Variety (Feb 1906)

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ir> VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS MISS AUDREY KINGSBURY Originator and Pro due or of "The Girl in iho Clouds" DEBUT IN VAUDEVILLE in hgr latest creation '•THE GARDEN OF MELODY" A UNIQUE AND ARTISTIC SINGING ACT SUPPORTED BY MISS OCTAVIA BROSKE, OF SWEDEN REAL VOICES ATTRACTIVE COSTUMES For time apply to ALBERT SUTHERLAND, Agent, St. James Building, New York, Staged by Al. Holbrook, Weber's Music Hall or AUDREY KINGSBURY, 68 W. 38th St. 'Phone 6415 R 38 Owing to the I lines* of Mrs. Meets THE TWO MEERS Will present precisely the same act ever the original route Feb. 12. Cook's, Rochester " 19. Shea. Buffalo " 26. M Toronto Mar. 5. Toledo " 12. Cleveland " 19. Pittsburg FEB. 5th OPEN. - - WIRE VARIETY 3 DUMONDS PARISIAN STREET SINGERS Including JOSEPH 1)1 MONI). Violin Virtuoso EWELL and NIBLO SAXOPHONE, VIOLIN and >C "V L-O RHO INK . For Time and Terms address MYERS and KELLER. JAMES THORNTON Palace in London, May 7th Gracie Emmett-Company IIN HER LAUGHING SUGGESS "Mrs. Murphy's Second Husband' pours CIRCUIT FEB. 26th, PASTOR'S THEATRE New York City Permanent Address 77 AVON STREET Somerville, Mass. CHARLES LAWLOR AUTHOR AND COMPOSER PRESENTING, GHARL.ES B. LAWLOR and DAUGHTERS CHARLES MABEL ALICE Character, Comedy and Descriptive Vocal Sketch Address all First-Class Agents OPENS AT THE Phorm 2490 J-Hmrtmm Address, 14J2Q Filth Ave., Mew York AMERICA'S GREATEST MUSICAL ACT. KLEIN, OTT BROS. AND NICHOLSON MYERS 6c KEMIR, Agents, 31 West 31st Street. N. Y. WILL CONSIDER PROPOSITIONS FOR MINSTRELS OR MUSICAL COMEDIES. BURROWS-TRAVIS GO. in their up-to-the-minute Comedy Act, -ROOM 13" EDDIE SIMMONS will shortly appear % Genar i i Bail y SJJSS late with HALLEN A FULLER latest "Tony" K/ETV KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE BUILDING, NEW YORK CITY CARDS OF ARTISTS UNDER THE HEADINO OF "REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS" AT FOLLOWING RATES: 1 -2 Inch single column, $2.00 monthly, Net 1 Inch " 4.00 1-2 Inch double column, *■ 4.00 1 Inoh 7.60 ,__ — pjpv pjpj pj ^a«v aaaai a#b> U-tter limn th»? ordinary hurlrsqiio attraction | M^ 0 9 LT "% f^^L llic 1»i. •: 11111:11111 Hill h'Si|llc *. >m p;i \ In- Week nf It BBBBBBB^L^P ^ W ~ V '' r "" s hirgrlj to <'>>lh>.l> Ullll |H — mm ^ mw ■ sassa aaaa ^^a*- ■ '^bs^ ^ wi>1 , fats, despite ii shopworn l»t of girls THE ODDEST OF ALL HUMOROUS « ' ■'»'• j!f»* "">' h '\ u ' y "'»" . ,,,f ' law aBowi. in«' \niiu<'\ i lit- sectmn, bowever, is strong en>>ugu JW T -f^ -f** W Ej ^ " W^ 0^ i" f»• *I* 1 u|i tin' pi ids nnil lh»dr d.frcts. Zeh and 1 J I W I m '* W^^ ^j /.iirr>>v\ Ii.-ivi imi tnfi**i- <if vrrj fiiir parodies .veil ^^ ^^ ^"^ ^^ i 'I'Ih'.v sii.Mii. i make su effort to get « _. .„ . , .. ... m . in'v iin<- t»f gag*. Mr He stunrt limlil does aceep- Ihe Pelots kept everyone laughing with Rood , ;t)|> U()| ^ ||m . v)iiI|)i lHiVwf „,„, „„,.,„„. ln comedy.-NEW YORK CLIPPER. ii„ii hievcle net, are the hit ..f the show. They ^ hh^b H ^h m mmm husj pair, nnil have some nes tricks all iii< ii i.un until tiny are swiped. Louis Prltxkow her. sin- shvukl work ihh :i huiKMr his i ti-oiibji nine name f.»r nu English tongue. i.nt in Kings, <|ih's this Prttskow boy, sod if he wants t.i h>ave burlesque nt any tine he should i ive in. tumble in securing a good engagement. Itipdne** uniformly food. A H|M«.inl feature this «-«'k |h it. nu. i iii Hi.' v. is.. ii item fi«iit pictures. JAMBS It. NOLAND. BEST PLACES TO STOP AT WithinMohawk Thrntrr Bldu.Stmm ll-nttt- A7<'7,.V/,/„/»/ MOHAWK TIEITRt HOTEL, schen.ct.dy.N.Y. Aiiii'ilciiii plan ONLY. .'{ blocks from Nun Cur- ler opera ilouae. $1.28 single; $I.*m> double, per day. ii. :i i.I'm lc ft It. it. Subscribe now and be sure of VARIETY EACH WEEK SYRACUSE, N. Y. CHE VAJTDE'R'BILG OOMVtmiEHTLY LOCATIO ORPHEUM CIRCUIT OF HIOH CLASS VAUDEVILLE THEATRES at. meykkfkld, JR.. Pre*. MAUTIN BECK, t;eneral Manager. PRANK VINCENT, N. Y. Representative. All Applications, for Time Must b»> Addressed !•• C. E. HltAY. Booking Msnager, Msjeatle Theatre BIdg., Chicago, 111. LONDON "MUSIC HALL" (JAc Great English Vaudeville Taper (Weekly) 401 STRAND. W. C. American Representative—Miss Ida M. Carle, Room 706, St. James Building, where a file of papers can be seen and advertisements will be received