Variety (April 1964)

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Just Like Polities ~ Amusement Stock con New Haven, ‘April. 145. Week Ended Tues. (4 J 0's Perennial | And Burden of Len Res Recent : UPI ‘dispatch: on . ae ; gag review. of :‘Cleopatra,” pane ~~ ning .the pic brutally,’-which .[°. . appeared. in Harvard’s humor. ~} _— publication. Lampoon, was read.-. ee N.YY: ‘Stock Exchange. | a : Net: : <a * An.a ‘prime time . WELT news"© 1964. ; *Weekly Vol. Weekly Weekly Tues, Change. Voyeurs” ‘ay L At Per] inute} © ast, | High Low in 100§' High Low’ Close for wk. = ale So. many ‘listeners, jfhinking. ‘15% 13-“ABC. Vending 7230 “16%: 1434° 1656 41% : : ls vt : 183 . WV 54 Al . : S oe 7 r 3 . . 3 . 1 ; ‘Chicags, April 14. tend Picked Big Market: fo manager : of Whalley ‘Theatre ae 718 3616: Ampex» on 2 “ 11% 16% 2 14 + Chicago’s. South State St. peep! 1. where film” had just extended. . ||’ ° 1814 12%. Chris Craft 580. 186 1h. 1786 ok _ shows got.a reprieve from last week| Leto: its 20th week, that he. wan-:.. | 2458 .21344: Col Pix +: 2. ..131:. 23144 2116. 2214 SBR Playoff. For ‘Olympics’ and their duties. It has never -been| tested in a higher court, atask that. would come. under the ‘jurisdiction of the corporation -counsel.. “when the city’ 's corporation counsel) “|: Bled . .from® the. Station eu 1. 46%: 4544 “Decea |... Pe gS gg’ 4534 4534 0-25 Vy. 7 s overruled a police department re-}|: time” on.same ‘period next day . |°: 4614 BBO 101g: ART; ‘ye t ‘quest for a perusal of the films. The _ Stops ; With Tokyo. Gui. ‘to. explain’ gag nature of. the © | | ie ieee oe Kak. ono. . age 6. . jorse item oe -one-eye flesharamias charge 25¢ for| Times Film’s’ releasing’ of “the |'” dispatch ‘and give. a-\fast run" | 6%. 534: EME <2... ..1136. | WMS 6340. Ble 5g eh = kid minute glom “of ‘posturing Italian-made “Grand Olympics”. of down of ‘the picture's success. _ 28%. 2136 “General Tire. 689°. 2714°°..2546° 2354 Se aan Police ‘Capt. ‘James. D: Riordan,| 1960. is admittedly. to take avast : =|. | 1456 1256 Glen Alden.: 219: “1416 135%". 14 + % a | i{ tage of public interest-in. the. games : 7958 64. .. Litton Ind.-.. 887 727% 6914 act) cree ok First .Distriet. commander, ‘said | tag: Pp 73 90 ii ae Saaee ees | ‘Tokyo. next'Fall.._ . : uN _ 2434. 1716 -Loew’s'Th,...°116 22% 2156 2204 films shown in the arcades were | in oKyo ne . Graf ts’. Opinions — 6054-5234. M sre Reig UEARE ear . under titles for which petmits*had |", Distribution: of Grand Oiym-|. 6086 ©5234. MCA Inc. ..24 551" 549655. 8B ai he v6. Hel pics”. will be limited: to. this siim| 34%. 2716 | Metromedia . 189 3384. -3214-° / BBM A, ’ been issued. many. years ago. Pp — ‘Continued from page’ 3 — . 34°. . 2934. a . Spgs So ool ap : said. he believed that the: onerators|.mer. and no. prints: will. -be. available |. | he a. MGM. . 387 3512" 33 2 84a te HUB. a : changed the films, -but retained: the after’ the. Tokyo | games ‘begin. in never. eliminate foreign: Subsidies,” rt. 1 pote: aoe: Nat GT Corp. 172 2 De BM. £ ran eee ft “ ‘However,” Riordan. “said, “wel te make a profit troni"Grarid Olymgoing ‘to. compete is by: ‘having: our]. 62°78 5414 “. Paramount . os 146. 6142. (5998 “69: cn — _ have beet. ‘unableto: review. these pics.” ‘There. will be-only.a limited:| own ‘subsidy, We: should’ have ‘had : 183% 145% Polaroid is . "598 172%: -160°% 16534" +516... ct movies ‘because there was .an in-| number ‘of prints, possibly ten or'| ‘it three’ years ago. “But® ‘better: how| 397A | 33’ RCA Baers 3638 — 35%8 ss 353RQe e —-19 ae junction issued in. 1951 which pro-| twelve, so -exhibitionmust’ be re-] than never.” 7 oe TA. Republic. . (141. 98 BA BRA. hibits policemen from even.enterstricted to larger cities...We hope}. ;. ; Sb TS¥2 14%.: Rep., pid... ‘VW 15%: ° 1S 1518 4 a? ing one of the places to check on} to find, in each one, a staall house} v ve: been arguing ‘for it for five |: 2912 | .24%2 Stanley. Wars. (106 29% 28% 2845 any titles already permitted.’ ” "PRE |-apleto play: it. right: up: until. its: -years,”. asserted’ Cartoonists IATSE ; . 4416-~ 38 © os Storer. 5... 73. 4814 424-4316 1184. eh injunction | ‘based: on police.: ‘rarasswithdrawal in. September.” "| Local: 839:rep Larry Kilty “I -start-|.2994 225% Taft Baest.-.. 58 2934 274% 27% > lh. ment)! raised some legal eyebrows| Irving: Sochin; Times’ sales: chief fed ‘when subsidies -were.. a dirty. 274". 2158 20th-Fox' _. “366 .242 ° 2258 23 when it was issued because it was} asked. about ‘his “successful .selling word... It: is:ironi¢ to see the .pro-| 2856. 18% . United Artists 514. + 29... 2614 BY a oo) considered ‘to have. interposed : a of “Mondo Cane,” ” reported. that it ducers. come to. the. conclusion: that “14% ; 113%4 ‘Warner . ‘Bros: S:$446 1s 12% + 456 — +1% eet Oe court decree between ‘the ‘police has racked up. well over $1, 000,000 -subsidiés. are the answer..-I° ‘would | B78: cers wees 437 8414. 82. Erion ieee a. _ call it rather late foresight.’ mo . “Electrical ‘Workers’ IATSE. Lava} 40 rep. Vince. Murphy. declared, ‘in’ film’ rentals .to date and,: as. ‘of July 1, should: reach. the. $2; 000 000} mark. “We. spent more money on. ae : Ameriécin. Stock Exchange eae BO 2MA.. Allied: ‘Artists. 36 21% 5A. ae “12Y%. as i. ‘prints .of. thispicture,”.-he’ said ,-| Subsidy: of any. kind: would. be wel. “120% ~: 93% BalM’nt GAC. 37° 10% 103% *-1084.-5. + HR. operatars to nowt all the: atcade “than on. all: other’ films “we've. Te-comed. It would help ‘spur. ‘produc-} JB Oa Cam-Parkway 260~0" y 638 ; 638 eas -year for’ inspection, but: .city corleased ‘since 1946.” Times Films-is -tion ‘of. pictures | here rather. than ee 2738 = 20. Cap. Cit, Bde.. 91. 26% 25560 3616°4 5G". poration counsel Johin. (on Melaniphy currently fighting. : a ..$3,500,000 out: of . the. country: ” love a 1314 °10 ee ‘Cinerama Inc. :689. 11%4 1.101% 1016: = % said that. this would-‘ ‘placé’ an -undamage. suit, an. “invasion. ofpri+|One of those. expressing a “ginal > 8 ...,656 Desilu we 6450. 788.0 TI Wh — % ] burden. on the exhibitors. and} vacy’’ claim based. on ‘one. ef the]; ” “|. .916° -714 Filmways “ee 14 SBR 6 BE Be oo ‘the city.” {sequences taking place:-in a.West fletiy enthusiastic! view was Walt 1154 9146 Movie Lab... -7 934... 936 (9934... YH yf “The city’s . “eéngorship” code. Coast Vic. Tanny ‘reducing . parlor. -|¥ine aslong” as the government 171234: 934: MPO Vid. 39.-..103@ = 97: 103% eae (Chapt. 155. of the: Municipal Code} : Sochin «believes. that. “Mondo | giant. get ‘involved. .. “I’m : always: ROB. 256 Reeves Bacst:UWGBoo 2 2s: eras | of Chicago) ‘casts’ some. doubt on Cane”. is the highest ‘grossing for-} joer of. g overnment inte ference AY S236 “Reeves. Ind....°4794140 i 3%. 143%: +e Melaniphy’s appraisal: of the situaeign film handled by any independ| 1 the ‘pility of hamst | 17 144 Rollins. Bdcst. 37. 17 >. 16% 1614: Htion. It specifically includes (‘'so-| ent. distributor ‘sinée “And ‘God and the. possibility of hams He “23 ...18% Screen: Gems:-9 .20%°° (919 20%" 4 He called”) penny: atcades,: and -states: ‘Created _ Woman.” n cee | the production of pictures.’ €| “2034 1754 . Technicolor ° (3732. 19M VI5R 1734. a TB “The permit herein required shalt}. ‘| feels, however,. chances _ are. tne|TY. --434.. Teleprm’ter. I be BY C4 ‘be obtained for each. and every. __| proposed subsidy. woue turn outs a. ar 11/16 Tele-Indus. 3...310-. 9%.) % 1 /16“4 /18 picture or series of. pictures .ex-} So Ou Ie Nex | “major stimulation’ to “production.” |... -1.43 1004: Trans-Lux PPS gaia! 4934: 1294. ee hibited . .. ”’ The ‘chapter makes no t y Among those who: de clined to get pains a eS. ar mention of titles cng ak thes § ews : too’ strongly. on record ‘until. pre-|* Week Ended Mon. (43). motion pictures, on | eise ‘dimensions of the subsidy plan|: + Actual. Volume.” Oe . themselves. Paragraph 4 of Chapt. _[are. “made “known ‘were. Costumers | |”: t Ex-dividend. Ct 7 155 states: “Such permit shalf be th cores: Vith IATSE-‘Local-705 rep Bill: Howard |. | eiett re any, ‘vhich: ea mation| 4 | ‘and: producer; William. Perlberg.|:: “(Courtesy of Merritt 1 Lynch, Plerce, Fe enner rk Smith, Tne. ye icture film for : yoo a requested has been. ‘produced. att: 6 “Both averred that from what. they. fs 3 — of} knew of: the proposed plan that ‘it oe the affice of the commissioner Come | Jome’ ( ‘oDy police for examination or censor-|.. was okay, but reserved -additional |. “Over-the-Counter ‘Securities’. ship . “Unless. they -kill. the goose with’ ee ab ee they knew} Saar Son Bid Ask we out..1 : se ae ine asic to the. stando eee grow | over exposure,. 20th-Fox may ‘reap. Howar dalso statec a: that heé-v So oul a 7 Commonwealth ‘Theatres af Puerto Rico ‘5IR “BY a er ‘that the arcades are contributing ‘some golden. eggs of. unexpected. like stipulation: included. erent Four . Star. Television -:. esee ete ae. BUS . to the coffers of an organized crime | publicity from a stunt pulled. by: would insist: subsidies. be’ ‘extended _ Gen. Aniline & Film). ~. vi va aaa: 0 BAT 4 syndicate. Just as: the. cops. ‘have| its” publicity. department—a stunt: te only th mad the Hi 1} | General Artists. atl : a any | ‘ie . % cracked ‘down. the strip joints. for| So old in: the annals of promotion i ood. ose Pe t in in the: : Ol-| ° General. Drive-in? © se eee eden. "1056 113 Lg the same reason, they’d now. like that. it could almost. be. accused ‘of: ree area,” Du ate an. after_} Magna ‘Pictures. LeU deeeeunebendagen: 1% ‘WY wy to pet. their hands, ‘on ‘the. Peep { “flackery-quackery.” ‘| thought commented, But ‘as. al: Medallion. Pictures — aretedteceeeseeeeges "16 Se VIM shows. ‘The-studio’s. full page. ‘ad: in the. member of | ‘IATSE. TI. ‘SUPPOSE: 1 “, -Piekwick International wala SEDI 46> = 5Ya ak 36 However, there is: within. the city ‘April 8 edition of the N.Y. Times, shouldn't Say that.” .-: ‘\-Premier Albums... 2 leiceccessesesee.s 6 6%. 136 administration a group which feels} ‘reading . “John Goldfarb, please.| ‘: Director Mark: ‘Robson. cited’s suc. Rust Craft Greeting Caras we eelele ele obieel” 18%» 1458 Oe MQ ‘that cutie-per-quarter galleries are} come home!” and’ signed, “‘Shirley”-|:céss of Britain’s. Eady Plan as indi-|' Seven. ‘Arts. Productions: | oe 18% (1436). 49% |. publicly. harmless: if :semi-porno-| invited him (and any innocent read-'|.cative -of“help a subsidy of this|.’ Transcontinent: Television jPevegsccesenns 2198) 023. 2 op Ye le graphic. This school feels that the| ers). to write Box X7969. Innocent | type could tender.the U.S. film UA. Theatres aceon stares eees wae ites or)’ 934°. aa nudie niekleodeons. are ‘the: last} readers,.. being. notoriously. im-|industry;” ..:..“so' we ‘can ‘live. to}. Universal Pictures 2: °° faeces. 66.55 TOD vestige of the “live” town that once| patient, didn’t .wait -to write: but ‘make. another. ‘film, another day.” | Walter Re de-Sterling Inc. veveccsecosece 298 928% uF attracted tourists and convention-| deluged ‘the. Times with more than |. pirector.Jean‘: Negulesco . also Wometco Enterprises . bales cesseatie cee 7; J 86% Ly eers and should be left alone. 600. telephone calls by the ‘next:|’ _ Wrather Corp. Destlevebeeesereees BOBS MIB OO oe cited the Eady Plan: ‘aS“an example | day '(9), wanting: to know if John: of .what might’ be realized: here.: a. 1’: Goldfarbs ma chad’ returned. , Several’: Goldfarbs |” “Banks there [England] have be: | seemed. genuinely ‘concerned, » «The aftermath may (and threatcome ‘more ‘willing-to take ‘chances. a ‘with young. talent.. -They: don'ty « ens. to be). unexpected. First:on the -have.-to extend. so muchcapital, * bandwagon was . Kinney Rent-A‘ 1. Car. with a full page. ad: offering. ‘Mey don't: have. to: take. $0. many: of chances.” . : ‘ John” one. of ‘their ‘vehicles* wh, "Continued from ‘page. 7 He ™ ‘opined that ‘this’ method ofl ‘The ‘more patient. -among : the |: . : | note Lyr?s, those. who .actually write in | “guaranteed: . “financing”. -‘might rector. ees | Another: top Argentine. director, Fernando. ‘Ayala, held. a Ta to Box X7969; will find themselves | make: the: industry. less ‘dependent. special. screening: for fest. ‘délegates of ‘hislatest” Pic, | ““Primero_ Yo” ae on a:20th-Fox. mailing list. fora ‘on stars;.observing there ‘might be| (Me ‘First), which will: ep. Argentina ‘at. Cannes: ‘Thext: month.:” Title more of a. willingness to go. along | song looks ‘to-have Stateside ‘disk possibilities: ; Se . Among’ the. local. series of plugs for a motion-picture (named “John © Goldfarb,’ Please'|‘with: “a’-good. story: and. the. right re Come ‘Home’—what' else?): starring actor” inctead. of 100. king " always to U.S. Embassy. people. ‘on-hand -at the various. fest’ functions was: inforcle above-the-tit! e. ‘bait. : © | mation: officer Nicholas. Ruggieri, No: fest” neophyte: having. been: broken os ‘an actress. named “Shirley” (Mac. -in at. Venice during: his: tour of duty in Italy e— ? Lo fe. Laine ‘who else? we . Plan. was outlined last. Wednes-|+ ws | day. at a-meeting of. studio execs; | At his. reception. for. the foreign delegations. Friday. (0); the Riissian’: vs i Habor and talent reps, atthe’ offices. ambassador. ‘served. no: caviar,’ ‘but: there: was lots of Coke. on hand, cag TD “=| of. the -AMPTP:. ‘Proposal. ‘had’ pre | poured: ‘from those: ‘Targe, family-sized ‘bottles. ... « One “of: the: few... 400 | viously ‘been’ taken up, with toppers | North “American: distributors to attend ‘the ‘fest was ‘Guy. "Labreeque,... ae 1 iment oe erbantrations ‘tie peare |veeD of: Cineart‘Films of Montreal: In ‘the course. of his visit, ‘he: ON be yee: picked up. Canadian theatrical: ‘and tv’ Tights to. ‘two: local: productions States Association. of. Motion: Pic-. en Sharif is referred ‘to’ as.a bit play| ture ‘Exhibitors; for. without. their “Primero. ¥o” and. “Los. Evitados,” which just Boes: to: show. that t pring='. sleet ing distribs: into: this festival ean be good: business. ’ eF. inAmerican films bécause of ‘willinghess tocooperate the. plan’ : . imperfect English. The’ statement: couldn’t ‘get. off the: ground: “About: half way: through: the fest, ‘one. ailing” member of: ihe Yarik an Ss: ‘untrue and must be challenged. +.. “Pheatre “Owners. ‘of Ameri ca | Poe Omar: Sharif, “who ‘speaks .im|” ‘is stalling on any reaction. 1 ca delegation; ‘seeking advice. from... one. of: the pretty. young _Argentine: ote man, producer, Metro: Benjanzin | peecable English, has ‘appeared in | . the proposed ‘American Eady” 7 interpreters, asked: “Tell: me, Adrianna, have :you ever. chad hives?” fos Kalmensén, exec'v.p., Howard. Lev-.| three American films. An: “Law-| propésal: to subsidize U:S. fea: | 4dzianna, ‘cheerfully: “Oh; no! What. do : ‘they. taste: dike?” “After 10°: ew asst: Secretary. Warner Br 08 rence, of ee rmpire, ree re .” tures ‘through. a ‘surtax on tick-" ‘days, everybody had had: their. ‘fill of hors: d’oeurves « Yank: -delega-. preside ene 1 -ets. ./ Unlike. :th f : J 4 Picker, v.p., United. Artists: Walter |.ceived’ costar. billing and for his'| ” ethene, which: Peerat ish: : tion: gifted’ their chief interpreter, : Jean Gonzalez, an. island of” sanity M. Mirisch, v-p.,' Mirisch-Co,; Rob|. efforts’ in the ‘former,’an Academy.| — one would be’-in-trade... An and. ‘humor in. what often appeared to he ‘a.sea of confusion;. with an. ert Hi O'Brien,president, . Ben| Award nomination. as well. In Fred |: important ‘date .is -May 5, when "| alligator handbag: . Peon jamin * Melniker, .general counsel; ‘Zinnemann's ‘upcoming ‘Behold ‘A J. | Catherine’ ‘Deneuve,Jacques’ ‘Demy ‘and ‘Michel Legrand, ‘the star: ee . . TOA will: stage a“meeting . of | Metro: Milton RRackmil, presi-| Pale’ Horse,” he :is ‘starred with .. Minds. .\.in. Manhattan, -after “director. and.. composer, “respectively, .of ‘the French’ “Parapluies de dent. Adolph Schimel., .v.p.-general’ Gregory. Peck’ ‘and | Anthony, ‘Quink., _ Which. . “a. “position . may.: be .. Cherbourg,” which -elosed ‘the fest at an out-of-camip | screening Sate 7° counsel, Universal: William “Perl|. ©: Sincerely, . fF adopted..: Exhibitor | coopera-: -['urday. night, stopped ‘off for a:Rio visit-en route home. ..:.Also-off to... . berg. Pertberg-Seaton Prods.; os Richard Kahin _ -} . tien “is, naturally, ° -of the . es"+ Brazil was: the. MPEA’sveep Bob Corkery, to: size up. Yank: film situa: oes Spyros P. Skouras, “(Columbia Pictures)" Le sents, : ps tion, post. revolution. © ve Ls 7 (Source: National. Assn. of Securities. Deaters ined Art & The. Argentinos HETZEL ON BOARD; MPAA’S CAST STANDS| | Ralph Hetzel, acting president: of the Motion Picture Assn: of Arcer| tea, was elected to the board of di-}' rectors last week (7) as board-| ‘unanimously reelected all: officers and all board members. _. Officers, in addition to Hetzel, are Kenneth. Clark and. Charles Boren, exec v.p.’s;) Geoffrey. Shur-: lock, William. H: Finéshriber’™ Jr., Manning Clagett, Edward. Cooper, .v.p:’s; Sidney: Schreiber, secretary: |: Stanley oR. Weber, treasurer; oe Thomas. J. -McNamara, ‘asst.. treas-|-urer; Robert T..‘Watkins, | asst. | treasurer-asst. secretary. ° : _Board members, besides. ‘Hetzel, are Barney. “Balaban, president, ; George Weltner, exec v:p., Para-. mount ‘Pictures: Steve. Broidy, t president,” Edward «Morey, v.p., ‘lied. Artists; Abe Schneider; | im president, Leo . Jaffe, exec v-p:;, Columbia: Pictures: Pardro S:. Ber| Lingustic Sharif _ New: York: Rditor;: " VaRIETY: ‘In -your ‘review of: “The Fall “of: The Roman Empire,” co-star: Omar |