Variety (April 1964)

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$ Mins... Sun, 10 pm _Nedneate, Anat 1) 1966". “TELEVISION REVIEWS —_— a Sally aad, ‘ka’ meal D-TV (film) mo (M eCarin:Erickson) aan Sally Rand, .who has. ‘been 1 a ‘thin-| wt @lad. midway’ ‘attraction’ since’. the. * . World’s Fair of 1933, set aside -her : plumes. and .balloons. long: enough: 49 ‘do. a -loving’.narrative. for :the |. : NBC-TV Special:.on the ‘insulated ; ful documéntary. which deserves a world”: of :the carnival. Buttressed: with the “statistics that >the American carnival is a billion > dollar ‘business that plays to:-more’ people. than: pro. baseball, “basket| ball’ and -footabll combined, . Miss.| -Rand toured. .viewers. from. the _ carny.winter. quarters” in Tampa, Bla. circuit, with concentrated. Stops at. _. such. locations: as Calgary, Alberta, ‘around. the nation’s’ carnival -and Sti Charles, ‘Minn: ..:.. With’ seript,’. direction. and. pro-| “:.. duction by NBC's. ChetHagan, the. ~~ sghow’s most..reportorial_ ‘sequences. ‘concerned the inside angles on the “midway ‘games ‘and hoked-upside‘-“show ‘attractions ‘and. the” relative -, economic status. of carny owners—’ a from ultra-affluence to break-even: At either extreme, the. show. pro= ‘. vided: the. carnival.’ folks. with: a| .. boast: about: their. ‘good: works ‘for a crippled children, and ‘the. network 2 with a ‘chance to. air some: pretty “hot. scenes from. a: “midway ~ skin ~ show.: All ‘in Jall, -it was a good. ~ chance’ for’ the“mark” to see how ‘the. carny ‘views: him.’ NBC. news easter -Ed Newman gave Miss Rand atm assist on the narration: © Bill. " pAvVD ALLAN SHOW. -With Paul -Mann MT ay ‘Executive. Producer: . ‘Stan ‘Porter. ws Producer-Director:: Sim ‘Coursen™ he WNAC-TV. Boston: (live) : 30--Mins... Mon.-Fri.,: 12. pm. coke ; : " alities: ‘in, “legit tryouts, : touring ; . --, Companies and ‘niteries is: certainly .the “David. Allan “Show,” --WNAC|" TV's live’ entry with: a live’ studio | audience. ‘On «stanza. -caught,.. his. vp Buests | were .. Alan‘ “Mewbray...‘and | ..,.. ingenue: Freda. Holloway of .“‘Enter | : *+Laughing” playingat the ‘Wilbur. ot Appropriately: enough the majority <) @£. the -studio...audience. :in :the :.Camelot Room.:.of the ‘St.. George ono : Hotel, where” the sesh is held, ‘that ; day were from: the Falmouth The| vatre: Guild Cast, of. “Arsenic ‘and “Old. Lace,” -in makeu P ~and| i costume, we ; Young, “Bersonable ‘host David. a 4 Allan’ conducts ~ “warm, «. friendly | wt -interviéws with guests. in which he. brings. out: facts. about the -person| “: ‘alities: that: he as a sintere.appear| _. ing: fan would. know... For. -. + instance he found. ‘out: that ‘Alan. a “Mowbray had ‘appeared: .:in. 301 | 3. . films, .. has’ .a nightclub act: as~.a| ~ standup” comic, ‘and a-tv:-.series, | . “Sheriff From: Piccadilly,’ * which ”. he’s. trying: to ‘sell. He: ‘then “gave. . “Mowbray over: to the. studio ‘audi-|: “Teneeof amateur® thespians for. . press confab": questions: ‘Freda Holloway, * “a ‘Lowell, Mass.,. -Native, came. «across. “warmly: inl -.ghat about “her -role, Visits with |. : fier: “mother, ' and her.” ty run as} “Jill Malone” in ty’s “Young Doc-| .tor “Malone”.and: ‘how it: affected |. her public récoz in: supermarkets, . . includes :a cash. prize of $500.” a Previous award. was~ the: Free= Lot dom Foundation’ s. “George ‘Washington -Honor © Medals.” | Pawn,” played: on all .CBS . 08&0's, _ presented: the story. of Sam Blow. Vf “=a.” Missouri *.-" “Dred Scott,’*. whose awsuit-: for | _ » freedom in. 1846. contributed great“= Jy. to: the: cleavage. between North’ ce ‘and South. . dept, stores’ and subways. Ge . “KMOX ‘AWARD «St, ‘Louis; “April: 14. _XKMOX-tV’s and Local . ‘History ‘Award which. “The slave: nicknamed ‘POVERTY. 18 ‘PEOPLE we ‘With: Edwin Newman. ‘| Producer-Writer: :..| Director: Don. ‘Luftig: “....1:30. Mins.; Sat.,: € pm enn, ; WNBC-TV,. N.Y. on from. poverty. : Aa “The human rieaning’ -of : this, cola. Director:. John ‘Degen a area = Looker. | Writer:. Burlbaugh " Allan. :puts on a: fun and: games audience ‘participation. seg: and | this “orie: was’ song. Temembrances | “in which pianist Paul Mann played| -" evergreens. If. participants. guessed.| “the ‘name. of ‘the’ song within two] “years, they won‘ 4: prize. If not, .a consolation. prize: This: framework | gave host: a.chance to plug his own |. song, “The Language ‘of Love”, in: a running. gag with. Mann... “ Show: -is” ‘a. Tively,. ‘entertaining showe ase. for -incoming’ ‘stage, screen. and nitery. ‘talent exposure, . “Repertoire. ‘Work: | ‘shop”. production “The: Pawn” has: ‘won two awards, the: -latest. being.| the’ ‘BMI-American Assn. ‘for: State’|. ae came. -out a. “big: ‘winner, . Dick Etison “Poverty: ‘Ts ° People, produced: | by NBC's. flagship station: as. part|’: ofa series on New York, was.a con”. | seience-stirring: documentary about poverty. in New. York. According to -the statistics cited, one person out of five can be classified as suffering statistic was turned into a power .wide audience, particularly among. the: -decision-makersfor the city. With. Ed. Newman “as narrator and. interviewer, the show focussed. on’ the ‘so-called “triangle”. ‘in ‘East Harlem, .a 35-acré concentration. ‘of Negroes and Puerto Ricans.who are| -hemmed: in,.by.. ignorance. and. dis-eriminations: as effectively’. as: if ‘there:was a literal wall, around, this ghetto. pee t in’ rhe: story, frankness. ‘through | “in. .terviews with families in this area ‘as well'as some community-leaders. ‘The rats,. the garbage, the despair .and--thesparks of. revolt. ‘Were -con-: ‘veyed. in ‘a. journalistic. style . that ‘did: not. at. all. gloss over the: ugli‘ness -6f the situation; The” viewer felt;. in. ‘fact. almost: ‘smelled, ‘that this ‘was; the: bitter: ‘truth. Herm.: THE [MINNEAPOLIS ‘STORY.’ ‘With Jim MaeDougal. others: Producer: Bill. McGivern . ‘Writer:.McGivern.... 7 30 Mins:; Sun. 1 pm. © | KSTP-Ty, Mpls. St. ‘Paul ape): ‘where KSTP-TV :holds forth.’ ‘The sus Hubbard NBC affiliate. properly. American. City” -awards, . At the: outset the program . had: ‘Minneapolis . ‘Mayor: Arthur. Nafta ‘lin: ‘before ‘the ‘camera expressing |. his’ great pride over. the city’s gains ‘which. ‘resulted — ‘Among the ‘accomplishments -pointed. ‘out. by him: ‘were the trans-. formation. of .. what chad. been: -a{. blighted downtown. area . into one that. ‘now: boasts _ Many "new, | im-. pressive’ ‘structures, ‘represting © expenditures of. millions ‘of dollars, . What. thade. for program appeal 1 generally was the festooning of ‘all ‘the -talk “with ‘ action. shots “com ‘prising’. photographs,’ drawings ‘ete. Mepicting the: city’s. -early -/ and. . present days.and much live camera work: “Viewers were . taken. from |: the : city’s . very. beginning,’ step by.| step, to the present day: -Ypon Robert G:‘Gerny, a promi: nent Minneapolis. ‘architect’ -who, with his’ associates, has been. play| -ing:a leading role ‘in’ ‘tiaking “Min neapolis a leading: city, there: de-| ‘volved much of the’ task of. telling the. story. of . this tnunicipal ‘prog ress. and’ ‘what: further. -improve ‘merit’ the future. fikely :h ‘holds. “He aid: this ably.: * Rees.’ THE. ‘QUIET ‘REVOLUTION | ‘With Adam Lynch, narrator Producer:. Georze Burlbaurh, Director: . ‘Jack . Elias 30°Mins.,. Sun., 6:30 p.m.: ‘WIIC,. ‘Pittsburgh “This. interesting, | thougtit ° “pro voking ‘ty’ adventure caught. the | ‘spirit and. drive of a group. of: Pitts-: burghers. known as -“The . Trend| “makers.” _Thiey ‘are’ all successful professional and ‘business men and. in this show the: general discussion | Stayed : around: the present. social |. | the life of the Amerii can: Negro... “Ts as quiet revolution, ” ‘narra: : ‘tor” Lynch -said, “and. the weapons |: . are words, thoughts, ambitions and |: a -| dreams...The: enemy. ‘is bigotry and: the’ old. order. . The purpose. is. a new: identity.’ an . The’ group, “all of: “whom: are ‘Negroes, discussed" the -Ways’ to”ap-" proach a. new image . -and . found ‘themselves. arguing -. with them-. selves -as. time’ ran out... ‘The. ‘abso-. lute lack: of artificiality: ‘made this | seg ‘a’ standout... -Oné man said: hey. quit.a.job in.a bank because ‘we: were’nt: ready. for each’: ‘other. : Others: talked freely, ‘on: problems | ‘and were: interrupted:" ‘by others ‘who wanted: to get their two ‘cents: worth in: There could -be. a lot. of soul. searching. as. a. ‘result of: this: ‘show. ° ‘NBC’s ‘affil: here,. WIIc; ‘put. -all their: top’ hands: on. this. mee and. it.” oe : ] BASEBALL: felt ‘that: such ‘an. airlane |’ ‘tribute was. due. ‘Minneapolis since}. ‘1 Gt’s one of 11 ‘cities to: be honored "Hub’s tv_gift'to show biz on-{ by the National Municipal’ League | F person. ; and. Look magazine with 1963 “All ‘jin the [award.: “MORE “THAN | “al GAME... With Joe Garagiola,. Jeffrey, Price; | . others. ‘| prod,-Dir.: Walter Kravets vy | 90-Minutes, Sat., 4: 30 p.m. ras & ‘NBC-TV. from N. Y.. eee ; NBC-TV, ‘which. ‘is: atriving’ ‘for sports. supremacy. ‘in: the three. network. chase, . made « such ~ a:. con ‘descending. Bow. to. “professional baseball that’: this. ‘intended -90minute: telementary. turned-into an -hour:.and a half blurb for: the so +t called “national pastime,” ‘very. dull: one. at’ that. = cand a Apparently the show. ‘hig slanted. at a kid-audierice, as. the format. had |Joe Garagiola,:an NBC. sports¢aster, formated with 'a young kid,’ Jeffrey: ‘Price of Newark, N..J., -who. played ‘Bobby: Smith, a ‘sandlotterfulfilling his dream .of: talking: with ‘all ‘the’ ‘baseball greats. It's ‘unlikely that any. kid. other: than: the ‘mythical Bobby : Smith could. be conned into believing baseball is «as much:more than. a game. as was’ purported ‘here. | . emcee:spot. ‘for the. first..time, appeared. at ‘times: to be.on: the point of saying’: something: but, managed ’.to. maintain a. dignified: approach. . to. his-duties: ’His_ -few lines about smoking :were-uninspired. All concerned. with ‘pro-'“duction: activities are to be. com-“mended °-for. the: fast’ -handling:. of | the. awards: and..getting the recipi-. Blooming among the -hearts. and || flowers. spread “ by. baseball : comjnissioner -Ford. Frick, former mab-. ager Joe: McCarthy; Roy. Campanella | and others, were Casey Stengel, in: ‘full-throttle: on the. glories * of the new* Shea. ‘Stadium: ‘for hisNew York Mets,.and the colorful umpire. Jocko. Conlan: Therewas a ‘load: of. ‘archives film: fillers -on:: old.. stars: and World .Series . games. . “Web: did much. better a year: ago. with ‘a’ bright, .sdrdonic’ season’s|-n --| opener. helmed. by Joe _Garagiola __ftatking. to adults: we Bill. 7 emia eo “| With Lottis. ‘Lomax: “Malcom. x, Theodore J. ‘Berry; Diane: Budan, tits: avowed ‘purpose’ of .. being. al: { salute* to one. of the? Twin. Cities} “ and. Pat Murray no ‘Exec.-producer:. Jack: Reilly. ae ‘Producer-Director: ‘Roger: ‘Ailes. = 60° Mins., Sat.°4 p.m.: = ‘KYW-TY; ‘Cleveland. -studio ° “Key” guests, controversial and/or: -enlightening, . the : program: . provided: an.-informative : public affairs. chapter. for. ‘the cosmopolitan “Viewer... a -Onstanza caught; ‘Bud Dancy. of the. _station’s. -news. department; “teamed with. Louis: Lomax, ‘noted ‘Negro author. working on a KYW-: TV. assignment, to” interview “Mal-. ‘colm:. X,: the ‘controversial racist. | ‘The. ‘dialog’. was’ both ‘provocative.| ae “and::reyéaling; “and’. although: this. —_ ; | carried’ the bulk of. the time in} ~ comparison : ‘to. other -Sepments;: it ‘seemed this‘could ‘have been. given ‘an’ even. greaterexposure in. light |. |-oF events that had: been-crystalizing in the community badly-torn: by. school integration: Maleom X again. ‘showed :his. glib: capability and pro jected ‘with’ the’ feeling: that -has made him .a tube. ‘personality, ‘Lomax’ Ss probing . on. ‘the’ Teligion issue .and* Malcolm’s. views_ on: the. “Black: God", were’ revealing © ‘as. was Dancy’s efforts to pinpoint the Suest's’ newsmaking | opinions, “In: the other segments, ‘Pat Mur-}. ‘hands. “Miss’ Dian ‘Budan, Miss "| Clevelang, ° 1964, .needed:-no addi-. tional: visuals, and. showed herself | a-capable’ young lady. Rev. ‘Gordon, ‘Blasius. of ‘the Presbyterian radio-1"the: Wind.” televisionoffice. lent. |-an. added |. . his comments on: the use. of | Stan. Freberg’s .' funny’ Mt ark. “Doss 1s. ‘PEOPLES’: PREZ” Worthington, ‘0, April 14. “Bowman. Doss, ‘ who” “has... been |: ‘elected © president . of’. Nationwide | Insurance. Companies, Colum-. ‘|*bus O:, has also been’ elected general ‘eLairman of the” board .of. Peoples . ‘Broadcasting: Co, He .suc ‘ceeds Murray: D: Lincoln, ‘who: re-: signed «both ‘posts . but: “continues “as a: IMmember-. OF . the. ‘board "of -directors.. 7 “AIL” other | -effteer’s, ris. ‘Owen,;: “Newark: ' O.; and. James ‘Lewis,: Hamilton, The. ington. and:’ Cleveland; --O Unlike" former .. years; no ‘lengthy acceptance. speech, ‘pos-.}. -sibly due :to the fact, that not many ~ | winners ‘were Physically present.: -This ‘was: a welcome. ‘respite ‘tol: the usual bland: Saturday..afternoon. ‘television ‘diet. . In. bringing te the; : ACADEMY. AWARDS: ‘Emcee: Jack: Lemmon -. “Love . “Letters”. .acceptance.. of. his’ -trophy,-andthe « audience's: reac-. :Feligious’ ‘commercials. Production and. direcs, tion ‘were: ‘both professional tunes) ‘with the exception of Miss Ranieri. «More”’ ‘fieadéa: by: Herbert. Evans, “president |of. ‘the. Fadio-ty firm, wéré. ‘¥eélected: Fer-'| 0: ‘were named: to: the. Peoples’. ‘Broadcasting . ‘Co. ‘executive. “committee. ‘pany. has * “radiostations: in Worth: and: 1.) Yankton, S.D.,: and, a ty. station’ in. J Stoux: City, Te... noe The 36th ‘annual ‘Academy Award’ presentations on ABC-TV. ‘Monday. (13) .were. notable: for the presetice: of. restraint, ‘dignity, excellent: tim| ing —and the absence of excitemient (with.a couple. of exceptions). : -They.: decided: to play. it straight | | this ‘year’ and: were, just a bit. too successful. ° ‘This was, “the year that” “was—a. ‘year ‘when .the first major trophy | ‘went ‘toa Negro thespian; & -when: filmg made: in‘: Hollywood | took: . only '. one less | ‘than -films: made: elsewhere:. a year when the'| French. ‘dominated: the short ‘sub| ‘ject. ‘field: when 17 of the individual i winners. were... spot Academy ; “members; eee 7 ~ Jaek Lemmon, ‘taking ‘over “the ‘irreverent,: ‘ents ‘on ‘and: off the stage quickly. there. was Tf canything: ‘could be called a a “show stopper’ .it’ ‘would have: been’ the: fast andfunny recovery by. Sammy Davis Jr.. ‘when, making the | music awards he: opened the wrong. | envelope the nameof .'| the winner. ina second category—. “They:.gave me-the. wrong envelope, Producer: ‘George en Network producer-director: Richard Dunlap: . Music’ director: ‘John. Green” Writers: George” Axélrod, a hard Breen, Mort: Lachman, Stanley . Roberts, Melville. Shavelson . Two hours, Monday (13), 10p.m. .. ‘PROCTER &. GAMBLE, : AMERI * CAN. HONDA MOTOR‘ co, ‘ABC-TV, from.Santa Monica‘ -.: ': (Benton & Bowles:Grey, Advertising) this? a: light: ‘witha superb: rendition of some Salmost”.. Oscar . winners, in cluding: “It’s: -“Magie; ar “Change: Partners,’ ” “vain That Got-Away,’”. “Pennies From. Heaven,” “It Seems: Ive “Heard . That. ‘Song Before » |: and. -.a’ rousing. “Blues: in the: Night: ” ‘His: intro ductory. : bit: with fast ‘takeoffs. on James Stewart, Edward “G. Robinson andJerry. Lewis’ indicated a | possible « ‘solution: to ‘future cere‘monies. Lét ‘all the’ stars and sing ray carried the ball ‘and: his: deft:| €TS Stay: home: and Jet: Davis play cand friendly. ‘questioning. made for ‘an ease’ and ° ‘conversationability -| that provided the: ‘necessary. con-| "| trast to the volatile Malcolm, x Seg-} | ment. Nice. use Of. Visuals: also’ helped Fin the ‘dis¢ussion with. Dr. -Theo| dore. J. Berry, “noted” expert .on/ everyone.” It ‘could: be © cheaper, ‘faster and Ammeasurably more en, tertaining. . : Emotional. peak.” was. best acting tion to the news:.—.a first in. Oscar history” —. -the. first..major award: wot by -aNegro member of. motion Only.. ‘previous: ‘winner. was: the JateHattie MeDaniels. for | . .a supporting: role: in “Gone: With pictures.” Although. “Tom 5 énes” took only . four -awards;. ‘Williams. was. “generally . unexciting who sang ‘her. ‘husband's with «beaucoup: feeling: “-: -. | Flip ‘remarks -were "kept. to. al. minimum: indicating that: present|: “ers. had-been ‘rehearsed “with a'} firm hand, This might. explain. Shirley.-MacLaine’s.. “‘Hello—that’s. | ‘all’ I'm allowed to: say. tonight” (which possibly’ stems from a-some-. what longer’ speech -made at .an| other awards. ceremony. last month). : ‘Ed. .Begley . also. commented “I’m ‘not. allowed to. ad lib—last “year, Wwhew!?. ~ a oe tf wee a year. Anan home permanents, Robe. | . Wait until. ‘the NAACP hears. about j. ———___— ~e mart TOWN MEETING ‘.’ J With Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller, “out. need: “of aisle mikes. “A ‘Abeit litle or No Ecitmen I made for’. a“ more. dramatic pro“ gram... Formerly restricted ‘to the. ‘best film” presentation, clips were used this year to illustrate such awards as.costumes, special effects. and. the acting. categories. ‘John Green’s handling of | the ‘musical. portions. of the program | varied from a delightful potpourri of Arthur Freed pop tunes to open the show, to the. tricky musical adlibbing : necessary to. ‘support _ nominated and winning films, through ‘all the music. inserts.. ‘Sol Siegel accepted his Irving ‘Thalberg trophy with dignity and. sincerity, . ‘presented by Academy. prexy. Arthur Freed. . Presenters, as usual, ‘sounded. like a. ‘cross-section of Hollywood: | “stars” -with both longtimers and ~ | new. faces on hand, including Steve. ‘McQueen; ‘Tuesday | Weld, Angie ‘Dickinson, Shirley MacLaine,’ Sid| ney . Poitier, Ed Begley, Debbie ‘| Reynolds, Donna. Reed, Julie An drews,.Shirley. Jones, James Stew ‘art; Anne Baxter, Fred MacMurray, ... Sammy. Davis Jr., Edward G. Rob:: inson; Rita ‘Hayworth, Anne Ban croft, Gregory Peck .and Frank Sinatra... ‘Although there’ didn't: appear .to ‘be as many. comimercials this year | they did seem-longer and duller. Alice Fayé and June Lockhart may . not be the best saleswomen in the world: but they could be the long-. est winded. Procter’& Gamble and. { .-merican' Honda Motor Co. shared the sponsorship: and proved: that: motorcycles are more interesting oy Ven Marshali | Director: Eugene. Holowchak™ 30 Mins.; ‘Mon., 7 -p.m. -WWS-TV,. Detroit Gov. Nelson: A. Rockefeller, ‘on the basis of . this exposure, is an. ‘affable, articulate Republican can-'. .{didate for President who lacks |.fire, flare. and: fight. His tv -pres-. ence. is. almost. mot present, being 1 notably © flat. ‘and without mage neticism. ~E. ‘His ‘opeliing” statement. was: a “| graceful: thanks. for inviting him | to appear. ‘Then he indicated ‘he |-wanted to. talk: about The “delighttul ‘Davis: “was: “f ‘also. thé ‘program’s miusical : high fpreign policy,. but:-his. following words indicated he «didn’t have anything ‘of substance . to: say. He merely indi- eated. he was in disagreement with ‘President. Johnson’s foreign’ poli-. cies, without spelling out what his. own were. “Moderator Ven Marshall . called for questions ‘from. the studio audience, liberally sprinkled with high school and college students. Rocke-' feller undramatically made the fol-lowing: replies: He .doesn’t know what to do in’ Vietnam because’ the. Administration has kept the |facts from the American people; . the. disagrees with Sen. Goldwater's . -| opinion. about: forrner Ford. Presi " peached. ‘dent Robert McNamara ‘who now ‘with. Sidney Poitier’s. close-to-tears: | is Defense. ‘Secretary;he doesn’t want to be vice president—“I was “hever. any .good: as standby equip ment”:. he’ is opposed. to’ Red “China's admission into ‘the UN, but. if Red Chiha is admitted the. U.S. should ‘stay in. the UN, ‘Rockefeller’ S answers were ‘well phrased and delivered in a friendly’ }.manner,: but. the point is that. they lacked: point and immediacy. Since. the:: importance: of | he_ obviously -was. not /excited,. he -those . ‘awards. (best! film,’ director, screenplay. . from ‘another: mediuni, : | original: score). ‘more.. than out: . | weighed. the four: given. 20th-Fox’ s of “Cleopatra. ” Biggest surprise was | {the fact. that “The: Cardinal” ‘won 5 ‘nothing. “despite” its. SIX". nomina-. | tiotis.Se . The " presentation. va ‘nominated ’ songs by: ‘Harve :Presnell,.. James: “Darren, -“Katyna -Ranieri ‘and: -Andy® (who -did®:two. of .. the} lulled his tv. audience into -'a. ‘ho-hum’ attitude toward the. can— -didate, but certainly not. toward ‘the. issues: confronting the: nation. The production values ..of © this ‘show: were excellent. Marshall, .a vet newsman, was. an unobtrusive. but. ‘firm: moderator. ‘Director Eu-gene Holowchak ' and technical -di-: rector. Charles Michaels : deserve credit for excellent sound pickup from the ‘studio. so that questions. came:.through loud. and clear withTew. : > ‘COFFEE WiTH: CONNALLY’ San: Antonio, April 14. “texas: Gov. .Jotn Connally will ‘hit the television campaign trail at. 8 a.m. Monday in the first. of a series of three-day-a-week | “Coffee with Connally” telecasts. — The goyernor’s ‘Austin campaign. headquarters... said ..the programs | will. be telécast. ‘at 8 aim. each. Monday,. {through May: 1 over. KONO-TV: _ Added-u liseof film lips this year her Wednesday and Friday ere. ;