Variety (Jan 1906)

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i8 VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS HERALD SQUARE HERALD SQUARE HOTEL HERALD SQUARE THEATRE Herald Square Quartette (FISHER, d« BRUIN, MARX and HERBERT) 4 Show Thmi is m Show P«r Ad. 145 E. ITth St., oaro of R«oli«H' A Thooiro Within m Thootro Thmi^s iho Answor JEWELL'S MANMIKIMS Olrmotlon P« «/• OM8EY, SU Jatnes Building HARRY LA ROSE CO. REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS IN "THE SAILOR AND THE HORSE" See William Morris Acknowledged to be the GREATBST ATTRACTION IN VAUDEVII^I^B L,e DOMIINO ROUGE "The Girl in the Red Domino" Und«r Dlr«otlon of LUESCHER * WERBA. NEW YORK THEATRE BLDC. "At-LE ROY & WOODFORD-™-^ THE GABY GABERS Al SUTHERLAND WILL TELL YOU THE REST THE EFFERVESCENT ^ JBANeTTE L.OWRIE IN VAUDEVILLE IN A SMART MEW MOmOLOQUE. WM. MORRIS. Booklrtg Agent. WM. LYKENS, Miinager. ED. M. MARKUM. Pre«« Representative. Mallory Bros., Brooks and HallMay Musicians. Singers and Dancers "Mallorx Bros.* BrooRs and Halliday Have a musical act tHat is^good."-CHICOT. SI WEST 184th STREET Par. Ad. Mallory Bros.'CoHage, Jaokaonvllio, III. MoGloln A Smith ARTISTIC DELINEATORS OF REFINED SINGING A^D WOODEN SHOE DANCING MOdfrnmrn WM. MORRIS A Nusicad Act TKa.fs Useful Any Place The Five Nosses One of the Many Hits With "THE EARL AND THE GIRL" C ASI NO XOTVV HEARIN •• The La^te^t Ju^^ler on Earth** Met SItnOf who told me personally he thought # had one of the funniest Juggling acts in America . Prootot»'m 23ti SifBBt thim woek J AS. H. JEE TKe MTorld's Greatest Ec|t&ilil>rist and CKampion Juniper ON THE SINGLE THREAD WIRE JAN. 20th, ORPHEUM. BROOKLYN FEB. 6th. ALHAMBRA. N. Y. SABEL JOHNSON THE WORLD'S HIGHEST SOPRANO ^ ED. li. liARKUN, Press Representative I REIN CUBE "Tlie Girl in Trouser®" Eddie Leonard A Positive Hit in Vaudeville with A$ti»ted by the SHARP BROTHERS. A<klre$a: JACK LEVY, 140 Wett 42d St, N. Y. THE ORIGINAL T H R E E A\ A D C A R • NIINA AMY ■ PANSY < BOOKPn 50LID- j\ildrS5f AL. HAVER. St. James B uilding DANCING AllTCHELLS HUMAN TOPS Now Playing the I^eading Vaudeville Theatres in America. rive Mowatts SEASON 1906 - 1907 - «« «« - RIINGL.IMG BROS, - EUROPE ADDRESS VARIETY TKe Distinctive ComedieLii . . NED NYE and His ROLLIGKiNQ GIRLS including ttie REIO SISTERS in a vaudeville novelty " Will be a Winner''—Sime In Variety T. '••