Variety (April 1964)

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ay Producer: Joe. Cook . ~-Resembling. a. “eoiteee ‘pull ses-: ~ _Wednesiay, Apri 15,1 1964. RADIO-TELEVISION 432 Ratio say = ae LIVELY. ARTS” , With’ George. ‘Gerdon, inoderator, “others a , 30 Mins., Sat, 10:30 pan oo ‘sion, with. the. “talk: loose. and. free, is. “The: Lively: Arts; a new weekly oa program on popular. ‘entertainment; ‘moderated. by George: ‘Gordon, -as. :). -geciate prof. of communication..arts oat New. York BD? 's. School’ of. ‘Edu2 ! @ation. _For the Saturday | faiy “night: ““ppener: at. 10:30 p.m., the. half’ hour. mr “ was devoted. ta. thie ‘theatre. ° Off-, Broadway. producer «Julian. Beck Said that: nothing ‘Jess. than: “total revolution”: could: cure -the’ ills: be-. setting: the theatré: Columnist..Hy ’. Gardner. said. he agreed with Beck ae “Wp -to:.a. point.” ~ With. this: “total fo .. revolution” sought py. Beck should be. was never explained, “although -theré’ was : some . _. Beck's dissatisfactions with the cur-. -rent theatre in the U.S. Up to what: point: did Gardneragree: also was: --Jeft. open, as ‘the: ‘Program came. to: an end. "Columnist: ‘Gardner. “lamented: that we live in.the age of “Beverly. ‘ Hillbillies” “much: ‘featherbedding-” kiting -. pro -:, duetion costs: He~ called: off-Broad| ‘~2" way the.“minor leagues, ” which. up*. * | was’. so-S0,.with’ Garagiola’s.. baseball. lore proving ' a Key ‘contrib. « if: / Miss Benzell:has-:no: ‘great verbal: gifts, ‘put | her : hair. is’ down-,and she. is refreshingly ingenuous. . She}? doubtless has’ a-large fund -of: péer|: sonal. anecdotes: (in: grand’ opera, | | who .doesn’t ?) which. will come-in } | handy when there’s. ‘danger. of . fay. ull in: ‘the: ‘proceedings. set Beck, whose. “Living . Theatre’ _ was: padlocked by. the. Feds. for. ‘tax 7 ‘delinquencies. : Beck. spoke of ihe “ice scandals”. “and. held-out. the contention -that. ‘there’s. too. “mueh “sham commer-: _. @ialism’..onand off-Broadway. ‘The _ i: ..-theatre, “too, he said, may S..dng to.a large. extent to. a. “‘deca ..£ >" dent. court,’” the -affluent. set whose. re partonage may. make OF: ‘break ay “ov show, : : At. was: a: ‘mind:ringing: session; ; next Saturday’ night ““‘comics . ‘and: ~ Jisteners' then could have .rore . distillations.. of. thoughts, : ‘usually a’ = —“Continued trom: page: 293 —. more Satisfactory experience. wo ‘Horo. _ "| LUNCHEON: WITH “MIMI With Mimi Benzell,. others | Producer: ‘Michael, -Klepper.. ; “1110 “Mins.;. ‘Mon. -Fri., T: 10. ‘p.m. ° WNBC,, ‘New. York’ ‘markably, ... and there’s: far.too | build -and :: ‘Keep ‘audience. |. ance. > eulture” “will be ‘examined. «Pity |, “more .. thinking. -wasn’t: done :prior *-to, coming “before. the mike. The Met . Opera: ‘star Mimi: Benzell, Her’. Ultimately, ‘of. course, : the stanza | will. require: strong ‘guest appeal to allegi» Pity W. Y. Papers : ‘sidés,: is simply. ‘one of: “good: jour|nalism”—. the. ‘unequivocal ‘identi-. iL | fication -of-.a. news: source; * That, it }-wasn’t: ‘always the practice: (and, of |; {h| course, still isn’t in manymarkets): .{f | only suggests how. ‘emotions ‘can’ affect” better journalistic judg: a ments. ; “Growing ‘Acceptance ~ _ | the: evolution” -of citydesk attitude . dias. "|| press that :we’re here to stay.” And’ aneditor. of the. afternoon: |} | sheets adds: a comment, .among | “I others, :that ‘the broadcasters ‘have ‘become “more ‘enterprisifig,.. more conscious : ‘of their potential.” (Pre| ||. : = 'Mgts, Wiliam Morris: Agency |} fake See a deserving of —— = sumably, : any place: ‘elub--KSTP-TV. E : ; The. Northwest’s first TV. tas. ° . tion, “KSTP-TV. serves. ~and. , sells thia vital market most. : effectively, x most economically. ee : . 7 ie Chambers has: taken over at WMES,. ‘The: Northwest area ‘is. really” : < big league. 06. -810, 800 TV. “a. growing acceptance. by ‘the. therefore, “homes and ‘over $5. Billion a vin spendable i income, Why’ ‘not. sign’ up. o, with’ the... . = Continued froin page 3K “The: -Out of. Towners.’ ” ture, with ‘a cast headed by ‘Glenn: |Ford. and. ‘Geraldine Page, was:pro|" duced in association’ with. Martin |. and. ° ‘Biography: | ast year.’ . — Continued from’ Page 31: | of course, is. in the mining. In Kaye’s Gase,. his star: ‘status | ~ Vand ‘international following. are oS ‘proven and: invaluable. instruments. | Not... ‘only has. the. show. struck a | other~ = acknowledgenient: i in print) “Bane | ‘News exec’ can. now ‘say, ‘too, that: _||-4it’sparochial to avoid “source a identification. Re 41 West -of the: Hudson, the ‘reaps |” ae _-}| prochement story is’spotty..In some.| --: ~ | markets, -especially . one-ownership'| .. -/-newspaper. -towns,. the. local ‘press .| lord‘ tends: to regard | independent {station ‘managements. as. China-like | outcasts:. 1° “Puning: ‘in and: “ticking. off: ‘the | F commercials, though, he knows the. whose. Tepute’ with the masses: ‘has been enlarged in recent’ years. ‘vial = ‘tv: ‘guesting: and. a: ‘Broadway. long-. » in fhe “Milk and Honey” tuner, ‘is the latest~-addition’ to” WNBC| ‘Radio’s” -gab-minded. schedule. “Luncheon With. “Mimi” | strip. ‘teeupper Monday « (13) “was: ‘surprisingly. -smooth,.: albeit unre~ -witha. ‘Buest Hist” of. sportscaster. Joe ‘Garagiola, funster: ‘Tom ‘Poston, .and.afemme (non-= -pro) chunt ‘ of: Miss Benzell’s--who ‘waS.-0n ‘as rep for Boys’: ‘Town. of Italy, put: plenty. willing. to. chip, -in: on the. general palaver, . ‘Session originates from. the ‘Cafe | : Francais, ‘at the edgé of the J Rocke-. feller Plaza ice rink, which. cireumintimations’ of -stance: ean : ‘obviously: give the: tap‘per a “crutch” ‘when ‘the. conversation: slumps; as‘it did several timés ‘on the’ ‘opener. “How‘sustained. the: |} gab can be. will, o£ course;. ‘depend -on guest: chemistry’ in large: ‘part. . This*‘is .typical~ hausfrau fare, the. ‘talk: béinglargely . escapist, ‘which | is ‘allright “so: long ‘as the. panel. can. ‘keep ‘it. breezy. and reasonably" ‘amusing. In this respect,‘the preem Buy: out. there’ As: NO: myth.” 4 Star Manulis . Prods... Prods. and was: financed by Warner Bros. ‘which also.willdistribute the-}.: film. The script: was..:written :by.| Tad ‘Mosel. and directed bY. Delbert: : Mann... af |: Commenting: on 1 the growth: of its if ‘other ‘divisions: and subsidiaries, | the .company noted | that. ‘Four Star‘ |: Distribution . |owned’ domestic subsid, its’ sales: during. the ‘first half: of. the current fiscal-year. by approxi-Mately 11% over the same -périod ‘Four. Star’ Television In| ternational, ‘another ' wholly-owned |‘subsid, “formed in. Feb. 1963: to]: distribute ‘Four ‘Star’ films in. for-eign countries, : registered ‘sales: of | $1,411,653. -in' the. 26-week period © but. said _only $400,884 * of this” Lamount “had been. recorded as‘jn‘come “because revenue. from. for--| eign syndication: is: ‘recorded only: ‘as it: iss-Feceived. Are ‘Corp., ‘its : Danny's § Sales. European | tv minefields cari yield a lot: more: ‘paydirt than the lie of’ the land would. first indicate: ‘Trick, Sales. pace “unprecedented in ‘the | annals... of American. series | sales -history,but-it has: won overEuropean... buyers:: to. sueh an: ‘extent that, ‘universally, jt is being. bought ‘in':blocks' of: 12. Shows and:in each -Slots . on. ease prime “showcast”. -stations concerned. -interesting : new ‘tribs have’: found’ the continental stations often’ ‘willing. :topick-up vonly. a few: isolated. segments out of a. Series.. | _ “Tt is | now ‘thought. ‘that: Kaye's |: -strike—at 300%: over the‘going rate—will cue a lot: more = “star” | -selling ‘to. the ‘benefit. of ‘Ameriéan | ‘big .international | headliners: who |-: have established reputations” ‘Over "here." ‘But ‘there. is; a question, in ‘| some “WA NT 10 PLAY IN. : industryites’ vein. “Jt vis. “interesting. incidentally, Adanta—Two | Georgia’ stations iiave acquired ' ‘new Managers: Jerry. 7 ./ Ashburn, and Pat Steed. ‘is new . | chief: at. ‘WDOL, . Athens.” “1 Steele. is: new production: -manager. of : WJIBF; ‘Augusta. :.Jaek -Turner,: | ;WCHK;: Canton, staffer, ‘has: .re-| .'Fsigned. to work: for: Southeast Poul-} v: Ptry -and. Eee. Assn a ; 100,000 WATTS °NBC. “MINNEAPOLIS + ST. ‘PAUL. ‘Dave The. piey. wholly |; “inicreased | cfeator.. of ‘her .:.-../ outlet, -K 3 — | with, WIND Ls in *1946:. Mrs.. J ocelyn. Stevens, : posh Queen. ‘Imag; has. been named| ‘ of: the. syndicate‘ of backers | — behind: Radio. Caroline, the pirate} © ‘broadcast. station anchored -Off ‘the _ . : | East coast..of ° ‘England... : : ‘Bulk’ ‘sales’ of Kaye. is’ also: ‘an|... factor. A station pubrelations:mari-views |. European’ sales, for previously. dis ‘minds: ‘as -:to |: 1 whether: Kaye -hasPicked: up. the . ‘first. and. only ‘nuggets in. this new: THE BIG LEA Po GUE: ae ‘that. ‘Kaye’s. wholly-owned hotseller |: | is” being: sold :by: Ashley-Steiner for ‘av .10% -slicé: of. the. international. -}-sales. aétion (as: against’a. 40-50% |-eut taken by. a-distrib). To-the -star; ‘European sales, , if -all estimates "+ |. mature,. will -mean :he will : gross: : | from. each of his: first, 12 vidshows |. | a: total. of : $28,00. from continental | Europe; a total: of $336,000.' In ‘ad-} ._ | dition; the :26-segment sale to BBC a He ( worth: “around $390,000 to ‘Kaye, making a U. K-Europe “Aggregate. me of $760 000.: a =a xvi’ Offshere "i casts “pix Pull. Profits -Phose hot-shot. titles skedded . for. the -ABC.. “Sunday . Night ~ _ Movie? ‘marquee ‘next ‘season are: working their .magic: Al-. | ‘Teady.. committed: are -Dodge,. . ” “via BBDO: Plymouth, via:N.W. > : 7 * a Ayer; : = “bras, through: ‘Paepert, Koenig’ and.” -Exquisite “Form. “& Lois: *: 7 Among: ‘the. ‘Dateh. ‘of’ Glassy. 7 . ists: package .are: “Exodus, ” “Billy = ‘Wilder’s ~“One;. . ‘Threé,” “Some "Like. it: Hot ao and. “The ‘Misfits.” .°-. Dodge and Plymouth. parked. "Web, buying into‘several. other 7 ‘Shows. ; ‘the: pre-Xmas period: Virginia Mittendorf Quits: Air After 31 Yrs a Tucson,. April 14. “Virginia: -Mittendorf, hostess" ‘and | Virginia” . .tv. show vhere : weekdays -at::Il .a.m., and a 31-year: vet of. radio and: tv, ‘ealled it. quits. after. _. ‘her: ‘Friday: (10) program: : _ Mrs. Mittendorf,.:who. has ° also” a8 doubled. as’ traffic ‘manager of: her ILD-TV.,.. enteréd radio'| , Chicago, In''1933,: and}. | was’ associated wit¢h. ‘WOOL, : ie . "| Minneapolis, before she came. here --Mittendorf gave |... “personal. reasons” for: her retire| | ‘ment. Her ‘husband, Eugene. S. |. ‘Mittendorf,was -KOLD general |: ‘Inanager until-a ‘few: weeks ..ago |. . when ‘he. was : stricken.” by. failing | Dt ‘health... oO Stevens Named | as 5 One.” OF: Caroline Directors : / “ London, April -14:. Leading: ‘magazine’ ‘Publisher _ who.. owns: the| ‘Stevens. is joint managing ‘direc: tor with Ronan O’Rahilly. in Planet |*. ‘Sales Ltd: eompany which handles} ad ‘Sales for the station. (O’Rahilly} -is-also managing director of Planet}... ‘Productions (Bite): Ltd. ‘the Parent company). ” ® a Now i s. “Stereo TV “Montreux, April 14, a presentation’ of stereophonic: ‘TV. Television ‘Festival. which. opens |. Friday (17), for the annual “Gold-| _ ‘en ‘Rose “of -: ‘Montreux” competi|’ tion. The: ‘stereophonic . “TV pro-. gram. will be. a. concert given. by |: Frank. Pourcel’s Orchestra de Mus-}. ique Legere,: Paris. ‘It will. be fed to:-.monitorsover «the -specially-. ‘prepared closed-circuit ‘system | ‘in| ; the. Montreux Palace. i “-ELINSON PRODUCER DANA. ‘Hollywood, ‘April 14. * Jack “Blinson | has: been named| # producer of “The Bill Dana'Show,”| “3 half-hour comedy. series. which. Te-| 8. | _ {turns to‘NBC-TV next Season. .| ~ ‘Elinson, . with’ Chuck. . Stewart, |:. “The. Danny” Thomas|:” Show” -On.. ‘CBS-TV:: ‘this past: sea-]° ‘Thomas .is ending the longe.| ZZ Tunning ‘series, following: this se-|.@ ‘Elinson. was. a. comedy|.# © ‘scripter : before becoming . a. -pros |": ‘ducer, He. replaces Howard: Leeds, | who: has. been. named producer . of | produced: son: mester: . “cinematics in the’ United: Art... va’ total of -.$2,500,000 .at_ the... ABC’ last week ‘also. yacked: up soime.:next-season -biz’ from © || DuPont, .a scatter buy. covering |: .. outside British territorial waters, . “Visiting... With.} “Biench’ ‘and Swiss ‘TV. engineers | © are. cooperating at Montreux: for. The .. demonstration.. will take]. place. ‘during: “the ‘International: Causing Plenty of Londen Static London, April 14, “Radio ‘Caroline; the ‘pir ‘ate: broad _}.casting. station, moored. aboardship | just. off. the E.iglish east. coast,. is: | causing: a‘. considerable ™ stir “be-~ *.J.eause it appears,’.at the moment, : { there. is little. that.can be done to stop ‘the | sfation from beaming. music: ‘to. London and. vicinity from “6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Not that all sorts of flack hasn't: . ‘peen” thrown. out-in the hope that ‘the. ‘ proprietors—Irishman._ Ronan. O’Rahillyat their” helm—will up “Two, .; anchor and’ vamoose. For Parlia ‘mentarians. there’s. No such. Tuck, however,.the station is still coming : through loud and clear and has now evolved such ‘hints of its } intention. to ‘stay aS a-ratecard and a.London time-sales office. | : Jn: Parliament, the possibility. of legislation . to: counter the. ship’s activities. from: its vantage: point is being. considered by Reginald. | Bevins, the ‘Postmaster General. He’: | said : he had not overlooked the. possibility: of jamming the broad-. -easts..““There is even,” he said, | “the. prospect of concentrated: ‘ac-. 1 tion. before. Jong by ali the Eurorel Bean’ countries.” In. .the meantime, Bevins said he ‘was relying on British ‘adver (Continued on page 4 44): TIME | : Sharpscherthinken | ; sootenratennnit ‘uppensnapper ‘How do you order ‘tare with mushrooms? 7 How about prime-timesse well done with audience? We got that! : : ABe is different dn Milwaukee. _ Wow is it different “WTlVis -—ennsistently the best prime-time buy. witi-tv ): Milwaukee . & st ORER STATION. Jack. Chertok’s 1 new. Series, ‘Living Be tiete * wl © MCMLXI Trans-Lux Televiston Corporation Ail 695 Madison Ave. N.Y.C., PL1-3110 [XX \