Coun Desi “Arnaz and . Hoagy Car-. . “michael ‘amid. Golfers at Thunder‘ ‘bird Country .C “Rod Serling vacationing at White : Sun Guest Ranch‘ after completion . -| of 150 “Twilight Zones.” _ . “Doug McClure feams with Duke = Mitchell” to break-in new ‘act. at Palm Springs Ranch Club.’ a a ‘fective May.:1, to become exec as~:sistant to. Robert Benton, veepeee. .. Alan’ Jones. bought .former. Al. ‘Jolson estate here after selling. his . ‘manse at Eldorado Country Club. Kim ‘Sisters, appearing | at -Chi” Chi, practice several hours’ a. day ‘to perfect the instruments they ‘play. in’ their ‘act. _ : Frank Sinatra. and Harpo: Marx. ‘are .on .a: citizens . committee to raise funds for a JFK statue to be. placed. at new P.S..airport. George Murphy, a candidate for US. Senate, ‘addressed ‘a meeting club ‘at Indian Wells. Hotel. Fifteenth annual: ‘Racquet.. Club ‘}of the Palm: Desert Republican _ tennis . ‘tourney was played last’. weekend with Dinah: Shore and Donald Woods among those vying for championhonors... TheLion . ‘City “Show, “‘nowre| “to ‘read. ‘Lion’ City” Nightdub, has moved ‘house:to four. Buddy: Rogers, Hugh O’Brian and | Bullets. Durgom in the throng at opening. of Johnny. Bash’s Club= house.. The .Pacers ‘Plus..One pro ‘vide lively -music. at night spot _fowned: by Bash‘ and Jack Narz... ‘Chaiman of the. Singapore ‘Tour ex-Health . back’ ‘from’ Mrs. George ‘Hearst chairmaned Desert Press Club’s Awards dinner ‘Saturday © night... Event.: honored ‘Charlie. Farrell -for his. ‘contribu-. tions: at Palm ‘Springs: Past. recip ‘jents’ of Press Club award have. -| been Bob Hope.and. Gene. Aawry =: =. ..“T6 cope: with: the inflow. of tour| ists. into the. island, the ‘Singapore . ‘Tourist Promotion Board. has been. éstablished, along. with. the Singa-. L-pore’ ‘Tourist ‘Assn, -on: the. govern-. “tment Tourist Information. Centre, Leith -Stevens'..sweating out Academy Award night by. building at . “Pinyon ‘Crest, in: the’ pine‘Covered snow: country, 15 minutes ‘from .Palm Desert:.: He “will live. | here and L:A. for “Mr. Novak”. tele chores: ‘as ‘well as film. assignments. oa