Variety (Jan 1906)

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14 VARIETY Kiv« C<»luiublaiiri, Uovy auU Lvt, J. C- Nugent Jk. Co. and blograph. bTATE ST. (F. B. ShaltorB. nigr.).—Nuw Yurk Star^, burlesque, 18, 10, 20, lo "A Day at Niagara Falla" and "Fun In the 8ub> Tcay," both burlosques, pleased. In the oleo Uayinond and Clayton, fair act; Fredericks Broa. and Burn!), in their uiuHloal act xcored big; Bonita iiud her Cul'an and African midgets, made good; Howe and Soott, two real Ilebrewa, belof the kniK'kout la the show. Bualnesa big. r. O. FI8HBR. Danvar, CJol. (By Telegraph.) ORPHBUM (MarUn Heck, gen. man.)—Lugi K(i8Hi and hb> nuiHi<«l horfM> Bniir, wa» one of the iittrneiion*' jiid ni.ide u luurli lMU»>r impres- sion tlie i'kuhI animal act. The horse is un- ittiiially Intelligent, the act is well set up and Im worked without unneoeHHary delay. It made a real hit. Iloraky. Bergere & t'o. are seen in "He, She and He." whUh Is one of Will Cresay's worst efforts. The sketeh is talky and uninterest- ing, and the only merit lies In the acting, which la a little better than fair. There was a forced recall but no real hit. Clayton Kennedy and Mattie Roon«y In "The Happy MtMllum." was one of the few passably good acts on a bill of le'»8 than average merit. In consequence they went well and scored a hit at the curtain clone. Dooley. Brenner and R(»«e as "the clubman and the danc ing girls." got througii larg* ly on the strength of Dooley's aupreme nerve. He convinced th- audience that he was tx'tter 'ban he was. and an a result aecure<I a curtain call and repaid with bunco. The Sisters Pearl and Diamant In Span- ish dances, offered a lot of costumes in poor taste. As individuala they are good dancers, hut the team work waa poor and the effect was an- convlncing. Klekko and Fravoll, vocaliats, were lamentaldy weak. Their voices are worn and their bad singing was made still worse by noor taste in selections. Tlie "Count" de Bute and brother, billed as Parisian cyclists, were the best act on the bill, and tlie tx-st cycle act seen hce in a very long time. Not only did they win popular approval, but deserved it—which some- times Is a very different thing. They did a big huslneas In spite of a poor bill. NOVELTY.— The Five Lovelanda are the beat at the Novelty this week. The Diamond Comedy Four also de- nerve notice. Tiiey are lioth "dimer" beadliners, but they are gornl. There Is a g<HMl bill at tlje Cr>-stal. with no iniportnnt names. .\t the Orpheum next week the Orp»\euni Bond Show will l>e the at traction, when go<Ml entertainment Is promised. JAMES R. NOLAND. Troy. N. T. PROCTOR'S (\V. H. Ciraliam. res. mgr.)—Good busintSM 2;j 27. A bill of e.\«-ei>tlonul excellence U offered thiH week. Tlie Tliree .Nfeers give a clever performunee on tlu- wire. (Jreene and War- ner In "Ball>e8 of tlie .lungh-." tlie U-st sketch teaai yet seen here. Fo«ter and his dog Mike, a wiMide'rful exhibition, almost human. Cogan hikI Bancroft comedy arrolwits, are pleasing. <Slnu<l and tJardiner in i; iainrli provoking »keteh entitled "l>ooley and tlie Diamond." are g<HMl. (Jarnelia and Harris in tlielr .-oniedy and a<'rolmtl«' nketch, "My Brother .lolinnj. " fair. Polk and I'resk are l)oth graceful and arlistle in their hand to hand balancing. Martlia BiiggH. <omedienne. In lot of up-to-date material, eoneluding witii an excellent set of motion pictures. ROYAL (E. M. Buck, res. mgr.)—BusinesH fair 22. New York Stats. aggregation of burlesquers, played to two bis: houseH yesterday, and will l>e seen the balance of tlie welk In two funny burle»<iu«'S. "Papa's Coachman" and "Easy Dosslt." The olio consists of tlie following artists: .Majestic Musical Four, Faust Trio in novelty sketch entitled "Tlie Haunted Mill" Raym<md and Clark, rapid fire eoiiversationallsts, liberally applauded; Lottie Free mont. as the Mechanical Doll, applauded; Campbell and Caulfleld, Irish comedians, well received; Catherine Taylor, soloist, very good. Coming— IW-Feb. .3, Golden Crook. J. J. MALLEY. Waahington, D. C. CHASE'S (11. W. De Witte. mgr.).—A fair bill witii several foreign features Is the offering this week. John C. Bice and Sally Cohen, in a sketch that is full of real humor, were well received. Harry Tate, in a burlesque on "Motoring," a very unique, clever turn. Dnlny Harcourt, direct from the Tlvoll, I»ndon <aee<irding to the pro- gram), is the real hit of the bill. She sings several catchy songs and tlie a<t as a whole is real pleasing and refreshing. Lew Hawkins is telling the same old stories; lie has a couple of Fongs that make a hit. The Magnanl Family gave a elever musical turn. Caprice, Lynn and Fay, three girls, very gfKMl Hinging and dancing act. De K(H' Trio, aerobatles. Introduced some feats In head to head The motion pictures were short, but good. Pusiness fair. KERN.VN'S (Eugene Keriian, mgr.).—Fulton's .lolly t}rass Widows Company playing to good liouses the entire w.'ek. Is going some, hut tliey are giving a rattling go«sl sIuav. and you certainly get your money's worth if you only go to see the sliapely clionis. wliicli is one of (lie liest ilriiled companies <»n the wlieel. The olio, altliough short. Is very good. Pinard and Walti-rs. musical team: Thompson and L.iwreme. singing comedians, and Rush and (Sordon, gn»t»*sqiie 4omedians. Ruth Vincent scored a big hit in a clever dinning doll stunt. "THE MA.N IN BLACK." Reading, Pa. Harry Bryant's Big Fixtravaganza Company made a successful run of a week at the New BIJou Theatre and a big hit. Managers I'pdegraf and P.rownell, lessees of (his popular playhouse, .ire to be «'ongratulntcd upon the strong attrac- tions rirnrfijpij for tlie burlesipie loving public Ifr. Bryant, this season, has made a very care tul selection of his people. Darnio«iy. In a i»ot- p«mrri of juggling, has a great act. Tlie Garrity Sisters appeared In a par excellence singing and dancing act. The Bush-De Vere trio offered a musical Illustrated novelty, which evoked great rn'i'nusr •»th1 ♦»>nv wMl ever be welcome visitors htre. The Yorke Comedy Foor, consisting of Mes.^rs O'Brien. Adams. Wells and De Crott, in singing spe(inlf|ps. and George X. Wilson, as- sisted by Cam I lie de Monvllle, In a comedy playlet, styled "A Thanksgiving Eve," furnisTieil splendid entertainment. The company played to large houses and jtUe performance altogether was a very clever one. Vaudeville featurea at the Orpheum continue to make this playhouse aa pop* ular as ever. Big acts direct from Kelth'a are brought here with each change of bill, and are meeting witii great favor. The Bard Bros., whose iionie IS in this dty, astonished their townsmen Willi tlielr diltlcult acrobatic feats. The Luti Bros., armless wonclerM, in a musical and novelty act, proved a atroug attraction. Wilmington, Del. GAKHICK (W. L. !>ock?tader, pr.vp. and mgr.) —Fine.Ht business in history of the house, 22. Archie Boyd & Co., in a playlet entitled "After Many Years." have first place, and Mr. Boyd, In a familiar farmer part, pleases the most exacting critics. Burke. I^inie and the Inkey Boya fill second place, des«Tlb<'d in New Acts. Lut* Bros. sc»»re v»'ry heavily in the novel aii. Jack Mason's S«Hiety Girls, pleasing. Victoria Parker's Dogb are retained from last week and are conceded to be the finest act of the kind here this season, (ieneral Wearv Willie and tnaipe of holM>s full of «'o.uedv. Caldara. Euri>peaii Juggler, good. WtKxl and Berry, dancers and singers, good. Wil- let Charters, ballndlst. fair. Klnet(»graph. NOTES. -^.Mr. Harry Slier\v«M»d. a Wilmington boy, jolne«l Al. F'lehls' Minstrels as tenor soloist. He has best wishes for success.—Alfred O'Connor, a local boy, Willi "Simple Simon Sluqde." sang In u local (iiiircu last Sunday and met his old friends.— Sidney (Sreen. also a local boy. has returned from the West, where he has been buriescpiing as a Hebrew delineator, reports great success and will try vaudeville.—Charles Elliott, familiarly known as "Red," reports success with Fay Templeton in ''4.'> Minutes from Broadway. SPOT. New Orleans, La. ORPHEUM (.Martin Beck, gen. mgr.).—Marshall P. Wilder Is the "piece de resistance" for week 22. He lias some funny stories and tells them In his own iieculiar way. Galbreatte and Farrell are piano players and singers. Their rendition of ".NolMsly" was the l»est tiling in their act. Worhl Comedy P'our are rough-house performers. With some <iever business their act would go bet- ter. .Mr. and .Mrs. Alfred Kelcy are offering a sketch, called "Brewing Trouble." that is some- draggy. When Marian Garson drops some of her inaniierisms she will be much better than a lot of these so-called prima donnas. The Hengler Sisters are "plrouettlsts" of marke<l ability. They sliould «ut their singing and do a straight danclnjr act. Finlay and Burke are fair. Business is big. Bill week 20 Includes Salerno, Mignonette Koklii. <;alette's Monkeys, Tourists' Trio, Edsall and Korltes. Lavinla De Witt and Dixon and Fields. (;KE1:nwaLL (Ilenry (Ireenwall, mgr.).—The "European Sensations." who opened 2lHt, are the w(»rst bunch of [K^rformers that have played the town this season and do not deserve comment. S. U. o. prevails on Sunday with fair houses during llie week. Al. Reeves Beauty Show, 2Sth. SAMUELS. Waterbury, Conn. .I.XCgl'KS (J. W. Fltzpatrbk. nigr.).^The bill at this house was not up to the average. Tlie headlliier. Sniaun, Sing Hpoo. "The Little Black .Man," made a hit, as did Sherman and DeForest in their skit, "Tlie Fall of Port Arthur." This last act closed the show, and was one of the pro- nounced hits of tlie bill. Another a< t which made go«Ml. though seen here before, was Mr. and Mrs. ttardner Crane In ".V Yankee's Love for Dixie." Mitchell and Marron. the Two Men Minstrels, seem content to repeat their former act. It would go better if pollslied up to date a bit. Miss Josie .\ntolnette depend<>i| on "kidding" certain persons in the audience for "kind applause." Her s<mgs were old, and she can't sing them. Pierce and opp who recently broke Into this business can sing, and should confine themselves to this more than to their dialect, which is all to the bad. Both members of the team are also clever dancers. Tliey will make gmsl. Baker and Robinson too'i the idace of .Musical Slmjison on the bill. The female member (>t the team carries the act with her contortion work. The electrograph chmed the show with some Interesting films. NOTES.— Fred Ladd leaves Feb. lH to Join the Barnum show for next season. He will be seen with the Three Marvels. ARTHUR II. McKECHNlE. Louiaville, Ky. HOPKINS (Wm. Relchman. Res. Mgr.).—This week's bill is headed by Tony Wilson and Heloise, in a bounding mat act, very gfunl and a hit, too. Charles Leonard F'letcher presents a very interest- ing study from Dickens' works that meets with well earneil success. Amorals Sisters, in a Jug- gling and trap4'ze act, score strongly. Bruno and Russell, in a melange of comedy and music, share well with their unique offering. I>4»ria Trio, ex- cellent singers. Bryant and Savllle have the same old musical act. Cameron and Flanagan only fair. BrCKlNrJHAM (Whallen Bros., Props, and M'grs.).—.Tohn (irleves' Parisian Belles are "ring- ing" In a goo«l show here this week, presenting two burlesques, "The Sultan's Wives" and "The <;irl From Manila," which ser^e'tb Introduce as priiiilDals Sam J. Adams, Clara Cole, Harry Sut- t<m, Maurice Bums. La Belle Marie and Edwam MorrlH. The olio names Sutton and Sutton in one of the iM'st acrobatic contortion acts ever seen In this house. Btirns and Morris, Celtic humor, laugh- able. Mound City Quartette, very good singers. Thompson Sisters, singers and dancers, fair. La Belle Marie, disrobing wire act. proves a pleasing novelty. Next, Utopians. ARTHUR STUART. Providence, R. I. KEITH'S.—House not filled to usual capacity. Headllner Kit.ibanzai. Japanese, first time here. (.'immI. but not fleserving of that honor The Kauf- man Troupe does gain headllner place. Frank Gardiner and Lottie Vincent, in a sketch, are well suited: Matthews and Ashley deserve as much praise as any one on the bill this week: Cliarlotte Guyer George, c«mtrnlto: Nick Long and Idalenc Lot ton. very clever. Next, Pat Rooney and Mar Ion Bent, with act name as usual, with Carndl .T(thtison. Pelots Jugglers, Harry .Toston, singing comedian: Paul Frederick, slack wire performer, closing with a few new films of Keith's moving plcttiros. WE6'VM1NSTER (U. U. Batcheior, mgr.).—Rice and Barton's company oi>ened to a fair house the first night, who are a drawlug card themselves iQ the burlesque line. Opening the second night at "Coney Island," very tame. The olio consisted of Bert Baker, in an Irish character, which made a hit: Bertha .\. Hollenbec, soprano, has talent good enougii for the house; Samuels, Monahan an*l Nolan, minstrel rketch: Benzetla and I.,a Rue, acrobatic act, and Goldsmith and Iloppe, xylo- phonlsts BENTON. Toronto, Canada. SIIE.V'S (J. Shea, res. mgr.). -This popular fam-. ily resort reoi»ened 22, and capacity business was the rule all week. Valerie Bergere and company. In a one-act "Carmen," was the headllner and made go«Ml. They carry their own scenery. Sey- mour and Hill scored in an acroliatic comedy turn: tlw .Vuberls are the candy as \\liirlwln<l dancers; Howard's Ponies and Dogs are well trained; Quln- lan and Kellar .Mack give a funny duologue. "Tlie IVavelling I>entlst;' liccolo .Midgets should have a ne« art, the i>ri sent one Is getting moth-eaten. New pbtures In the klnetograph wound up the bill. Mr. Will Tingle Is the well-known and popular treasurer of Shea's and he has a host of friends iiere. The Merry Maidens Company are up («» the average and the Star did well during the week. "The Maiden and the Mule." In three acts, made things interesting; George Johnson. .\llK»rt Terrell. Charles Van. Billy Si>encer. Sam Rice. Pattl Carney, Agnes Maliar, and Fanny Vasj were the leaders. 'Hie chorus Is a good one and the costuuu»8 varied and handsome. Next, The New Century Girls. HARTLEY. Albany, N. Y. PROCroR'S (Howard Graham, res. mgr.).— Week of 22. Crowde<l bouses. Lee Harrison, with his monologue. Is goo<l. His song "Albany," a i>an>dy on "Tammany." Is inking well received. Ward and Curran, in "The Terrible Judge," good; Watson, Ilntchings and Edwards in a sketch en- titled "Tlie Vaudeville Exchange," are making a hit. MazuT! and Mazette are goo«l in their aero batlc turn; Mazuz has an excellent tramp make- up. Probst is a very clever whistler, and the audience enjoyed him. Kurtlss and Busse'a to;i- terriers are good. Daly and Devere in their comedy sketch. "The Janitress," took well. Larkins and Patterson, «olored entertainers were good. Closed with moving pi(tures, which wore enJoye<l Coming, week of 29, Tlie Great Azra, sensa- tional juggler; Mlllman Trio, high wire artists, and others. GAIETY (H. B. Nichols, mgr.).— Week of 22. Goo<l business. Ihe "Golden Crook" Is giving the patrons of this house a fairly good show this week. There is a varied amount of snap and ginger to please the most critical. MARTBL. Newark, N. J. PROCTOR'S (R. c. Stewart, Res. Mgr.).—BlU week of 22 included Eph. lliompson'a elephants. Great hit with somersault elephant. Ed F. Rey- nard, ventriloquist, strong hit. Edna Luby big hit with her "Katie Barry" imitation. Asra. Juggler an.l billiard table manipulator, fair. Bros. Durant's burlesque airship, big hit. Wood ft Rays "Roman Travesty," fair. Hanaon & James. eol<»red entertainers, spoil an otherwise good pro- gramme. .Motion pictures. Next week—Paul Cln- quevalll. Genaro & Bailey Co., Frances Gerard, May I>on, motion pictures. Note—Return to popular WALDMAN'S (W. S. Clark, mgr.)—Week 22. Rose Sydell's London Belles hold the boards with a burlesque called "Dazzling Nancy." and an olio tliat includes Vera Ilearte, McCall Trio, Weston Sisters, W. S. Campbell and Jas. .Mack, Bijou Comedy Trio and the great Relyea. Show- closed with .some fake pictures of the Fltzsim- monsOBrlen fight. FItz's im[)ersonator was bald headfd. which waa his only claim to "Lanky Bob's" likeness. Next week. The Bon Tons. "OBSBRVARE." Yonkers, N. Y. Doric (Henry Myers, mgr.).—A very good program was given this week. Felix, Barry and Barry, In "The Boy Next Door." headed the bill, and their iMt went very strongly, their comedy- being very good and Mr. Felix's acrobatic work was excellent. George and May Wo<Mlward gave a very pleasing rural sketch. The Trlllers showed some goo«l pictures made out of old rags. Pearl Revane sings sweetly, but her voice is hardly strong enough, although very sweet. The Smed- ley-Arthur Sketch Club in their one-act play, "Tlie Little .Mother," feature two boys who make gwsl; the sketch itself went well Swift and Buckley have more comedy than music, although they are hilled as musical artists. Their comedy is good, however, and the act went strong. Toledo and Prbe went strong. Mr. Toledo is a good contor- tionist and Miss Price a clever acrobat. Maxwell and I/e Roy singing act, good. The Dorlscope showed come goo4i pictures. Business good. BLZIE. Omaha, Neb. "> ORPHEUM (Martin Beck. Gen. Mgr.).—Lillian Burkhart is scoring heavily this week in "A Strenuous Daisy," a clever skit by Anna S. Rlch- ards<m, a former Omaha newspaper woman. Her sup|K»rt. however. Is hardly up to her own abili- ties, 'llie Wilson Trio, Frank, Eva and Joe, is the nS'Xt t)est drawing card on the bill. In a Dutch jdialect act. The other acts for the week, which are mediocre, are Lucy and Lucler in "The F«¥>1'h Errand"; the Arcarls, in a knife-throwing stunt; Grace Jackson, who sings pleasingly and Wears a hat remarkably; the Esmeralda Sisters and their four flower girls In a dainty dancing turn, and Freydo Brothers, who have a good equil- ibrist turn. Business Is continuing excellent. The bill for the week beginning Jan. 28 is as follows: Kloes Sisters, Bamold's Dogs, Monkeys and Cats. Juggling Normans, J. A. Murphy and Eloise Willard, McCne and Cahlll, Al. Carleton, Welch and Maltland and the Klnodrome. HENRY WOOD. At Co. in Duuiel uud l^lti Liuu," were well re- ceived. Uowiey and LesUe, OnDcing and liuper* •ouatltius, were pieusiug, •apecluiijr Miss Leaue's ImiM^i'souatiuu of a country girl. Utiicra were ^iuiMuifi auuuuuu, suugsiiess; Ihe Whltealues, slugiug, dancing and tuuiug, illustrated sougs and '"llie UoiUuii iii;nuett Automobile Race" by the kiuciugi'ttiiu. V\eeK of 2Z, .Villc-a McCarihy dt Co., "A Race Tout'a Dream"; Martha l<iorrlue's lions uiiU iigurs; Aiusicui oouimuus, L<eo aiiU Muurue, Lily SevcUel and Julius Marx, "The Lauy auu tue Tiger"; Laura Burt, illustrated sougs and. motion pictures. Npte,—on account of his retusiug to Api>eai' **n the IdII in lloiiMton with aome members of the bill, ilarry Corson Clark has lK>en cancelleu tnuu Uls sutMtvquent dates with the Malestlc cir- cuit. "TARRANT." ir ■ UUoa, N. Y. cUtPHKUM (E. L. Koneke, Res. Mgr.).—For we«>k of Jan. 22 Alxlul Kader and his three wives, who head this week's bill, dt» some rapid painting In oil. Dixie Serenaders, a sextette of coloreii singers and dancers, took the audience by storm. No better colored troupe has visited this theatre. Stuart Barnes, the "Beau Brummel" of comedians, is one of the best seen here in a long time. World and Kingston form a team that will tM> u feature «Hi any bl'l in which tliey apiK>ar. The Three Rtises are skilled musicians, and these young ladles \tere talhd upon for numerous 'encores. Tucu and Camllle La .less do a pretty gymna.Jtic act in which the former do<>s some wiuiderful twisting. .Miles and Itaymond had the audiences in hearty laughter from start to finish with their act "Baby In the Cradle." Klnetograph pictures of the com- edy sort concluded the bill. Bpringfleld, Ohio. The show here this week is all O. K. and pleas- ing. One of the features of the excellent bill at the Orpheum Theatre this week is Woodford and MarltM>ro in a refined playlet called "A Timely I.,«'ss«Mi." The lady menil)er of the team in her representathm of a drunken wife creates quite a hit. An<»ther very g(»od turn on the bill is Little .Miss Margeiie Barrett. This little lady gives s«nue very clever Imitations of Eva Taiiguay and (J«>orge Cohan. Carro and Carro, comedy acrobats, do a very gtstd turn and away from the ordinary run of that kind of acts. F. Daly Burgess, with his dog FInneagan. Is making more than ko,n1, d<dng a new recitation of his own composition which pleases. Al D. Weston sings "Would You Caie." llie song and the illustrations are un- usually fine. The moving picture la "The Horse Thief," closing a very good bill. Big business. F. D. B. Fort Worth, Tex. MAJESTIC (Chas. R. Fisher, res. mgr.).—Week of l.'ith. Madsme Emmy and her trained fox ter- riers made a tremendous bit, as did Kit Carson In his rifle shooting from the slack wire. Wm. Davis Schenectady, N. Y. MOHAWK (Jos, Weber, res. mgr.).—Week of 22. Good business continues. Irene Franklin, sing- ing comedienne, was well received. Delmore and Oneida, with their perch act, were pleasing. Dorscb and Russell, a musical team, were very entertaining. Schubert Quartette of New York were fair; Rlalta, with her mirror dances, was goixl. Walter C. Kelly, "The Virginia Judge," was excellent. Red Raven Cadets were fair. Closed with motion pictures. Coming, week of 29, <Jlrl in the Clouds; B, Dixie Serenaders, Dixon, Bovvers and Dixon, Kurtlss and Bussee, Marie Lau- rent, Jumes and Ella Dunn, Howard Brothers. MARTBIi. Wichita, Kan. BIJol' (Carl B. Olson, mgr.).—One of the best shows since its opening, 15-20. S. R. O. sign every night and large matinees. Charles Dryden, novelty Juggler, Is clean and pleasing. The best thing he does Is juggling a barrel with one foot. Illustrated song was well sung by E. O. Oleson. Irene, a little 12-year-old miss, did a serpentine dance very cleverly. Wheeler, of the Wheeler Wilson Trio here last week, did a rube act that pleased, .runnings and Jewell, well known German comedians, got their share of applause with their funny Jokes and songs. Show closed with Bijori- graph; subjects. Picnic Dlsturlier and Serenade. LYRIC—Had good bill aAd fair business. A. 0. RACB. Lynn, Mass. AI'DITORIITM (Ilarry Katzes, mgr.).—Week of 22, the Rossow Mhlgets made a hit on account of their small stature. Burke and Dempsey, con- versationalists, good offering. Eckhoff and Gor- don, comedy musical act, fairly good; Harper, Desmond and Burntws. colored singers and danc- ers, well liked; Violet Black * Co. offered a sketch "The West Point Cadet," The act was bad, very ba«l. The actbm was slow and the players poor. Charlie Rossow, one of the midgets filled In. and spoiled the effect of the later act. Chalk Saund- ers in a chalk talk took well. Good houses to a rather poor bill. Note.—Charles Alpine, property man at the Auditorium, b- «• resigned to enter vaudeville with hit trained dof. Lawrence, Mass. COLONIAL (XL Fred liees. mgr.).—Bill week 22. Sidney Deane. Frank Willing. George Rolland and Fred Jarvls. as Sidney Deane and Company, present the vocal novelty, "Christmas on Black- well's Island." very goo«1. Clifton Crawford, mon ologue. very clever. Waterbury Bros, and "Tenny, In mnslcal comedy, good act. Belle Stone arid lier mysterious sphere. Interested. Reata Win- field, violin virtuoso, a winner. Solomon II. lightning calculator, makes good. Orvllle and Frank. equllUirlsts and n«>sturors. got pood bund, ('omlng week 29, Hungarian Boys' Band, 60 ma- slclans: Shean and Warren. In compdy, "guo Vadis T'pslde Down," and James J. Morton, h fel- low of infinite Jest. A. B. 0. Saffinaw, Mich. JEFFER'S (Marks and Ely. mgrs.).— The con- tinuous performance for evenings has proven a verj' successful venture and the plan of giving per- formances at 7:.10 and again at 9 o'clock each evening will be continued. Josephine Gossman and her "picks" bend a goo<l bill this week. Other acts offered are Marcus and Adele. novelty roller skaters: John and Carrie Mack. Mary Madden, coon shouter; George Westford. illustrated songs; R. J. Rlley and Alice Lavalge, and ftie