Variety (April 1964)

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A ilm Reviews — ——Se Continued Panic Button -comedy and winds a. wild; slapstick farée which’ strains cre| — sistant: seripter ‘Wwhose, -eontribi| « from. ‘page a LD’Orsi-, and. others ‘provide: ‘okay. | backdrop: action. Lensing: ‘by. “Sandro: * -D’Eva dulity. When it is catching glimpse classy, and. the settings also raise of Rome arid the canals. of Venice, this: manages to hold interest. ‘But in between are ‘sandwiched some banal comedy, stilted acting, and ! absurd story development. . Yarn is concerned with. asyndi:! cate ‘Pagano. Enterprises) whic finds it must pay heavy incorre taxes unless it can lose $500, 000 in 2B month’s time. Idea has been-used, this: notches. above: the usual routine Italo’ comedy. Ettore ‘Scola’ Ss direction... this . first: .fedture ©. pic: chore after longtime writing stints): is spirited. and fast-paced.: Added to: the’ production’ S ‘gloss: -+ is. an” apt -musiéal’ backdrop. ‘by. ‘| Armanda -Trovajoli,, replete with :-eurrent-hit tunes: and oné’ future: the tile song sung. by Michele. one, » Hawk... in various forms, previcusly :on: the |. screen. But here it’s manhandled | on scripting. and. titespian efforts. |~ Syndicate -decides the production. of a tele pilot. film in Rome is the: a best and fastest ‘ay to drop that kind of coin. Even the charm of. Chevalier’ S. singing two standards fails to -save | ‘this tale as it is unfolded with’ one ' after ancther stilted performance, : and indifferent direction. Plot -hes the. dramatic pilot short winning the prize at the Venice Film Fest. as the most original comeuy shown.) at this show. ‘Chevalier, cast : as..awished“up | actor, does well enough when-given: half a chance. But in’this produc| tion he is not the Chevalier: of -“Fanny.” for instance. ‘Statuesque’ is the .amateur+t thespian ‘enlisted to co-star. with]: Chevalier in the tele short.. li: her |: Jayne Mansfield’ few love scenes with Michael. Con-.{ ‘nors she does surprisingly. -well,.| and, of course, ‘looks her usnal self | in a bikini. ~ ‘The. camera ‘is flattering: to meither Miss: Mansfield nor Chevalier. Connovs makes an: okay’ pro| duction chief working onthe tv | pilot. Akim Tamiroff is an .eccen-. trit drama instructor, recruited .as| the. pilot’s. direétor, but ‘not ‘up ‘to | his usual standard. Often rated one. |. talents |: Eleanor Parker. walks through:-her | of medium's _ neglected:: yole of Chevalier’s éx-wife: Italo | comic Carlo. Crcccolo makes something of a minor.role.. © George Sherman has ‘directed. much better pix, but. perhaps ‘he. should: not be. faulted:in view of the material given him. It. looks as: if several cameramen. worked © on this ‘but: none. is ‘listed ° nor vis the operator. and. others are relegated ;: + -Frenesia Estate (Summer Frenzy): a ‘((ITALO-FRENCH).* ee Rome, ‘April. T. Cineriz. “yelease of a: Gesi-CisaFederiaeaPhilipe : Leroy,. ese Films. :Agiman co-production tures ‘Vittorio ~Gassman, | ‘Michele Mercier, Sandra -Milo,. Umberto D’Orsi, Graziella Granata;Gabriella Giorprielli,: Amedeo. Narrari,: Directed. by --Luigi 'Zampa.lage, Scarpelli, Benvenuti, :Scereenplay;; editor, Eraldo ‘da ‘Roma: music, Ferrio.. At Arlecchino:. Rome. Running | time. 1 o Mi INS, Lightweight ‘comedy. of. sumimer | okay” moments. ‘being thrust’ by ‘tedious ‘ ones.. * Chances ~ are * offy. both. in‘ Italy” ‘and abroad, though:' names will help..carry it: here. . Several *-plot. .lines.. are . inter: ‘twined, not always too. ‘clearly, in ‘contributions ‘by. five ‘scripters -assembled ‘for. this. item: Strangely; ; for. a.director of Luigi Zampa’ S$ .sta|} ture, few, of characters ‘come’ off.| ‘with | any: depth: ‘The. exception, | — and. it’s ‘the . episode which . takes | ‘up ‘the: “most: footage,. involves.! Michele | Mercier . “and Vittorio: Gassmann.. He’s.. an: : army: "ofticer; shé’s: appearing. in’ a. visiting ‘sees: on. a weekend furlough, ° Though. 100° woman, she’ can’t. convince him ‘she’s ‘only subbing’ as..a “female‘impersonator . for. :@ ~| defecting colleague,, Gassmann is “1 good, -and. Miss. Mercier: is easy” on eyes, . ‘and the. ‘sequence ‘bprings} forth: the.: ‘pie’s: main. Jaughs:. ‘Others avvear ‘in. minor: capacity. ‘Sandra Milo is. “wasted as a pastry: -yendor: :Philipe.-Leroy, as’ a vocal ! Leo. Padovanni:: ‘DeBernardi. . ; Mario Monicelli; camera, ‘MareellaGatti:. | Gianni ! ‘doings: at: an. Italian’ Riviera re: |. sort. “This: is uneven, alternating'|~ “Py Abaron, Amir,’ narrated. by film's editor. Where ‘the. title was ‘to. minor’ appearances.. In ‘another dug up is anybody’ s guess, Wear. ———= most, steals’ picture: as an: elderly j _ [male model posing: as a-rich noble-man ‘and trying: hard to. aet athleti-. ‘Cally. young iin. order to -impress Parliamo Di Donne(Let’s Talk About Women) -(YfALO-FRENCH ). 7 | good: segment, Amedeo ‘Nazzari. al--; j and -. . Rome, April. TW Cineriz velease of: --Fairfilm (Marlo ! Ceecht Gori-Concordia ‘Film (Paris) © co ‘production. Stars Vittorio Gassmann: fe7| tures Svilva Koscimna, Antonella.. Lualdi, ‘Walter Chiari, :Eleonora Rossi Drago, Giovanna. Rolli, Jeanine Valerie. D‘rected. by Ettore Scole. Screenplay,. Scola. and | Rnegero -Macesri; camera.’ Sandro D"Eva -editor, Marcello . ‘Malyestiti: music. Running time, 110 MIN Fairfilm producer: Mario: cecenit Gori continues to ring. the bell with slick, fast-paced comedies, . and: his. latest. is no exeeption.. “Parliamo,” apart from apt direction. and’ writing, has Vittorio (Easy Life™) Gassmann: for an’ additional. .b:oboost. This. should give: it: ‘notable’ projection both in this eountry and abroad. ‘Theme being the_ female. of the species, and man’s involv-' ment ‘therewith, thus : also. has fewer limitingly local ‘aspects: to brzke foreign audience interest: AS. patterned in Gassmann's prei vious. “I Mostri.’”” film. is series of vignettes, . all featuring. Gassmann but in various rules: And all. wind avith O. Henry-styled blackouts. Some are lightweight, -a few telegraph their solutions, but mest are frankly outspoken in terms of language and situation, ‘though. never:, vulgar. : a Gabriella Giorgielli. a’ Iocal femme,: ‘t and thus make his longtime mate} Ar! ‘mando. Trovajoli. At ctropolitan, ° ‘Rome: : 2 bea -Padovani, : ‘jealous. . Zampa’s * direction, as noted;. | haphazard: and: obviously burdened ‘by too many. plot ‘skeins: Technical |. credits. good: ‘Breezy musical: track. by. Gianni: Ferrig. ‘helps. ‘this. “oe Hawk; * Amore in 4 ‘Dimensioni. . ' Qlove in. 4 Dimensions) (ITALO-FRENCRH). ‘Titanus release cf rn Adelphia ‘Comp. T “Cinema f Fea I a) ‘Tas ‘(Rome)-France ° = (Paris) coproduction. : t tures ’.Cylva. Koscina, Franca. Raine; Gas-) tone: Moschin.. Frances ‘Polesello. * Carlo Bageno,: Isa’. Crescenzi; ‘Carlo . Philipe LeRoy, Lena. von. Martens. Fa--t: drizio. Capucci, Michele Mertcier. ‘Alberto. Lianello. Directed’: -by . Massimo. Mida, Tacques. ‘Romain, ‘. Gianni’. : Puecini; “Mino. Guerrini. Camera, Dario: Di. Palma, ‘Carlo di. Palma. Torino. delli-” Colli:: editor, “Franco: Fraticebi:-music. ‘nino. .AtCor<¢a Cinema, Reme. “Running tinie.: ‘Vas MI NS.” popular: comedy: vein, with” polish ;: and: ‘piquant. _aspects’ ‘to. ‘indicate. a-| lively “fifth’?. dimension,.. namely both: here and in. the foreign market. Format and. exploitable aspects. Naturally assist in making: ‘film saleable.| First bit, “Love. ‘and. the: Alpha: * Giuffre, } Frarico: Man-. . Four-episoder “in: the: currently | .b.0..: prowess inmost situations | Most statements ‘are Tis ible: bet”: shows the primary ‘urge. ‘overthroughout while the -fadeout.:one eoming lingual -obstacles:intale of is given an. ironic dimension Trot Sicilian | ‘country. ‘yokel being won’ known. to protagonist. Variously | over: by ‘old-maidenish northern involved. with Gassmnann* are such} gal. It’s ably. acted ‘out. by Franca attractive. and able partners. -as| Rame, ‘as the | woman, “and. ‘by. Carlo Sylva Koscina, as ihe girl who waits I Giuffre, as the. “illiterate country too long tobe seduced ‘by ‘him: : I 0 se Antonella Lualdi. who has: a: last ! Second ‘segment: ‘is * ‘fling with him. befcre -rushing. off ! ‘Life; ”in: which: Sylva, Koscina-sets |, to get married to. another: ‘man; {up ‘another Woman: ‘to’ Seduce her | Eleonora Rossi. Drago,” Giovanna : -husband so. she can. be -free for her | ' {own ‘lover, ‘only: to. have Jatter-: Ralli and others. The star here truly. deserves his j falling: for the very gal.she’s. hired | rank. Gassinann -is on: ‘screen to do. the ‘job. -Svlva Koscina ‘is: throughout, in various guises, and | the wife, Gastone Moschin fhe’ hnisdoes: an outstanding job ‘in thesev-| band, © and.’ Frarica.. Polsello; . the’ eral -characteérizations, _cbvionsly: Sancy. third . element. . ‘relishing every bit of it. The audi-| Number | three 1s°-“Love .“an d: ence is crit him (all the” time. Art.” ‘nerhaps the subtlest of quar-. .Walter Chiari is also go in. a | tet: Here. a noted but lav. script ‘segmentary role, | while Umberto pions Avi ‘ate 8 ae vee 3 ey + weekly. closes: an.eye when can: as S salaee ueaeem oadeee, ill a wen aaron tions, he realizes, are: very : ‘Vital tg: his fading. career) falls -for™ ‘his | ait: wife.. Philipe ‘Leroy is::the. writer, | __| Lena Von Martens. is a: looker as:|; “| his’ ‘wife, . ‘and Fabrizio: Capucci Sketches’ a “neat. cameo | AS the’ asig | SiStant. Fourth ‘item ‘outlines a: new vised: by a callgirl, “Michele. Mer ken § e ‘to. ‘fainting spells . in “ the city °. cemetery, : . ‘Lionello who “displays. afresh | ‘milk. situation for: whatever | they. ‘are. .worth.: All. segments have -slick ' “patina and savvy . pace and. mount“ings,: assisted ‘by lensing™ ‘by. ‘three. |: cameramen . andsingle’. musical] ‘| “scorer... -Franco: ‘Mannino.. The ‘pic. is? “skillfully put’ together. technically. Hawk, : ‘Tomorrew’s Yesterday | at. (ISRAEL) Tel: Aviv, ‘ ApriL14; Geva Films ‘release of the: Baruch Aga: |" ve dati © ‘Itzhak -Agadati production. : -Written.: ‘directed... and” ‘photographed by — Agadati, ‘edited ‘by Nellie. Bogor. ‘commentary. written’ -by Gavriel Zifront ‘and Zalman Lev| yoush, Ya'aéovBen. ‘Hertzel and’ Rivka -Michaeli.. Music.‘ written, arranged “and ‘condacted : by Noam: ‘Sherif. © Black’ ‘and “white. ‘Reviewed. at ‘the. “Yaron ‘cinema, Tel-Aviv. Running tinie: 90 MINS.. | Members . of young’ Collective settlenient: Meir :Teomi,; Avraham Ne’eman, last 3° “years. vand excerpts from | his: 1932" first. . Hebrew-spéaking | became 16 years ago. the: State of rIsrael: . 'Being. himself one: OF: the’ young.-. tsters_ sent. by his: ‘parents inTzarist | ‘and his: séarching eye.-Thé. result tis! a: sometimes: moving, sometimes: | entertaining panorama. of:: people | “Ways of” living, © of: ‘historic. vignettes, and -ancient:“newsreels;. “The narration (and ‘the excerpts | : from the’. 1932° “This: is. the’ Land”). aims. at projecting the naive, ideal istic: past;. ‘with a grain -of:. ‘contemJ. ‘porary. “salt.” ”. “They ‘looked. funny, our elders — but they. ‘meant: it, ant ‘kind -of benign antly ‘approving: . Tt | works, most of the ‘time and. evokes |. { the mood that:..adds a sentimental | | thrill.:to the . healthy curiosity. | Apart ‘from-’the’ ‘many. ‘informative’|..--.. ‘scenes,..there’ ‘is: a Thythm’ to. this | film, ‘ and:".a syrithésis of. folklore 1 and: popular. music, extremelv : fas Sherif. To audiences: “abroad, Jewish and non-Jewish, ‘there . should ‘Adequate « English ‘narration. ‘would suffice.. Apart from: the beauty. of [ ~"|.many shots, there ‘are.candid, shots ‘Of: such: ‘international . figures-: .as ing: Weitzmann).. Abdalla.of Jordan), ‘Lord. ‘Balfour and. General Allenby. © Framing the picture: are shots of 4 Baruch Agadati, among’ his. water -color-on-silk-with-oil-effect. “paint-. ‘ings; (anoriginal ‘device ‘of ‘his), in his forty-five year old wooden’ hut, ‘a living: contrast -to the. now-building. -33-stories’ Shalom.: skyscraper, just two blocks. away. The. picture: does well. bridging ‘the 50 years be| tween : ‘these two. : Porte: #Tove: ‘and a “Replace Gutted Fiesta Casper; Wyo., April’ 14.. -. Commonwealth: ‘Theatres’. eXee, ‘Richard : O’Rear ‘stated. heré ‘that |: -his company. is going a| cessful ‘new theatre in Gillette, ‘Wyo., ‘construction’ to. start. ‘right | ‘away. :, The new: house, ‘which promises: ‘to ‘be one of the niftiest in this ‘part of the ‘state: is: being erected. to replace. ‘fhe: Fiesta ‘which “was. de-, Stroyed ‘by. fire tecently... es. a + AG ve er Sale” za ee cst Absewe ui casi nae an : os _ ccaencizabee highscaled pickup. gimmick. -deShe’ poses: as a recent widow |. where .: well-to-do} ! “| widowers pick” her up, ‘Jatér: to: be. conned: via the usual: racket. ‘Miss: Mercier performs:ably. and. is most: -easy’ to. look at;: but it’s: Alberto} } comic personality. {and a: -startling | resemblance = =~" physical. and. artis} ~ tie)--to Peter: Sellers: He ‘should | 22], 80" places in local. ‘pix. |: J “Direction by ‘four different: peo-'| [ple is ‘on. éven,. pro: level. “They | -. .|.Eseobar;’ editor, _ Rephael’ “‘Kiatehkin,. Moshé Churgel, wf: ‘Combining: actual “docuinentary’ j material ‘shot: in, Israel during. the | featire-tilm shot ‘in the: then-called. ‘Palestine, Baruch. -Agadati, ‘dancer=’ ‘French transvestite’ show . which hej | painter-artist-film: showman’ assem| beled a variety. of scenes, historic |‘| occasions. and everyday. Scenes de|picting the life. of: the..Pioneers, : [became 18 ‘and ‘fathers. of : what | Russia ° ‘to: study .in ‘the first He-.|. brew... Highschool, ‘Hertzliya,. in: the: then. just founded city of Tel Aviv,. ees Continued . _ Placeres. Cenynugales | rE cattempts of a wife and her would1 be lover to. murder her. appealing: we nitwit of @ spouse. The wife, played | with amusingly bland: sweetness: by | ‘AnaMaria. Campoy,reasons that: since’ she..cannot bear: the idea of | committing adultry, ‘there. is: noth ing:to do-but dispatch ner husband, had his eye on all the: time. :’ | complemented. by the™ ease, ‘color’. photography. okays. as: are all. technical: credits, Young ‘Samehez (SPANISH) . Buenos. Aires, April 44.) REL no -: Bonetti, Luis Ciges, © t Nieva, Luis Del. Pueblo, Manuel. Bronchud. Migtiel Graneri, Directed by. Mario. Camus.. Juan Luis -Oliver. ' Buenos ..Aires.Film ‘Fest, April 5s Running. fime, © 106. Mi NS 7 Otherwise, ; ‘field, Robert. Taylor, Tyrone Power, did: the’ same story. ‘back “et. “al. in the. -1930s. and 1940s.:. ‘the: same. things happen | in . these |. _ Wednetday, Api 15, 1964, 7 “ht ‘Argentina Festival from ‘Page: 6 —Ss eas ‘which she forthwith’ attempts to do . via arsenic ‘and homemade ‘bombs..AC large portion of ‘the B.A, popu‘lation is éradic¢ated,’ but her’ -hus-. |. ‘band lives on.and, in: a twist. finish, he survivesto: marry. agirl he’ d. In: the. key role of the: husband, ‘| Luis. Sandrini“is. wonderfully: fool| ish ‘and total sincere. Subsidiary performances. are in the‘same-. vein, Luis ‘Saslavsky’s diréction has an |. ‘appropriately airy’ bounce, “nicely: handsome “period sets: and. costumes. In this’|. would “have. been a definitely plus, but the black-and-white lIensing is quite ‘Espana, S.A. production, “Stars 4. Baruch } -Julian: Mateos, with Carlos Otero, Erman. |’ ‘Consuelo’ .de |. Juan. Torres,. -LuisRomero,.. Manuel : Ruiz, . Sanchez . Merayo.: Story: and screenplay, Ignacio -Aldecoa. and -Camus;. camera, Victor . Monreal;: “music, Enrique. a . "Exposes ‘ot: some * of. ‘the. ‘evils | which: surround professional :boxing. ‘unfortunately: : are rather: old } cinema < hat.:. ‘Sanchez’ might be -expécted. to cause a. .much greater. stir in the international” market... than: now. seems indicated: This official Span. ish:entry at the Buenos: Aires-festival is nicely: acted, ‘directed and] photograplied, -but".none of. these ‘virtiies. can. disguise’ the ‘fact. that it’s. basically. a cliche. John Gar|-ending only implies. hope of regen: - “Young For. overseas: audiences: the pie« | ture“has‘a certain uniquefess in its. contemporary: ‘Spanish: locale. But | Nadeje (The. Hope) | | (CZECHOSLOVAK) Buenos Aires,. ‘April 14," A ‘Barrandov Film . Studio. productioa, Stars” ‘Hana Hegorova; Rudolf © sin features; Frantisek Peéterka;. Otta: Sima. nok, . Vaclav Neuzil, Frantisek, Vicena, Jaroslav. Nikolny, Josef Barta. Directed by: Warel : . Kachyna. “Screenplay... Jan:.... | Prochaszka, : Karel. Kac a3: camera, Joe | April 8, 74... Running ‘time, 92: -MIN NS. the point of view. of : ‘conventional. bilitieseven in. selected. arty situa-. tions: But. this: does: not prevent it! -honest ‘filmmaking. : swapped: his self-respect ‘for. alco-'. hol.. ‘well ‘on “his way ‘to ‘becoming. ‘a: | perately: trying: to. -Feturn.him. -to. | the. .straight' and narrow...” The. relationship. ‘between. these: ‘two. characters. ‘is: beautifully ‘de ‘indulging . ‘in :romantic overtones, In fact, the honesty: of.their pres-.: entation leads to: ‘the film’s limi--. tations . as entertainment. : Director ... | acters or..try: to make. them per-":.~ ‘sonally-, . ‘attractive. Instead, -he: views.. them | with. sympathy | and understanding -: for. “their : plight, ‘suggesting ‘a great. deal more about: their lives and’ problems ‘than ‘is: actuallysaid. He is greatly helped ™ by two ° ‘good performances, ... -of which: Hana Hegorova’ Ss: standing. : eo 4 “Story: is told in: a straightforward. “manner;without. unnecessary. embroidery.’ Lensing and ‘other tech-nical credits are good. The. film’s eration, instéad of forcing. a defini-interesting and ‘positive: approach: to the theme ‘ individual uns ‘able :to. adept to “society. : Chile. sef Vanis;. music, Jan Novak;“editor, Jan.--no -Chaloupek,. At. Buenos Aires Film Fest, we A. slow, heavy pace. prevents’: otk ‘this. pic. from: being: attractive from. -::. entertainment; limiting . “itS:. possiooo from, being a piece. of serious and : on Story: concerns. Luin, a Jaboret a on a co struction job, who-has. .:-. When’ the. pic. begins, he is 2°. 2. Bowery-type character... His: fellow’: °o | workers“ despise. and dislike “him, -*. | -except-Magdalena.*Shé -has ‘an -un-: ©: ‘certain: reputation ‘of--her: own..and® : a gives him-her ‘help and: loye,; des-\ veloped, without .at any momentWeb Kachyna does not.idealize his char-: .. oo AS. ‘out: back... in. 1909, :Agadati ‘proves in| | this ‘sémi-documentary: feature, his’ love of the subject;-his poetic. ‘skill | ‘gyms. and used to. happen + ‘in those.just off Broadway. “In the |’ title role, Julian. Mateos | Bives. ‘an |.° ‘extellenit. performance -as ‘a -young | “.; boxer who, -disillusioned -by. early. / doublecrosses,. sets out. to make as: Zerw any. Most. AThe. Lost. Bridge fe 2 (POLISH) a “Buenos. Aires, : “April 14°: production. (Warsaw).: . Features Tadeusz: Lomnicki, Elzbieta. Kepinska,. Lidia Kor-. |” | cinating most of the. time, by. -Noain: ‘| Regnier. “be. -enough ‘appeal in. this: fare, in spite. ‘of the-local. nature of .many. Scenes... _AlbertEinstein: in. the 1930s visit| -Wiriston -Church| ji (in “the” 1920s present ° at -the:| * wedding” of ‘Lord. Samuel,’ among: exotic ‘Shieks‘and ‘the. late King |. Jastint, J “much dough as: he can, either clean ‘In © appearance Mateos or ‘dirty. looks: something: ‘like a husky Alain “has. none: of that. ‘earlier. ‘film’s ties, © * Anby. . (FRENCH) ‘Buenos. Aires; ‘April 14, .-Gaum ont. (Paris), Blanche, Horst.. Frank, ‘Blier,: Francis. Sabine, . .Sinjen,. Charles Adapted . “by. Albert. Simonin © from his novel. “Grisbi: or..-Not Grisbi’’; -dialogue, Michel Audiard:. music;. George Delerue. Running, ‘time.97 MINS, a slapstick farce. orice: it gets: into stride. Though not’ :consistently ‘good; this. has ° amusing situations and some. first-rate gags.: | members are ‘far’ from enthusiastic ‘at the idea: of.a takeover by an outsider.. And trouble soon: brews, J to the.. tune’ of mayhem with . all Fernand; after: kinds .of: weapons.” a’ great: ‘déal | of. ammunition. -has been: “spent, “proves himself theboss. and everyone who hasn’t been 1 killed. in. the: Process feels: quite ‘{happy. Ventura plays” his’ ‘ustial’ tough: in | but. in’.a :light vein while Bernard. ‘| Blier. turns. out: to be. an. amusing | heavy. only real asset is ‘Michel Audiard’s Sophisticated. ‘and ingenious . dialogue. Should: be good. in. the home Tharket.” Stateside” shances are Se eee . mes Poreerare : woe: Delon and overall the film’.rec¢ails the. Delon-Visconti. “Rocco -and His |. Brothers: ” “But . “Young. Sanchez”’. Social. and ‘Psychological eomplexi * Directed byGeorges.. Lautner. At -Buenos. Aires. Film Fest. April. 5 "64. An. unéven | film, marred by a far. too slow ‘beginning, turns: into. Fernand’ (Lino:: Ventura), owner | of a ‘small tractor factory; gets himSelf ‘involved with ‘gamblers and .| gangsters. ‘when asked to take care.| ~ of a. dying friend’s daughter. The |. ‘friend headed-the syndicate, whose | “Fes Tontons”. may beconie: suct in “Specialized situations . particularly: in Latin America, but :. [fromy an artistic. point of: view,, it’s. Chile, .. wo eR ees So ‘sakowna, . Wojciech Stemian,. Mieczyslaw. a Voit. Directed by.. Jerzy Passendorfer. : Screenplay,. Ronian Bratny; camera, An-— toni Nurzynski; ‘music,Tadeausz: Baird. |At: Buenos . Aires Film. Fest,. ‘April al "64,. Running. time, 85. MINS... The “postwar sttuggle’ between : ‘Ukranian: fascists. and the Polish *: army isa ‘soméwhat ‘local: matter.“ fare ‘| And: it. evokes no emotional .echo. Les: Fontens: Flingueurs with foreign patrons, “Hence the *film,: -however' competently and honestly: ‘made; does" not... succeed: ‘Corona .-Filmproduk-: in bringing out universal issues. . tion . (Munich),. Ultra ‘Filmi. Rome)’ copro-.|: duction: .Features Lino . Ventura, Bernard |; Claude — Rich, : Photography . ‘and’. acting: aré... thepic had been more” explicit re-" garding this, ‘its foreign’ chances .’. would have: beenmuch : improved.” hard job to. ‘Prove that he is: actual-y Polish." = Chile, ve Episcopalians Map Atlanta, “April: 14." enter a bid. for primetime’on tele-> | . programs: putting Hollywood talent. ‘into Teligious roles.:, Episcopal .. Radio-TV. Foundation‘. -Iné,, with. ‘rolling’ several months ago.:: 7 Two of: thé first series of: i3 pro ‘series will be known as “One. Reach: : ; One. ” : show, titled: “The ‘Late. Liz,”. based -” fon’ the ‘story. of.-Gert-.Behanna, ‘whose: autobiographic: novel of: the: : Ss |same: title. had nationwide distribue"=. tion’ in“ paperback form,. is'sched© uled for-‘April27. ‘at 800-seat Community” Playhouse.. ‘It was: scripted’ for. the ‘program, by Stephen ‘Lord. » . Le be ay een ~ As it stands,-they are ‘very: limited. °..°: _./The story. concerns:a Polish: ‘6ffie’:. *-"':cer who, disguised as.a Ukrainian...“ infiltrates the enemy, killing their | ~ leader’ and afterwards finds ‘it:.a‘?.! 30-Min. Religioso: Show ve Episcopal. Church is preparing to: ay ‘vision. ‘with:.a seriés of half hour’ nO headquarters. here,:.started the. ball. o grams have been completed: -and *':.. |-the premiere. of. one starring Lynn |": :. ‘Bari: will be shown here. April 27°. 212°. at the Community Playhouse. The’. “Atlanta | ‘premiere’ of. Lynn. “Bart: : ee wo Ea Ee I tive: happy. end..In toto, it is am .0.2. > Filmi: Polski release: of a Tluzjon’ Stuato . 2: Bee ‘good. but the ‘historical ‘background a is taken too much for: granted. If. ~~