Variety (April 1964)

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IT MISERABILI: (Les Miserables) With: Gastene Moschin, -Giulia: Lazzarini, Tino. Carraro, -Elsa: Albani, Aldo Silvani, “Antonio -Battistella, :Cesarina| Gheraldi, Achille Millo, ‘Mila ‘Vannucci,. Angela. Cardile,. ‘Roberto Bisaeco, Dina Sassoli, ‘Roldano Lupi,; Loretta. Gogzi, others. JE . Adaptation, | ‘screenplay, and. dia logues: by Dante’ Guardamagna | Based on “work by Victor. Hugo. Director: Sandro Bolchi 40 Mins. Sun, 9 pm. . RALTV, from . Rome: (tape) Probably the most” ©). itious . venture of. its. kind. ever attempted: ° by. RAI-TY, if not: other: nets, this new version "of. Victor... Hugo’s }. ‘mar athon classic, “Tes Miserables,” is. slated to run :for -10 weeks .and a total of 11 hours and’ 20. minutes. On the. strength. of . the ' first! episode, it looks: like. ‘another. major achievement in RAPS. popular | string. of -serials,ratings vvavisioned: It should: also" win critical plaudits: — ’The Hugo ‘tome—or:. ‘tomes! furnish ‘almost: ideal material. for .a popular ‘serial: destined to ‘charm. the. general public” te. which the video -‘medium “plays. while’ “not; amination of the hazards fo nerves failing’. of British’ ‘tv, jazz’ lovers jand_ health caused by the super-|assert, but .the -Feasonthis .music sonic © boom -that~ will, necessarily: | form ‘seldom. -reaches.* -prime time: effending the. taste of the. ‘more highbrow ‘viewers. The. ‘problem | of course,. and: despite: this ‘itern’s; over-eleven ~hour running: : time, is’ adaptation. glance,. Dante. Guardamagna | appears to. have done.a standout job in -this ‘sector.-It’s a literate script, which sets the. scéne. rapidly, clearly, yet ‘immediately:} depth of thought. ‘and: theme. in things to eome. Sandro ‘Bolehi's | direction’ is ‘suited to the. medium; ‘direct, functional, and ‘effective. ‘He*-Has ‘not. cluttered. the: scene with .an infinity _ of characters and ~ plot ines, nor has. he over-simplified.. His -story shortcuts are‘ adroit, the: concentration 4S. on. the. essential, -yet the © baekdrop:. flavor” with] “which. Hugo enriched his tale -is. riot: Tost. Sets (Maurizio Mammi”) and. costumes » (Maurizio. ‘RADIO-TELEVISION _ Again at an” early. likewise . ‘eminently | 7 -Mont=!. V Reviews | Michael. Flanders, took in’ ‘onthe: ‘spot film -of ‘work in progress, as. well as.statements and observations’ ‘from the . chief * personalities | in volved. . : There’ was a. ‘wealth of fascinating ‘detail... ‘On -the. ‘human: level, . the: experts: were shown ‘learning: ‘each other’s language .so that: they: could |° t-communicate. and working without. ‘friction towards the common: goal. 1 On. the technical plane, the: pro= -‘| gram “neatly . disclosed: -the *conmt siderations ‘governing, for. instance, \the choice of metal structure for a plane that: would. fly at. twice the speed -of. sound: ~It-.pulled*:.1i punches about: the difficulties, . and allowed chief. objector, the. Swedish | ‘Bo: Lundberg, to ‘state’ his:,case against. the aircraft's. ‘eoncept.. ‘He. ; feared the lack of ‘control. by ‘the pilot, the inconvenience . to’ passen Tays. at. such. high altitudes.. Some with excellent! of these. questions were laconically in-. ‘answered .-by those ‘involved, . | cluding Sir George Edwards. of: the British Aircraft: Corp. . |. . Final part of the program, whick enthralled. throughout. its. generous | 70-minute’ running-time. was. an ex= ‘accompany. the’ introduction of the! planes ‘on commercial ‘routes: This |. aspect was less reassuring, . except: favor—the’. top: jazz MD that everyone. seemed conscious of the. -problem, | without. _any. firm: ‘solution | for: it.. ‘The: American project, $0: far. less formulation, loomed. as a threat to the Concord, and there}. was more. “speculation about it than. ! firm. fact. The American’ point “of view was ‘put. by: ‘Najeeb: Halaby,. of | ! the -Fedeéral. Aviation. Administra -tion, | ‘which:. has. already’ ‘received: ‘orders for: a plane that is not yet in production. or the speed. limits | ‘modern’: not’ fixed. . skills. ‘enthusiastically, ting a worthwhile. -eandy floss” half-our. gers of being strapped in for hour|: long. -periods,-the danger. of cosmic} With Cleo ‘Laine: -Narrator: ‘Tony: Britton. -Music: Johnny. Dankworth .: 20, mins.; Mon., 9:10 p.nt.. | REDIFFUSION, ‘rounder:: _largely. © aided .. and abetted by ‘the expert. effective, routines: geared. to: Done-. gan’s ° .particular.” ability: musical’ finesse’ ent. excitement ‘to: ‘the. half: dozen: numbers involved, | o. were the. able Raindrops with pert thrush: Jackie Lee. ~~ . Leading: light etitertainment: pro-. ducer | Fraticis, Essex ‘applied. his: _ tight-knit. “Watt, | : LYRICS BY ‘SHAKESPEARE Director:: ‘Robert Fleming ° from. Bh ion Lack.: of jazz. on,. the Video . air“Waves _ ‘has. always’ Deen :a: -marked. : was plainly outlinédby this Show. It: had everything . going in’ its: in the country, Johnny. Dankworth; the leading ~jazz Singer, ‘Cleo Laine. ‘the. buffs, _ . ear, however, . -the. flute-like. pipes Miss Laine. .cayorted | “nimbly. through, _Dartikworth’s “complex '. arrangements — ‘firmly. | ‘based... on -Shakespearean: " éharac=: .. It ‘was, ‘in tact, ‘a ‘comprehensive ters” and. ‘happenings—with © such}. _account of a’ vital and. fascinating | ease and ‘style-‘that, for a. few.-at|. -subject, and :another .. feather. dn. Teast, ‘the: show. will. (Bo. down ° as. ‘a caw ston’s. -much-plinmied hat. "Ota. | {golden interlude. Dankworth’s.. own. ” genius ; was’ ‘also. in -full evidence. with. a verSa-. everde) are-in the no-expense-be*. i tile ‘and colorful scare,. which | spared RAI-TV tradition, and they, THE | MORECAMBE. * “WISE, ‘cauild well be: developed for a full: me true. Production gloss” it With ‘Eric Morecambe, Ernie Wise, ; _ album. a 2 — Watt. evidén = fiieaseeernmnste The ‘acting “is: excellent. With = ae Raindrops, Jack ‘oma THE: LONG JOURNEY this effort, -Gastone: ‘Mosc hin, who ¢: Orch... ~ ” “Producer: ‘Philip Donnellan “, has. built a steady. career: through : ‘Producer: ‘Colin Clews.” Writer: | Donnellai: ‘ character’ roles; -becomes. a major : ‘ Writers: S. C: ‘Green; R.. Me Bills. 145 mins.;-‘Tues,, 9:25 p.m: star aiid: fully deserving of -handle. ‘ 35 mins.: 8:25 pam: ae | BBC-TV,. from Condon His: legit.-backdrop shows in. -his.; easy ‘dominance of: his key” Jean |" Valjean role, richly modulated: and . physically well ‘suited. Giulia ‘Laz-! zarini, aS Fantina, -is. already ‘well: known to Italo televiewers, despite ; her youth. She. -registers solidly.’ Tino Carraro “has . another ‘solid characterization: to ‘add to “his long. jist in. Javert, the grim persecutor-:: Aldo. Silvani Iends assurance’ and: ‘makes some iniportant: early plot: -pointsas the priest ; who first. re-. -instills: confidence in, Valjean: ‘the freed but. ostracized: jailbird. He is one .of ‘the’ most:-. satisfying vet. performers ‘in. the local medium. Remaining east seen so far measures up. _ First segment. ‘already hints. at ‘various. major thenies to comé ‘in. the. course of lengthy tale, which / assumes epic’ proportions in the. original, Within the limitations | of the video. medium, and ‘if ‘current. indications hold, ‘this RAI: produc=— -tion pramises: to. be a most satis-. factory. visualization ‘of’ ‘Monsieur Hugo's epic’ tale. Hak.” SUPERSONIC ) With Michael Flanders, narrator Producer: Richard Cawston: 70 Mins., Tues.; 9:25 p.m.. BBC-TV, from ‘Londen What makes Richard’ Cawston so. outstanding a. _ producer. -of. docu-*” mentaries—his ‘progranis: on the; world influence af: tv and. the. life:. “of airline pilots havé copped. him) ‘awards internationally—is -that he! consistently: :| knockabout ° A ssociated = TeleVision, ; ‘from, . London. : Joining“ a‘lengthening ‘litte of | : video productions: that: have. pre- . Past: masters: at the standup’ gag: | sented the.’ ‘inside stuff”: on: erring gery trade, ‘Morecambe & Wise. are teenagers, this: documentary addedthe ratings, for like. their. previows| said, but_went over ‘the: same which ‘has made them, hgusehold names locally. . “If some oftheir routines, ‘milked | of ‘every: -possible-yock-making possibility, . tend .to: be. “stretched: to ‘the :breaking” ‘point, “they”. are fortified’: ‘by. facial expressions . and |. “superb. timing ‘that: defy. all. resistence: to’ laughter.. At: ‘this. point, | "M&W: are without. equal~ in “their | -chandling ‘of golden corn. as. devized by Sid--Green’ and: Dick. Hills. , :Punctuating ‘their: in-cess ‘an ty j stream of banter this time out was. “the man with the golder trumpet” Eddie ‘Calvert, who,” with “the aid of -his -€. Men, : ‘polished :. ‘off: a honey sw ‘eet. ‘version of. “Crying. +. Frumpet.’ ad Show. was unobtrusively. , brought . in’: by ‘producer..° Colin’ | Clews. -whose deft handling of. the “| puPTING. ON’ THE. ‘DONEGAN. | With: ‘Lonnie ‘Donegan, ‘Clark’ Brothers, Raindrops, Jackie Lee, i Peter. Reeves, others -. | Producer: Frances: Essex: ‘riter: Dick: ‘Vosburgh | 30 mins; Friday, 10: 05.-p.m. ‘bri ings: a strong narrative ‘and visual : Associated Television, from . ‘Lon: flnir te subjects. that might’ easily | oget bogged: down in ‘technicalities.| -Even those : -only.” languidly ested in inter-} t. the Anglo-French.. colla-} ‘don... ‘Dappér. Lonnie Donegan: an. ex‘perienced -performer . ‘and’ : Singer: ‘who. has. ‘been riding” the ‘crest -of. boration over: the : Concord. .pas-; the. pop -music‘-wavée. for a..number. | sketches: underlined | * the-.comedy. and Kept the . show | me moving electrically. . Watt... . | : = ww ell. suited: to. the intention . of the}: -is. ‘to ‘explore “uNn=}: ‘senger aircraft could. not fail'tobe| of Years has also ‘firmly. implanted. intrigued. by \this’:lucid ‘exposition | “himself. in the’ ranks ‘of local -all round. family entertainers. “He ‘is: as suecessful now. without a‘ guitar. as he is behind one,.a factor which. of its backgroynd and problems, z “The Concord. project,. Ww ‘hich’ may; result in the first: supersonic com drama: mercial. airplane, is “the: résult’ of pooling of resources by British and: French government ‘departments, factories,. and teelinicians: It-.was} -Cawston’s brief to outline. this co Operation in. All its. manifestations, and ‘he “pulled it off triumphantly. His. “script, clearly “spoken. -by justifies the® “change. in: pace. of. his: network. In the: segment’ caught, he ‘ shed’ his jazz-flavored c&w. yodelling-and. Tetredd ATV: show, out.for a fur-. ther. prime. time. Spin: ‘on the. indie exchanged his’ ‘for a |.U seata of singers, and. hooters in & po ‘shows, this’ oné. ‘followed ‘in the}. ground with. a..different. “cast.” funnyman-straightman. rou tin éj. ~Shunning ‘any form’ -of'.cOmmentary,” -producer-writer-director Philip.-Donneltan ‘shuffled: together a. collection of -teenage ‘viewpoints, as: shared ‘among. the. .“runaways”. and: the’ ‘beatniks: Clip}. as a.col-. ‘lection ‘of conversations: -with. lost. and’ lonely souls, were individually : “okay, but: as <a ‘show: they missed: gut. Primarily: because : they. were | in, no way: linked: to:a-theme, ‘madeno ‘point--foror ‘against anything’ . 1 and: lead .: toconfusion: -7 However, ‘photegraphy' by . ‘Peter: ‘Bartlett was sharp and: ‘editing: by. Edward :le. ‘Lorrain’. made. ‘considerable. impact at ‘times: .And .there were some. -neat. background. ‘touches, written... folk. music -Which. seemed | ‘exactly ‘ the. ‘pathos in-the un-: | hinged: and” wild : ‘life these often. misguided youngsters indulge ‘in: Watt.’ Foci TV. Felon “Festival: Od: ames: Hanley” ST ‘al it made.:an unusual ‘offbeat. entry. series, which: familiar : avenues. ‘of legit and:: ty “Miss: Vaughan: (aniiette Crosbie), | lergic to:human contact; living. in‘a. private world .of her own .devising. } passion ‘for her, which. he : vented in door, :AS an’ ‘earthy. complement: to this. oddaffair, Mr. Jones: (Kenneth ~ «Continued on Page 42). -“¥ |: Sans: guitar=save’ ‘for. one > cnn. | ber—he. ‘scored: as ‘a freewheeling |} : ¢ | personality whose: lyrical : ‘wit’ and ||. + { inborn «showmanship: ‘easily sus-.|) -'-. ~ tained a.lightweight: half hour. His: dabble. at dancing: “Was: a: neat: first |" ‘time. click, . Clark’: 3 Brothers. . plus |: the. mounting © of ‘firstrate : “production: ‘numbers , by ‘Leo:. _Khraribian. . | * Emphasis: ‘of. ‘the: ‘show. was: on “uptempoed: amusing numbers. with -‘simple,;'..but well concéived ‘and Backing. .the star; whose. agile: -Jarynx .and 7 “Say. Nothing” lmade. a ‘notable ‘segment -of :BBC-. |FV’s unpredictable “Festival” drama skein. five: -.Wweeks © back,. and, -| though: his * “The. ‘Inner “World -of: ‘Miss. Vaughan”: was ‘less successful, ‘lodger in a séedy ‘Welsh’ beardinghouse, was.a secretive Spinister,;al-: plaintive ~“ adoration “outside: _ her. Stanza. the status. of a real: shocker. ‘| te’s’ intro for -the following week’s | show, ‘and : the: -pacing needed. for: a top‘grade: varietyshow.. ‘the show with “a solid: production: ‘such ° "as the specially |. ‘A local. minister had a. fruitless | * | recently .has: ‘begun. ealling: for a oy ‘reexaminaton.:. of’. the’ ‘American. 7 “| mythology -: of. omnipotence,. -Lipp’ ./mann’s* point .of, view has-been ' | greatly. : reenforced, * not. popularly -accepted.. Sevareid os skillfully”: opinions : Cuba, the:status of the” ‘cold. war, : ‘the. possibilities. for a solution’ in| “Vietnam, | course, .did not. flinch..from reiter| cating. hisestimate. of. Charles De who was-the first to. recognize that. the postwar. epoch ended * about’ five years ago. : The. concept, was good, the’ execu-|' tion immaculate:."Fhe.-result?: Too! mann also made incisive comments ‘far ‘out ‘for: ‘mass * ‘audience ‘con-| about the .upcoming. Presidential “sumption, . and : “probably ‘some“fF | “elections: and.the various ‘Republi| ‘His: chief forte, | ‘For the ‘most ‘sophisticated ‘jazz’ however, lies -inthe international. ‘arena where careful * listening to as: emcee and performing -some. pumber;. prefaced . by" his comedy. hat-trick: routine,. and some byplay. i teaching. a group. of Hollywoodites ‘a very: “witty gallery: of -impersona-: “tions that. mark this’ youngster. for. “showmanship,” ‘sing just nebody was. ‘is tening during. her first number, . ; ‘Yeonoclastic’. A speed, and: did not ‘spare the}. +4 | ‘Gueceéstul. shfitover that ‘adds peer {4 + and stature. to his. image as an “all, 1 ce | cBs Reports. oe a Once again, Walter. “Lippmann returned to “CBS... Reports” : Yast |. “Wednesday night (8) to. air “his views in «a: stimulating: one-hour’ | discussion with. network. commen tator. Eric. .Sevareid. -Lippmann'’s. strates his: sure command. -of :con-. ‘temporary. history. | and ’ ‘its underlying. -trends, “Lippinann’s impact ¢ on tv stems 7 trom: his. lucid formulations and: ‘| the. total absence of.’ punditry. Be-. hind his quietly unassuming style, -Lippmann succeeds. in introducing |. ideas. that quéstion..and undermine |: ‘all. ‘the furidamental ‘assumptions | _ fob ‘American foreign ‘policy. — Since. Sen:. .. William Fulbright ‘though -still ‘elicited = about :: Lippmann’ Ss “Russia, China, etc.. Lippmann,of. Gaulle as'a° genius. ‘of: a ‘statesman. -On. the ‘domestic. ‘scene, . Lipp ‘can: : contenders.. Lippmann’ § ideas -would give’ this * Herm.: _ The. Hollywood Palace "With: ‘Donald. ‘O’Connor: fronting ; sparking ‘song. -.and -.-dance bits, ABC-TV's ‘Hollywood Palac¢e” “contributed. the -sharpriess ‘0’ Connor is,. of course, ‘far more than a -walk-on emcee. ‘He. ‘opened : of, “Let’s Face the “Music” and thenpitched upnifty. bits -at.. other. points:..with .his” Tea | For Two” Jerry. ‘Van Dyke’s brand of. lowkey -comedy, delivered” while _attempting tostrum a ‘banjo, hit the. mark .after a fast ‘eurtain-raiser ‘by. the” bi¢vele | act, Fhe.’ Frielanies: Van., . Dyke's’ reoty-toot-toot.. banjo: ‘version of “Hello: Dolly”. got. him | off: strong. Rick Little, a’: Canadian, ‘“imper‘sonator; was one of: the., show’s top’ “highlights:. “Little's routine,. in, which jhe mimicks James~ Mason: to. ‘Tecite ‘Shakespeare, ‘constituted the big ‘time: . .2 +. The Four. Little “Angels, a. ‘quartet. of... Negro. moppets : from .:the’ same. family, ‘were, wholly_winning. followed. by. 2 “Tarzan :& His Lions was another head . into the ion’s mouth: (the “teeth looked real); Tarzan: was.ob|" “viously. prepared. to do anything to‘Bet. a. ‘hand, which. he: Tiehly: deserved, : * Fran: Jetiries. was “another : im: pact. turn with. her: two. songs; First | “was .an undulating bossa: nova ‘that: “framed her: physical” ‘assets “rnost ‘effectively, and .sécond. was: a bal-: ‘lad,.“‘Nobody’s Baby,” in which she ‘demonstrates. that. she: could. really. his: dieting -expertize: with O’Con|: “nOF, was particularly sharp for this | Leonard -tossed ‘off: his: lighting : ‘session. humor ‘at For. ‘troupe of ‘fierce. Cossack riders’. ‘might have: been given more time. -"" Violetta & Alexander’s Kiss” risley” | torch. spinning ..was another. spec-. ‘competent. direction was + tempered. and: ‘fine, ©. ‘| handled ‘his. cats’ with. bravado. and> . a ae -When. he: put his |." 3. | ‘White House occupants from. Bia: peppery remarks, =. ‘The W ellington” Singers. a ‘folk « combo, had‘ a.-very -brief.-bit’ before O’Connor | -brought the . show -to. _ Herm: a ka. Sullivan. ‘Show mS “Ka Sullivan, ° on’ his CBS-TVer =. cently. toured the -U:S. By. -use ‘of -. excerpts: and full acts, he; relayed *. -the flavor. of the .-Russo ‘troupe, which incidentally, seemed like’ one of assemblies’. of circus: acts ever ‘under one. tent. cot *. Sullivan. had much to. work: “ith, lots: -of sequences. ‘to’. select: from, ‘and.’a wealth ‘of: details to: provide. grand -effects. ‘There ‘is somé quar: . rel. though, with’ the acts that: were ~ glossed’ over. with brief. sequences. ‘example, ..the . -Khodzhbaev . tacular:‘turn which might have been © shown ‘at. ‘greater: length.. However, there..was the: thrilling work. of” the: Viadimir. Dovyenko. : 1 troupe of. teeterboardists' and tum=.~ blers.. One of the most ‘spectacular. ° ‘tricks. of all-time: was the complete: somersault ‘of .aman:.on high: stilts. ~. Filatov’sBears, -the-: hand-to-hand-.; a ing’ by. Kaseev’ & -Manasaryan; ‘the . ‘midair. spinning by Sinkovskaya. &° Lisin, :‘and. QOlkhovokova’s © Dogs "were among: -the éxcellent. turns viewed ‘on this’ layout. . This -is. the: second: ‘Moscow: State. . Circus -présentation by. Sulliyan‘this. season... This. show’ was‘ ‘caught ~. during. its’. Minneapolis. run... under’. ‘the auspices of. impresarioMorris: \ Chalfen.. The previous: presentation .. ..| was. taped in. -London, and brought. | CBS-TV: alot of. grief: since: Chal“| fen. protested ‘that ‘he “lost : consid-. | erable business because it was. pre-..: }sented during therun: and many ~ |:presumed that -i it: comprised: ‘his*. Present collection « of acts.: came’ with a”. -erackerjack. ‘Stanza 7 Tast.. Saturday night: “(ID. -Particu platy since every turn on this. bill, | up. to. and including Jimmy Duran “J ose. LF ‘Defenders: _ “Milton Berle, . the: ‘actor, held’ the: center. of the vidstage in ‘Saturday’ S. close’ ‘with Ja: Sing’ You: Sinners”. 7 Production number, America’s ° most. dis: : _ ‘tinguished political columnist .can: c ; only ‘be enhanced by. these annual tv.-outings. in which ‘he.-demon: Sunday (12). caught the spirit. -of.”. | the Moscow State Circiis which: re-: ~ | by “Defenders” episode and ‘came: . a |:off: effectively. “He ‘had -in. outline” “a tailor-made™'script -inthe ““‘Die® Laughing” outing: written byRoger. Hill _Lewis,. dealing . with.” ‘a bige ‘time -comie ‘who.’ finds: that « he’s.” stricken” with. cancer,’ wand tries ° Suicide. Berle, thoughin’. ‘his “thesping transcended .the outline; brought ‘conviction to his:role, ‘catching the. he ‘The: peries OS formance, really, was: better’. than:. the Lewis.” script: ‘managed ...-to + despite. thé. ‘morbidity: of. the: ‘situa"> ‘tion. it’touched ‘on: many. subjects—that _ ‘of a man’s right to commit: suicide,. . the morality.. involved: in mercy. |.deaths,; ‘ arid, the * vagaries. ‘of. psychiatry—but:, it did not fate* cup. squarely: to: any. “of. these. big:: _ ‘issues, In: the’.last few: minutes; it “eo took the’.easy: way out, .making: E...:.... G.. ‘Marshall: the hero, lawyer Mar= ‘Shall proving that: his. client Berle:.. nuances and the. depths. -The teleplay __ retain . Interest, Where it: failed -was ‘that’~ didn’t -want: to ‘commitsuicide -and © | therefore: should not. beinstitution-. alized. in a. mental hospital. Against ‘the: bigger ‘isSues ; ‘yaised—and ‘the -. prospect ‘of the. principal's. death—". a the solution was. more of. an artifact: than.a dramatic ‘Solution...’ with. their... opening ‘rundown* of |: | nursery’ rhythms, | “| rocking. version of. “Thou. Swell,” L with. O’Connor. in the lead. Marsha ‘Hunt. “as: Berle’s wife’ seemed oiit, of key: she.looked:more_ ‘like:a society | matron: than a big-' oF oe © | time comie’s: wife. ‘Lynn. Loring, as: j: the daughter, was’ ‘understandingly. °: socko visual: turn-in. which..the. ani | i|-mal. trainer, | draped -according™: ‘to: al) character with © a.tiger loin. skin;: distraught.. -Othersin the. cast were’ Stuart... Rosenberg’ s. ‘Horo. : “Perry Como. ‘Showson, ‘Perry Como. travelled to the U.. of Minnesota ‘and ‘delivered. an -.. entertaining hour. -Thursday”. AO night: on. NBC-TV... ae -The vidvaude layout’ for “Como’ S “Kraft: Musie ‘Hall’ was: well paced". “and: guestars Bob Newhart, Peter. Nero and Keely. Smith worked well. ‘singly. and in combo: with the ‘star. a “Only jarring note,; which had‘noth-". .’ do with the show; was .NBC | -TV’s “news. pickup fron: Washing-; Jack. BE: Leonard; in a ‘spoof of | ‘ton ° of. President .. Johnson’s, .an-7 mouncement of a 15-day: truce_ intet ‘the rail dispute. It ruined ‘a New:, hart. comedy’ routine. -* (Continued on page 41). “Como, ‘playing -before . the col. . “For his ‘sixth Special’of the Seay .