Variety (April 1964)

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Ray Stark & Fanny Brice ““.\../ people. of ‘all. ‘Traces,.. colors.’ and. _———— Continued from page 2 scripters who: ‘had worked: on. the. Fanny. Brice story including the current libretto ‘by Isobel Lennart, | based on her own. original. story. 1.” “Thus: Stark not only” owns the preproduction ‘film rights ‘to her. script. but any other ‘participations by Jule: Styne .(music), Bob “Merrill: (lyrics), and” previous ‘screen _play and other treatments he. had’ commissioned: Ben Hecht’ and the Ephrons (Henry and: Phoebe ).” to do. Ditto all rights for’: use “-ofNicky Arnstein’s | ‘identification with the Fanny Brice saga; the Brice’ estate .(which includes Mrs. Stark, nee Frances ° Brice, now -better: Known: as Fran. Stark in * BevHills: circles, . -and..her’ brother, “being quite. a “painter” Coast}. Whether Stark; despite: his ‘Hook: I “up with Seven. Arts, will’ produce: the film. on his own “which he. ‘doesn’ t. anticipate can happen for. “two or three years: because of. the |legit musiéal’s seeming Broadway. click). or in ‘association: ‘with. an-. other . “major. studio, is. for. the fit'ure. Columbia ‘offered him. -over |: ‘$400, coo and 25% % of. the: world |. rights three’ years .:ago; : ‘hehas: similar firm, offers ‘from ‘Warners: and Metro.. _ “But if? somebody. was. “te ‘lay: | $700,000--on_ the. ‘line;: that. only. would: make: me--even on: the. story property investments: not counting. the more than $500,000. the ‘Broadt way stow. cost. to. bring. in: The 600G-oIus,. of coutse. is. “not call" mine.” says Stark. . : “Backers in = ‘Funny. Girt ‘had: to” { be bought out, in: -adyance,. for. the | “‘gyme ‘reasons as with’ the. present show's authors, the Ephrons, Hecht » ‘and .a’l ‘the ‘others.’ Point: is: that. nobody can do anything to’ jar theimage. of . my" wife’s mother : and father, whom Barbra’ Streisand. and. Sydney Chaplin Personate — on-. stage.” 7 8-Year-Old Project “He is. also. noncommital of -how much’: the 83-year-old. Nicky . ‘Arnstein, now in: retirement: on ‘the Coast, was. paid other than stating negotiations with ‘him ‘started. some eight years..ago when the. Fanny Brice bit, for stage or screen, ‘Sstart-.| ed to fultninate. ‘Phat’s when,. in-cidentally, Stark details: he. had to. trade “The Maltese Falcon” ‘Yemake Tights, which he -acquired. from Warners, and. cede them to Metro. in exchange for the Culver -City studio. “springing” Isobel Lennart to work on the libretto. He seemingly has great. respect for the lat-: = ter, citing her “Hollywood | record as “a five-time: Oscar. nominee”.: She. already had written. a -film treatment before..the segue: into producing .it. as a: “stage musical’ ... first. It was becatise of fall. awareness ‘of authors’ prerogativés . that: he. -bought in all rights ‘“‘because. then, ‘if it’s no good, T have the privilege’ -of not. making ‘it. Phere. can. never ‘be’. -the . desparation | problem of ‘Salvaging’ ‘a. bad investment” as would be with anybody else. who: is ‘not so’ sentimentally and intimately tied up with’ ‘the: _subject_ matter. If it’s :right,-and “obviously we think ‘the stage .ver--| sion is now close: to ‘right’, awe'll then proceed to produce. an. equally: ‘right’ motion picture, ‘However, the’ fact that. three. major : sttidios.:had marked: interest. in: the. property|. _before—-and most certainly all will ‘from now in—certainly attests. to its filmusical . potentials”. Toa VARIETY man's wonderment jf the authors and he must. ‘cer-. tainly have been tempted to violate | Broadway tradition with an ‘original | Brice, who has, the roles ae gross: $80,000 at the Winter Garden.. ‘on: “the ‘tra -boxoffice . had: to. open... ‘Another * Starkian ‘footnote’ on a é|.‘explains the last one as: being an] .‘accommodation * to a theatre party! © + and, -contrarily ” to’ general impres-|. ‘sion, us” because the:show was kept out. 4 lon). enough. ‘to make it. “right” al-. erat “earlier. ‘party bookings. Nevada: casino ‘had been® “charged: rr with using loaded -dice.. The’ Slip|. per is dominantly owned by. Robert.| (Oe ‘Shuize, a former’ pitcher for. the. _ | defunct’. Hollywood ‘Stars “baseball. ; | team. ‘Although. ' “the. : (shaved so that the. 6-and-1 com-: “bination: does~ “not: come . up’. as. engineering : skill: which. ‘one day “oftens. charge ‘took -place™ ‘atone of. | Will bring: the world: to the’ home.” | the ‘two. dice ‘tables, 105. slot: machines, _a-rouletté wheel, five’ black-. | jack: . ‘games: and: a “wheel of .for| tune” ‘were also’ shut down by the} chairman, ‘Appropriately, the 1964 o, “World's Fair .coincides with ‘a-most ‘Sti t ng. Control ate’ Gaming. Contro Board. important. ‘development in. the Tife|: in: the spotlight ‘with more: than their share of notoriety of. late:via ‘sueh:diverse items as’ ‘Felt. .Jungle,’” current © bestseller. light through . outer” space. The : which’ includes. ‘some lurid‘ accents | “technical-‘méans now exist. to: give on. Vegas' gangster . control; ‘Senator. Barry Goldwater's: $3, 000;000: ‘mension that is. Mistinctively: global . libel. suit: against the authors therein. character.’ sae of, “because. of inferential: -friend‘ship* with Gus" ‘Greenbaum, “slain. Sarnoff a “major ‘prophet”’:in his former. Owner of the Riviera, Las.| -portendings of the. futuré. of. video -Vegas;.‘and last: :week’s:.Life story:|in 1939, and. added; “He is a fcre| O'Neil, -on:Dr. Ed| ward: Q.. Thorp, © He. is. the Ph.D. | Fair,. introducing. OUF.. Communica: mathematician. on faculty’ at New | tions Center,.and an-all-seeing: color: Mexico: State ‘Univ. whose: ‘mathe| tv ° “closed-circuit: ‘network © within. mati¢al-' ‘genius. lias ° successfully the. Fair which: ‘enables. millions of: beaten. the Nevada. casinos. time -visitors. to see. themselves. as they: -and: again. He even Wrote’a book. ‘on it, “Beat The Dealer”. (Random’ “House, 1962), with: accent: on “21” | or ‘blackjack. -O’Neil’s. story baldly | sim states. that. as. soon as: Dr. Thorp |: ‘is. Tecognized—he. “wears. -disguises,, changes. his spectacles. for .contact| — { ‘television: at this. story is 5 true” your. | company: has incaleulably: ‘damaged. | not only. its.own prestige but also “served: that‘Jerry Robbins’. work. with ‘the show _ in’ the’ Jast “four | weeks. “was. inéredible”): eT Of ‘his ‘Star, -he feels’ she: was. ‘a. ‘Breat song: seller in-Boston-—as. she. ‘inany: medium. and in any’ -place— but that in the transition’ from the |. break-in dates.en route« to. Broad-. ‘way “she also: became a -great:act-. Fess, truly the. ‘Funny 'Girl’.”. In| cidentally; her, deal puts. ‘the © 21--| “year-old. songstress up there with. Martin), : Said.” -to. -be guaranteed . “Funny. -Girl’’*at$9. 60 top. cai “AS ‘for. ‘the hazards: of “overworking”, “he. Says both he. and. Miss.| Streisand agree ‘she’s: “young. and: in a ‘nitery: . act .sheSings more. songs. ‘twice: nightly: than in eight-| _a-week shows here”’.. . J . Morning: aftér: the notices: ‘there. was an unbroken : line, according | to Shubert: spokesman, ‘and’ an: @x-: those’ “postponed” Openings; “now... the “party agents ‘Jove. though, admittedly, it:snafued. sev: “Las Vegas ‘Continued from: page. 1 ra. a “flat. dice” “The. ‘Nevada casinos’ ‘have been | “The Green ‘glasses, changes: attire, and: other Wise. tries to look. as anonymous ‘as{} oe the’ big: girl: stars (Merman and}. $5,000: — ‘again producer Stark | | copped: a. plea — and: a percentage. | a ;Qn :this. he -too was ‘vague. .Costar. i. | Sydney ‘Chaplin is ‘on flat: terms: =| the university: on Wednesday M.. tors Bldg. last’ week.” = ‘| -ried signs reading: “GM. discrimin-' . =|.ates | against. non-white: ‘Perform: 7 . ers ” dia: not coniment 9 on the: “demion ‘the. ‘image *.. of © = nations. who believe. that our coun: try stands’ for equality: and. justice for -all. mankind. Repudiation. by |: General ‘Motors. of this principle}: at this time is‘ particularly: signifi- cant ‘in light. of: the ¢ivil rights is ‘no--time ‘for. a. Imajor: American ‘corporation “to «line up”:in open corporations” to. take: affirmative: > | action: in n enalt of. human, Tights, for. all. " “oat Baez & CORE Picket GM oo5 “Austin, Tex., ‘April 7. Folk’. singer’ ‘Joan .Baez.. mee more ‘than 200 ‘civil tights’ demon-|' strators ‘who jammed’ the ‘front of| | the :City.. Hall: here Thursday (2) ‘while: Negroes: appeared. ‘before the civil rights: ordinaice. ° . Miss Baez: exhorted : the “erowd; | ; many . of: them studénts | from the | U. of. Texas, to: ‘stage. more demon-strations: ‘The. singer remained in the. city. follawing. two concerts at Charge. Performer Bias . Detroit, A pril 7 In® protest: against: ‘alleged | Segre: gation in-industrial’ shows; -mem-=.} bers of. the: ‘Congress: of Racial Equality. picketed the General ‘Mo . There: were no. “incidents. . ‘Strations. "Sarnoff 25 Yrs. Later — Continued trom. page: i — ofan Industry,” and in-it he ‘made: ‘reference to. tv as ‘that “miracle. of His: dedication. remarks of Tast “three outside plants: are. pressing: “the coupling of: “Can’t : Buy’‘ Me | ‘week: ‘simply ‘picked up. -whére: ‘the. 1939 predictions. left ‘off: Said ‘the |. of ‘television.’ Through communica-. ‘tions-satellites, such as Telstar and. Relay, ‘international television: sig| ‘nals*.are:-moving | af. ‘the. speed. of television. a new. programming. di-. Fair ‘Corp.: prexy Moses. ‘called ° runner here. again. today ‘at the. new. ‘and: others see: them. General Sarnoff can:tell you how’ close we are’ ‘to live. worldwide ‘color television. Par’ s Loren Pic =. ‘Continued. from. page. 2% — America.‘ among. crisis’ confronting. the country. This. support. ‘of exclusion. based: upon |: -ra¢e:. .It:is a ‘time: for~ men and: icity “council . to urge a. municipal They car-| GM : hovering around. the. 4,000 ,000 sales’ as “Can't | Buy: a built-in. Gold Record since Capitol . “had: orderof over 1;000,000' even | before: the release. date, ‘According: + | toVoyle. Gilmore, » Capitol’s.. v.p.: over | artists. & repertoire, “Buy. Me ‘Love’ had. an initial’ press. |.run of -2,000,00. copies | and ‘sold three-quarters of that in. the: first : 7 10 ‘days, “Paul McCartney during their stay “You Can’t Do That” |-— ‘has -beén includéd ‘in the. -Beatlés’: ‘second “LP... along. with two ‘other |. ‘hits, “She. Loves: You” and: “Roll : — Continued from: page. 1 =f “cancel”. . | contract expired ‘on’. March 20: a Charging UAW with attempting. to. | gmbroil the commission. in censor-. ‘SNip, _Possible—the: casinos send: in their, ment. Film Encouragement. office’ ‘mechanics (cheating -dealers).. This | to the: last: laborer; helping’ to lay. is. one of : the. -boldest--allegations -the--special road cut in.'the. hilly in ‘a’ national magazine. Obviously,. ‘Tandseape ‘Of “Western. : “galilee:.. ‘Thorp: quickly: becomes .a: marked |: .Someequipment". jan. As the pit bosses recognize. brought from Rome, to. ‘augment | this | skillful: ‘and ‘ scientific ..blackjack. ‘playing. methods, Ahey send number .of. Israelis are going: to: in: “new. ‘dealers, ’ = ; -.{ seemed excited by ‘some’ .actors | |: they saw and. more sO. ‘by the. chil- Not. allow . any ‘sponsor—labor or an ‘instrument to:. ‘parochial .. views’. would: be locally’ rented: items and a large.| _be in. the picture: ‘Mann and ‘Rackin |: musical : “by repriseing .the classic |” “My. Man”. in that secord.act, Stark |. says that that’s “what he. might ‘do. in the ‘film: version... Ll At the moment: lie feels Bartrra | — color. © Streisand is as well known through ‘get NBC to. drop the show, threaten: ot her records. and general exposure | ing’ to take the case. over. the heads |= as Fanny. Brice, and probably even { of: network program. execs to net-| .: more so: to: the..present’ genera=)| work. ‘board chairman Robert Sar-}™..: tion, so _ that: ‘whilé the -subject }.noff. | A: méeting of NBC. officials] te . ‘matter ‘is’ one. segment. of: the {and GM. and Campbell-Ewald — comedienne’s. struggle’-'to. Zieg-|agéncy. execs. (for.Chevrolet, “Bon-|-. = feldian, heights . fand. her abor-? tive: . romance with the. gamblin”. -‘man) , the intent. was to cloak the ‘vehicle . with original _song-and_ dance. material.. Accent, in fact; is “jn the pop. dansapation metier;' so: far. asthe words: and music. and | Carol: Haney’s. musical’ staging. is concerned. (Jerome Robbins jvas -only called in latterly:to work with Garson. Kanin’ who. directed. ‘Stark } General. Motors in’ 1964.'seeks to. refrained from any statement. feels ‘there is much credit-for all, bar Negro performer: from its. spon.. “:!dren-and . some “of the’ kibbutz: :{ members: whose faces and: person=. "NAACP. & Tome — Continued. froma page £ Jayne Mansfield ‘Continued. from, page — — afternoon, March 31. The network} U: S.-Israeli.: coproduction of. . the at: that time: stood. fitm-on its: plan ‘to air.-the stanza; titled, “Bnter | ago butlast’ week ‘the: letter : re‘Thomas: Bowers, ” on Sunday, April ceived announced that. Miss Mans-| p2a. ~'| field, shooting, presently: in Beiruth, Besides its request: ‘for. answers} Lebanon; ‘bowed-out .and: the “deal to, -the VARIETY story; Wilkins’. wire £ the to Dorner declared, “Variety -re| Ment: man in’ charge. of the encour * sone went ' ality. will: add. to Ane, 2 Picture’ Ss local. anza” ‘bankroller.) was held. Tuesday national Films, had’ negotiated the “Mansfield picture ' about‘half. year |} is off. “Asher Hirshberg, . -govern | ports.-almost incredible: story. that: agement. of : pr ‘oduction, ‘few years ago. uled: for™ next. year,.in: “eolor; is: and: shooting. should: take. place in | Mr.: -Shavelson. said’ this was. not ‘going to bé an “anti-Arab film,”. but. rather “another picture ‘about -a.-fight for.'freedom, a ‘kind: Of | sequel t to: y'“Exodus'.” ”. ~ Lonny E Bruce — Continued: from. Page .—— — on. for‘Bruce:: ‘He | ‘also: ‘played. Saturday-Sunday performances. and will continue. for two-week “date.. House is given over on. Mondays to experimental ‘entertainment. | Other: than: ‘concert: date. at vie | Jage Theatre on March 28,. booking at the Cafe au Go Go was first N; Y.. appearance . ‘for’ Bruce ‘in several: years, m, “Warrant Was. _ issued on ‘basis of. a tape Tecordings of . bit’ made. first’ -| two. nights. of. program: by. two plain |: | clothesmen. . Bruce. was . released on. $1,000 bond. put. up by Solomon::. | Latter. ‘was released in-: his: own. recognizance. _Both men are schedwed to appear ‘in. Criminal Patt, N, Y. Supreme Court... . | — Continued from page. 2. — mark. “Me Love” had” “ In :addition. to Capitol facilities, Love” _and the. flip, © “You: -Can’t Do ‘That. mo Both sides” ‘were written: by. ‘two. of: the ‘Beatles, John... Lennon. and in the U:S. Over ‘Beethoven.’ ye ~ Metromedia Ban jJivered from reps| of | ‘DuPont ‘and -Coea Cola,charging. the Show was. ‘controversial. oO Striking -back at: “UAW's.-as| sertion: ‘that WCBM violated.” its programming promises. ‘to... FCC, Metromedia | ‘referred to’ ‘the UAW 7 petition | as..a--“mass: of misstate-. ments, ‘innuendo and: half-truths, ” ~ Metromedia’ averred it. ‘did: not the ‘program: but. that’ Metromedia said it: would. Management—to: use : -WCBM. advance * “as contrasting ‘opinions. Wha’ Hoppens | It Rain — Continued. from ‘page Qi the. ‘fairgoing public. . iterated ‘the: ‘importance of such. a service. i cally: that it. would. :give weather ‘forecasts,’ That’s something that: will. have ‘to .be:' considered: in. a calmer. -atmosphere. | A’ prediction. of imminent showers tnight provide: a stampede. “Sue Amacker -‘new “manager of. the +Fine™Arts,. Dallas. ‘assistant manager ‘of: the Fine Arts, ‘Denton, ' ‘Tex. Her assistant’ manager. here: ‘is Jim Wilson; ‘promoted | fromthe Capri in Dallas. Houses}. Col. Marcus’ life-story had ‘been | “now that ” we’ Te in,’ ” butt he ‘ob‘sored program, ‘Bonanza,’ ‘on NBC | planned: for’ motion Picture reat | are of Trans-Texas Theatres, Cire cuit. | ca te The. present.’ produetion, -sehedbased.on the Ted Barkman: story. New . York, West. Point,. Washing| “ton, ‘France, Germahy, England and |. Istael, ‘with an ‘international cast:. | voice: : + for U;S;: : its: without. ‘airing. ‘Linen. “Tee. | Of. ‘course; ‘there will be lots ‘of ot unresolved questions. . One: of the |=| strips. demonstrating the operation -| stated ‘that these:pillars of wisdom _| would be ‘toprovide -information‘ _ | of all types and it stated specifi-. —_ ; Continued: from: “page. 1 She -was |}. | ment: for’. some: : time ‘end: rights t 7 — —— on | ‘this West Pointer hero, who. died}: ‘on:.the -outskirts..ofJerusalem: a|few’ weeks. before. the. .establish-| “ment ‘of the “State of Israel,. had} ‘been. ‘negotiated with. his. widow a “LBs Wit — ; Continued ‘from. page i in. the Bob. Hope class’ in comedy.. : “Iwas ‘invited to spend. the night in the White House «but can’t do-: it; I don’t: have. ‘a. Alashlight,”: ” he * | gagged. -|.. Onthe:afternoon: ‘before the: oo -dinner, President and Mrs; John. 1 Son had all ‘the entertainers in. the’... -.| White House::for:'a: -complete: tour, _ including all. the -ro but -didn’t ‘tisk ‘humor in: “-pubile: 7 {until a few--years. ago.. The more he has done ‘it; ‘the: more his des -. livery. has’ ‘improved. The -verdict: . at: the ‘Thursday night (2) photogmere ‘raphers”. dinner. was that LBJ is: ‘Hope was .in-top form: and. had a--White House’ wattage. crack, too. ‘in’. the . | living. quarters. : ‘President. Johnson Was::the guide, even taking: ‘them: | an . . “ . me ee ‘into’ ‘his: -bedroom. for ‘a: look: at me where he. sleeps.. ~Mrs.. Johnson ‘served. the. pera | formers | ‘coffee. Few people, ‘in-or. ~° out: of . show. -business,.. have ‘been entertained on the second: floor. ‘Besides Hope,: the cast ‘included the. ‘Jane ‘Russell-Connie | ‘Haines-. Beryl Davis: ‘Trio,;. Lestie Uggams and the dance: team, of Lowman: &. va 1 : Lawrence. Shows at: ‘bandits. attended” by: nS ; a President are. normally. held to-45 minutes: or. less, ‘This one: ran. al noes most an. hour. and. ‘a half. “With the: Charles:Cliff-Orchestra. turning. ina fine job. all evening, Leslie :Uggams--opened ‘the. show.’” |] with some: high charged numbers: > .. | like “Rock-a-Bye My Baby,”.. which: | overtaxed «the strength . of: ther. 23 She: had one _appropriate. Tod | time in the performance. before the. *: “He’s Got . ‘the . Whole eae World in -his “Hands.”.. ° a President; Lowman '& Lawrence have much’ oa a | style and originality in their.mod— They. clicked -_. . fine in ‘a:number with ‘a-medley of.~. “West. Side . ‘Story’: ‘tunes: as, the. an accompaniment. an “Can’t | ern. dance: routines... “Miss... Russell, “Haines | anid. “Davis. wD drew. ‘Ovations. from ” the.” crowd: _ . argely. ‘malé):-with some ‘spirited: — ; spirituals trio singing and a-solo.... ‘[-by: each. Miss Russell: was ‘smash’ Lh in a_red ‘spotlight. Pounding: out. -_ “Mack: the .Knife:” 7 -Hope sang: one: number ° “with op |them:. in > The: Motion Picture: "Assn, are J ranged for the: talent. Joel: Mar: oe ‘Bolis ‘staged. ‘the ‘show. Lee: yo telecast:. measure. ' Machen gets. 30%. of: ‘the ‘anchil-. a diary. | ‘action (primarily.:tv. coin) ° 4 which... his “manager . Walter Mins-* .~ koff ‘estimates. will be worth some ”. § | $60,000.. Word’ from: .fight’s: ‘pro-.) 4 {moter Al Bolan is ‘that-Patterson’s. -:. tv take will ‘be about. ‘the: same ag: | ‘Machen’s though his :basie guaran-, .° tee. is . more. Bolan,:.incidentally, “stated that the final:terms for. the ~ Fourt~ 7 had.’ not’ ‘been: shaped. and’ ‘that... ‘present ‘committment. ‘hinges on. a. . “handshake” ‘agreement... Johnson,’ whoasserts. that” 90%. a of the. nation’s: sets will be. within. aa ': lrange. of .fight .signal, says that-. ”. —=.| station ’-charges will be: computed: ° |-an a‘percentage of the. regular net-. work ‘rate. . Web. prexy John: Vrba~ jis: . preséntly:“at_ the. National: Assn, _Convention. ‘in ° 7] Network ° to... beam. fight lof . Broadcasters. Chicago, dining up stations. an ae ~ World’s Fair Biz occupied,. 30%. ‘on: Sunday; B‘hotel,. 46° and. 60; C hotel: ‘72: and. 62; D hotel; 68 and. 60;. E. hotel: 53% Sat. and: 46%' ‘Sun.: By hotel .30°: ‘and. 453. ‘@ hotel, 71 and‘74;.H hotel, 64 and. 4 |60%;. I hotel_ 57° ‘and.79% on Sun. .4Obviously,. the. -actual names. are skipped here.) 76%; last. year it-'was 100%. waiting’ for the fair toopen ‘so:.the. a 1 Easter business. Was’ ‘Tauch | “better.” Taped Be | Bout | oe = Continued from. Page 1 — {5 PM. will beam. directly. to Lona, 4 “| don where a, tape. ‘will. be" made... “back-up” a 5 | tape wiil also ‘be. made at the fight: -° site (Stockholm: or Goteborg). and. flown: over to: US. as: a protective: ne net be-had from: the following’ figures: 4 | A -hotel. Saturday : night .was. 47%. -A-mass ‘popular’ tourist Hotel. was The... | ‘motor. ‘inns, however, ‘are doing . ‘80-90% of occupancy capacity.” Last year,. at least; they: ‘weren't ee