Variety (Jan 1906)

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VARIETY. M -^'*- 1 11 —I '. ' j i>« VAUDEVILLE AGENTS. J'''^ Wm. mUHKIS^ i^'^ BOOKING EXCLUSIVELY THE FOLLOWING LEADING VAUDEVILLE THEATRES: p. Q. Williams' Colontal. P. a. Williams' Orpheum, P.O. Williams' Alhambra, P. G. Wllllamw' Novelty. Bklyn, P. G. Williams' Gotham. Bklyn, P. O. Williams' Manhattan Beach. P. Q. Williams' Bergen Beach. Keeney's, Brooklyn, The Doric, Yonkers. Morrl«on'8, Rockaway. Henilerstm's. Coney Inland, DelmllnR's, Rockawny, Youngs Pier. Atlantic City, Ilummrrstfln's VU-torla. Hammersteln's Hoof Garden, S. Z, roli'e, New Haven. S, Z. Poll's, Hartford, ; S. Z. Poll's. Woiiester. • S. Z. Poll's, ypringfleld. S. Z. I'ull's. Bridgeport. S. Z. Poll's. Waterbury. S. Z. Poll's, Jersey City, Trent Thtatri.'. Tn nton, .^heedy's. Fall River, .Shetdy'8. Newport. Halhaway's. New Bedford. Huthaway's, Lowell, V. V. ProctoiM 2:M .<t . F. F. Proctor's 8th Ave.. F. F. Proctor's 58th St.. F. V. Proctor's 125th St , F. F. I'roilor'H. Newark, F. F. Proctor'H, Albany. F. F. Proct<»r'8. Troy. Wilnier & Vincent. Utica. Wllmer & Vincent. Reading. Weber & Kuffh. Schenectady. H. H. Lanikin'!«. Toledo. H. H. Lamkln'H. Dayton. Auditorium, Lynn. 12 WEEKS IN HEW YORK CITY WITHOUT A REPEAT, 12 (Telephones \ 1465-1466-1467 IA^dlt^nJ 6 W. 28th St., NEW YORK ( Cable Address Willmorrls ) tU Stars' Be adduamr s for Uaudeville W. L. LYKENS' VAUDEVILLE AGENCY 31 WEST 3ist STREET H. S.BENTHAH, THE , Producing Vaudeville Agent Booking Everywhere 5^ James 'Bldg,, &{e<w York Anything There^ A. DolUf Io« JACK LEVY 140 Vest 42nd St.. New York Kew 1 ork Kepreiwiitiitlve Hewerd Atbenaeum, Uoaton, Mes«, AL. MAYER VAUDEVILLE AGENT Tel.. 8M7 M»di»on. Room HOB su Jameti KulldInK H'way and tf6th Htrret, .\«h York PITROT ft GIRARD INTERNATIONAL Vaudeville Agents 1265 Broadway, New York ; Tel. 46]r> Madison ALEX. STEIHER Vaudeville A^ent Booking Foreign and Native Acts St. James Building, New York Telephone, 4967 Madison. Cable, Myenba B. A. Myers and E. S. Keller CENERAL VAU DEVILLE AG ENTS 31 Wttt 31st St., HE* YORK Phone 4488 Mad. Cable Address Freberman BERNSTEIN—LEVITT- -TOUBE VAUDEVILLE AGENTS 36 West 28th Street New York If subscribing ''as per ^^ute^'^^nail postal ^f^any changfe to insure receipt. HAMM^RSTEIN'S NlaT WllK MondayNlatinee JANi 8 First Time In Vaudeville. The Celebrated Comic Opera Comedienne. VIRGINIA EARL AND HBR SIX JOHNNIES. In ah original niusiial skit. AL. SHRAN AND CHAS. 1VARHB!¥, Conu'dians. Capt. Hloom'H I >fniun.stratlon of WIRCLGSS«RAPIIY. The only exhibition of it8 kind on uny 8taK»>. First timt- ht re. AVGUSTB VON UIENK, The Ct'librated 'Ccllolst. CALLAH4N AND MACK, Irish Comt^dy Skit. NICOL SISTERS. Female Minstrels. WILTON BROTHERS, romedy bar art. V. P. WOODWARD. European Tamhouriiip .lujjplcr. NE^' \ji;i\4GRAI*ll VIEWS. First tlmo this season. CaL. GASTON IIORDEVERRY, The Riflf Shot In the World. ORPHEUM To T hose 'Who C omede If you are WILLING TO I'AY A GOOD PRICE Ft)U (JOOD MATHKIAL I will brighten your bi-.sintss. pad your pan. and enliven up your lip»s. If you need a Comic Song I will construct ycu one for laughinK purpones only, give you <x.lii.slve stage rights, copyright, and PROTECT Ranie fc.r you. Harry Bulger is a success with l"\,"?^"J''.'''!..^^''"' "•^^ ^^ '^'K*' ^^ didn't have to liKht;' Melville and Stetson thank me for "I'm craay to go on the stage;" Ia-v Harrison will work another ytar with my "Mr. Sherlock Iloimes IS no one else but me." References, the above and Peter F. Dalley. Eddie Foy. Alex c.ark. Edwin Stevens. .Tefferhon DAngells. Marie Cabin tind tho best in show business. If you are NOT willing to pay a good price for good ma- terial, please don't take up my time. WILL D. COBB. "WORDWRIGHT* B12 Rroadway New York CIRCUIT OP HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE THEATRES M.HEYKKFKLl>,.IK..rrp«. M AKTIN nK( K.C.enpriilMRmjrrr. FK.VNK VINCKXT, N. V. Hi'iMHR^iitafIve. All ApiiUcations for Time .M iiM l*e .\ddr' I'lied to ('. E. HI(.\Y. Mookln»f .M«i aL'PT. M)4 Ashland llloek, Jhicago, 111. good resolution for the new year: DON'T BE PRE- J I'D ICED. If you have nev» r seen a copy of IMADISON'S BtDGET all you have "gueHsed" about It may be wrong. Send for my latest issue. 1II.%DI- SONVS RIIDGET No. lO o n a Kuaraiitce- absolute sal isf'.ii t JMii or mnfje.v r*-- limdtd. loo piiKcs u"f the IdlKbtist, fiinnicst sta^:e . «>n)«<ly material ever wrlt- tin, Ineln llriK ;{1 tjreat paro- ilies 5» exi elji nt ni')Ili ildgueS, 8 sketches for two male;*. 4 skeiches .or male and female, new Side- walk Conversations. 3 roaring W)-minuie burl(f:«iu(s. new sketch for two females, hun<lreds of new Hebrew. Irish, Dutch and blackfaee gaj-s. etc. Price, only ONE DOLLAR PER COPY. L. J. HEIL.. 1404. Third Ave.. New York (Agent for Jamei Madison.) »#»¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ V¥¥¥»¥¥¥¥¥^M^¥¥¥¥^H^»^¥^¥¥¥4¥¥#¥¥¥¥¥¥4¥¥¥¥4¥¥¥»¥ NEWEST LATEST BEST .' i¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥f ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ \^¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ TROVOLLQ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ » ¥¥^¥¥¥¥'¥¥¥¥¥¥¥^¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ VENTRILOQUIAL NOVELTY The Son^ Hit of the Country **lf a Girl Like You Loved a Boy Like Me" ■ ^ ■'■'■ •"■■"'■''■' ■•■•■■ ■■■-■"■ By Cobb & Edwards ,.,■'.■:./: A^:;: .:;,:.-"/.■; •:-^/.-''' Also publishers of the following successes: •SOriEBODVS SWEETHEART I WANT TO BE" ...-/.■■":,;--'\--;.;l''--'''""'■■■ '"■ '•' Cobb & Edwards ^'^ '.■■■■'■■•■-'■■• ^- '■■\'^,:\;- '''■■■.-.:'■.' ; ••IN A LITTLE CANOE WITH YOU »' ■■■■- ■ ■ ■':. Wood & hdwards'-'••■ ■■■ "Pocahontas" ("Tammany's" Sisler), by Hryan & Edwards. "Wh-.n the Green Leaves Turn to Gold." by Wood & Edwards; "Napoli" (Italian love song), by Hryan & Edwards. Gu8. Edwards Music Pub. Co. 1513 BROADWAY, - NEW YORK > ; LfO EDWARDS. Mxr. ProL Dept, Press Work, Does It Pay? Ask tht Starsi somt for whom Tvo worked; Thos. Seabrooke, feaneite Loltfrte, Mabelle Oilman, Irene Bentley, Annie Irtsh, Edna Goodrich, Eliinge, Nella Bergen, Elfie Fay, Mrs, Yeampns, Estelle Wentworth, Amy Ricard, Cherry Simpson, Eddie Leonard, etc, Ed. n. Harkum, 31 W. 31st SU N.Y. London . '* Music Hall.'' THE GREAT ENGLISH VAUDEVILLE PAPER American Representative Miss Ida M. Carle» Room 708» St. James Bldg.^lAi Ctaanil W^ w ere af ile ot papers can be seen anj advertisements will be received. ^* uiiauu, n.v. Tel. 1837 38ih Street niETY KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE BUILDING NEW YOKK CITY CARDS OF ARTISTS '•'■^^ Under tf"e heading of "REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS'^ , ' ,. ' at following rates: ^ - ARTISTS' RATE CARD V J-2 Inch single column $2.00 monthly, Net J Inch ■:■■:■'*■ .. 4 00 \-2 Inch double column • • - • • 4.00 \ Inch V* • • • • • • • • • • • •, ' 7«50 (aiX»2)®®®®®(fX£)(s®(^^ • •••X5X:«>»>«;®(5X5XSXiXS^^