Variety (April 1964)

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7 gti. ‘their miarks.. ‘terior. _Brown,”’..a large “West Side Story” * tenement exterior (with a credit: sign mispelling. Mirisch:as “Mirish” ‘chair. a loa sasbceseaie poses 174 | Hollyw ‘ ‘By. EDDIE. -KALISH At $1.25 for adults ‘and :50¢."for.| the: Holly-f° “wood U.S.A. ‘pavilion :is.something | Primarily an]. -uninterestingly ‘deployed assem-}. bledge of'sets, plus a small museum: and some’. displays © ‘of. props ‘and | ~ guch, the outdoor exhibit. is so. far-| -Jacking the essential color and |. ‘children’s ‘admission, . of a:disappointment. ° glamour: associated. in the public. ° mind with the* film’ colony. A replica ‘of. .Grauman’s | Chinese. . Theatre serves. as: ‘the. entrance to” ; or cemented footprints. of. visiting ‘celebs outside, a la the. actual spot. |: the ‘exhibit,with _places So: far. Federico’. Fellini; Pi¢rre Aumont, .Sonja_ -Henie, Arlene. Francis: Constance Bennett} "_ ‘have. left] | _MeNellis. The Jatter * ‘group. did''so -in' a €eremonyon. opening and Maggi. “nizht. which drew .the attention of | ‘several ‘fairgoers. © ‘Sets. include“ the “Gleapatra” throne room’ plus some statues,. an |. exterior from “The King. and. I,” the chariots: from “Ben-Hur”. and} “Pall cof thé, Roman: Empire” and. a small. piece of the set from.the latter pic, :-the’. President's | office from “Seven Days in. May,” an-infrom “Unsinkable . Molly. ard omitting. ‘reference. -to. UA, af _,Arts. and: Robert Wise). and,.an exterior and :a ‘barroom from’ the tv. series, and -. which "6 supposed: to. be from “Dr. interior “Gunsmoke,” ‘operating roim: setup. Kildare. oor... The museum contains such ftems:. as Marilyn Monroe’s. dress from “Seven Year Itch,”" some Cecil and. : megaphone), . ‘oF “10 Commandments” sets -and |. other things like.'set sketches: :cos= |‘tumes,. props, ‘mockups. and pix of: stars, oo “Uniformed. ‘male: ‘and femme ‘guides stand around and spiel ‘some. -ehatter about the disptays. “Actors. -and actresses who were to be. in: costumed attendance on the sets, 2: -factor. which would help . considerably, were absent. on. opening. day. ; Perhaps more. ‘interesting than the | bare sets would have. ‘been. a (Continued: ‘on page. 179) . . SWEDEN PAVILION OK FOR POPULAR IMPACT You can't” ‘miss. ‘the ‘Sweden: “Pavilion. with ‘its’ ‘familiar ‘blue color’ and it ‘should. prove .one. of. the ‘more popular’ spots with exhibits that hold. appeal’ for every: member of. the: family. -Admission 4s free. ‘The males ‘are::certain to} be. fascinated ‘by. the. continuous working demonstration ‘of electri¢ power put. on by ASEA. (Allmanna -Svenska Elektriska -Aktiebolaget),. the Swedish electrical company. The .12-min.' show breaks down. _ technology. of -high-voltage power. ‘into short. segments, easy to. follow. companying sound éffects and electronic. music. are ~ fascinating . and pooped. pedestrians can sit -on .a}:. huge’ slate ‘bench. :.if.. so’ inclined. 1. ASEA keeps:'three ‘technicians on} hand at all times.Show. winds with | “@ wild, eratkling ‘lightning. display |. -_ that. would . warm the: cockles . of, Dracula’s innards. | Rest of industriat area. is. devotéd to Swedish |. ‘progress -. ‘in‘aireraft,; |. ‘shipping, mining, ‘Matches. ‘ete:. An}. Shop displays}. a handicrafts—silver. glass, toys, cut-| -“ery, ete. Some items:are for sale}. >but prices are same as local rétail | adjoining = :retail... outlets. ‘sbord. Abbe’ 'S “Single. Debit. ‘Columbus, .O.; April 28... Abbe. Lane, teamed. with hubby |. Xavier. Cugat ‘for neatly 2 décade, _ will make.‘her first. appearance -as |. ¥.) single ‘atDanny: Deeds’ .Maramor |: _ ‘supper ‘club May 11-16. The couple |’ on ‘Tecéntly announced ” their: ‘separa~ a ‘tipe. ; ! . Miss ‘Laine’s act: ‘includes. a ‘dance. team and . a Jepiece. orchestra: -Guilieta |: Masina, George Murphy (a coplan; ner. ‘of ‘the pavilion and ‘Jean|. ir s A NON-CYPRIOTIC GREENWICH VILLAGE Hip ‘Cypriots could: take. a lesson} ex. WonrLD’s FAIR. iis No Bar asl B |. | | eur Herts Piits You: in. the: You1 Top; HMS Bounty ¥ Moored at5-Ne Ra , * The. Masonic Grill “The Masonic. ‘Brotherhood has. a white: stucco’ display.‘and : ‘reception ‘building ‘near Gate . No, 1 at the. World’s ‘Fair: The | front room ‘is dominated by. a. ton. in. his.--Masoniec apron: *: Memorabilia’.of .the lodge, ‘a . ‘global : map: of. f. Masonry. are on. ' view. 7: d¢. ence of. an electric ofgan sug: |. gests that Masonic : ‘rites are’. _contemplated..: :-The. fraternal -. finance. its’ participation. at. the: ‘ Fair. | a ‘in. international ‘Telations. from ‘the musicians. who. make up the Near. 1-East Ensemble. at: the Village Gate. Greek: bandleader: George’ Stratis, who heads’ the : group,. has. ‘seta benefit for’ Yavuz: Tonton, ‘Turkish | hospitalized | ‘with tuberculosis.. Stratis’ ‘men. will: contribute a night's ‘pay, Gate’ boni-face Art D’Lugoff. donates a night's } j admissions for. the benefit, Set, for | dumbelek: player, next. Wed." (29). ‘Sitting in with: ‘the: band ‘will be |. " ‘American. -singer Chris Connor, J Argentine. guitarist. Jorge Morel, ) ‘Greek-Americansinger Stephanie and exotic dancer. Little Athens; — B.. ‘DeMille | “memorabilia (camera, }.: Se oS : heads |: “demonstrating the makeup used for | Tony Randalt-in “Seven: Faces. ‘of | -: De. Lao,” the Friberg oil. paintings 7 LONE SEGREGATED SHOW ‘Busts. of | ‘Pershing, Admiral. | brothers: are. on. pedestals... ~ Troll. of. ‘past Grand ‘Masters, a ~ Rear ‘oom is .a. lounge Pres: oe ‘order: raised some $600, 000. to... _AMis’ ANTIQUER _Know-Where A ae “arive-tt yourself: , antique: : | models “of “old. ears: “given. | Located’ near the. fare ‘Industrial. oe exhibits of ‘some of. the . major: at -exhibitors and far from the amuse| ‘|-ment section of the Fair, the setup | . “| -stands. to.-do. ‘solid business: as a}. | | diversion for the junior set. and. ace.f plaster Statue of G. ‘Washing companying | adults. as: well. | Transit . .Authority: ‘heliport. ‘restau="|.= |'rant’ ‘and .serves as an. auxiliary |— | ticketselling ‘spat. for the .TA ‘site. | ~ | Also, ‘ohe.cali. arrange -to” rent :a.|‘ “ear (not for Fair-use). at the booth | 4 ‘and. . obtain | travel: information. ete.: reservations... ; Hawaiian Pavilion’ Ss. Hip Weavers, May Be © _ Surprise ‘Girlie’ Click “phe ‘Hawailan: Pavilion; ‘for which: 95c¢. is -the:. normal _ admission ‘through: aturnstile, ° gave. a huge :‘Vextra .on :theopening .day (Wed.),: “| permitting. those . who_ paid .that: ‘T-sum. to..see its -show: for: free,: :| although’ the normal. nick,. once: the. ‘layout is in. operation, “Will be $2.50 “The “Avis Rent-a-Car Jayout is a | xx as scheduled, in the Singer’ Bowl, a stadium. intended for an car .. “sports. and other. special events. A red ‘and blue striped awning. . _ | the cémpany,. natch, but are also-| . nice’ gratis. souveniers. ‘This booth | <. -is’ directly on..the street: and « is}: .Separatefrom’ the -ticket stand for |. j the. antique, car: Tide ‘itself. “Another auto rental. company, soe "Hertz, also ‘has‘a: bocth: at: the, Fair..| ies is located | at: the: ‘base of the |: Other: -free "service is:* provided, | ‘such’ as. the making of plane, train Several uni-| 4. ‘formed | girls: mah. -the: booth, -the | * “main purpose. of which. is to ‘be at service, as opposed: to: ‘offering: an} . -exhibit:, oa! ; Pair Inc. presentation. of revue in rected by Morton .@a Costa; dances Wittop; scenery, Peter. Wolf; ‘light: ‘ing; Jean Rosenthal; music adapted.| oe ‘April 22,°'64 at. Music: Hall at the |... =, _Wedne Apel 29,1 1968 oa = Despite ihe. » drizzia which: tarred the opening: ‘morning ‘ ‘ot the . 1 ONLY, World’s Fair last Wed. (22): the official. agenda: was ‘cone.” ; . protected’ those on the speakers platform. | -The ‘public: ‘was divide: in various numbered. séections—one. for: press, one for’ members of. °} ** Fair Corp.,: and so on: The chill of: the day cut. down. ‘attendance, | Even ‘SO, ‘there were. thousands. present: . ; . They heard Richard: Tucker. sing. the ‘national’ anthem. “Thomas oo ‘Gov. Nelson ‘Rockefeller who. put on a. pitch. ‘for: the. N.Y: ‘State 4 Pavilion and: lavished . Praise. on everybody, including: the: ‘Demo*. _ _ Avis: has .a. booth. out: frorit, at |.” _ which one: can obtain: Anfo ‘about [7 --" ‘Byrd, Bobbie. Burns‘ and other. | the cémpany’s. car rental biz.. Also, | various items such as maps,: -folders,stickers: and: thé ‘like’ are available | ‘ on. request:"These things. all plug | crats. invitation from President. J ohnson_ ‘and that word ‘from ‘the. White : House occupant.was a novelty: for him, an indirect . allusion to. “. Ike who never fancied Harry.:: Mrs. Indira: ‘Gandhi. of. India spoke: ; » for the international. contingent, wisely. and attractively. . Jf President Johnson. drove ‘directly into the Bowl, lighting: from”: **a limousine ‘and mounting. the platform. “Tt: was: then’ that: everybody became awareOf the. Protection: ‘in. depth” of: the. Secret. : Service. . ~The’ Singer’ Bowl. is surely. one “of the. ‘most: tiseful structures a at this: Fair. .-It is “open. to‘special. events, ‘the. ‘sewing. ‘machine’: Without ‘comment, the: juxtapost tion often ‘triggers. agiggle. ‘Bea. trice ‘Cunningham .. ‘Sehultz’ did. the sequencing.: Above |41.scenes (tio intermission). Pro-| | ducer,’ George Schaefer; exec pro-: the proscenium arch there. isa. ducer, Gordon: R..: Wynne: Jr; di Te Bway With Love Angus'G. Wynne Jr. &. Compass -helps ‘frame ‘the references. ‘to noe: : talgic. appeal, . a Going only. by” the: printed: pre, (Continued: on page 178): oi aoe OU enters, « Oscar | Max Lie jebman’s s ‘Antofare’ For Chrysler: a Classy and: musical numbers. : staged by . Donald: Saddler;: costumes, Freddy |: ‘a. Deegan, the exec veep of the Fair, presided, introduced: ‘Francis | ad Cardinal Spellman, -Pastniaster-General John A: Gronpuski,. Rob=)" 4 ert Moses: himself, who: confined himself to a few. paragraphs,.-. - | ’ The ‘much-needed . ‘amusing touch’ on the. ‘dismal morning came. a from’ ex-President.. Harry |S. ‘Truman, who said it had been an" :.. company. contenting itself. with using the ‘street. front Space. under ' — the grandstand. for: its own. commercial displays: Ts be and .: John: . running. electric. sign. which also: 4 ; | the: Clairol ‘exhibit ‘can ‘claim ‘is ‘that: it is the. only” Segregated--ex-' hibit. at: the Fair. = }Color. Carousel to. .women only. |. | Exhibit: -manager. said that visiting. privileges may be] labout hair _problems,. are seated “in ‘tare fed: into a computer and while |: they re :waiting,. . ing) and a short :talk on. hair care. mates from getting fidgety: an‘exterior exhibit. is provided of paint‘ings — which : emphasize. ‘attractive chairdos. ‘series of: Plastic ‘bubbles into which: femmes can: peek... “They. see a mif ‘dos. to_allow them to see how they’. color..:. peaceful while ‘Mama. works her: way through: the Various © shades. -man, ‘pirates; ete. . .on a tremendous ‘relief::map,. with | .arunning history. of. the growth Fesults.. OF: “computer tests," o . Of Swedish : electrical power. Ac-} ey “An adjoining restaurant}... and: bar. was: “not open. until ‘4. p.m.} of tony : and ‘Cleopatra.’’.. i ricts Cl irl ® pay Sates | and $3.50 ‘in. its'1,000-seat theatre. . | This. price: -scale, although high for One. shark: of individuality. that. this: show. which. will run. approxi:mately: 90 minutes, is in. keeping -with. the tariffs’: charged by. its. The hair-color‘neighbors in the. Lake. Amusement ing company has Yestricted ‘its Area. : It ‘could. be the: ‘surprise. of the| ‘Lake area. -The ‘Hawaiian’. layout | seems to ‘provide the nearest. thing extended later to hairdressers. {to a “girlie”: show .in the pelt. Femme. visitors ‘fill: out. forms | N aturally, . the “connotation of | ‘Hawaii and hula. is inevitable,. and: It’s: probably “its bestselling point.. Nick Schwartz ‘a booth: onthe. carousel, the ‘forms they’fe ‘regaled: ‘along: ‘at. its. best . when the. girls with music (Johnny Desmond: sing-. a¥e in: their hip-weaving endeavors. ° “The. femmes..are: ‘eute,. shapely .and ' during the 6-min.:.ride.. -wriggly, which ‘seems a good: deal “TO, keep. the legendary -and ‘ceremonial. de: partment, nor. when the acts goon. Also: on ‘exterior are -a‘| There. is. a. profusion of talent,. ‘with. a lot of editing. needed. by. ror topped with yarious: color. hair would look with hair ‘of :a ‘different Smaller. bubbles: zre: provided: for tyKes © to keep . ‘them ‘even: if: the: mainland. gags are Ortiz. and Ollie Crowell :are pleas Kids see: themselves _ Bs. Super: ‘ant’ singers, Fely Gabriel-“does -a When Jeaving,. feimines 3 are ‘given “Layout ‘is produced | ‘by. Sterling | f Mossman. . J ose: He wood Exhib ~ ells a a i) Cast With a cousistenicy. ‘that ‘piust pe. ddmiced,. the ‘sign painter: for. . : -Geotge ‘Murphy’s “Hollywood Pavilion’: ‘came -up_ With -some. of the most ‘unusual Spellings to be. found. on. the. entire: Fair site. At ‘Wednesday’s. (22): opening,. with ‘some. of. the. exhibit's de-: ‘ read. “Rehersal: only.” Inside, ‘when’ it’ came. to. the ‘names. of ‘actors and films, variety ‘took’ over..-: Salome”: ‘became. “Solome,” Bankhead was Tallulla,. Jeanette: .MacDonald ‘switched -to” ‘Me . -mere’s: Fan.” film: or mislabeled with ‘such. titles as “Elizabeth Rex” and “An-. ° Guides, while: energetic ° and -. courteous, ... “awere .-no:students. “of motion _pictures.-.: What an, opportunity: for « '.. a. film-buff!“-exhibits: (which ° are. generally . excellent) . but ‘a few -overzealous. types. ‘ventured: plenty of “wrong: ‘information; such as: identifying. the’ ‘Whort. miniature ‘set : tagged “Antony and. Cleopatra” ‘as. “not ‘the’ one ‘with Elizabeth. Taylor. but -the ‘one. Vivien. ‘Leigh did.” *:: (Miss Leigh .and Claude ‘Rains costarred: in. Shaw's “Caesar . and: _ Cleopatra,” a UA 1946 release]. poor-. ‘spellers.. ‘The. first. of the. signed concreté blocks at: the .: “Pavilion. ‘entrance 4a la’. Grauman’ Ss: Chinese). has. been” “signed: 7 “George. Mirphy-" Pl. Cons se 1 nliabat | This:: Polynesian’ package moves. for. fairgoers.: It’s. not. as forte: in | switched around::to. Hawaii. Violet. ‘ceremonial number as ddes Foi Foi. partments not .operating, ‘ visitors: were greeted. “with: a ‘sign | that: .-| Mirisch. became ‘Mirish,* Gladys Cooper . ‘came -out. Copper, TaHulah *: Donald and Lady, Windemere’ s Fan” WAS : ‘spelled: “Lady” ‘Windi| Most of: them: admitted not knowing much ‘about the~ +}. However, -it isn’t: likely. that. Murpliy ‘can 1 be too. eritical : Of his’ | | Texas Pavilions, N. Y. World's Fair; 450 ‘top. | a “When ‘the NY. World's. Fair “at: 1964-68 . ‘opened ‘Jast: Wedriesday. (22) ‘only one show: ‘business. unit, as such, was in’ shape: to give a | performance. Hence, ‘way: With. Love”: achieved. both a boast. as”. to its own: -accomplish ment and. a boost for ‘the. amuse-. ‘ment sectioni, :. ‘which © it. ‘brought alive ‘on that historic: day. of. civic: confusion “and faltering productiontimetables. . That. the ., show was not. ‘only r ‘yeady. ‘but good means that “the Texas syndicate and its profession_al ‘showmen were ‘home safe. The. ‘significant. ‘compliment — this revue; deriving from: Ameri: ean. ‘musical. comedy back to early ‘minstrels down to the. present-day, “was: put. together and delivered in: 1 neat. order on. time by . persons most ‘of the turns. The who. knew. what they ‘were. doing. ‘by Inny “Young; a Chinese, who : starts out: with a ribbon dance and thence into ‘five, There’s also Tom | ‘Lesley, who does ‘have a z00dstyle, | is -. that. Production is:intended for ‘three performances. daily, . vninutes. and ‘scaled. to $4:80. Any: small details at: the premiere. which ‘still. needed. tightening may he. disregarded. on the assumption that, with the appearance: of these: comments, they shall already. have been. made. This is athoroughly. professional .. ‘show; produced: by. ‘George’. Schaefer, ‘staged, by Mor ton Da Costa, choreographed by | | Donald. ‘Saddler and conducted: by’ | Franz. Allers. : It is presented . ina mammoth | music: hall on the’ ground floor of | the «cluster. ‘known: ‘as. the-. Texas. | Pavilions (the ‘plural: stressed). ‘Upstairs: ‘there is an old: western ..,} saloon,’ as Jarge as “Texas ‘and as ~| loud, “where. café acts. give ‘out, refraining ‘from. dialog. ‘These: are, however, along. the ot way, ‘inherent in the revived songs’ Some ‘excellent ‘iitature‘sets by. ‘Richard Whorf. althougtila opening: day, but will wri a sore ‘béled ‘“Scenes..fromi. ‘Great -Pictures,”’ were. either unidentified as“: and’. stereatypes. of ‘yesteryear. Which is not to discount the :prob-. .table™ contributions -of. original ma-: -terial: from Jerry. Bock. and ‘Shel -don. Harnick. “That ‘a “great. many people |: worked... very ‘hard to attain: this. -smoothness ‘is’ :the: essential: judg ..|ment: ‘New. ‘theatrical ground ‘To ‘bBroadway With Lave” does’: not. ‘| bréak.. But: old’ things it: does. fresh-. ‘ly. with: ‘ great” “eompetetice . and.| flair. “Helping with -thehistoric: {perspective are a ‘number of smart-. ‘ly. selected’ and” arranged. old _ si: Tent. movies, some back ‘to. 1900. “To" BroadL running 90 |. day. : ‘Kosarin, James Leon. Opening . “ Live-Puppet-Film Show: | Chrysler's “Autofare,” ” one: ‘of the: “big three’ . (along. with GM's. j Futurama ‘and Ford’s in | the . Transportation ‘Area; is | divided into’ five’ island. areas: ‘gur| rounded by water... Each. island: is . a. separate exhibit. but.‘ combined | ‘with the others: via-. bridges... On | ‘opening ‘day, “Design: Island,” one. . of the. areas, was not yet. in oper-. -ation, although. -it. appeared. “com-' : pleted. ° . Biggest area and. biggest. attrac' ‘tion’ is the’ centrally-located circu. lar. theatre (actually. four. theatres: 7 af B25 seats: each). housing the 24-. # “Show-Go-Round,” ” produced | by” Max ‘Liebman. ‘Associate : producer on. the show. is . .Grayson: ‘Liebman :. Mitchell . and -. Lucille Kallen, . “Show-Go-Round” is i presented.’ On... ‘a ‘revolving | ‘stage’ “divided *: into © |quadrants' so that’.various. phases” are being. seen: simultaneously “by each. ‘of the four’ :audiences. -It:/is*: ‘part live-part: marionette-part: film, After.: a -brief .-intro. by ‘a. .-live ‘emcee-host . (Dick ~ ‘Higgs; ° Ron Beattie, Mike. Masters or. Joh: Fowler), ‘action Segues. ‘into inter£ play between emcee. and’ a marion--. -ette,;-then into a.9-min... presenta---§ tion: ‘by. Bil: ‘Baird’s. marionettes, | This: is followed. by ‘a. 9-min. film, directed :by: Bill ‘Hobirt and hosted. “by “Bob Hope.:. Show winds. with : ‘return. fo emcee and. 3-min. ‘up. of: sales pitch. The entire. pro-. ‘gram; which lauds | Chrysler’. engineering enterprise,‘ with: “emphasis ‘on:-experimental: turbine engine, is" “wrap-: continuous ‘for 12. . hours. .. Four | shifts: of: personnel are ‘involved. |-Aworking. turbine-engi d‘Phere. was essential: wisdom in | working. turbine-engine’ powere comedy | | skits or: any deviation from: ‘song. {and . dance. Resultantly, the: tempi never slacken. . But there: are. hu-. | morous bits. Indeed ‘many: of them: Chrysler outside makes :.a‘continuous’ circular ‘:drive’ around ‘one’ of the exhibits. -There. is no vocal ‘spiel although’ ‘never-ending: pas|sage.of the. car causes considerable “ ‘comment. Emcee Hosts: and ‘puppeteéns : | work. ‘on .an Equity basis. Show. geared | for 72° complete . perform ‘anices . (four. at a time in a, working ‘Other areas: offer: ‘novelty ‘attrac: | tions—a. walk-through: : facsimile’ of a Chrysler engine,. with the giant: moving parts designed to: “resemble ‘people, insects, animals, ete-. At ‘another ‘is .a section. of a” real: as@ sembly . line «along ° whichvisitors can. ride ‘while seated in the ‘chas-. ‘sis of a ‘car supposedly ‘being: -as~. sembled. “Everything ‘in’ exhibit -{s free and. attendants are. uniformly ; ‘pleasant; * -well-drilled ‘and: cour? tequs, ‘Robe. Space: -City). _# ‘Writing was done by. q