Variety (April 1964)

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a that, by .year’s end, even his. most |: ...* hellyful of the Bard: . Naturally, Stratford:o n-Avon wil “_: poorest hamlets. A-lot of this will _ eertainly be rubbish, pleasing: ‘only a Pubihed Weekly at 154 Wert. 46th. Street, New York, N. Y. 10036, by Variety, Ine. -Antiual subscription, #15, Single, copies, 35 conta. ol, ‘Second Class Postage ‘Paid at New. York, N.Y.° a ss COPYRIGHT, 1964, BY VARIETY,. INC, ‘ALL RIGHTS: RESERVED. By! DICK. “RICHARDS os ; ‘London, : : April: 14: “Even to the Swans on the River | Avon it” must by. now. be evident |: that the 400th anni of Shakespeare’s |birth o¢curs: April -23.. There will |": Tepresenting. 105) be: 117 flags, * eountries, .toprove: it.World over,. “1964 will be. ‘remembered as ‘the | : year of ‘Shakespeare-hi-jinkery.” i: /Floufing. the old. adage. ‘that--a| . prophet is without honor in‘: his|.~ | own ‘country,.. Britain’ is: falling. “over backwards :to. give. ‘the: event]. a boost, In ‘fact,’ ‘there. is a slightly. |' jaundiced:‘camp that... maintains. . gtoie fans. will. . have: had.’ ‘their : be the -focal ‘point of: the’ Shake-:} ..\: sp@arehead: The: bosses: of ‘taverns, | ‘ one caravanserai ; and | , shoppes,”’ plus: the’ ‘vendors of sou|". .. ‘Wenirs,. are: gleefully anticipating: > Sponanza.. biz. ‘The. usual row,. ‘ins }° .”separable: from .any big. event, ‘is. “ye -olde.. tea:. ' bustin’. out. all. over: : This time, the.. squawks are: .over. the local. ‘-eouncil’s: decision: to. hike: ‘the. rates +. Of ear parking. | : *. Throughout. the: county: a “rash: of well-meant. plays, masqueés ana pageants are planned for. even the: to... theatrical: -. costumiers: .The thought’s. the thing, | however, .and everybody: wants: to. gefin: on. ‘the. . act. of. Taising a toast toWill. =. Its even Suggested: ‘that in Lon: don the paltry bust of “Shake -speare standing. forlornly. in. Lei-|: cester-square Gardens. seems | to be | . getting ‘slightly more: respectful. treatment. than” usual ‘from. ‘the = pigeons. ' + But. despite ‘all the’ folderol. ae, will. apparently. be. genuine ' (Continued on. page: 70) On $ fay AFM. Local Chides Kenin for His | “66. Integration Delay | Chicago, April: 14. ne Execs. of: Leal 10,. Chicago. Fed-: a eration. of. Musicians,. are doing-aj ~~ ’ not-too-slow ‘burn over the action.| of’ national AFM. prexy.. Herman: +’ “Kenin-in putting: off:until1966 the |. _ ?* merger of: the. big Chi. local:and. its}. . _». -all-Negro ‘counterpart.“Local 208,.: | The -Keénin .“‘plan”. comes after | . 1: §ix -months © of “enforced ::negotiai. tions | ‘between ‘the. two ‘Chi: locals _. that ‘started: last’ year after 100: "members. of. ‘the Negra: local “marched to. Local. 10: to sign. “up. wag. reportedly’ made ‘at instigation ~~ “of the national hq. .: . portedly angry: at Kenin to.a man. } ‘.... Prexy Barney. Richards ‘has: pub_ . licly accused the national: topper of. “unwarranted — foot-dragging. rr" ‘One. (Continued on. page 82). _: lations ‘division .of the United... . .y Jewish Appeal :of-Greater New. “AD ‘Natural. Intetnal Revenue “Service : “topper Mortimer. M.. ‘Caplin ° is] the honored ‘ -guest.. .at:--the ©. _ ‘annualdinner of ‘the. adyertis-.. 'ing,publishing. andpublie re-... > York: atthe Hotel. Americana. . -May 19... _° His theme, “ndvertising. and ; 7 the. Expense Account,” . we Foxy’ Will Fold ae Oddin Red; hh 2 Time Loser phe. elosing fiext “Saturday: (18) this’: seasonfor’ a ‘regular -road “break-in ‘ ‘prior: to: going: ‘into: the Ziegfeld, . will : represent. a loss of around $350, 000, 9 7 af The Canadian government: ag: ‘understood. to have provided. much | of. the bankroli-for: the initial: :pres|. -entation,. which«was. produced pri-.| ° . | marily" for the Yukon. festival by. Broadway ‘producers ‘Robert White-| head’. andStanley. Gilkey, in .asso‘| Ciation” ‘with -Canadian Theatre Ex | change Ltd: The’ “presentation at “| the. Ziegfeld, : produced’: by David “ Merrick,’ Was. capitalized at: $350, 4 “000;, with: Provision: for. 20%. over, all: Bert: ‘Lah ‘and . Larry: ‘Blyden: 1} -eurtently ‘costarring in the .musical, are ‘repeating the’ roles” they -tContinued ‘on page 70)” Ex:Ruby Stripper Jada "Minneapolis, April-14. Jack Ruby's shooting of..LeeOswald-has catapulted : a“ stripteaser’ ‘tagged’ Jada‘ from: amusement world nonentity :-to -local.. .éntertainment: ‘She -was working: at. ‘Ruby’s ‘Dallas : -nitery. atthe time prominence... he. killed: Oswald. and. : ‘On the strength. of. that fact: was ‘booked into -Augie’s here: as the” latter’ S. floor ‘show. headliner. The Local. 10° ‘tiegotiators: are ‘re={.. While -inher. first: Augie’ s week ‘the: loéal.: EL: Lago,atheatre with: ‘a sexy: film. policy, opened. “Naughty Dallas’ (Indie) ‘as ‘its -.twin . bill | topper and: its newspaper. ads’ billed: Asada. as ; the: star. | corporation. : ‘By ABEL ‘GREEN. . oe ° eominaly. have ‘instired ‘their in= } dustrial shows. with. more than suf--}.. ficient: showmanship ‘as. part of the shill. ‘The “products” : exhibits ‘are. ‘all ‘there: at :the.end'’of. the trail, : following.: the sundry “show’’ . and: i / (Continued: ‘on. ontinued :on. page.’ 70) -. a London, April 14; Seven. Arts “and: Sam‘Spiegel’s Horizon. Pictures are ‘now Tevealed. -as ‘substantial ‘stockholders. i in Cale-. ‘donian Television. Ltd.;::the: com‘pany. which’ has: ‘been. "awarded. ‘a franchise -to. run.‘a’ ‘payvision: ‘SeLV=. ice in-‘Scotland.:The amount: ‘of, the biz pickup, -Julie London, ‘at | ” the. Americana, for “example, . ‘has |: ‘been doing some of the best business.of the year in‘ that inn: There -were . approximately.’ $13,500-‘in: the investment, ‘however. has not, as’ ‘yet, ‘been. ‘disclosed... The -7A. holding is in: ‘the ‘name. of. ‘Seven. Arts: Productions : Ltd.; the British outfit which is. directly linked: With ‘the. Canadian ‘organ-}.: af ; ization. . Norman Katz is the. ‘com-} . ‘| pany’s nomiiiee on. the board, with | . 1 Kenneth: Hyman as an “alternative |. | delegate. ° | A Mpls. Pic & Cafe ‘Star’ . Irwin: Margulies .is: the board: Tepresentative for: Horizon |. Pictures., : “ additionally: stood. that: 7A “and” Horizon. “have equal holdings. in the. outfit.’ ‘Caledonian: TY, in common with the:. other. four: payvision’. compa| | nies,’ expects to receive its license: to. operate from the. Postmaster: General within thecoming ‘month, and © provided there: are “‘no-:last minute. obstacles. they all: aim | ‘tot. ‘start. their . piped service . in fal of this year. ee Nobody is « rooting. more than | : ' ‘show: ‘biz™-in . general, along . ‘with | _ civic.. proponents..and® native’ and} transplanted New. Yorkers, not to}. { mention. -the. interests . most. ‘vitally. _ ‘concerned, ‘that: the. : New’. York |... |:World’s: Fair .1964-65, which opens : | exactly a week from today, i.e. on |. ‘| Wednesday, April 22, ‘is everything | Oe ‘that.‘a: “fun ‘fair’ should be: Un-|" -|.doubtedlymost. concerned ‘thatthe. -paccent -will ‘be ‘on: “fun,” ‘meaning | that it willbe “an. after-6” €xposi|. . “f tion-—as: Broadway: pits it—is Rob|": “t ert ‘Moses, the president of the fair |= “Fun: fair”. seemingly |has been: a. sensitive..phrase. with |: } the admittedly. dedicated civil ser“Tvant since a “VARIETY. Story’ ‘over: a: “year™ ago ‘echoed -.some. concern, |: “within” savvy. show ‘'biz. circles; ‘as | to whether. or ‘not ‘the reliance. ‘on.|-. “industrial ‘showmanship. will: be" ‘the. answer. |. ve “af ‘of “Foxy”: at. the. Ziegfeld Theatre; |. 'N: Y.; will put the musical -in -the'|ti unusual position . of . ‘being. a twotime loser within. a period of. less -than : two -years. An original 1962 tryout :version; which ‘closed aftér ‘playing ‘seven. weeks at-the. Dawson. City... Gold ‘Rush : Festival : ‘in: the Yukon ,is believed to have.dropped |: ° over: $406, 000,-..It’s. expected. ‘that: ~~ the. current. production reactivated.| 1 Arts & Spiegel ~ Inon Scot Toll} .. flower for the -former. = | marked the Legion’s.30th anni. Katz,. “Margutiés | and ‘Hyman have: ‘personal holdings. inthe company, of~* which : labor | an ab pom ond Her shi Aang ‘contribute ‘to the “Save The Chil managing ‘director. : It: is under-. ‘ps in ‘the LP: titled, =the. TxeW YORK, WEDNESDAY, APRIL: 15,1 1964" a rat mae Loew's: Greenland.” | George: “J essel ‘‘claims ” “ to’-play: ‘a. benefit—Harry |S. .., Truman’s:: ‘birthday: ‘in ‘Wash. ‘ington—come_ May. 8. -Thule,: the. US: 8th Air. Force base. near the North Pole, and flies back the.same: be. in: the ‘capital ‘to: toastmaster ~ -the diriner at.the Hotel May— dent's: 80th | ‘birthday. Fai ait $ Advance Guard Areal. last -week . ‘also: contributed a lot of parties... foe >" ‘Phejnerease at: this time height |ens the feeling that the Fair will ‘bring’ visitors and willhelp. ‘Some: cafe ops are. hot completely | sold |: as ‘to .how’-many. Fairgoerswill | patronize. ‘eabaretsat night: after): trudging — * around’ ‘Flushing, meanwhile none is quarreling with (Continued ° on. page 58). | Churchill Okays Disking |. His: Speeches for: Charity. Sir: Winston. Churchill. has au-: ‘thor ized: a of: the -Col-. ‘pix.albumof his. ‘speeches : on. con dition that’ the record “company. copyright. ownérship of -the speechChurchill, First | ‘Honorary Citizen: ‘Lof ‘The. ‘United States. ”. ; ‘Attorney ‘Solomon ‘Granett Tepresented -Churchillin. the. negotial sation with Colpie. [85% ‘| ceived some form of. Legion of * |Hotiowood | mittee. _said, . ‘but |: : ‘cally-loaded. show, the :.Fair’s.” apening. ‘day,. ‘Wednes “Sir ‘Winston. ‘By. LESLIE ‘CARPENTER sO -." Washington; April 14. “AL ‘warning that “powerful. fac ’ record for’:the longest’. jump: | ta ie NE oening on tite , policy..of pre-code days: was issued. | Bishops” (14) by a Roman Catholic ; Committee. | : . From’. May. .4-8. he “will . be. ops’. Committee. 7 making: ‘his.. ‘fourth : foray” to.” : Television. Committee’ -did have’ “‘|-some-: praise for the U.S. film. in The Motion Picture,. Radio and. dustry ‘averring a. “commendable” of -Hollywood. pictures re-. Decency’ approval. Statement In-its downbeat ‘reference to the: “factions,”. the com “If these producers “were. to have their way, nudity and ce ‘various forms of voyeurism would | become ‘standard “elements for film: treatment. rar But the: ‘committee: ‘also pointed ” ‘direly ‘to’ what it called “a ‘Tew ng Cafes ‘and far more serious problem . . .. the growing. ‘tetidency ‘on the part ‘of “some filmmakers to.. challenge... ‘| the . Judaeo Christian vision of. The: N. ¥. ‘World's Fair has al-: ‘ready. ‘brought. ‘som e.” benefit -to'|. ‘the: beleaguered’. ‘Gotham. ::niteries. Many. coming into: the. city” in: ad“vance ‘of the. ‘fair’s ‘opening: has’ __| perked up ‘nitery. ‘trade consider-. ..| ably..Some. top exhibitors are run| ning ‘previews .and° ‘Jetting .dealers. ‘land: others look into the ‘Flushing | -l exhibit: in advance: of the April: 22. |: opening. These parties, have: ‘helped ; considerably.” * “The: Auto Show ‘at the. Coliseum ; man; 9”. a : The’ trend in. -Hovertiy un-Chris: tion’ -and° anti-Christian . themes” ‘wasmore discernable in. foreign and indie productions, ‘‘Neverthe-‘less, the committee | averred, “in | Hollywood: . there: are ‘already. enough signs. to justify concern.” The. committee: rapped the “covert attempts ‘to.condone and even promote” premarital Sex aS an ex | ample of the trend. Terming these : ‘productions * honest: in their ‘manner. of presen “fundamentally . dis {Continued on page 70) NBC's Biggest Show hh History’: New York _ World’s Fair Opening” now in production on that 646-acre | set. ‘called. the New : York -World’s Fair-is being” billed as the “single; | largest. show. ‘in. the: ‘history of tele ‘covers Jast week:.and, for the Bec. vision” bythe network’s veepee. in charge of special. ‘Programs. Ed. : | Friendly.: The | ‘star-studded and techni: scheduled. for. day; April. 22, from 7:30 to 9 p.m.,. is estimated costing between Ee $1,250,000 ‘and $1,500,000 for time.” +)... :and. production. ‘Sponsor. ‘U.S. Steel, ; ‘via. BBDO..ageney, .is, in addition. to. bankrolling, busily’ shooting spe-. dren Fund” . and: “Freedom From} Hunger Campaign,” both of which “.|-were -designated. by. the ‘former |. . | British Prime Minister:. ‘Churchill’ has -explicitly. retained cial . blurbs *'on . toeation: for the. costly: spread. ‘While allowing. that: coverage. of ‘a. five-day ° political. . ‘convention May bea bigger ‘tv event; Friendly points ‘outthat.-his P.. TT. -Barnum:. biing for: the -Fair ‘extravaganza is based on-its. being an entertainment rather or docu ‘mentary ‘vehicle. It’s impossible at. ‘this time fo say. how many per-— {Continued on page 7) the ‘NBC-TY 90-minute’ special: .Re