Variety (April 1964)

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: P -< has. only -@: working title. : = .Belfaapareness, with: re “814” of Italy... _ : ‘working: in..a research. institute—resists. his courting: . <. eauses the..death. of the: young woman when at Jast-he: realizes that | conferred. prestige: on ‘the “Polish' ‘school of film.” Our film: producers ’ :i |-and writers “have ‘their: own: ‘char-|, . | acteristic. signature: ‘on: their: work,. ‘|-One mentions a. historical. fresco, after. hard fights. oy samong «the six” women.’ .. Jacking adventure either. a tad 5 oo TE TES i ioe i i Es ereioiti ‘are ‘the: 17 feature Hrs’ ‘schedsiled for product dn: the. 7 eee Hono ‘studios. during. the: he “present year: At-least.-one of these |” One: film; “The :Golden. Head”. is 4. coproduction .with American ‘anterests,. ‘dtrected « ‘by ‘Richard . Thorpe. “Western. film. observers may be struck. ‘by: the: tile; “What's “The < Trouble With. Hungarian: Films?”,: which ~ “has. : certain, Kinship, in a “SMASH-UP” .. ae “Screenplay: ‘Judit’ “Mariagsy " e ; oe -. Director: Felix. ‘Mariassy |: . “Terpinko, the weight-lifter isconsidered to: be a. “Tueky’ g guy. ‘People speak nearly with: awe about’ his force; lis. uninhibitedness, his bra “> yado. . But Suddenly: his: usually successful: methods: fail and. his: whole | life proves ‘a. fiaSco::-Eva, the: wife of.:anengineer ——.who herself. is: _ “DO ‘one may. live in our. Society without honest humaneness, SUCCESS” “Director: Andras ‘Kovacs. rn rr tC ry Poe A film of sociographical. character, ‘made with ‘mnethods -of: the wetne. : 3 ma verite”’ of .France.~ It“ plays in the’ milieu of: technical: intellectu _als..and:: examines ‘the. reaction: ‘of: people to the conditions ‘which. ‘have vel. a developed. . a . ° «THE WOMEN OF SZELISTYE”.. 7 : y working title) ” Scteenplay: “Miklos: “Hubay.. Director: Karoly: Makk * oe . oo oo A Cinemascope -color :film:... =: Po A renaissance. comedy, playing’ in. the 15th century, in the court of “oT King ‘Matyas. . 2 : . Sereenplay: Lajos. ‘Galambos _ Director:. Felix’ Mariassy . ithe symbol: Of spiritual and. social. packwardneés, “F OUR GIRLS -IN: THE COURT-YARD” “ Soreenplay: ‘Balazs ;Sipkay‘and. Jozsef Solymar Te . Director: Pal Zolnay | Me : . Four’ young | school-mistresses. are living” at: a small village. : : ‘gre very. lonely. and, -disillusions. . ie AY : _— “SYES” oo ~ Screenplay: “Wan. Boldizsar: a ~ Director: Gyorgy Revesz ” . _ ; os Engineer Janos: Kiss lives’ ‘a etitical period: ‘of ‘his life: . was taken to hospital with premature. birth.and ‘he, “cornered.” -‘In' his thoughts he debates. with the ‘members of his fam ily, the important ‘personages: of his. life, he argues against the child |: : which is ‘born.:: Suffering, he ‘séeks in his past:for the-moment;: when, he }The. revived past: ‘outlines the life of. a: “coward : 7 In this: deci-| “‘Bive moment of his life he has to realize. that he lived. int untruth,. that. |: his ‘arguments -are’false and’ that there ‘is only:‘one possibility. left to . has.. spoiled his life. . ‘who, at that: certain :time, said. ‘neither “yes,”: nor “no.” “him: the child which is: born.: Conscious of this: fact he returns fo the ‘elinics.. and: waits for. the. child; ‘the reply. to the problems. of his. life.:. . ’ THE MONEYMAKER® ©: “Screenplay: Imte. Bencsik. : Based upon a. novel: by: Lajos. Tolnat’ . ‘Director:. ‘Frigyes | Ban. . . The: film: is a satirical portrayal of. ‘gentty-Hungary at. the turn of {the tion. after the war: in -spite:.of a | total’ devastation. ‘of “its. technical | "| facilities: (studios; ete:).. Subsidized | | by the-: Government,which: ‘took}’. over the management of: nearly .all | .. ‘branches: of the. film” industry, new: + studios * and “cutting-reoms were wile -Factories to: manufacture | ‘| studio.-and: screen’ equipment: were’ < “1 founded © time. Polish film-makers ‘were -not only : quiek:. but . also ‘efficient. “in: “Making use | of. the: néw-equipment: ~ éentury. It Telates the career. of a city-clerk: who. forged 1 money, ‘ 7 OTHE. AGE OF DAYDREAMING” © “Written: and directed: by: Istvan. Szabo* It is: ‘the story ofa young man ‘who | realizes. his: ‘dreams and. plans ‘Inbetween_ he. ‘grows up. and. This. dreams, and Plans: , have: ‘changed, too, a eo) “WIDOWED BRIDES”. = 7 _— “Screenplay: Anna Borhy. and Sandor Kovacs Director: Viktor’ Gertler -. _ 7 A forsaken. taxi is: ‘found | ‘in a Budapest ‘suburb. The: driver’ ‘has. os disappeared, “Police : ‘investigation: -begins.:: ‘Upon. notice: published: in the. ‘papers: six’. “fiancées”” of. the’ disappeared | man show up.” Js’ he a Marriage ‘swindler? . Police. ‘suspect murder:: and ‘seek: ‘the. murderers ; But . the driver . reappears and.” wegeome: to, know why" he wanted to. matry all the: six. women: .. i ST ESTIMONY? _ Sereenplay, ‘Lajos. Mesterhazy and Zsuzsa Biro Director:. ‘Marton ‘Keleti : : - ae Tn its essence. the’ ‘film plays ‘today, but. the last. ‘months’ of ‘1944 stay nae: an. important: role .in it. “A young: ‘student. living from one. day. to the'}:: other enquires ‘first. bychance: then ‘with: more: and: more’ interest. ‘about = ‘the circumstances of thé “death:of his father who, as a private, died | -inaction at.the end of 1944." ‘The recognition.” of: the. dead father’s: unknown life,. of. the reasons and causes. of: his death. ‘transform: the: . hoy: into a. conscious man: of: grown-up. -mentality. : “THE GOLDEN HEAD” | ~ Sereenplay: Roger ‘Pilkington—Ivan Boldizsar .. ““Director: Richard: Thorpe --°.: ’ JAN American-Hungarian ' co-production. A: Cihemascope: ‘eélorfim. British: teenagers pass. every year their summer, holidays. by. navi-: gating ‘on. their ‘small: boat upon: various: rivers ofEurope.. This«yeat "i. they come ‘to’ Hungary ‘and -it-means-a special: ‘Sensation. to. them. to |. “Here: they :come to: know, however,. ‘But. their ‘holidays .are -not: a A -beautiful. medieval treasure, the. golden |: head of. Saint Laszlo. was‘ stolen: from..a cathedral: '-” eeed in tracing. the: ‘criminals and: return from. their. holidays with. the: “eome “behind the. Tron Curtain:”. the everyday. life of a: ‘peaceful. people... Pleasant feeling of. -well. spent .tinie. * i OTHOSE. TIMES ARE PAST? “'Seteenplay: Istvan: Kallai . -. .Director:. Endre Marton — 7 ince: ‘2 Man—and a ‘woman-employee ‘get entangled’ into ‘a love adventure. _ Same. denounces ° them’. because .of:their . love-affair: : Seandal . breaks. ' Joose’-at the. office. ‘Everybody : forgets about the: corruption: ‘and only: _eares for. the. love-affair,. claiming under. the motto “those. timesare -°past” that those” two: should divorce. their :wife; ‘respectively: husband "and. ‘get married. ‘Petit-bourgeois. mentality has created a new. sehema; | : . . tism in slibstitution of old'time:-marriage moral. principles: .: -.. “WHAT'S THE TROUBLE WITH HUNGARIAN FILMS: a |: _ Screenplay: Istvan. Csurka * Director: Tamas Fejer. | — ; In . this natirical comedy: a ‘fim: director and” ‘a. sereénplay-writer; _ wanting. to Hide. their. own. “imability,: transform * ‘in. _ the course. > of. the lindustry of Poland: witha yiumber . He: nearly American | -playoff. . a Based. upon ry ‘short t sory by Kalman | “Mikszath, the famous . Hungarian. writer. . oi . . “They | _-The ‘1 film relates their . iife=-touching dove 2 stories ‘His: wife: oe at home, : is. pack-.|: ing his ‘belongings: he: wants to leave her, he. does not.wantto: ‘accept | .the child; For him. this means-.a “tight corner”. and ‘he cannot ‘be’. = ences.: - ‘os ‘built: The: -children suc7 oe _Waréaw: | Last “year. iprovided the | film | of . encouraging successes. First the: San Francisco. Film Festival Grand |. {-Prix. went::to. “HowTo Be’ Loved” by Wojciech ‘Has. Then “The. Knife ‘Philharmonic ‘Hall... This Roma Polanski feature was the object ‘of considerable™ attention -American -press:and is currently. in. These : last . ‘reeerit” "years “have: “The . Knights * of... the * Teutonic Order" by: ‘Aleksander: Ford Vand a Warsaw Animators ~ Warsaw. .. or the three ‘Polish studios” * which produce: ‘animated films,. . .| two specialize: in ‘series. First ". -Beries,” made’ for. the 1962-63 ’ “season, .is. a 13+ chapter: fantasy. . ane Lone. |: : called “Jack.” . This :series’ has: .. | rman . BR <0 o been: sold: to 26° eountries, in “+ ~The. story. ‘of: a young schoolmistress. ‘who is fighting, fn. ‘.: “ttle t village; ‘for the: building’ of: a. new: school,. ‘as. the ‘old. one has. grown to. ~cluditig Great Britain,” which’ Other... series;: production;are all.-in. color, ‘eurrently,‘ir os 1-. without. dialogue. and: designed :* | “for. showing <in .black~.-anid:” -: white... Directors, ‘mostly. grad-:~ “nates. ‘of. the: Academy” of Fine . > Arts, are also thé -authors. of: ” ' the ‘cartoon..and-: ‘ puppet: de arn “signs | and background. ‘Among: --1 which’ gonsist;.of seript-writers, di| ?|. . series on ‘whieh work is pres-z:* .~ #On ‘lon similar’ lines. and who: have ‘a | similar. ‘approach . to film subjects;. .| mode .‘of.. expression’ and: (Steative a methods. The: film studios: There are three. of: present, namely . the . | Lodz, Wroclaw. and Warsaw. studios; |.° “tand_ facilities: of the. film ‘industry: Ashooting. halls, equipment, cutting-| rooms, .. -ete.) are, used: by all: the |. ‘units :in--turn: and “serve them as The units are ‘supervised: -by, ‘Artistic. Managers, ently ‘being... done. are. Trail,” ‘comedy ‘detective plot; :. which. brings playing: cards. to lifes. gags, . ‘and “Blue Beetle” which.’ | is’. fantasy : with. -inisécts: ‘as AS | principal, characters... ee ‘comedy, “Eva Wants. to’ Sleep”. by| Tadeusz: Chmielewski. Both: raised ‘lively. interest ‘with, Aoreten audi From: Ground “Up. There ‘was almost * ‘instan| .teous revival of Polish film: produe ‘in’ an: extremely “short -and. facilities .as: proved by: the: first international..successes: of ~ Polish: Cinema-:: ‘brought: about . by. films; _ | Sthe: ‘Last Stage” by: Wanda: Jaku-. . Director: “Miklos ‘Jancso.. find work and: new. ‘life... “Sage: : periods of. history. by ‘Mer Jokai : ~ -. Director:..Zoltan. Varkonyt. -A -Cinemascope: ‘color-film (in’ tio’ parts’: powska’” and “Border... Street”. by. Aleksander. Ford,. made’ as early. ag the first: post-war: years... > ‘Taking advantage of the experience “acquired.. during. the: first ‘post-war [In ‘the: Water” attracted. ‘attention | 2ecade » and-‘analysing ‘in’ detail: all dat the New. York. Festival. held ‘in ‘successes. and’: failures. of ‘Polish films: in. those years, ‘the industry. “was able to. build a new, model -of the |. | both to, our economic resources and artistic‘ ambitions . and to the spe-|. cifie : exigencies and: aspects. of | film-art. | _showed it onthe: -BBC: Chil~ a 1: dren's. Program: Jast year... -* “The Knight of ‘Red-.Hearts,” o. “Boo -and Loo,’ slapstick |" | -filmi -directors;. s+ In ‘the : last: days: of ‘the war, ‘the: liberating: ‘Soviet: troops meet. a “peasant lad, escaping. from military. service forced upon: him.. |, become. friends and’ get .acquainted with ‘the life’ of each: other. _":|-Soviet. soldier dies in action and the Hungarian man tries invain to “s.-("Save’ his ‘new: friend’s life’. seeking ‘desperately for. a ‘physician, ..Putting the red. star of. the dead Soldier upon his: own’ cap, he sets ‘out to. OTHE. GIR: DANCED: TO LIFE” * Written: ‘and. ‘directed by: ‘Tamas. Banovich : _ : A ‘spectacular ‘dance-film’ in: color’ which’ has a highiy’ exigent mes-| “It “shows. the social situation ‘of the: ‘woman : in three various” “THE SONS OF. "THE, HEARTLESS MAN” Séxeenplay: ‘Janos: Erdody.. ‘Based upon ‘the: famous ‘Yomantic novel “By. ‘ZBIGNIEW PITERA. “A second. spurt: came: in “ose. | film. far. not. known ‘in: other countries and best suited. This: new. qaodel. ‘Hot. ‘only. ‘elimi nates ° the differences. ‘apparent. in: ‘ot er film industries caused ‘by. the. |.discrepancy. ‘between: the ‘artistic ‘Shape of: a ‘film -and its economic ‘implications,’..: but ‘also » -—j smoothly the interests: of the -pro-.| . ‘ducer. (i.e.. the Government), film-. | Makers and’: audiences, ‘anid . puts | strong . emphasis” on.’ the artistic. ‘level ‘of: film’ production. “We: are all. aware:-that ‘these often contra| & ‘dictory interests have for years ‘been-causing insoluble. problems to -World ‘Cinema:‘whieh seems to be |. caught ina vicious. ‘eircle.: ‘ : We have ‘tried to. solve. thent ih ” Poland in -the following. Ways. “Which may: ‘be: ‘regarded’ as patron’ of the Pol“\ish: :Cinema, -and although: this pa-}: “The -Government:. -.F tron ‘supervises film production, ‘it: gives. a”free hand. to film-makers. ‘in choosing -the’. subjects and‘ in. -|moulding the: artistic shape of their films... -Where feature: films are con-| py. ‘eight ‘autonomous: film,” “units | rectors and: cameramen . who ‘work ‘their workshops.: ‘most of them ‘prominent Polish ‘and others.., What resalts ‘were brought. about by’ this system. of film. production? ‘Unit: System: Clicks . the “system: ‘of units. became a turning. point. by. increasing the number .of films ‘produced: and. by developing. their artistic. standard. |. ‘The annual. production has. been J: ‘doubled and amounts to 30‘features: per. year. We believe they. flourish in’ ideas “and. are” marked: by: a variety of styles. The unit. system 2 ‘has... given: “opportunities. to :the “youngest: -directors——graduates: “of : the: State Drama. and..Film School, [believed one of. the, best of its kind. -: ‘Vusuat: filin-studio protediires,. Ja: 1 qitite ‘thrillingly. beginning ‘tragedy | first" into: a ‘comedy and: then into.‘a show...’ : Cf ePHIS IS HOW E CAME” “ Screenplay: t. Vadasz—I, ‘Hernadioe ; “They A. The: . story. “plays: 4 in the | the cost of film production.. ‘Diamonds,” “who -is-. at. ‘present. maki : -blends ‘ Noose,” ‘Aleksander. Ford, Jerzy. Kawajerowiez, Jerzy Bossak, : oe | mentalists, Jerzy Hoffman and Ed-. Jan . -Lomnicki .. |varied subject matter we “| : ‘period of -the: Hungarian’ War for Independence in 1948:‘and: foctisses. i Bee “| upon. the’ story..of the -Baradlay family: In. spite. of . Chance brings“that on‘ the oceasion of ‘an. “official. ‘trip: to. the. ‘prov: | ifestations of personal’ heroism the fight for liberty: is. defeated. . ‘Upon: ‘As ‘they happen’ to discover’ a corruption; the man: accused for: history of the country. inthe. course .of three decades, ‘without becom-| ¢ ing. the illustration of same. The individual drania of the. ‘hero marks, 7 his: death. bed. the: father ‘warns. His sons to serve :faithfully. the Habsburg.’ dynasty; but—in : ‘spite: of this last. will-—the: mother encourages. ‘her: three: Sons to. fight for liberty. .. General: Haynau orders. bloody vengeance. . ‘the fight—reports in. Place. of his. brother, -who has. a x family, ‘and : dies in. order to save shim: any “TO, ‘000 DAYS” “Ymre Gyongy ossy:, Director:: Ferene Kosa. *... .. “ Sereesplay! at. the same’ ‘ime, the: heavy. road of: the. birth of the new... --The: youngest: ‘Baradlay. ‘poy——avho: ‘did not participate. in. |. ‘Jim; French. film, “The: life . of..a Hungarian’ peasant. which is “thoroughly. linked to the]: office this spring are: in the world. “Last but. not | it-has brought about a decrease ‘Steady ..development of quality. of: ‘our films ean proved by -“Kanal,? “Ashes “Tnnocent ‘Sorcerers and “Samson” ‘by Andrzej awe we a 5 Ashes,” a historical. epic a) the ° period. of. the Napoleonic: wars, “The Shadow,”..“It:is Not The End Yet,” “Night. “Train” and “Mother ‘Joan .“of : the . Angels” by Jeray ‘Kawalerowicz. may be cited. Latter-is preparing a classic. ‘novel by. | Boleslaw Prus, “‘The Pharaoh,’ set against the. background: of ancient. = Egypt, but revealing some moral.” problems.-which. have Jost: none. of heir. applicability to human nature. Wojciech Has who-is at his best -at.: psychological dramas (“The “Farewells,” has for once given up his: favorite genre. and is at present working on “Golden Dreams”. and: “How .to be Loved”) . a screen adaptation of a: colorful, romantic. adventure story. in period... settings. -. .The. recent release of: an: “unfine: “Eroiea”. and -“Bad: Luck”) has be. ,;come an outstanding event both ~ ished: -film .by..the ‘late Andrze: ‘Munk (“The Man. on the Track,” for: cinema people and for wide’ ‘audiences. Munk’s attitude towards ....... the problem raised. by the film was quite .unconventional. The. dramatie. story . develops almost. simultaneously on two levels which mark two different: periods: ‘thus. ¢<on temporary. scenes are interwoven |-with those of a Nazi. concentration camp. In‘comedies. we should note a ‘new click: of Tadeusz Chmielewski, director of ‘“Eva Wants. to. ‘Sleep’ (awarded. the. Grand Prix at. San ‘Sebastian Festival), who has just. recently presented | ‘his fast moving ‘war-comedy, ““Wiiere is. the Gen eral?” Tadeusz. "Konwicki, Aleksander. Scibor-Rylskiand J jerzy Stawinski,. the pioneers" of so called “suthor film”: following films based entirely. on their. own screenplays, ‘Halloween,” “Their Everyday Life’ and “No. More Divorces,”’. respectively. Last but not least, talented docu ‘ward Skorzewski, in .Poland,’ have made the. all: of them: winners of Various Lively Yugoslav Film Industry By STOJAN BRALOVIC : Belgrade. . In: the period between the two: cof world wars, the film industry of ee os | Yugoslavia ‘amounted to not much. '|Production.. represented groping: | first .efforts, little for export. The ‘industry *dates from 1947 with the comple-tion of new studios. Since: then | Yugoslavian features to the number of 1£ present. “vigorous film © -have been. created. Also, of course, . there has been an. in | creasing’ amount of co-production _ :|-with ‘the ‘industries and . Private --| producers of other lands. ‘At the outset Yugoslavia’s own This has’ faded with time. More is now | handled: although patriotic themes continue as with “Kozara,’ of. re -cent.vintage. It details a German. air raid; also a ‘German scheme to capture’ “Marshal,. now © Presidént, |. Tito. . 1 Russian and English are proposed : Soundtracking jn French, in addition . to the native ‘Serbian. . Alien © product “Jules et “Guns. of ‘Navarone,”” USA, “The Man's. Destiny, ". | included ™ ‘these. titles:. “USSR. production.. Yugoslav films . doing t best -box “Kozara,” ” “Sasha,” ” The ‘Valley Of Peace. . 1 prizes at. short film festivals, made | successful feature debuts with a comedy, “Gangsters and. Philanthropists” anda rural_dramia, “The ‘Dowry,” : “Feapectively. | | film stories were obsessed with the:' _ '.| War against the Germans, much as. | was. the. film. industry . -of “Russia. ‘imporied ‘here |: “quring passed three. to four months’