Variety (April 1964)

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STB Worl’ Fair Show Reviews _ Fe. Re way With: Love. gram it. is “not. “possible. ‘to: ‘make subtle distinctions as: ta. ‘individu als.. Rather. ‘the: -impression shapes of team: effort, though-Morton Da | “Costa’s: streng hand’ ‘must. ‘be. as-: sumed throughout. It ‘is £00" guessy: to ‘say anything : of. Oscar Kosarin” as a conductor and’ ‘Jaines. Leon, ‘as _-associate | ‘musical director: -One "imagines. the burdens which’ must:|! inhere in the. ‘adaptation. and ar-| -Tangement . _of'-so. varied ..a .score_’ “fhis is given’ deserved prominence: {to Philip J.Lang). “in the er edits. Robert. Merriman: is. ‘production’ ‘stage manager: ‘There _are ‘three |. regular stage. qwianagers, ‘Harry. Clark, Paul Phillips and ° -Maxine~ Ss. Taylor. ‘It Will be surprising. if they .do not ‘lose. “weight. . during. the summer run ‘of. so “busy” -show.. -Blackouts, ‘fades; props, ‘the. sheer ‘logisties of: getting: on .and. off sfage operate on’ split-second . fiming. An. ‘apology ‘was. made. he “fore the. premiere. that. certain de_ tails: were not yet perfected. -With“out these : being © ideritified: are“viewer would . suppose that: the “Get -Out--AndGet Under”: autoa mobile -of 1913. vintage -would hereVafter not -and. pulled. : a “The © “stage” is: vast. jndeea, the extensions ‘to. left and right ‘being ‘vaguely. reminiscent of. Radio City: Music © Hall, . centers in an: unevenly contoured. proscenium .arch, “justified. Side’ ‘panels are “used for head ovals. The-apron. thrusts well out to include and. surround. the orchestra -pit, thereby . creating. a runway. Included. in. the: production are. transparent. turntables, , eitcular ‘scrims rigged. to rise and fall with ‘the light cues. ‘with: an optical illusion front . is introduced: ahead: and. repeated for the ‘finale. ‘a Ia. Casino’ de. Paris in | the city of: the same name.: ~ “Peter: Wolk, ‘designed . the: scen ery.. built © ‘by Miuyflower.. ‘Jean { > Rosenthal. ereated -the lighting, uS ing géar: from Altman: ‘The cos| == ‘-tumes: attract: attention °and_ inter[il est ‘throughout. They are. the work: : i of Freddy Wittop with: Brooks-Van_ . Horn in on the execution. Striking; ‘too, are.the elaborate usés ‘of..cost.--Ty wigs. As for. the. Ziegfeld’ Parade’ down.the grand staircase, -who. has. seen that: .sort.of: thing «in this’ generation? It. has-the appeal ‘and: the amusement ‘of the: remembered ‘|: sex hoknum. of -another time. Ats alone | it. Ais: impossible to ad | We've Got. Talent And We Want More: Talent! © PERFORMERS —of all, varieties (with experience) MODELS—of ‘all varieties __ -fexperience urinecessary) _ Professional. Talent: * Placement, ‘Inc: .: Chicago Telephone: 664-3224. TOP TOPICAL GAG. “Our _Zovernnient’s "lever... ‘They turned © ‘down ‘Cassius '. Clay. ‘for ‘the: -army.. Why?” have ‘an. army of supermeni*’ : This: gag: “was. ‘written ‘by: ‘Art: ‘Paul ' who _writes the latest topical. gags for. our “Punch. -Lines gagfiles,. ‘11 | issues, $i per issue ‘We'll also send-our price’ list of Iatest hilarious . monologs. aia. : logs, bits, sketches,. etc. ° |. LAUGHS UNLIMITED | | 106 West 45th St New. York City ATTENTION. A.G.V A. ‘MEMBERS. _ NICK LUCA Ss | WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR VOTE... “FOR DELEGATE TO: NATIONAL CONVENTION . A walk into the past. It also did well a J J att the Seattle Expo f in 1962. Tose. “ON. WORLD'S FAIRS 5 = =a I Bass? Searching : Contintied from page. tg ‘ninister. (justice ‘toe: ‘So large. a. com: plement of backstage. talent. “Ted Cappy and: Stuart Hodés Helped: -with the. choreography and .SammyLambert, was: Production ‘coordinator... a ‘Jr. of Texas. He: and:Compass. Fair ‘cousin, Gordon. R.: Wynne. Jr. also ‘in the ‘picture, . there isa‘ Negro girl usher. on the -centre aisle and about: half! a-dozen’ ‘non-Caucasians-in the cast and (2) a-| the private ‘boxes to: the: rear-havebeen’ rerited to large. corporations. -at$25, 000 each for the. “season. and. singing style: in: “Over. There,” ‘the. George. M. -Cohan evocation’ on |: the runway. {In handling the Negro ‘talent ‘producers have’ been. ‘generous put ‘| they stopped. ‘short. . of | avoidance }. . of: the: racial. sterotype’ in costume.. However; only. students of the: Su, ‘periority-inferiority subtletiés “Of. our..-Americani ~ culture, 1964, will, notice. : necessarily’ be “pushed The: ‘céntral “action: if. that : -term. vis f° ‘from So big. and. fast; and ° ‘group-orientéd;.. ‘principals come under the ‘parasol of praise.‘ To wit: Singers: How-' _ard Hartman, Gloria. LeRoy, Jim ‘Schauler, ‘Sheila . “Smith, ‘Richard: LA ‘mirror. ‘eurtain. | die Roll, 2 Ly: ‘The basic opinion "is: simply: this ‘the Texans have: themselves a. big, flashy, likeable. proféssionalism-sat-. urated. entertainment. | ceived: ‘invitations. to hear President From the: rintedrogram: cred:: P r g “Several” thousand ‘didn’t. show be ‘cause of. ‘rain. and. threatened stall: -f\ distributed ‘Wed. ‘|| Building. -"Rhe probable: major’ crédit, start. ing. with: their. wisdom in -hiring ‘expertise, goes -to Angus G. Wynne: Ine... “present” the.’ show,. with a Stage ‘and the. rim ‘of the pit are. decorated -with microphones, : at. ‘Teast, 30 © of them. Acoustically,. rythingSeemed -‘in fairly “good rte r for: so. large: a -music. ‘hall. A couple. of interesting “details: belong: in. the: present record: -(1) Sheila: Smith. displays. authority Richard. Tene . h-a-d earlier done Cohan, ‘with profes: sional: competence ..if not very much-resemblance to. ‘the. original. t fe “cr ca “There is,’ finally, ‘AOway. Satisfactorily to sort. -outimpressions an: entertainment: AU my ‘Randolph: Stewart Rose, Eileen Tone: and Dancers:. Jean: -Deeks,. Dorothy. ‘Prank;. John ‘Harmon, ‘Ed Land. “Some 3 300 newsmen. applied for’ opening. ° ‘day: ‘press’. ‘eredentials—| 2,300. of them: from “outside. New ‘York. City. “Over > ‘16, 000°" special: ‘guests ee Johnson -speak at’ Singer: ‘Bowl. Plastic. ‘covers were “provided fort still and tv cameras because: of. the. J} almost: eonstant. drizzle, William. J. Donoghue, Corp. ais. [| tributed -7,500 opening. day . press -kits; each weighing approximately {{ three pounds... ‘Of. these, 4,800.: had been previously. mailed, “rest were (22), at the. Press The news: services: and: New: York. || papers “have: permanent. offices in the Press. Bldg. . Over 2,750 sandwiches weré. pro: ‘Western: Union: had six press: ‘wires operating: from. Singer Bow); {three from ‘the ‘Press. Bldg, . ‘Local | papers,. -UP and. AP have their own: To scare Russia. Russia. }will. never ‘start: a war. with us. figur-‘} i ing if. the world’s . boxing. champion | couldn't | get into’ our atmy we must 4°: direct. wires ‘from. the ‘building.. | to’ see ‘how. many transient... WU, S. and foreign newsmen. show. up. It | may. be needed longer despite the. ‘Press Bldg.’s vast phone setup. and of: Eye,” a;15-min. film shown in the ‘| films, . ete An. information . centre offers -technical .assiSts . ‘toters, Of “most.‘interest to -film-: “goers: ‘isa. 7-min.’ _rear-projected salute to. motion: -pictures” which: ‘includes clips. from. upcoming the7. -atrical~ films ‘and tv series. Currently. being:plugged’ are’.“Unsink= + fable. Molly’. Brown” and “Beverly’ Hillbillies.” “A” small collection ‘of | ; } stills” near.” ‘this .exhibit are: “.ex‘cellent. ‘photographic examples put : N othing is for. sale; even ‘film. That:| Litem, however, ‘door. at’’a concessiondire:‘who :has |: not. only -filmbut anything ‘needed | 7 to pursue the’ photography: hobby. ; | | Walter’ y Wax. Museum tlongest running . ‘permanent. shows: ‘extant. Its displays “are. changed. -| périodically to. keep up. with: ‘history -and -bizarre.-events. of. the: ‘day. : “general: Vogue in the U.S.; the :cur-. Area, is incidentally,. the ‘only show | | vided for ‘newsmen by-. Baltantine |. 3 |'‘Brewery ‘pubrelations | director: Ed | Fisher. (plus: beer): “The: Fair pub| | licity. staff provided coffee. | dwells: on. history,‘literature: and. ‘| the ‘arts. .There’s an. ‘excellent dis. Auxiliary tent.” put. up in: “back of the Press ‘Bidg. for the’ opening “| will be left standing for: two weeks: be 1 film. ‘monsters. 1 lot. of :art represented inthis brief |: exhibit | is-an. excellent. example of: ‘most every type .of visual. display. is to. be found. in’ the. ramibly:in ‘the’-exhibit) every.half hour.. ‘An“jother. 12-min... ~ film, : ‘shown in: an. adjoining smaller the-. -atre; |. also: . admission: charge. to either:. -fure history, -SOme . also: ‘being. sans | labels, They’re as-old as the 1917 | Theda: Bara “Cleopatra” ‘recent. as last: year's” “Donovan's.” Reef.” es ‘fixture atthe Kodak exhibit with -dutiés ‘seemingly : to. wander.. about | and:. keep people . Taughing. . He’s } .. ‘dressed. as his famed clown-father, snatch. -Bést. -public relations effort. “by Kodak is’ the import. of:11 male -employees: from: various : ‘Kodak out-. lets “throughout: the world. . ‘English; two, German, two° ‘French, ‘The: 41. speak’ a.: total.’ of... 15: ‘able, wearing’ blue’. Faincoats or, later, “uniforms,” and: were. ‘eollec‘tively. the. best. ‘informed. and ‘most diplomatic “greeters”. _j at ‘the: ‘opening, . “a. ‘strange. fascination: for many. Mme: ‘Tyssaud’s ‘famed. paraffin. ture events with. such ‘pop ‘figures Frank :Sinatra...and :«Sammy: | ‘Davis: Jr., ina: grouping. from the’ Warner Bros. ‘film, “Robin -and the Seven Hoods,” The other panel is’ Cardinal” Richelieu’ and Anne of. ‘George Sand, :Death ' of Atalia, Sad | ‘Legend of. Cyparisse, Daniel in’ the Lion! s Den.-: | a“briefing ». room. ‘Seating . ‘several |: | hundred. --Pub. director *: “Peter J.| McDonnelt holds twice aniy | briefi ings. here." -3 :. | Supper; ‘which’ is" an :excellent: re= production: of the.Da’ ‘Vinei: mastera ls iP pieces Popes. John XXUI, and Paul: fo VI with | .Cardinal Spellman: A, death of: Da: Vinci. | Godiva.: There are. also current tv. -1-Eye” Spotlights Eastman! :Kodak’s” ‘Tiptop: Exhibit |= Easy.” to: spot because of: “atg | day, (22), is. ‘also: a: record ‘of ‘taan’s. tower “display of” ‘blownup:. cotor | failures. | Man’s.inability to live transparenciés, | Eastman’ Kodak’s “ability. to..control the -weather com-bined to give the Fair less. auspicious premiere. The initial day Tesulted -in 92,000° admissions; as. against] the. anticipated . 290, ‘000:. The Nu WY. expo. is -the “most ‘expensive .show in: ‘history. “The: instruction made _.interésting: .. Al door-outdoor area. -Major' .attrac|. tion: is ‘Saul. ‘Bass’. “The Searching: Tower. ‘Fheatre. (central. ‘section: ‘of. stitutions, :as_ various”. Na ‘tions, States: and cities put ‘forth |” “Quest;’ » is. an: atmosphere of “goodwill, on. -the’ half: hour. . No ed 2 : Probably the most. expensive’ éx _-Seattered. about: outside are'| panels, standing: displays, ‘slide | which: ~ poured: in. ‘DuPont --.spent’. about ” $10,000,000. ‘The Ford.. Show isestimated «to cost ... around: $30,000,000.: The United ‘States: “Payalion. ,apptopria: ction was about $17, 000;000.. What's more, | virtually ~ “every. budget. didn’t * last -‘to.. -completion.. Workers © ‘stalling. for that “Jush overtime. loot as deadlines neared {ean* prove it. This’ is one “item that.. kept budgets. out of. focus; and’ of course, a. surplus. of bad weather. when no work’ could : be. a poor cross-section. of motion -pic-' and stratospheric. | ‘Emmett. ‘Kelly: Jr. is-a permanent | ‘Sensis. . Lake. ‘Aiea Tn ‘Siberia? fae ous. clouds. on -the horizon, .as ‘far as ‘some: components of. ‘the Fair. is. concerned. The: ‘major “concern: for. show biz. is the. cluster of ex-. hibitors . in the. Lake.’ Amusement. Area’ which. ‘lags behind. the gen (two one .éach. Austrian, Swiss, Puerto Rican: Colombian. ‘and’ Brazilian): of the. “expo. _ The major “shows languages. They're. “easily identifiwere: not complete. on opening 1+ have. to: use-.a° different ° set:of ‘logistics : to make. the grade. ‘Most ‘ean’t) ‘afford. ‘the Staggering . -OVertime, the power failures, ‘and: the .encountered. Everything. is free at the exhibit: : is available next. quire... “ F area. itself. “is. in-. ‘virtual: isolation |long walk: from most. gates to the “A Good WalkThroush “Wax museums have. ‘always: had pageantry .is probably one.-of the. to wait’ until the lines in ‘the: free . Although ° ‘waxeries.. are: ‘not. in | shows are .solong: that . ‘they'll j rent “World’s Fair collection: pro-. only” to get off the. concrete. ‘vides a gratifying $1-and |" 1-50¢, latter -for -children. Walter's. in history,” Wax: Museum, located.’ in the ‘Lake in the sector,. to give a sampling of. the. midway to induce ‘the. ~cus-. ‘huge scenes. depicting motion. -pic‘Federal, “state. and industrial areas.’ ‘Billy Rose’s Aquacade of ‘World’s |Fair I; ‘motieymaker™ of. that’ period.:-The a. display. from the court: of Cleopatra; which is’ ‘sexy in. ae refined way.” | “The. walk-through on ‘the: inside ‘called: “Wonder short! a play~.of “Presidents,” another. ‘of. ill .ope y humanitarians including. ‘Dr. Ralph } Bunche, : ‘George . ‘Washington. Car‘ver, David. Ben-Gurion, and : Drv ‘Albert .Schweitzer.: Otliersubjects include Nimrod . &The Hunter. to that. part” of: the. acreage, The plays, which™ didn’t. make money Austria, Marie ' Antoinette,. ‘the’ court of Napoleon: III, Chopin. and ‘it was an overall good shill, . Food Costs. ' The. religious panels, include Se oan of -Arc .at the. Stake, Moses; Madonna. .and. Child; .The .Last ‘drink and. tip average ‘around. $20. the: ‘The . Brass: Rail “‘will provide '.There’s. also ‘a: panel ° ‘of Da Vinci painting. -theMona * Lisa, and “what's. ‘a “wax 4 ‘museum . without. the: ride ‘of. Lady personalities, film. fav orites and | There’s a lot of: history. and. a that: price... including: “Tad’s: ; ‘Wednesday, _Apsil 29 5 1964 a with himself. as ‘well’ as: his in-. ‘some. of ‘their’ best efforts tocreate. ; hibit. is that. -Of . ‘General. Motors’ _ $51,000-000.°) “However, there. are. some ®: ‘seri1.” -fendets, tretemps,. was, dubbed ® Camp" Pink-} ‘eral readiness ‘average of the rest |' “all: the: civil rights. demonstrators | ‘ get in. : q day.. Showmien -without--the huge } :| resources: of: the -industrial ‘giants ‘overall ‘inability to go. ‘along. with’ -the -precision most. showmen Fe ‘another... Biblical... pronunciamenty,| from. the™-rest. of the: Fair, -It’s a: ‘ing many of the. city ‘fathers, : such! ‘as the’ municipal fete*which Mayor] Wagner. is sparking.. It’s . widely ‘ballyhooed.that they'll‘ have to ‘lay§ ‘that two: ‘bucks on the: Tine. non Y amusement area, The-cost .of. put-| {ting on thevarious. shows, plus: amortizing:. ‘the.’ vast: expenditures: ‘of. the theatres’ housing. ther, -will‘requireladmission prices far: above |. 3 the -seale’ outside the gates. These |}: ‘Jayouts . will’ . hit~. their greatest} [prosperity: : after -. most: “families |# 4 ‘have. seen: ‘all else. Many ‘will have |4¥4 flock. to those costing. money, if ||: What's. more;. ‘ unlike host, ‘Fairs |{‘there: is. a lot that’s|: missing. Not:a sifgle contribution |] £: .to atmosphere—few ‘girls and very |} [little ‘of the normal -colorations ‘of | its ‘wares. Facing the street are two: | 13 Dir: Harry creben, 2 203.N. Wabash aye] The ‘location: of the Lake Area. “was dictated; " apparently;. by the |= Amphitheatre built originally ‘for| -which’ was. the’ only: ‘real'|| | Same site. now~ houses. the layout |: : of Meyer Davis & Leon: Leonidofé | . World,” ” which. | titles, hecklers, audience. ‘stuf, mone. The. first.. Fair was. “somewhat in Smaller. or: appeared to. be so: be-| cause there were -lots, of lead-ins || of fair was. dotted with-.girlie dis-|]: ‘but-:were ‘alot of: fun. ‘Above’ all, . ‘Every fair, . of ‘course, “has ‘its’ ; “money problems... It’s: ‘inevitable. : ‘The “season. is short: andthe ex-] ‘penses: are many, The huge: mark-/|}ups. are discernible chiéfly: in: the}I* eating situation. : ‘ Luticheon * at thelfTop..of the Fair for two‘plus:.a|f chicken’ in: ‘a_basket,: dessert: and | coffee. .for $2:75. The ‘Schaefer |« ‘luncheon. is ‘$2.95 ‘anid all the : beer'|. you can drink: -Stin. ‘Luck’s bottom | {] ‘entree in the. Hong: ‘Kong Pavilion |}: runs’ at $2,:-and it's. anticipated they'll. sell a: | lot ‘of chowmein. at There. are some. lowcost ‘eateries “Steak © House.} f]: ‘where. ‘the Prevailing. ‘tariff’ ca _— Worl’ Fair Rer-r-ealy’ Big Show * Continued. from. Page. Lj $1.19. for’ a. “steak . meal: Chin ; ‘King ‘advertises a 99¢ Chinese. ins. ner, “obviously. ; “keyed .. to. * future: } consumer volume. There “will be | plenty sof spots... for. snacks. at | standup bars. But ° ‘once .a. family | decides. ‘to: sit down, “gosts ‘begin: to-soar, unless’. they can. ‘get in-on top: business ‘firms; : ‘religious inst the few. low-priced eateries on the | grounds. : .: ! A. family. ‘of: four. “will ‘spend ‘ap: j ‘proximately $25 per. ‘diem: includ4 ing $2: -adult.“admissions and $L for. children... | But’ after’ the $2 ‘and food ‘and. internal transportation, this myth 4+ical family can roam through .a_ wealth . ‘of : exhibits of which’.75% 4 are frée. What’s more these . free‘ ‘shows. are. figured | to get most of | the--probable 100,000,000 visitors. : ‘that this: big show. will: attract. ‘The. showmien : ‘of. thé. Lake aréa. have j quite a. problem. which -wilk. take } a lot" ‘of ingenuity toovercome.. csgenerally. ‘suspected but: nobody |.. “Phe | possibility of a ‘‘stall-in” by: ‘the Congress’.of. Racial . Equality, p plus ‘demonstrations ‘by that group, } clouded the’ preem: ‘CORE’s efforts 4 io. create a: stoppage were. success-: done: also ‘caused: “costs: « to: bei ful only at. the Ford *Pavilion .which | a | elosed: at-3 ‘p.m:.after demonstta-. : But ‘no ‘matter, : ‘the opening’ in-| tors’ blocked the “entrance :to . the | dicates. that much’ ‘of it ‘was. ‘worth. ‘escalators | Teading' to their. ‘main it, according ‘to the Beneral ton-| exhibit. The “auto: “maker closed § : down rather’ Athan. ‘ereate” further, a | incidents: | “The prison pens. “for: “mass ot! during . -the CORE con-f erton; ‘named. for. the private : Do § lice force’ on: the: ‘Fairgrounds. One} ‘COREite.. wheezed,.. vhad’ to: bay. $2 ‘to: Bet. arrested.” ” “First ‘time. 1s. The then &. now: " harkerbackers can’t: récall: any. of ‘the’ national: 2 istic. pavilions: ‘charging: ‘admissions } “to -their : cultural: shows, .as’some; -do. now; Ditto. none ‘of: the ‘indus ‘ trials ‘charged . but:: Pepsi has: ag -60-90¢e tariff: for its Walt’ Disney} ‘ride but few. complain because. tg hall. ‘goes. toUNICEF: vo “There: are” even’ ‘more’ serious | ' | matters. ‘for © ‘the : Lakesters:..-The. Fair prexy. Robert: ‘Moses eaictédd “They shall: not“pass,” even ‘includ | " DEarborn 2-0996,. Chicago, Minos a. THE COMEDIAN” ] : TONA ‘Real: Monthiy [BROFESSIO AL GAG SERVICE” THE ATE E GREATEST — L ‘THE MOST-UP-TODATEST Ne ow . In {ts .160th{ssue,.. ‘containing ‘stories one-liners... poemettes, logs... ‘parodies, . double: gags, bits ideas, patrosy impressions :and int j : perso fons; political, interruptions. houghts, of the Day, Humorous. Views of the News, Vignettes, ete. 26. ‘Pages) $25 YR “SINGLE ISSUES 3. _ $38: YR SINGLE ISSUES. ae : “No €.0. | hy a {| BILLY: 'GLASON, 200: W. gait: st: Le New ‘York. City. 10019; ‘co 51316. wit TRAVEL? “FAR East! “Combat GEKKO. PROMOTIONS: “Booking Throughout F.E.: ‘Seka P.O. Box 93°. Coble: “Tokyo, Japan» “ DANSAW. ToKre : ‘CANTEEN TRAILER New, compact aluminium ands tal! less steel.. Formica. counter: © On. {c ‘dropped frame, $2000. 00 . with ‘elect if brakes. BROADWAY TRAILER: CENTER. | ‘Highway: 22, .Notrh’. eragehN Nw. ‘J . . Tel: RA '5-6886