Variety (April 1964)

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a “Epic ‘Records, ‘Columbia, Records ———— -"<gubsid_ -which \.had...been’. chiefly]. on “Iknown ‘for. its’ line .:of* imported :..'.. Jonghair ‘LPs, has. developed : into’ “one ‘of ‘the hot :pop -labels..'Switch |: of accent ‘stems ‘from development. :ef-a ‘click pop: roster. over the past |.. : year when. Len Levy took over the}. . reins’ of ‘Epic and. ‘reshaped... the: _ Jabel into” a ‘swinging indie-styled | a ‘company, Currently Hiding. with: ‘the “Dave “Clark: Five,’aBritish Coribo,. Epie: “has-been. scoring: with: such names “<_< "-as Bobby ‘Vinton, Adam Wade,-actor |. '~ George Maharis; Buddy. Greco and -:° Cliff ‘Richard_‘Latter ‘is’ another: British import who ‘has’ shown con-.|. siderable: strength. in .the American. S = ‘tmarket Nia his ‘Epic: ‘releases: . “was: the first Epic. single ‘to. top. the ce “".. *°. 1,000,000. marker and got the. label |’ off . Winging: Jast-year along’. ‘with .. Rolf. Harris’. Tie Me: Down. Kan-| . ‘.. garoo Spor . Levy.: ‘thinks: there’ s. "more: ‘than. pot ‘Juck in coming uP -with’.a’ hit. . Ss Fe’ s been’ placing heavy. stress on: ‘Werchandising ‘angles. to .sell his. product, coming up with: extensive |... displays. . and. other point-of-sale: ee | / Material to retailers. a a administration, OF gg Epic. has been pushing. its :disks |) °° Ig * via a.spread-of paid'-spots on: radio |: -.. which ‘has’ been paying: off in’ Ane}: . ‘creased turnover of records. Under ‘Levy’ S:: ‘Epic ‘will. be marshalling. its. ‘full strength. to’ meet: ‘the ‘anticipated. demand for the Dave.:Clark ' Five |: disks. when the. ‘combo. ‘makes | its |. _-Teturn.‘for.a 16-city: cross-country .. tous to... this -eountry _‘The .. ‘group’s first. . disie. ‘All ‘Over,” .has’ already topped the -. §00,000. marker ‘and. is building ‘up " momentum with: ‘Bits: and Pieces.” A third | ‘Clark* single fas’ been oe “placed. on . the “shelves with .“‘Do|:. .t You Love “Me” backed. by: “Cha‘« quita:”. In :addition, :the “Glad All. “Over: "LP is “also” emerging. as a aon . a hit LP in The Village | Stompers”: Wea s “Washington: Square.” In ‘addition, |; -Qester “Lanin. ‘and / his:. orch have |. powerhouse: LP for Epic: . _Epic, moreover, ha§ come up: ‘with been. 'a steady. standby for. the label ” Jabel for the rhythm : &. blues. reeases. ‘Okeh:hit. the pop charts last. year, with Major Lance’s: -“Monkey Time,” and has. @ new. hit. in. “The | :Dr: Feelgood, -once known as Piano. .: Sin Jean years: :and: fat: ‘The GoldeBriars and the Freewheelers are ” two more: promising folk and. Dixie ‘groups on. ‘thie. Epie. roster.. Gevy has reactivated. ‘the: Okeh ‘Matador. » “Two. other r&b-artists, Red, and . Ted. Taylor; ‘have ‘also “been ‘consistent sellers: for: Okeh. :Epie, which works mostly. through’ me ‘indie distributors, is maintaining | = Bais Beatles. Litiga ‘| produced — this: ‘set with Joseph |. o[Ferry. vo wh, 1. “‘Twentieth-Fox i is ‘releasing. “Gen its high standards: ‘in’ its iongplay. ‘releases. ‘while trying: to .build’ al}. : -. rounded. catalog, including Jaz and. a ethnic. disks. ‘Hollywood. “April! 14. “that Jorig-spinning litigation in| volving’. Capitol. ‘Records Vs. Vee-: Jay” “Records has been. settled | out. of court, diskeries. have jointlyan-. > nounced.. “Agreement | -between : * Robert Carp, ‘veepee . and: general counsel for Cap, and. Mark " Sands. . ‘and. Jay Lasker --of -Vee-Jay. was | reached here late. Thursday: (9): ‘Capitol agreed to drop ‘its tem-porary-: injunction ‘against ‘Vee-Jay | (acquired ... February Court: of -Cook .County, Hil.),. “pro| viding .. Vee-Jay accepted: license. from‘ Cap to. sell. its Beatles prod uct, royalties from. which : to. go ‘to: ~'Capitol. Additionally, : Capitol re-. ceived “substantial “payment” : for}: ‘ past.” : Beatles. royalties, --cénsing fee. for future sales,. Plus: li-. Asked what. was meant: by. tab: stantial © payment,’ ‘: Alan Livingston declined. to. des-: as ignate. exact figure: but: did say it. : gost: : ’.Vee-Jay_ “several . "hundred thousand: dollars. or ever picked up atab for.a disk, “company publicist.: The event . ‘| peated ‘of. the: John’. F.Kennedy’s .assassination| | last November when numerous: doc-| j ‘umentary LPs. about JFK's. career. ‘were. issued. : .In’ Gen. MacArthur’ s. “case, the ‘diskeries had: been preparing their ‘LPs. during. the long final phase of} | May “Glad “General _of the -Army. / . * "Assn. of Graduates of. the ‘U.S: i ‘Military’. set is. being” sold -at. $2. 98.. . Atlantic “Records is: "putting ‘out “The: ‘Complete’ ‘Life of : Douglas t MacArthur . -Words.”. | material. ‘from Speeches: and. inter ABC-PAR GROOVING IP ~ OF OFF-B’WAY ‘CINDY’ _ABC-Paramoutit is following. up: in. -Circuit | its Broadway-cast album release “of | -Capitol” prexy. ‘players.. " ‘Bical. conductor : of the show. oa "Hello; Solly.. Sor Handwerger, veteran eae | fe ‘promotion chief for MGM.-Rec: -_-ords,’ was feted at ‘a‘surprise . “It -was. the =~ . first: time that the ‘trade press: -IMarked Handwerger’s” 24th oA ~ year with: MGM. . ‘Over: ’ 85... ‘membera: of” ‘the -:-@Fs,.. other diskery. ‘execs, : vad. agencies; were” on.hand ‘to -salute ‘Handwerger. Henry. a |: priet tare” Winton’: disk;’“Roses -Are Red.” | Brief, RIAA exec. ‘secretary, “pregefited a gold disk to:Hand-':. ‘werger certifying that she ‘has -’ i neas.”” Diseries Rish {... inimediately after the: ‘amnounce-what baffled by:the record industry | muddle, : ‘has: indicated ‘his’: hopes that. FTC: -and: the ‘industry-. can solve. their’ myriad: ‘problems. with ‘ment.of Douglas MacArthur's death | last: ‘week, ‘albums about” the five-. star. general were being rushed: tos the market. ‘The. disk industry: re-| me the ‘same: pattern eriod. following President his: illness. -At.“last. count; . four | Jabels,. -MGM, RCA Camden, "Aflan-' tic and. 20th Century-Fox, were put: ting out--news: LPs, while ‘one old Ibum* about the general, Chesterfield label; was reissued. “MGM. ‘Records. eame ‘out ‘with MacArthur—The. ‘Life: ‘and .Légend of ‘The. Old Soldier’.”. Over: 50,000: --: bwere .shipped | last. week: ’ Material. ‘was culled from: the. tv: -documentary, and from.MGM ‘film newsreel’ clips | ' “Perspective on Greatness,” of the. war years. on its MacArthur ‘album’ to-:the |. ‘Acddemy. The. two-disk Through _ ‘Bis :: : This” LP:.. will contain views. ‘Stan Burns is’ narrator ‘and eral Douglas’ MacArthur—tThe. War Years.” The material was compiled |: from the soundtracks. o mee Fox Movietone Newsreels: | the. popular: apple wine cafes)... -. |. The quartet, who have ‘appeared | : | OW the. ‘Stagé and radio, .-are . _Mak ‘ing. their first: record. with. CBS, under. a three-year’ contract: ‘Ink “High. Spirits”. -with’ an off-Broad|. ‘way “cast. album: ‘of: “Cindy,” which © opened March: 19° at the Gate: ‘The atre, “N: 'Y. -Music ‘and lyrics for “Cindy” i js | by Johny: Brandon; with the book |’ ‘| by . ‘Joe Sauter and Mike Sawyer. ‘Jacqueline | Mayo; Johnny: ‘Harmon, . t ‘Sylvia. Mann and Lizabeth:. “Prit| chett. are “ among “the featured: ‘Sammy-. ‘mu|... : luncheon | ‘given by the music =|" -.frade:. press. at Al” & Dick’s;... | “ONCY., “Monday: (13). :¥ ~~ friends ° jn ‘the. busi: ot -on the Douglas: | CBS. DISKERY. DIGS RCA. Camden Teleased a. double| LP : package ‘titled. “The: Farewell}. Addresses = of. Gen. : ‘Douglas : “Mac-| | Arthur,” . containing the: complete -] speeches’ that '.MacArthur ‘made‘‘to: ‘the-Congress-on April 19, .1951-and tothe U:S. Corps ‘of Cadets at. West ‘Point: May. 12,. 1962: RCA: Camden is paying a v royalty | _Tecord,. Own | girl: ~ [PRAISE ARM ARMADA | | FOR LEADERSHIP) Washington, April. 44. The’ “fnal®. version of Federal 7 Trade‘Commission record: industry: |": ‘rules should: ‘be out. :by:: mid-June, 7 informed: sources. predicted. . Crystal‘ball gazers. come up with | 7 ‘the . ‘prediction’: FTC -would: -an-|.-; nounce -April22 ‘deadline for. filing _ Ss ‘| additional’. comments:. on” :the: ‘pro| -. ‘| posed ~ industry trade: Practice | 4 : ‘rules: 1 OE: that’ meet caused. Ht. to be moved “| batk, : “Meanwhile, it was. distlosed that} ‘ Rep: James“ Roosevelt. (D-Calif); *.,. | who. headed a hearing last. Fall on |. J the record” industry, is keeping. a } | close’: eye on the” ‘Commission. -Pro-y _ ceedings. In a: letter to “Amos: Hetiener | mat president: of the :-American.:Record | Merchants. .&. “Distributors © Assn... (ARMADA), Roosevelt termed’ the |: “ete. gathering: a _Jandmark” con-|-ferenice:: “ Though‘ the’ ‘Commission fias. been: acting: on. “dual distribution’’ since. _2.41919, its'disk: venture is. something | _p {of a° “departure : ‘from’ ‘earlier: prac ‘| tices inapplying various. laws such | = jas’ the Robinson-Patman Act. Roosevelt,. who. had. been ‘some-| out resorting to: further. Congres sional action ‘which would be time: . constiming and. ‘mired. in. complexi-. ‘ties... He praised: ARMADA: for its rolé in the conference. ‘averring, “You. lave. chosen the one: route. most . |likely “to ‘return .yourindustry-’to’ a semblance. “of. order’ and ‘Sta: -bility.” . Once the industry’ comments. are |. in, FTC. lawyer John. Benton. who | ‘has’ beer overriding © the :disk. doing, wiil:.submit: a confidential: report. and:'set -.of recommendations: to. the. full: -Commission.. His’ report. and.‘ the. ‘advice. of: ‘Commissioner John . ‘Reilly “who ‘presided at the. hearing, will: prob-: ably * carry ‘the. most weight: with the other Six. Commissioners’ un: : familiar with, ‘the: industry... ‘Frankfurt, ‘April 14, record list ‘in. “West. Germany. . |; The‘ new ‘diskery here;: headed. by ‘Wolfgang -Mitulski, has. the hit : “When. Cowboys Dream.” TI was’ “cut. -as the. first’ record. by: blond world -ice:skating | champ | Marika Kilius, who: is ‘a Frankfurt of. course. -Now: CBS. has: signed the Jacob: Sisters, . Johanna, ‘Rosemarie,..Han‘nelore .and. Eva, who have been |. ‘Tegular.. ‘performers on. the. lacal}“Blue |: -, | Bock” (after. the: name. of. one: of television .-show ealled . tial title. is: ‘Dreams ‘of : Love. “Are Beautiful.” MPG Norway's s‘A . finalized)... mat -Originally the comment: ‘deadline. 7 mh was set.for 20: days. after the trade | ‘| practices conference | of: March 13,4 Music’. biz, including publish“lout delays in. getting the: transcript . Streisand; : FRANKFURT TALENT | -| operation: which ‘has: put so many} CBS. Records, which’ only: a: ‘couof. the: aa opened cast. LPs: over ple of months. ago opened its own: pressing: and’ distributing organi-{-, zation. in: ‘Germany,.. is going. at a | brisk pace’ and. already. has “two: disks by. local ‘artists ‘on: the: top: :CBS also has’. the. initialer platter. by. another’. Frankfurt. local. ‘singer, Bernd: Spier’s '“‘You. ‘Can't Forbid Me,” ‘both: sung in: ‘German, ri}. _ ‘national: ‘film; British: Disk Best ‘Sellers | London, ‘April-14:. oe “Can't Buy. Me. Love. ‘Beatles. ' i . (Parlophone). 7 Le Little. Children. . Dakotas (Parlophone) Just: One Lock © sees: Hollies — (Parlophone) * 5 Believe. ~ Bachelors ae _'*. Decea)’ Dog a ‘Not Fade Away a we Rolling (Decca). Stones “I Love: You Beéause .» Reeves | _. ARCA-Victor) | ve World Without: Love. Peter: &.. . (Columbia) Gordon: Girl Belongs Yesterday. ' (United. Artists). . -{Deeca) ™ oe Bits. and. Pieces’ . _ (Columbia) P a ‘Smash In -]st Wks Release| . Capital. ‘Records? ' “Funny Girl, 99: “shaped. ‘into . an: mediate _ hit following. its: Telease last week. starring | “Barbral -Diskery;. which : began shipping platters less than three days after recording ‘sessions ‘Were: ‘completed on. Sunday :(6),’ racked wp ‘orders. for 60,000" LPs° ‘by the end of. last. -week, “Capitol _ estimates that ‘the album “is ‘asureshot to. -top the 1 °250,000.. mark. within. a couple -of | ‘months. *. .-. “Impressive figures on. the Broad-: way. ast: .album raise questions about who will get -the soundtrack LP . ‘Tights -when -the © filmusical} made. ‘Columbia. Records]: -has Barbra. Streisand: under. con‘tract, ‘But did hot. ‘pick ‘up. its ‘op-|. tion. ‘to: get. the. Broadway cast rights to. “Funny -Girl.”’. erful selling peg in its record’ club thrown ‘up. two fon selling Broad way..cast sets in “Hello: Dolly” . for. ‘RCA ‘Victor and “Funny Girl” for Capitol, Columbia has.a big edge! in ‘its Jong : ‘series of. Broadway cast. sets . that. have. ‘copped ‘gold disk’ awards. Leading the” ‘field, ‘of ' coilrse,. 4g “My. Fair. Lady,” followed. by such ‘LP .clicks ‘as “South. Pacific, “West. ‘Side Story,” “The Sound: of Music.” “Camelot” and. “The Flower Drum}: Sone. 9 : : a Schroeder: Music Inks” “ -. Writer; Film Music ais! _ Aaron: Schroeder. Music, | “whieh, ae swood; has signed writer deals with Bronisiau Kaper:.and Pete: -Rugolo. -Schroeder ‘has also picked. up fhe ‘rights: to thefilm -Music: forEly Landau’s: “The ‘Fool!‘Killer; * Sam uel Fuller’s. production ‘of “Shock. “Corridor” andthe. ‘American-Inter . “Pyro.” an i ASCAP” Income _ ‘ |-Shapiro:Bernstein © TONO’s. income. ‘comes. ‘dominaintiy: ‘from. radio. and ‘ty, “$140, 000;. 7 stage (variety, ‘musichall etc.), is: next. ‘with. $90, 080; restaurants . and nitéries, $88,000; -cinémas, $80,000. ' i 12000." from. foreign: ‘societies. and. -miiseellaneius; accounts for original. cast album: of.‘ the Broadway. : musical, *jm-} Ray... Stark, Seven. ‘Arts exec. who. : {is-produe’ng the Broadway : play . » and. holds. the picture -rights, will determine what label will make the | squndtrack LP. for: “Funny Girl.” “Columbia,of’ course,. ‘has.a pow “Tne Subsid Lael T Tower Records “+ ‘Capitol. Records, now riding at. : granted a UA Wins Writ Wins Writ ¥ ‘the fastest history, is setting up an “independent” subsid {Jabel,. Tower Records, named after. ‘the shape of the company’s, home : Fofficebuilding in Hollywood. New. label. will. initially. release. singles ‘to be followed by album product; : Gorron R. (Bud) Fraser, -cur | rently: head. of. -Capitol’s ‘inter national. division, will run Tower, |} reporting directly to Capitol prexy , ‘Alan: W.: Livingston. Vito Samela * ‘will be’ national ‘sales: and: Promo: | tion. manager... . Unlike the Capitol disks which | are’ handled” through company|owned branches; Tower. will ‘sell through independent distributors. cee Pitney... These are yet to be selected. Tower Tell Me When: oe -Applejacks -| recent one-price-to-all policy which’ “Reet Five ; | rackjobbers unhappy. -will -not. be. bound by Capitol’s has‘: ‘made -sub-distributors and New: label will also give the , Capitol ‘family. far greater. capa | EMI. '. | bonanza with The. Beatles, an EMI. ‘-".group, the U.S. -label was. forced ‘to"*: “..{ turn down: ‘handling such groups "Jas. Dave’: Clark. Five and Jerry & handle artists who are hot for. the” parent. British company,. While -‘Capitol struck a ‘The. Pacemakers, ‘both with very great: potential. . The. formation: of the new label : will: now ‘enable: Capitol to wrap. up any artist'or group which zooms up via its overseas affiliations. _. “Tower ‘will: also take. material from .. independent . producers and masters from Capitol’s a&r.. departa ment, aS well as creating its own | ‘disks. Fraser said that Tower will not have. a regular release pattern, but: will rather operate on a fast‘moving... record-by-record basis. “‘ soon ‘as have our first hit’ | single”, che’ added “Tower. will. be" in the. album business.” business.” . S. Shad’ $ ‘Jones LP United : Artists. Records was. “preliminary injunction in :N,Y:. ‘Supreme. ‘Court last: week. against. Theatre: Productions’ use ‘of. an. album: jacket on. the Bobby Shad _produced album, “Tom. ‘Jones:”: .; . Judge. Irwin D. “Davidson ‘said: “When we examined the material ‘as set'up.on Plaintiff's jacket {UA) and as set upon defendant’s jack. et. (Shad), there appears a likeli | hood ,of the public being deceived | into believing that. defendant's compositions have some .connection. with the motion’ picture of . *Tom Jones’.” |. The, Shad . ‘album of “Tom. Jones”: is an original musical ver‘sion of the Henry. Fielding. classic. UA:. Records, which put out--the. film. ‘soundtrack -LP, objected: to. ‘the ‘fact ‘that the former ‘album. jacket claimed .to -be an “original cast’. set. . "| BEATLES NAB ANOTHER. ~ $1-MIL ALBUM SELLER “It’s: getting tobe routine. The Beatles’ “Second: Album” for CaFito]: racked up. over $1,000,600: worth: ‘of © business, ‘calculated at the, ‘manufacturer’s. price, on the very first. day of its: release, ac‘cording to Stan Gortikov, v.o. and. ‘general manager of : Capitol. Rec |ords: Distributing Corp.. This :LP. has become the: fastest-selling LP in the history of the label. « ‘Capitol has..oncé again applied Pe to the Record . Industry. Assn. of.:: America for.official c2rtification. = ; ‘of the. album's Gold Record status. “It’s the fastest such application at in’ RIAA's history. . Norway’ s TONO. (Norsk. Korhponist Forenings Internasjonale Li : Musikkbyra), the: Oslo-based | performing rights ‘society, was Tate in reporting its last (1962)" audited income which-came to $450,000... |’ “A(ATHe ‘1963: figures, estimated to be up. a. ‘Dit; have* yet. Hot. been. . STEVE. ‘Mooute tc TO DORSEY. ’Steve” Mogull, formerly with. Music;. has joined: Dorsey Bros. Music's _Pro. -.fessional. department. . -T¥erbert Wise is general | manager . of: ‘the firm: which is part of. the op! Consolidated. Music combine. .