Variety (April 1964)

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: gnajors.. . .. ghows “represent. 25. hours. ‘Of. pro|. “gramming. in. aera tas a. — aaa to ours” = wee an as. compared “dows will be: shut: before .the :.mock pub. is locked. in place. ook .* for:the. :Wiajors, ! “+ cause’. when they’. present..a series | {dea © to’ ‘the. web,. ‘usually tell him. whatereator’ will. ‘be involved’ in: the follow-through‘} ~" Show,” and in earlier years, plum: London ‘area. acs ” Rediftusion, | London, weekday major commercial It oo. hitting a hot: stride in: its race for ratings with: For. example, the skilled deployment. of | ‘pro-. BBC-T of +.) gramming. on. ‘the: Monday-te-Friday -run, -yielded the: big indie nine places in the. London: area's ‘Top 20 shows for the week ended “oc: March “29, ft. Rediffusion’s. ‘figure’ compares. ‘with BBC's ‘lesserperformance pe i AS ‘of five :shows in the: Top .20' (though all ‘BBC's shows are in the. | -.-.° Top 1D -while Associated. TeleVision, ‘which | the" London... ~ +" area ‘at weekends, ‘has. four shows in: ‘the. same list. Granada's dane ‘..” ‘networked “Coronation. Street”. (Mondays. and Wednesdays) gives oe Sates ‘the. Northern major. the. remaining. two Places: in’ the. top ‘score oe i . shows. of Hollywood, April. 4. = “Indie. telefilmeries, which gained | . dominance. over: the’ ‘major’ studio] a ‘vidpix‘subsids only -recently,. ine} | crease. that. edge‘for: the: 1964-65 _ season, with 37 shows on: the ‘net-|-°-Triangle stations are planning~ tn -..qyorks, ‘aS: compared to. 23 ‘for the |. worn: Fonally, ‘the’. indie} . Additionally, : from the majors. <.. Total. score: for. next” ‘semester a ., isn’’ yet, as ‘there are still ‘afew |* decisions. to: be made, principally. , at ‘ABC-TV, but opviously ‘the re-{} maining “deals. won't: ‘reverse the iy . ‘indie. edge over ‘the majors. 62° f° « ° Factors for the: indies’. boom in} wy ‘dmportance . are “diverse, but prob| 75 ably the leading . reason: is: ‘the AU -"Ipenchant. ‘of: CBS-TV’ for.'indies.| ‘Virtually all of its’ ‘product’ next season will. be. from ‘the smaller: in-line with prexy. |. -: 2° James T. ‘Aubrey Jr.'s preference | . ” for the indies. and his. belief -more-|° ‘eompanies, : tailor-made : product © comes from: these. sources, . io For. ‘example;. Revie: ‘studiog,Neo. Pin the. industry. volume-wise,: has “only cone: series,’ “The Munsters;” _on.. CBS-TV: next: season; Aubrey | on :that: idea, ‘Aubrey — ‘believes __, Strongly in. the manpower involved: Pin any series the web buys.." ~ ‘Still: another;“and obvious, Tea <° Jivered most. of. tv's hits.-overs’ the. “ _-years, coming: up. with .series such |’: ~ as “Ben Casey, » ~The Lucy Show,”: The Danny Thomas. Show,” “The. “The | ‘Beverly Hill-. “The. Dick. ‘Nan * Dyke | “Drag oS mS Jones (Questions fia os Sieve ‘Alison’ Ss ‘Ae vise hee issent” Commes 12 ie network: “talent were: some. skepticism by Merle Jones, : CBS ‘Television. Stations prexy.: Defenders,” hitlies,”’.. : 7 net” ang. ST Love, huey: . " Washington, April 14. . He may‘not: be a ‘station: owner |" “but. “WWDC’s: Steve. Allison’ has” --: been anything ‘but silent: during the. Pacifica brouhaha. * The reason FCC. “Carman: E . “William. Henry... might. ‘not. have a ‘mentioned: Allison’. ‘in his ‘Chicago. “'..:: eritique ‘of Pacifica vis. a.vis:com..-mercials, ‘was that’: ~ "' “pegistered his. abjections to FCC’s '-v-proposed. blurb ‘curbs on ‘his: night Allison . also ly talk show "Like almost | ~ everything ~ ‘ else. Allison ‘talks ‘about, his Pacifica “jibes: at FCC: did not: ‘80. ‘without: 4 listener opposition. ' — colloquy. “principally be-they" .cannot |: ; On Pacifica ‘Brouhaka fb program . sales. gold has: Jopened up—a strike. niffeance, Rediffusion’s ’s big. pall in the capital: on ‘the week in question: '..erease: America’s world: -Midfilm. A E, also: accelerates ‘the station's participation inthe network Top-20 . > listings’ “where, . ‘with seven. shows installed’ therein,’ it is faratid i "away the most: successful. program: station of the week. In: the -“+” network. chart,-BBC-TV. has four: ‘shows, ditto ATV. | Granada has 7 three and ABC-TV. has ‘two... | ~-Toeidoa ‘Apeit 14: ae “Fieh: new: vein: of: European. been of such. sige | ‘atid of such a rick. yield, ; eubstantially increase. [aales.. total. © J ¥f the: vein. does ‘not. run “out! : ‘alter’ the first pickings, offshore ~ Yank prospectors ‘whe: toil in the .|’ [rock-hard European. markets. stand | . ===| to make more from their localized |. ‘1. 4} centre of activity than’ is currently.| “+ being: made globally. If, at: the | eo ES. “| moment; an. American hour. skein can be expected to make aything. "Have. a flash: Whatever nse | = “Feblays at. next. year’s... NAB’ : “powwow. (in: Washington), the « "to. reprise. their.“ White’ Horse = | |b Inn, one of the: big hospitality ~ “suite. clicks. at. the. “Chicago: | 30 _ than vine gouig Tate. el wage | ‘Sold: to BBC-TY ‘and. eight: con|. meet. . -“Phis time, "though, ali win Lt: “'Chieago, Apri 1 . ‘WBBM-TV. attempted. to glam-| earned ‘ 'Jorize. its. coverage of the Illinois prifnary: returns: today: (Tues.) “by latching onto former ‘Gov. ‘William : G.. Stratton as its political. expert, hag let it be known he has no: yen:}* ala ABC-TV. with’ former ‘Presi-|a dent Eisenhower in, ‘upeoming 8, events. “WBKB; in a : similar ‘competitive ‘bid for “audience;. made. local use| Vaely 2.4. ‘of ‘network commentators Edward)... 2° P: Morgan. and Howard K. Smith]. ¥‘who: :-had..come in to. cover the]. ~ Presidential. primaries. for. ABC: | ~ oo The. network felt the . additional |. -. gon: for :the flourishing of. the: in-. | : dies is their success, They have dei lish. them ‘better: ‘here... ‘CBS had: sent: in’ ‘Walter Cron‘kite and ‘NBC. Frank McGee ‘and |" ‘Sander Vanocur, but they: cofined. : -their service . to" the network . Tre local exposure given to its new one-two punch would help. to. estab ports.. Team’ Tales | "Proposals ‘that’ local: “Broadcast: as ‘the “farm. team”. for : Jones. said ‘he: agreed’ in“theory ‘with the. proposals. ‘He also. pointed: out thatthe five CBS-TV: o&0's have" the...““Repertory.. Workshop” ‘} project, -designed: ‘to: utilize ‘and Showcase local talent, a project! which: occasionally © has its -participants: to. bigger ‘things. ‘In practice, though, he said sta-: 3| tion managers have advised. him that in the cities of St. Louis, Chi‘eago. and’ Philadelphia; : there . just: isn’t enough local. ‘port a ‘richly ‘financed,. prime time | ‘local series. in the . ‘dramatic: and «| mustealet. ne, Louis,. ‘Chicago. | kets -Among. those heatedly urging. a. an Vadelphia -are the «mar _ closer : ook at: ‘Pacifiea’s contro-. other than N.Y. -and Tos: Angeles, _. Wersial. programming... was: aD an ‘American Legion ‘topper. if “Since Henry let. the secret out in: Chicago, Allison brought. back, the. Pacifica topic. for review in his. advise : ‘and ‘dissent’: Style nightly. ‘graduated talent to :sup in. which CBS-TV thas” o80's.) © The “farm team” talent . propo = ‘Sals for’ local: \FV:. broadcasters “were: ‘made -atthe. recent National Assn: of : Broadeasters convention. by. Mike Dann, CBS-TV programming V.P., cand. Dick: Packt of ‘West ih -Finghouse. ‘met... with ' wo +2." fron. $24,000 per segment (in. prac| -L-tice}to $40,000 “(in theory) ‘from |: yam | round-the-globe _ sales, ch | Here .on in’ US. ‘distribs ean. look | a ; incladed) tinental Inarkets, . the ‘Kaye show | the. Kaye _shows will take Feportedly 26episodes). from. BBC; a= “web which ‘previously. balked at: figures. beyond. $7,000 per hour—have -pare the.fact that; as ‘savvy dis-: ‘ribs have. .always. suspected, ‘ie. : (Continued on page 43) national” program exchange: . eight 0 broadcasters from. countries beginningin. May. © “International ‘Hour: Music. from wood Bowl by KNXT, Los Angeles, in in cooperation with. the: Composers and -Lyricists Guild . of America,. Al Will be. the CBS o&o0 contribution to the exchange. Actor Ray Milland | | will ‘host. the program which will | ry. present motion picture scores: and | ‘songs performed: by leading com-! posers . conducting the: -Ho Bowl Symphony. Following -the American | -broad ‘cast of the Hollywoodprogram on | the network’s o&o0’s, it will-be seen. jon the facilities. of ‘overseas. Bevet. .eastersparticipating. in. the change. As. in the past, each broad. ‘caster’ contribute -a one-hour _program to the exchange for ‘show| ing in. all participating countries... participate’ in the °64 exchange: | . ‘PROARTEL. (Argentina); Austral-: ian, Broadcasting. -Commissic adian: Broadcasting .C Corp.; Radio-|. . diffusion .Televisi (France); RAI, Italy;: = Tokyo ‘Broad-|we Norddeut ‘casting ‘System, (Japan);: scher Rundfunk (West. Germany); and. ‘Yugoslave Radioteleyision (Yugoslavia): Frarice . ‘has. entered ‘the project: for the. first time... England _isn’t. “represented”. be: ‘| cause ‘BBC ‘and ‘the commercial |: | broadcasters. there are of the opin-. ion that the U.S. market: shauld be. sold. al sold, as opposed to a program ‘con4. further. scope: ‘ight. well: neces sitate. dn increase in the $11.20 11-| “cense ‘feebefore the general. elec ‘tion:. Such _.a ‘move’s considered to be. Ld major Vote Toser, . oe, tribution’ -to. .the © “Ifernational Hour” project, aimed at granting a showcase for programs. from for eign sources. and’ increasing inter" tnational understanding. . t eked at. the hospitality ‘sulte of Desilu Sales. at the recent then from | Aus|. it is -estimated. The: ‘CBS. “oko. tv ‘stations: * lt ‘conduct their fourth. ‘annual -inter-. ‘Hollywood,””. produced at the HollyDavid Niven; ‘Charles Boyer, to NBC-TV for the |... The’ following: broadcasters : will 7 ne a on; Can-. _LOCAL TV-RADIO & SYNDICATION _ ~ Chimp’ 3 Champ _ . “Chicago, ae 14. The ‘chimp eo Television Film Exhibit here ‘made -such’a hit with Desilu © thidwest :. sales ‘ manager. “Bob = Neece. that. he went out. and... : .. bought a chimp. for himself. “travelling with him’ in his sta-: tion wagon, along with nega. :". tives of the “Greatest Show on” | -: Earth.” “It will epen: doors,” he ‘Says, . ‘reterring | , to: the. _ Loe 1 . Four. Star T | . : (Tues. that. it is “looking forward. 4} in excess “of $43,000 | ‘per ‘show, |-wi ! fo the. fiscal ; -} whieh ‘compares. with: the more | be . pnormal $16,500. sales. gross for -an | thi ,.. | hour telefilm: sold in identical. mar. | kets. If: current. dickers. , with: such. | nations ‘as ‘Portugal, tria and: ‘Switzerland. metdciatiac inte. ‘solid ‘sales, it ~ OF gat $50,000 . “per hour, “out: of Burope | and the U.K. .-. . Unprecedented. “vigor of the ‘TKaye sales: .—. . which earned:.-$15,000. per “episode fer’ Toss for the Srst half of the current —n fiscal year. “Thomas J season and . fiseal.. year, ' gross: 4 $5,262,459," cempared: to-$11,718,-' [Net loss fo a eriod was $239. pe et loss for period was | . fel | 154-as. opposed to a-net profit for ov ..Ethesame period _ last ‘year of «MSE "| $187,117. “-} “Phe. Teport cited two ‘special em| reasons” “as contributing. ‘to. the |. | loss... ‘The. first was that. Four Star | the . [hadonly ' one: show. on network ty.| 0° > ‘The report said’ the second ‘reasoh stemmed from the production and. -with:| subsequent cancellation of the other } ‘however,. the company reported. it had: sold “The ' hour show starring P “New. Robert ‘Taylor. Show.” “At the same time, Rogues,” Gig | Young. and i F ; i i Neece plans .to “use the || chimp on sales calls, the chimp . : Ty. an -interim report: to stock|. holders, ia mott, | twe president, ‘and: "George : A Elber, +1] exec v.p.,. said. the ‘company. will have a greater: number of films: and | ponent, livé. shows’ on tv. during the 1964-65 | Ponning ._pating.: ‘“eontinuing . ‘advances also|. ! within our other divisions and sub| ‘sidiaries: Pe Four Star reported: ‘that for the | laid | 26 weeks ending Dec. 28,. 1963, the first half: of the. company’s current. income. totaled: oe ie i 85 i : i zg i z ig i be f Hl ai the push ‘towards its its ultimate rating . supremacy, but While in some cases the new web 1964-65 season. and that the. high-}|.:e*e%. ® Gene rated “Burke’s Law,” starring fo Barve had: been. renewed by. ABC-} Shareholders. also were informed am that reruns ‘of. “Ensign. O'Toole,” |} f. Hywood. originally’ shown on..NBC-TV, had |” [been sold to. ABC-TV for weekly broadcasting” this spring: and. that }. “Celebrity Game,” | show.. with ‘Carl Reiner.‘as host, ||had heen purchased. by. CBS-TV. [tsb being shown Sunday’ evenings.. 1. tion, Four .Star re (Continued on age 43) apes April. 145. a * Postmaster-General, minister ‘in ert + charge. of broadcasting, has. limitea |: ‘the. time -BBC-2. can stay on the ar‘| waves to'30 hours‘a week (not. in cluding: outside: broadeasts)..' _ BBC-2, the UHF, 625-line service which. the Corporation. launches. on _Monday (20) has been™ temporarily} curbed, it’s: said,. because to grant ‘a. new, panel}. April 14. ‘Cincinnati, tat Broadcasting has been suick : it had completed ‘production. of its | some exec Jugs first. full-length’. -motion | pire, ce ‘moted from manager to: ‘g.m. of. WDAF-TV; and Nick Bolton, who” has been gm: of WKRC-AM, moves. ‘over. to ‘WDAF-AM in ‘capacity. Replacing Bolton at” WKRC is. 7 ‘Jack. Remington, vet on-air. .per sonality here, and latterly the. sta-. tion’s prograir directer since ’62.: To complete the musical chairs bit, his. p.d. berth has’ becn. handed to Ted McKay, chief announcer at i the. station.” t same