Variety (April 1964)

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Wilbur “Mack, 91, ~oldtime vatide March 13. . ‘ceased .1934.) One of: the ‘oldest: film’ extras, which he became. after: “a long period .as-a. comedian: and ‘,° ‘he Fetired’ ‘several: . years. ago... . But at the. ‘age of. ‘90 “Mack. ‘stiti “was playing: golf ‘and ‘remained :a dapper: dresser, :Gne of. his trade: |. marks when ‘he: was appearing ‘in. -yaude ‘with ..his then-wife, Nella:Films for several years, where she (Walker), -. Jatter ‘now., Jae “Screen . actress, tic: stock. company, with. which ‘he toured : for four years. wrote .a. vaude ““Blirtation, ”: which “he presented. over the} Xeith-Orpheum.” circuit, “neapolis’ ” for. several. years. ‘When talkies started. Matk fol| owed ‘the exodus: of many. variety” artists. from the older. medium and. ‘started in. films in 1928... He first. in ‘While:at WB.-he| “The: _ Argyle Case”; . ‘at: Metro ‘he’ was | -seen ‘in’ “The Girl Said No” and. at. Fox. Films, | . “Annabella” and “Up. the’ River.’ my -He was. active until 1959. when he |’: began. to. take only occasional : ‘film | “appeared ‘at Warner Bros: “Honky. ‘Tonk: did: -sueh “other “films as’. -“Remate Control”: : assignments. © ; ‘Surviving, are. his. wife,” actress ‘Gertrude Purdy, and a Sister, Po PRANK ‘AL BURT Frank A. Burt, 82, retired ‘vaude‘ville comedian ‘Who « worked with |# — his wife -as Burt. & Rosedale, died:| B‘April 3 in. Brooklyn. Born. Augus{ tds Berek, he changed: his name: ° when he went ‘on the stage at. canto a as. a dancer. --, sBurt Jater’ ‘becainé‘a: Dutch ‘comic: and. added: a flute as. well as: other. “instruments to “his:‘act. He (3 .." .. met.’ Myrtle. McKinley, :a.-Coast.| Florodora. girl, ‘and they™ were wed: -when: he’ was ‘21, Their adventures | . were’ described in “Mother Wore Tights,” a. ‘book by. their daughter, Mrs, Miriam “Young. ' A film version of the tome; star= : ring Betty: Grable and Dan Dailey, ‘was released by 20th-Fox in 1947. | | Shortly after her -marriage,..Mrs.:*}; Burt’-retired. to rear a. family but |. Was. recalled. to. the: act: ‘to! fll a. _ Vacaney..~ Burt’ &.~ “Rosedale ‘toured: the | Keith, ‘Loew’s.:and Pantages: cir|. cuits aswell as playing. the. Palace, . NY. “Burt. also.: ,appeared in ‘the. ‘Shubert ‘musical, “Pacts. & . Figures.” When vaude: started to. fade, he‘hecame a. Fefrigeration sales ‘man, : grandehildren; ° ELAINE. ROSSLYN © | Elaine Rosslyn, femme . halt ‘of. the former’ vaude duo. of Plant: &. ‘Rosslyn, long ‘on. the U-K; circuits, died recently in Blackpool, Eng. She was. a. member. of the “Rockets” ‘company at the London Palladium ‘sharcholdes in radio station-CJME, Regina, Sask.;. when: it. Degan in|. | 1959, .and a. member. -of: the. board |" -of. directors, : died. ‘March : 18: in|. Regina... ‘A son, Marshall, As: -Presi-, dent of the ‘station: eye When. she first: met. her: ‘husband, actor. Jimmy. Plant..: “Pair. toured the™. UK; » and’ alge n. ‘South: . Africa. and | Australia. ‘later. years, _after her. husband. be=. ‘tame foil. to comedian: Dave . Willis: in Scotland,. Miss Rosslyn . retired | from show. biz,. and, with: her: hus|. “band, * “managed: a. hdstelry, : the : Grosvenor: Hotel, w.k. to: the: show: : “biz fraternity: in: Blackpool,. Eng. Survived’ by “her: ‘husband, .. and. two. ‘daughters, ‘Pamela ‘arid Gay; both . former | actressés:. ‘Pamela is: ‘Wife of actor ‘Larry: Noble... EDWARD. VAN SLOAN: “Saward Van. Sloan, “82, stage and ‘screen. ‘actor. who Jaunched his “Career. -in. 1910 ‘Greenwood Tree,” died: March 6. in his home town. of San Francisco, zwhere he 1946.. Prior -to. Many years on the Broadway. stage, |, he... appeared: : in, stock. in. ‘Canada| and New Jersey. . Van Sloan: went | to. Hollywood in: . the early *30s,: and: was “seen ‘in -more than’ 50. films. . Among. them. ‘were’ “Dracula,” . *Frankensteia, . “The: Mummy,” “The: Death.-Kiss;” a and the “Man. Who. “Reclaimed ‘His . Head” “He: also sketch | tabbed | “Besides his: wife, ‘also: surviving. are ‘another ° daughter ani: ‘three’ .-:. } tional Opera’ Company. .of ‘EdinSo fs burgh. At. the time of. her death, -"-lshe was: residing with ‘her: daugh ‘tter who is-head of the Department | ‘of Music of. f'the Buffalo, Museum: of: J ‘_yéars; ‘tensively. on” ‘USO-Camp.” ‘Shows | ‘during ‘World Wat II. He: also. ap-‘ peared: on: the Ed. ‘Sullivan and A: Gaty. Moore ‘tv. shows: — ne i . “Under the. ™ ve was. an” n advertising ‘and: person: | oi pel exec with Riverview: Amuse-| {ment Park in Chi. \ Sister. survives, ee @came M.. ANDERSON _ Claire. ‘Mathes Anderson, ‘68, for mer. Mack Sennett. bathing. ‘peauty and silent Screen leading: lady, died} March 23 in: Venice; :‘Cal. She got ‘her-break shortly: after World War} I.'when. an: actress’ in. a Sennett | | comedy “refused to enter a ‘lion’s| ‘cage and the. producer: placed her under contract when she undertook ‘the : assignment. | at “Following. Miss ‘Anderson's tenure . with ‘Sennett. Fox| nnett. she. was with: Fox ‘Maui ‘Publishing -Co. and: editor of: ‘the Maui News. for ‘28 -years, : ‘died | | March 29 on: Maui island;. Hawaii. . Publishing company also. ‘owns. and‘. oe Vtadion KMVETV and: _KMYI ' tradio : played -opposite such: stars: as Tom . | Mix and John ‘Gilbert, She retired . Launching his career. as a : black. face ‘comedian, he became .a fea| ‘tured -player. in’ a repertoire ‘com|: ; 19. .He organized, ‘man-.| aged and: acted ‘in his own drama-} : in 1925: 0: : _-Brother. survives. oe “WILLIAM: SAMUELS’ William Samuels, 52,. jazz vianist | whose Fecording. of. “y Cover. the |". Waterfront”: scid ‘more than ‘1,000,000:-copies, ‘died. March’ 23: in: ‘Min|: : neapolis. -He::was: ‘playing: ‘at. Min| Hotel. “Sheraton Rit} ; ‘shortly before ‘his death.” When only 17 Samuels was tour| ing ‘midwest ~ cities. ‘with. chis 15piece band. der. the: Gaiety label. His wife: and. six children survive. . ae “ILL: ADAMS. area, where for one year she: was lat the: Frolics, and. six: months: at Helsing’s.... howling. alley. oe, “BEATRICE MIRANDA™: | ‘pr. ano — leads — in: “Butterfly, 2. “Tosca” ° and “Gotterdamrung” | in England. Science. ” GHARLES: E, ‘ELLIS | Charles .E. . Ellis; ‘Survived | by” his’: wifes sister and. two. brothers. rl ta . OE TERMINI, In -show : business «for: about. 56 Fermini _entertained : “ex _ Two. Sisters: ‘survive. Sy os ~ ANGELO. L. FILOGRASSO years, died. April. 1 in. Chicago: He. ‘His. iast picture § was “Coe 1: [Jumbia’s: “Betty. Coed” in 1946. -yillian -who played the major cir-'| ‘quits: as. member of team: of Mack me & Walker and for years. appeared |. ‘on the:screen, died. in. Hollywood, 7 (Not. to .be confused | ’ with playwright Willard Mack, -de|: ‘He was best noted for |: his-own jazz.trio. His Iatest.album, | ““Sing’n Swing’n,” was released un| Berit ‘Adams, 41;. tap. dancer’ ‘who iz played. the “Iidwest™ during 1946-} 453. and ‘since had appeared in shows: in Las Vegas, Tahoe and Reno, was | killed: in‘ ahead-oncrash near the en ‘California-Nevada border: March 30 “w Loving Memory | MAURICE ‘ms | , in an. , accident which. ‘aimed. the “tlives of five: persons. ’ | midwest tenure. was in. the: Chicago: At. the: ‘time. of ‘her. death, vate] oe . “Beatrice. Miranda, ..prima. ‘donna of the British National Opera Com| pany. from -1900 ‘to. the 1930s, . died. March 19. in Buffalo... She sang so} “Upon her. refirement in the mid-. 1930s. ‘she directed the. Scottish Na|’; . Nladimar (Wally). Guterson, Hol-.| lywood inuisic ‘conductor, died there ‘March’ 28, He ‘was at. the’ Orpheum |: a founding . son,: a a . Honolula April 3..| a | ‘Sorrell, survived . by wife. and|. Joe “‘Teimini, 72, Tongtiine. ‘vaude + four children, “underwent 34: opera comedian; died. ‘Mareh 20 in: Miami | Beach. after’ ‘a long illness. A pan} .tomimist, he had played: 42° -en-.-. | eee at. the Palladium, -Lon: 1 don, aswell as. dates in’ some. of. > | the: ‘top. theatrés in the:U.S..7 | “Angelo “L. -Filograsso;-.67, -seécretary ofLocal 750 of ‘the’ “Ticket: ‘Sellers. Union for.:xaore .than’ 30}. was. also. treasurer of the National. -Assn. of Amusement Parks,. Pools: and: ‘Beaches. From: 198. ‘to: yee ve. "ZACK: HURT: | and. ‘sports: broadcaster:. who. : was. “known ‘as the. “Voice. of the Fort | Worth © Cats “} Fort Worth ‘after suffering an: ap ’" died March. 31. in ‘parent: stroke. He had ‘been in. fail: -ing: health. : ‘Hurt, in ‘the late 19408. and ‘early ” “50s had. a-show on ‘the Texas State]: Network. originating from * KFJZ, Doe Fort. Worth; He .was with -KFJZ| fi 1933" until. his. retin men rom £ t-two ‘died: of a heart attack in Hellywood -|-Mareh ‘25, His most. recent . fea° "tures were. “Damn; Yankees” and |. ““Critic’s: Choice.” -working. ina “Destry™. ‘teleség at. ‘the time’-of his‘ death. years ago. _ ae _EZRA J. ‘CRANE’ _ “Bara J.-Crane, 62, head’ of. ‘the Crane, ‘born: in Honolulu, was: a ° director of: the: National ‘Editorial |. Assn. JOHN McKERNAN: "Sohn. ‘McKernan, had ‘gone to. /broadcast. a ‘basketball | ournamenit.: a ‘He had been. editor: ‘and: publisher ‘of ‘the . ‘Penobscot : ‘Times in Old ‘Town, Mé., “LEON. “GOODMAN: tising ‘execuitve,;. was: air crash. March 21at: Liverpoal, ‘Eng.. He was. chairman. of TV Com-| mercials. Ltd. and head of: Leon! Goodinan. ‘Displays Ltd. of ‘London heal 13, A93E — Leon: ‘Goodman ‘ne: ‘of. Amer Most: of :her. ica.:*He was. a: pioneer. of ITV's “Advertising . -Magizine.—_ dent. HENRY. PINCUS”: in ‘that or publicists:-for: years : in the. San Francisco. Bay'area.. of. the: Stage ‘Door, Frisco. A. sister. | also Survives. . oo . -VEADIMAR. GUTERSON. ‘Theatre, -Los “Angeles, for years |. cand toured -in “Showtime,” with Jack Haley and Ella Logan: He also | od conducted ‘at at. the Majestic. Theatre,. | Surviving ‘are “another son: vand. a N.Y. — ‘as His. wife. cand two: children. -Sur>, _ | -Vive.. Doe le 1 VICTOR: G. (wie. SORRELL. Vietor.. G. (Vie) Sorrell, former |: : Seattle radia executive and ana ‘| nouncer. ‘who: moved to ‘Hawaii: in} 1939 ‘when doctors. told him he had: ‘less: than a. year to: live, . died. in : illness. Ar Bene Detween ” 1956. and. 1961. BARBARA. ‘DALE: 2 “Mrs. “Barbara: Dale, wife of Gen:|: eral: Artists agent Fred Dale, died OF: -a-liver. ailment” March 31. in Hollywood:. _She -formerly was alc film. editor. at: WGN; ‘Chicago... . Two daughters also ‘survive. “JOAN “WERN ER: LAURIE. HAROLD KN ETTLES™ Harold Knettles; 54; sound utter F ‘at Paramount, for 29 ‘years, .died: ‘March, 31 in. Hollywood, He most Zack ‘Hurt,. 62; radio aiinouricer ‘gang ‘and. acted in: Broadway plays appeared in ““Pypgmal Jiady to. William Farnum and I Den "Wife, son: and: daughter survive. | . | Paramount's. “Glass. Key.” 49,.a. Maine} ‘broadcaster and’ ‘newspaper :man,|died March 20 in-Boston; where he| . sports: editor: of the} "| Bangor. (Me.) Daily. News and a re‘porter for.the Framingham: (Mass. yt. . Evening News... op Leon Goodman, 54, ‘tv and “asec killed. in “an. | ham, Eng. | theatre he opened: on: Main Street | ‘in. Tarrytown, : N-Y,; died ‘March .25}in :‘Tarrytown: : In. "1910 he: .estab His: wife, ‘also’ died | in the ‘acei at Henry Pincus, 63, longtime man: Ply ager of ..San Francisco’s. ; Larkin’ 7 | Theatre, ; died. ‘March: 27: heity, His ‘father, uncles. and -broth| {ers had-also been theatre managers'} ._.. | time: ‘pianist and entertainer for: 50 . years, died ‘Marchi 3 an thatcity: . . “Joan “Werner Laurie,. -48, editor of She magazine, was. kiled’ in. van: :|-air crash March 21: at Liverpool, Eng. : A widow, she is Survived ; by}. ‘two ehildren.. | _ | | eae ‘recently: in Edinburgh. . “Esseldo Cinema, Stockport, Eng., recently ELSIE L. ‘SMITH © “Mrs. “A: A. . Southwick; 86,’ “who under name of Elsie Linehan Smith, died-: March._26: in Cleveland. : ‘She ion” ‘and. was .a leadin O’Sullivan.. ~: . “Surviving is a. SOD. NESDON BOOTH . “Nesdon Booth, 45,. ‘film-ty’ actor, Wife and three. children survive. “FRANK MARLOWE ° Brank: Marlowe, 60, * seteen-tv actor, died ofa héart attack: March: ‘Hollywood... He ‘was’ par|. | ticularly active in. the 30s, when. 30: in. his: credits included stich ‘films. as 4 Fox: Films’ ‘Now -Fll. Tell” and | Wife. survives. a , WANDA ‘PHILLIPS: Toronto, Ont:, where she had been a writer with: the. -Canadian Broad‘casting Corp.,. since 1948.. _ Mother: and. a sister survive. . SLEYBURN: M.. ‘McMANNEN “Leyburn M.” McMannen, .61,‘fim | ‘projectionist, . died. of lung cancer “N.C. He. had. “been seriously , ill, for. Pasty. March 20°. in’ Durham, three weeks... eral: nieces ‘and. ‘nephews... HAROLD. PETERS : "Harold Peters, bern Harold Ginn a pianist: and ‘bandleader, ‘was killed {in .an air.crash March. 13 at Shore“ with “Pechnicolor, oo fale, Se been. ye 20th Fox |. } following -departurs m. Par: “1b. Wife, three daughters. and. ‘two His . ' = py brothers survi wife father, ‘brother | soa |New York, March 1.. on | two. sisters: survive. os, | “Prince ‘of ‘India,”| lL eiony Lalli, Bride is. an: editor | at: Ziff-Davis; -He had been ‘ton, England, April 4.. Pride is. | danicer: he’s one of the Patt ton Eres, ° | | comedy act. , | Beat | Bruce, =r" | He's a singer ‘with the “Stirs and 7 " Garters” ‘ty show... | “MARRIAGES” ‘Susan Slavin. to Larry Moss, Bride is an ~ actress; he’ actor. oe a Margaret Laura: ‘Cohen to. ‘David ‘ft Immanuel Leinsdorf, April 4, New. -York. Bride, .a’sophomore at. Sarah .Eawrence, is the daughter of Apra‘ham W.. Cohen, editor-publisher ‘of Chartcraft . Stockmarket Advisory Service, Larchmont, N. Y¥,;-groom, a-Columbia senior, is son of £ricn | Deinsdorf: ‘the .conductor, now mti .,-| sie-director .ofthe Boston: Symmo oe -Phony ‘Orchestra... i‘ “Cele. Goldsmith to’ ‘Michael Ane 7 April '4,, New’ York:. groom. is: With Crowell-Colner. “Pub... Co. Valerie Cébucha to: James Pat~ “Eleanor Leith to Ron Barton; 7 ‘| Dundee, Scotland, April. 3." Bride , {is a tv. folk-singer:. Ahe‘is a camera man for Grampian Television. -Geraldine Scott to Bill. Kerr,.. Kingston, Eng., March 28. He's an | actor. a _ Marti . Webb. to. Alexander Balfour, London, March 29, Bride. is oS Yeading lady in’ the musicomedy: 7 ‘| “Half: A Sixpence:” he’s an actor... Sheila . Devitt .-to.. Michse} Gil-'. “Wanda Phillips, 38, former. script. leney, London, April 2. He is pro-. ‘writer with radio station‘ ‘CERM, Regina, .Sask., diedMarch .16. in|’ duction. assistant — of: ‘BEC-TVdrama. ~.. .: Jackie’ “Knight | to. Gil ‘Dova,: Blackpool, Eng., recently. ‘Bride is: Alex | singer; he’s: a juggler. Claire. | McNaughton to Paisley,,, ‘Scotland, March. 1 28.. ride isa dantcer. : * Angela” .Langton -. to Michael. ‘Rowiatt, . ‘Ewell, Eng:, March. $1. Both are singers in the. BBC-TV “Black and ‘White Minstrel Show.” ” Sheila. Prytherch ‘to © Fommy Speke, ‘March -.26. Patricia . Ann Mulhern ‘to. Mi- 7 A chael: Spodick, ‘New™ ‘Haven, “April. 4; He's associated with ‘his f-ther, Robert :. Spodick,-” 2 Connecticut 2 exhibitor. oo .He.-was assistant: leader ‘at But-|a }lin’s Ocean. Hotel, ete Eng. . fat: the. time. of his, ‘death Robert Goldblatt, 80, “owner : ett ‘the’ Music Hall;.a_ motion picture lished the Electric Theatre, : the | first film house’ in = White. Plains. ‘His: ‘son, two Gaughters and a sister. “| Survive. . 7 i are Leonard Gray, 50; former vaudei ‘yillle performer,: died. March 28: in: Newport ‘Beach, Calif. ‘He was a: ‘member of his family’s ‘act ‘called. -which. played. ‘all the. major. vaudée circuits :includ-| ‘ing the Palace Theatre.: His. wife | , od and: five sisters. survive. | — . His: ‘brother; Charles, is ‘fhanager : * “The. -Six: Grays,” daughters. survive. vision : ‘personality Tom .Dugzan, | ‘died March 28 in: ‘Chicago. Also daughter. . route: from ‘Chicago ‘to: Hollywood. “Charles s. Cray; 73, owner ‘of the ‘Star’. ‘Theatre, St. ‘Johnsbury, Vt.; | died: there Feb. 29. after. a: long Mother: ‘0. ” Orlatidus’ ‘Wilson, ‘tember of the Gelden Gate. Quar“|e. died” -March 419, ‘Chesepeake, (Va oo ; . "Mother, "74; “of ‘Everett E. e. Ever: ett, nightclub | and. tv” comedian, .. 1 ¥.p.general. sales Manager. ied March 27 in Revere, Mass.. John (Jack): ‘Heath, 16; Chi fag Father. of Bruce McClure, véouel: lis Julie: DeJohn,. ‘of DeJobn Sisters. me singing act.. | and. ty ‘producer-choreographer, died recently in Glasgow. : “Colin ‘Muir, nianager of the Ritz Theatre, Linlithgow, Scotland, ‘died Vincent O’Brien, 5B, manager of. died: there: Tecently. ’. 130. Father -is WQXR,._N motion manager: -. Floyd Wyatt, 52; city. manager tort — Fox West -Coast.. Theatres, os ey Manager .of . the. academy : theatre,. lin. Inglewood,. . Calif.; ‘died March 28 in Inglewood. His: wife. and. ‘two: and ‘New. York, April 1. reporter :for. the N. ¥. World-Tele-. op gram. & Sun; mother is a. Long ‘daughter, « ‘Mother is, tv: actress Ruth Franklin; * father'is-a theatrical agent. BIRTHS vr. and ‘Mrs.. Lea Ashton, son, Glasgow: March 29. Father is. ‘a BBC-. television director... _ -Mr..and Mrs. : Gordon Reddick, se daugh ter,. Glasgow; Scotland, ‘March 27. Father is a tv announcer: and actor. | , ~ "Mr. and : “Mrs. ‘Lloyd * “Moss, daughter, North Tarrytown, .N. Yu5 March 5.. Father 4s a WQKR, N.Y., o ‘announcer... ‘Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Sherman, son, New ‘York, “March ‘25. ‘Father is director : ‘Of. WOXR, ‘N. Ya: spe cial . _ programs; paternal * grandmother. is: concert | ‘Pianist. Nadia os Reisenberg... Mr:. and: Mrs. Jerome Green‘berg; © -daughter, Brooklyn, March’. oY, pro . Mr.-and Mrs. Ed Baer, $9on, ‘Westport, Conn:, March 30.. Father is. host -of ‘WMCA, N. N. “Ed. Baer Show.” -: > “Mr. ‘and. Mrs: dim Shumaker, . | daughter, Columbus, O.;April 1. {Father is program: ‘promotion direcJamies P. Goss, 29, father of. tele: for of. WBNS-TV.. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Lee: ‘Towrisend; Son,... ‘Father is. a. Island. ‘Star-Jc ournal s¢ribe. Wife, of Oliver E 3. “Johnston, vee=| ae ‘pee. of Walt. Disney. Productions, .| died: of: a ‘heart :atack: March /19.en: -Shelagh.-. Delaney, daughter, ‘March 4, London.: : Playwright (“A’ Taste. ‘of Honey,” -she: is the mother of a baby girl, ‘but so. far has not announced any. etc.).. announced . marriage or other details. — Mr. and Mrs. Charles RShack lett, daughter,” April | 1, Nashville, | Tenn.* Mother is Brenda Lee, the ‘| Decca. disker;. father: is a Nashville music’ publisher. Prematurely born ‘(by ‘six. weeks) baby weighed 414. ‘pounds at birth: and is in serioous -teondition. / Mr. ‘and . Mrs... Robert’ “Letko; ‘daughter, New York, April 1. Fa ther is:son. of Morris Lefko, Metro Z “Mr. .-and Mrs... Joshua: ‘Shelley, ; son, ‘New: York, ‘April 4, Mother is. | actress: Molly McCarthy: father is a producer -with Talent Associates. >. Mr.:and. Mrs. David J. Patterson, : son, Indianapolis, ‘March 29. Mother ~ ‘Mr. and. Mrs. Mort. Schwartz, April’ 3,. ‘New York... Mr. and ‘Mrs. . Michael. Vale, laser “March 18,. New York. ‘Mother... ‘James; : father s. an: actor. is. : actress-writer Nancy