Variety (April 1964)

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British actor: Peter Sellers’ recent: serious heart attack: in ‘Hol-! Tywooed..-has’ not. only ‘brought a number of necéssary’ changes of] ' plans for, United ‘Artists. There |. : have been two significant. develop-: -ments which the iliness, ;which is “no Jonger critical, has :tended . to emphasize. _ (1). Seldom. has the American public so sympathetically, followed the bedside’ news on a British player and (2). seldom now-. adays does any: foreign. star. get such. a build-up by American’ show-: men as that accorded. . Sellers: by UAL . | Many British playéis: have; “of course, become: great favorites “in | ‘the past. Ronald Colman. for one. Rex Harrison, Greer Garson, ‘De|‘porah Kerr and -David Niven for | ‘others. Andso on. But the} great buildups ‘were inthe -era. of |. studio. exclusivity,: ‘when:. the in-.} dividual company stood to. reap. solely the harvest. of ‘popularity. Sellers’ situation :: is .. virtually unique. because it lies wholly. within modern. trade conditions. -Yankaudiences: have greatly ad “ OFUS, Acceptance, Bald nBy UA Pola} Negri S. H'wood. Base | . San_Antoriio, April. 14: ‘Pola: Negri says she is planning ‘to return’ to ‘make. her “home in| } ‘Hollywood: and ‘will attempt. a new | full. time _career’ in _ films. : staged a. comeback in Walt : ‘Disr ney’s: “The Moonspinners.” Miss -Negri-is: slated: to. Sell the . ‘ome ‘she inherited here. from. her. |. friend, ‘Margaret. Weat, ‘and: move J. ‘to. ‘Hollywood... _ t. | Widow: Repubishing ao A J. Balaban’s Memoirs, | _ Proceeds. to Show. Biz “Mrs. “ALS (Carrie) Balaban, widow. of the: former mariaging -di | rector. of:.the Tate. Roxy: Theatre,: N.Y.; and-cofounders of the .Balaban. ‘& ‘Katz .theatre circuit, is: hav Performances,” : mired a number of British play-: | morial edition. notably Harrison, Sir Alec. (Continued on. page: -69). ers, Delon, Having Won Spurs In Italy, Now Top Male Money Star in France! Paris, ‘April 14.° T After Brigitte Bardot; {t 1s :gen-!. “erally conceded that. Alain’ Delon is the second French: film: star ! name with the: biggest “pull abroad. His ‘take per ‘pic ‘is. now. ‘only second .to. Miss Bardot.. And'| at -28, he: ‘is already: his own. pro|: ducer. ; On the set of. his jatest pic “Lp company Delbeau; formed : with: manager Georges. Beaume, copro‘she -ig also. revamping ber pam ‘phlet, “What. You. Will See. -in“Is-: rael,” ‘for. republication: ‘in. Gen eva.. 5 | with : the. Sohpie” Tucker Play duces .with Metro-bankrolled company Cipra, Delon points up how it all happened: The title means}: “Death of a Wolf”. and. concerns the recent Algerian. War. . Delon Ianded: coveted: parts . in Luchino Visconti’s “Rocco -and His Brothers,” René ‘Clement’s “Purple Noon” and Michaelangelo -Antonioni’s' “Eclipse,” all_ made in. Italy. French producers. : After “Any Number Can; Win, v ‘by the local. Cipra, which: turned out to be a bonanza in the foreign. field, he was in. In’ fact, he was given rights to. Japan and South} America in lieu: of -a lesser ‘pay.. He turned it into a ‘lucrative swap by ‘selling it for.$125,000 in Japan alone. Soon. getting: from $180,000 | to $200,000 a pic, more. than vet Jean Gabin. or Jeanne Moreau, he formed. his. present . company. Delon: now feels, that. he is. a Pro. These got him known’ in| arty houses around.the world.and| brought him to the ‘attention . of |. Proceeds will go to the. -various ‘actor guilds: . According to Mrs. ‘Balaban, her husband always felt ‘that he owned much’ to the ‘Jittle actor who. helped : ‘him. make. good. This, is: one’ way. Of ‘showing: his. appreciation. Book was. originally. ‘published. -by. Putnam in 1942; ‘but. because of |. , the war: was unable. to: carry out} certain contractual. eommitments, 1 h verted: ‘Mort du Loup,” which his own as baretore 8 ‘vopyrigl t re ~ Mrs. Balaban s also. disclosed that “She'll: :print.. ‘10,000: ‘copies ground in’ Israel as. -beneficiary: “She lives: part: of the. time. in}. ‘Switzerland . there: around June. ae and. | she'll Chinese ‘Propaganda Washington, “April 14.” “and -:television—boomed |~ cording © to. the: JU. S.. Information Agency, ‘She ft -toms barriers: evaporate. “ Fe his Broadway. activity. . ‘return -12-months and. though it’s: been’ said | ‘before I feel it’s. important to say |” * again:“whether it’s a. concert. hall, theatre, .. or ‘auditorium, “once . ‘the ‘music starts’ all language: and cus-' music is a clear’ indication. that all ‘people are united”: ‘An, : ‘one. “world. iing -her late husband’s”-memoirs |): . 1 “Continuous. | edited for publication | into ‘Q: her Mrs. Balaban, ‘now. engaged in|. mo | updating the book which‘'she orig-} {dnally . worked -on~with,. her. :-husband, plans: ‘to. Yepublish: the book |" ° }in. Geneva in ‘a: limited . edition. i Only’ 5,000: copies will -be.-printed. | | Half of. them: will go into. a. eloth’| | edition. to-sell for $5. ‘and the other | half: into ‘a. ‘paperback : at. $1.95. Fa or oc Bradvay ~ With “Joseph: -E. Levine. has. made ‘a deal: for the production ‘of:a.Broad-| way. musical next season: ‘to be: coproduced with David Susskind and -his’ partner: Daniel. ‘Melnick: . De- tails: of the project. are unavailable ‘at: present, none. of ‘the participants | -:| wishing to-do. much talking prior. to ‘a press Parlay slated for later this week. ” Levine. has. made. ‘one: “gtab” at becamethe principal :angel bebind ‘the Establishment~‘Theatre: Co.,..anoff-Broadway ‘project. ‘spearheaded by. Sybil Burton, Peter-.Cook and. Ivor David Balding.” The Embassy’ ‘Pictures. prez has often commented that he was. interested in extending ‘Susskind. has; -been <a ‘producer. on. a “couple of occasions, _ineluding:““Roshomeon”” ‘and others. “.°| Neither: has. done a-musical before. -."Bhe issue -of. film rights. is a major : [consideration : and. it: is. figured that | Embassy. will _ figure, Strongly” in. ‘Red. Chinese propaganda » ‘efforts. this. | am: | ‘with. new intensity. ‘last. year; ac ‘The . Comininist. Chinése | over-}:" seas. broadcasting hit anew. high | ‘of 898 hours. weekly. with. 509 hours |. beamed to. the ‘Far. East, | On the film. front; Peking. pro: |” duced: nine : ‘full-length ‘documen| -taries and 30° short. subjects which | 4, have ‘been: shown in° 65: ‘Countries. on five. continents. : Subscription. Enclosed find check for Seisiibene . Please. send. VARIETY. for. . Two. ‘Years: To Perereeer errr eer es: Street .@@00 e ee we es « oe Ne ° ‘eee +8, * ceeeveees ve e ee ve eee: , One Yeor—$15. 00. | | | if | {| 154 West 46th Street’ Regular ‘Subscription Rates |: Three: Years—$39. 00: Canada. ‘and Foreign—$1 A ARTETY tne: ee | New York, N. YY. 10036: . cae . — 7 Order. Form fy One: Year” oThree Years . _ et eens seas eeeeesseessecsceceees HT ., Please Print Name) Two Years—$28. 00 Additional: Per. Year’. 1-elubhouse. . ‘Hollywood,: April 14... bership ‘composed mostly of New | --:| York’ Lambs and In: present prem-. = | at ises for 35. years, will erect a. new. Plans. ‘call-..:for. new |. structure to: include: 40. apartment} units, ‘a. theatre, dining. rooms, library, athletic facilifies and other t club. works, >: Present. ‘ocation, ° dy Carmody to Pasture. “Washington, April. 14. Jay” “Garmody, |} at the National Press Club...Loew’s | | area” manager Orville Crouch: is il arranging the $7: 50 per affair with proceeds ( the Catholic: Univ. ‘Theatre Building fund. . : |The . Friday . roastbeef. lunch has been: given.a. special: dispensation ||} by: ‘the“Archbishop. of Washington: {I Critiés* Richard’ Coe:of the. Post and James. O'Neill” of the. ‘News | lauded. Carmody, dean of. fhe: D:iC:. Treviewing Corps, in. their, ‘columns.| rey Ss CL! Se | Calls Actors 6 ild | . Interracial ‘Showboat PAUL ANKA. «© T’ve. visited 26 countries these: past] = ‘Love :of: Susskind| ‘Joe.. Actor-Son « of Red Lewis Rues. Vince. Sheean Tomie | Broadway,” coproducing “Peter ; -Us-| ; tinov’s “Pheto Finish”: a couple: of. seasons back. He also not Tong ago “Dorothy” ‘and Red,” ‘written about the: married life. ‘of his parents. tb Actor. | winning” novelist ‘Sinclair Lewis}: and political journalist Dorothy won -Thompson:: Broadway a earth | able to. report: . -objectively. ‘on anything,” said. Lewis, ‘almost: 34.:“Mr. Sheean is very, and ‘I hate | No Place Like New! _ Masquers Home ‘Sheean pictured himself. being the Normal bystander in: the book. “That. wasn’t. the case at all. “He | { wasn’t" just a pleasant young man |* kook.. . He .. was | Lewis Said that. Sheean considered his: mother. to be. a combination: -“Masquers Club; ‘formed. here 40 ‘years .ago with a charter mem-: A North. | Sycamore’: . -half ~ a ‘block: ".above-| ‘Hollywood -Blvd.,. and :valued .at | if about $156, 000, .will. ‘be'sold. Harle| dt] quin “Frank. Faylen: has appointed {Hi ‘aways and -meanscommittee: and “Hf | five. working ‘committees: to: submit. j}|'a mastér plan. Néw: location. -hasn’t |}. yet. been: decided. upon, nor cost. of: i : -upeoming: Project. “aa ote ‘f longtime: .drama'|j}..== ‘and’ film .critic of ‘the. : Washington |} | Evening Star, will. retire . May. 1: ‘Suéceeding him. will be associate | ‘drama ‘editor _Harry MacArthur. . | ie ‘Carmody,..who has .been’‘ review-. di\ ing: for. the Star: since -1933, : will | be feted at a. luncheon. “April 24: | Mill Sp Oscar’: S$ "Top Rating 75.3 share of. audience... : . Web’s own projection. of this. ar ee oe rives ‘at: national tuné in of .apJ proximately 30,000,000 homes and} | |asuggested. viewership of 70, 000 mf. : 000 Persons. -Plays to Segregated . Cape. Town, April 14, 4-Manca. on ‘The’ production “was” a. ‘great. hit after his success in“Showboat” . in ee Toronto, ‘April, 14; “ketor. ‘Michael. Lewis, of . Vincent © Sheean’s‘biography, is-. son of Nobel: prize “‘Sheean. © is. the. ast. ‘man. ‘on to.use. the term, neurotic. He: can’t remain ‘aloof ‘from his. subjects. 7 ae ‘major: Lewis ecmplaint is that on the edge :of things. He was .. “very. . kookish. > big sister: and mother -corfessor. “And I think. his. reasons for writ ing the book ” were. very: “un= fortunate.” em Tre Audiences i in So, Aft : ruling’ could present “very serious — | problems to “production companies “which require foreign. actors.”’ ‘for: ‘white audiences only, and, :by| f quire .10relg special | ‘permission; performances: ‘are ‘arranged’ for non-whites, but’. when ‘the Johannesburg. Dramatic}: ; | Society staged “Showboat”. the cast: 4-was mixed for. the first time on. this} "| stage but. the audience was’ still . | Segregated. ‘The cast. numbered 100 / of. which. 44. were. members. of. .a [non-white theatrical: ‘and -cultural . | organization .. called Eoahn' Group: 4 which ~is. trained by. ‘Dr. Joseph): be worked out’ satisfactorily. ‘hope ‘that. good: sense . and.. good © judgment. will: prevail.” Pe under . the. wire” actor Ww. rner Peters. for’ the. Perk. ‘and one of the biggest draws next]. . to “My Fair. Lady.” Inia Te: Wiata|. .. ee a ae ae ae ‘House, on on, and Sadler’s We IN | atalie Kalmus ‘Alone, Johannesburg, and took the part of | : His. interpretation ‘of ‘Old | _Man River” forced Fepeated. “en-). cores. ce _Wedicedays. Api 15,, 1964 iS Paar ic ay Not Slow, | Runaway’ Pix Hollywood, April: 14: * Producer ‘William Perlberg aims a broadside at .backing ;by the. wr special ‘Nielsen -for the. New. Se || | York” ‘area gave. ABC's © Monday. an i night Oscarcast .a ‘52:4 rating. for’ reen Actors Guild of a new.U:S..; ‘Labor: Dept. -directive: which ‘ will ‘make. importation of. foreign thesps | for, American: ‘pix. difficult.” Same. _Vview,. in: essenee, was expressed ‘by director. Mark: Robson.. Both are readying | features -at '20th-Fox:. ; Said Perlberg, “It. ‘will have ‘justthe’ ‘opposite ‘effect: of. what the: -| Guild has ‘in . mind:’ “Instead. :of.. 7 bringing : }here. itwill: drive. it away. It wills {tend to increase . ‘runaway’ instead | of lessening: it.’ more | production’ . back | ‘Robson, now ‘p r eppi. ng yon" Ryan’s: Express,’ ” .. observed. that. His lm, he. notes | ¢alls for. “Many } ‘Italian. and: German: ‘thesps. ‘Plan’ | however is still to lense: exteriors, | in’ Italy: and bring~cast. back heré. for interiors, He: deems: it: unlikely -. that: new ‘ruling: will: force: them: to .. stay: overséas for . interiors, aver° ~ ting “I trust-that the problem: oi ‘Perlberg ‘Says . he : ‘got. in: “Just: ‘with .:German: (Continued on page. 71). "At 84, in Rosindale. ‘Hospital Near Boston: rn “Boston. “April 14. Natalie: ‘Kalmus of: Technicolor ‘fame lies in . Roslindale ‘General... | Hospital. where. shecelebrated. her. playing | 84th -birthday Wed. ‘King. ‘Henry: VIII in “A: Man for} All Seasons,” ‘doesn’t: think highly (8). with no. one. on. hand. to share her. birthday” cake except ‘the corps of: sympa ‘thetic nurses" “who: presented. it: to. her. “Discovered in n the hospital, where: she has been: a ‘patient for the last: ‘two’: years,.. by “Mary.: X. Sullivan, °: former drama. and film editor’ of — the Boston Sunday. Advertiser, now -a bylined’ ‘reported -and. feature ‘writer on the Record : American, -the “wept tears of ‘pratitude, ” a Sullivan reported when the. cake was wheeled in: Lewis admitted -he has :read: only'|: _ }Snatches of the. ‘book, finding it: cofounder «of . Fechnicolor Mrs. Kalmus: ‘after. divorce. from: ‘the ‘late Dr: Herbert T. Kalmus, | founder of the color :process,. re-. mained as color director fo: Tech ‘nicolor: ‘at, a. salary of. $32,000. plus. $7,500. ‘alimony: She still. receives. income from the company... : But, Miss Sullivan. told: ‘the: a | VARIETY. Tep here, “There were no : ‘cards, no messages, ‘no ealls from” her many. friends and onetime -AaS ‘sociates in the film--business: ‘Pere. ‘haps they: don’t: know : where she -is, and perhaps..a: ‘story in VARIETY-*. will ‘bring. forth. some’ cards. and). . messages. for her.” ” "Trade Mark Registered 7 FOUNDED 1965: by ‘Sime. , SILVERMAN; ‘Published. Weekly by. VARIETY, INCE 7 Syd Silvérman, President 154, West 46th ‘St: New York, N. Y. 1 0036: IU dson, ‘22700 Hollywood, Calif. 90028. C404 ‘Sunset. Boulevard, ‘HOliywood revere Washington, D. C. 20004 49 st: James's ‘Street. Mena aiity, Hyde’) ‘Park 4561:2'3-: mT Annual, ($15; Foreign, $16; Single Sepiess 35. Cents 164 ‘National ‘Press Building, Sterling’ 35445 so, . ‘Chicage, tit; 60611 Oe “400 ‘No. Michigan’ Ave. , DElaware 74064 S.W.1 | Literati. DAILY VARIETY: | PE a (Publishes in: Hollywood by Daily: Vane, Ltd. See oe Bs $20 a year. ‘$25 Foreign. _— a an suneciefiot ‘Volume ae a ss . 7 a ae =| i “Bills. vac edetesedenaeeaces ‘yo Musie.é 2... oe, aecsssee 40) Castin oe heen wo New. Acts © ere 7 wees. 60" . . Casting : “J Night} Club: Reviews eevee. SD : : ;. | -Obitup ries" a eee ne BO Film Reviews . hs seecsese OT Pictures. . are sie aa neve Be ee. Show. Review .....6%. £ Radiol .:... on leues 260 Inside Legit: =< | ‘64 |. Recor “Reviews Te GB. -.Inside“Music ..::.: La. cave. | “Frank ‘Scully: ; i Seies tet GT. Inside Pictures ...%.. err + Television. 22. ..... ewes ee 26 | fi. Inside Radio-TV* eenese 4k | Television Reviews sees BD. ]\. International’. eadbbe ened 3 | TV. Film re: > Ore | tes . Legitimate web beebeceeee ir 1. | Vaudéville * 58. ‘e. Sones | Walt re 8 ane ‘Miss ..