Variety (Feb 1906)

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12 VARIETY Mi. Rallies' and Clemens Bros, lui v«« a clever musical sketch. ACADEMY (II. W. Williams. Jr., tugr.). The "Utopians" are pleasing large ludicm-cs. The inn skits, "Mixed. Muddled ami Fixed." t.ud "Hotel I' |»m iiiul l>owns," elicit |K"iN of laughtci "lid heart) applause. John W. Jess and Jos Madden have flic leading comedy parts. assisted by Larry smith. Ai Cunningham, Aroby St a ley, TOM Aahton. J. E. .Mi AI llcslg< s. Charles Carey, Sam Bernstein, Mnmli> Champion ■Ml l«ottle Blackford The skits are well staged iml costumed, ami the chorus Is fresh looking, vivacious ami fully capable, ilio feat lire of the olio Is tli«' 11tli> and revolver shooting of Chevalier l>« Ijorla, who shoots halls from the head of Ills woman assistant ami d«a»s all sorts of (tortus slums The olio also Included A. \V. Stanley ami Maine Seanlon In a novelty musical net, which went well; Joe Madden and Jolm W. Jess. Irish comedian*, who kept the BOOM in an uproar; Larry Smith ami Maine Champion in "Tin' Her iimn Baron," a elever character sketch; the Two Ashtons, "the craziest Jugglci '* on earth," anil tin* Irving Trio in songs ami nances. XO'I'KS. Eugene Connelly, formerly of the editorial ataff of the Pittsburg Leader, now lias charge of the puh- ilclty department at the Oram!. I underataml that Harry Ha vis and John I*. Harris, onr local theatrical magnate*, have secured a desirable alt" at MeKeeu|H)rt, Fa., on which they will erect a handsome theatre, to be ready for opening at the beginning of next season. The poUcjl of the new house has not heen aiinoiiiiced. MAIIAMK PITT. DENVER, COL. (By Telegraph.) Business at the Orplienm laat week wait greater ilinn could be handled, large iiuiuls'ra being turned away at each performance. The road show was lesponslble for the seat demand. The Orphetim .ssople have set a pace here that If followed else- where means a golden stream of profits -act) week from their various houses. They certainly have the Denver public on their Hat for keeps. Th<- blll for the current week la headed by Leon Hen mann the Great, whose capital illusions scored a nit of magnitude. The artist shows marked im- provement over his earlier work and his handling of tin- big stuff which forms the feature of hi* act Is a decidedly clever display of sbowmauablp. one of the illusions la entirely new, and the best thing iu the turn. Frank, Eva and Joe Wilson in a Dutch comedy, "A Padded Cell," suggest other i< ts with broken English as an excuse. The act for all of this stored a laughlug bit throughout. Miss Wilson being by far the most valuable mem her of the team. Carlisle and Baker, a colored team, fake for effects, hut do not make a great hit. Denver does not take as kindly to negro acts as the places further East, and the expert ment Is scarcely worth repeating. The Rooney sisters are whirlwind successes with their dancing. They are advocates of the theory of keeping ever lastingly at It, and while they hold the stage there la much doing. In consequence they drew down the applause, and may la* accredited oue of the bits of the bill. Dean Claudius and Melody Scarlet, billed as "A Study In Harmony," deliver the goods and gain a receipt for them. The act is a good one In all respects, and was a big hit. The Two Kinga, in a revolving ladder act, follow old Ideas, but are good of their kind, aud In spite of the ancient Idea, made an appeal, while Lillian Burkhart A Co. In Anna S. Richardson's version of "A Strenuous Daisy," was n laugh from start to tli.ish. It Is easily the Im'sI sketch she has bad. It is a pity that the same cannot be said of her support. The Innocent Maids Company at the New Em pi re Is making good with uniformly large crowd)*. Peouso and Elliott more than scon- with their barrel jumping and acrobatic work. Elliott takes more bard comedy fulls than are usually stood for. And they get a stronger hand than most teams in similar work- Alecn and Hamilton, two comely young women, sing and dance to good ap- plause. Curtlu and Blossom attempt a burlesque on au Orpheum team sketch, but It is not well done. The mail half la a gissl acrobat, but neither can sing. Markey and Moran, one appear- ing as an Irishman and the other a Scotchman, kill time and humor with equal ease. They should cut the act in two and then throw It away. The ballet presents a number of pretty girls well costumed. The ensemble singing is good and the huuior above the average. The New Empire has the Held to Itself here and is a successful business proposition. The Novelty has secured au unusually good looking bill ft* the current week headed by Prin- cess Chinquella, who sings the folk song of the Indian tribe from which she comes. She also d<jei a graceful dance. Ed Newell, the cowboy Juggler, works with Chinquella. With more care as to details this act would be a salary getter on the big clrculta. De Shields and Meh ring score. De Shields works on a high wire and Miss Meh- rlng does a soubrette song and dance turn. Edith Dell gets away with popular songs in good shape. Hallen and Hays are billed as comedians. The Keg ins offer a sketch. Moving pictures and Il- lustrated songs are features. Good business. At the Crystal the leading act is the Yorke and Herbert Trio, a comedy acrobatic act of unusual merit. With managerial ability equal to their stage work they should have no trouble in book- ing the big circuits. The Clotty Trio, singers and dancers; Lane and Suxlnetta, cannon ball jugglers: Pj>cho, automaton wonder, ami Lunette, the Fly- ing Lady, complete the offering. Business con. tlnues good. "The Sleeping Beauty and the Beast" well pre sented, Is at the Taber (Jrand. Good business. "Dora Thorne" to good houses at the Curtis. "The Yankee Consul" at the Broadway. Indications are that winter has at last arrived. Warm days and cool nights have been the rule up to last Sunday, when the first touch of real winter was felt. JAMES K. NOLAND. opening nf the New Gayety Theatre under the auspices of the Columbia Amusement Company on Monday to standing room, has continued to do capacity business all the week. GAYETY (W. L. Ilallant. res. mgr.).— Week •V Fred. Irwin's Majesties opened to capacity In "Down the Line," a nonsensical musical satire in which Larry McCalc, Gus Fay and T. J. Farren are the principal fun makers and the entire com pany mid beauty chorus appear in many of the latest musical numbers followed by an olio strengthened for the occasion, opening with Maude llarvey and Evelyn Walker, singers of catchy songs; (Julnlcu Brothers and Buckley, club < swingers aud Jugglers; the Three Konays, In an Imported musical novelty; Farren and Fay. tier mail dialect comedians; The Majestic Trio, con- sisting of Certie De Mitt and Kitty aud Fannie Watson, singers and dancers; closing the olio were the Agonal Family, European sensational ecceu niqiies. The performance closing with a musical absurdity by Larry McCale culled "For Girls Only." and the show pronounced one of the best seen here this season. Next Week.—Sam A. Scrlbner's "Oav Masqueraders" and the Pony Ballet. MARYLAND (F. C. Schanberger, res. ingr.j.- Week .">. The usual Keith attraction headed by Anna Eva Fay. are playing to capacity and giving a good, clean vaudeville performance by the fol- lowing artists: The Pelots. humorous Jugglers; Edmund Day and Company, in "The Sheriff": l.eona Thurber and her four pickaninnies in rag time songs and dances; The Six Ullnserettls. Euro|»eau wonderful sensational gymnasts; Walter c. Kelly, monologlst and dialect comedian; the performance closing as usual with the Kluetograph iu new- moving pictures. BLUM' tlra J. I*a Motte. res. mgr.).—Week .". The first performance at this house took place on Monday afternoon to standing room, and has continued doing capacity business all the week. Sim Will la ins' ideal Extravaganza Company that played another vaudeville house in this city a few- weeks ago at regular prices are the attraction at cheap prices—"ten, twenty, thirty"—the per- formance Is Identical with that played here before. MONT MENTAL (Joseph Kernan, res. mgr.).— Week .">. Hughey Kernan's Washington Soeletv Ulrls in W. B. Watson's humorous mixture "Oh What Joy" and "Krauameyer's Alley" to crowded houses. Between the musical mixtures a splendid olio by Elsa Leslie, the English girl with the American voice; Eldora. the marvelous Juggler: West and Williams, singing parodists; Dave Marlon, a picture of East Side life; Ah Ling Poo, Chinese conjurer, and Cunning, the jail breaker and handcuff king. Next Week.— The Tiger Lll- lles Company. NOTES.—Notable among the out of town bur- lesque managers attending the opening per lornianee of the New Gayety Theatre were Sam S. Scrihner. I*awrence L. Weber, Jules Hurtlg. Fred. Irwin. Gus Hill, Geo. J. Kraus and II. C. Jacobs, of New York City; W. S. Clark and W. Baker, of Newark. N. J.; Richard Hyde, or Brook 1> ii: J. (>. Jermon, of Philadelphia; Charles Waldron and James Batchellor. of Boston. After the evening performance D. S. Schaffer, who had the contract for plastering the theatre, gave a banquet to the stockholders and visiting managers at the Hotel Lexington, where a fine spread awaited them, gotten up In mine host Charlie Ureeble's best style. Covers were laid for fifty ami terrapin, lobsters and oysters u la Maryland predominated. MILTON. M'lisHtlun. Next Week.—Bob Manchester's fa moiis Crackerjsck Burlesquers. PEOPLES (James E. Fennessy ami llullieri Henck. mgrs).—New Loudon (Jalety Girls (Cliff W. Grant, mgr.i The burlesque, "Way Out West." failed to please, although Pat White worked hard. The closing burlesque. "Mixing Hi lugs I'd," was poorer than the opening bur- lesque. In the olio were "The Great O'Neill." billed as the successor to lleleiie Mora, very bail The Vedmars, comedy acrobats, poor: Ferguson and Watson, good. Adams and Swinhurn. ginger girls, fair. As an extra feature the Spanish -Dancing Beauty. Cartnenclta, assisted by Scmaitu Aurora, tailed to receive au encore. Bissett ami Scott, dancers, excellent, great hit, this act alone saving the bill.—Next Week.—Miner's Merry Bnr- lesquers. with The Great Fontenellc as a special added attraction. II. HESS. BALTIMORE, MD. This is a great week for vaudeville in Bait! more and our four recognised vaudeville houses are playing to capacity business, and at more than one of them many are turned away nightly. The LOUISVILLE, XY. HOPKINS' tWm. Relchmaun. res. mgr.). This week a very strong bill headed by the Broomstick Witches, is delighting large audiences at every [>erf ormance. The aforementioned act with Delight Barsch at its head Is a very pleasing novelty and scores success. Thos. J. Keogh A Co. present a clever one-act play that Is worthy of mention and also scores well. Carter A Waters Co. have a sketch on a different line, that keeps cm* audience In continual uproars of laughter from beginning to end. Werden and Gladdlsh In their illustrated song act are undoubtedly the best In the business. In their line. Clayton, Jenkins and Jasper meet with their usual favor In the trained donkey act. Adair and Dabn have a very neat tight wire act, while Humes and Lewis contribute a laughable comedy acrobatic turn. Klnodrome concludes a most pleasing performance. BUCKINGHAM (Whallen Bros., props, and mgrs.).—Miner's Merry Burlesquers Is the at- traction this week, presenting "A Night on the Bowery" and "Doctor She," with an olio con- sisting of Mildred Grover, clever coon-shouter: La Toy Bros., In good comedy acrobatic and barrel-Jumping act; J. C. Hart & Co.. In "The Pipe Hitter," poor; Hlgglns and Bergman, fair dancers; Hickman and Coleman, comedy sketch, fair, and Billy Noble, with coon songs, hit.—Next Chit's Thoroughbreds. ARTHUR .STUART. CINCINNATI, 0. COLUMBIA (If. C. Anderson, mgr.).—The per formunce started with Rawson and June, Aus- tralian boomerang throwers, good. Bonnie Gay- lord, a hit. Eva Wcstcott & Co., excellent sketch. Marion Garson. a hit. Whistling Tom Brown, great hit. Colby Family, great hit. Edwin Stevens assisted by Miss Marshall In a musical turn entitled "A Night Out," hit. Pekln Zouaves, in a military drill act, great hit. This week the management has presented one of the best vaudeville shows seen In Cincinnati In years Next week Navajo (Jlrls. Wilfred Clarke A Co.. The Marvelous Howard Brothers. Four Bolses. Vernon. Artie Hall. Dlvon and Anger and John Zlinmer. STANDARD (Chas. B. Arnold, mgr.).— Knlcker bocker Burlesquers (Louis Rohle, mgr.), In Frank linney's burlesque "Rellly's Speech." with Pete Curley. Sam Greene, Oscar Lewis, Wm. Patton. Mae Agnes Fleming. Alleene Vincent and Belle Wilton In the leading roles, good work and hit. The closing burlesque "The Wrong Mr. Corbett," was amusing. The chorua pretty, well drilled and handsomely costumed. In the olio were The Only Knickerbocker Four, making a great bit; the Riches, song and dances, good Les La roses, wire workers, good. Lewis and Green, tinging and talking comedians, hit. Christy and Willis, Jug gler and dancing art, great hit. Yuma, electrical wonder, presented by Edwanl DeNoyer. great PHILADELPHIA. PA. KEITHS <H. T. Jordan, mgr.).—The patrons of this house are enjoying their shure of new features each week. This week's bill Includes three offerings which had their initial productl< u aud each of them pleased. Chief honors Uiong ta Frunk D. Bryan, who Is not new here, but who presented for the first time his Twelve American i.lrls In character ensembles called "Human Flags." The act scored a pronounced hit, which It deserved, Ising the best "girl act" that has beat) seen here since this style of entertainment came in vogue. 'Die idea Is new, and what is specially commendable Is that some care has been taken in selecting a chorus of gissl voices as well is go<sl looks aud sha|M>ly figures. The act ts very much of the "kind applause" variety, but its uniqueness and the manner in which It was pre entirely satisfactory, and resulted retained for next week. John C. Cohen presented for the first time sketch, "All the World Ixivcs a so closely resembled "llie Im was repeated by May Dtiryea and was taken off after the the pair gave "Our sented made It iu Br) an la*lug Rice and Sally here their new Lover," but It lofeter," which \\. A. Mortimer, that It lit 1 iM'rforinauce and Honeymoon." which they gave on their last visit. The new sketch was well received and contained many funny lines and was cleverly presented "The Imposter" was well received and had the advantage of being on ahead of the other piece. Theresa Ken/, showed a new trained horse act. which did not appear in the first show Monday owlng to delay in arrival. The animals are well tnilnei and performed a number of clever tricks, receiving the approval of the audience. The honors of the "reoettteiu" w>re scored by Pat Koot<ey and Marlon Bent, Iu their singing ami dancing specialty. Rooney, as usual, worked hard to please and succeeded, his dancing IsMiig the la*st that has been seen here for some time. Marlon Bent did her share In adding to the sue cess. She is a dainty- little woman and a neat dancer. Keuo, Welsh and Melrose repeated their acrobatic net with the revolving arch as the feature and won deserved recognition. Julian El tinge, who Is really the most acceptable "female Impersonator" on the variety stage, was cordially welcomed. Cooper and Robinson, negroes, pleased with their singing and dancing, the "ephlng" of the comic memlier of the team provoking much laughter. Dudley and Cheslyn reappeared with a ■lew memis'i- added. The latter—Bums—adds lit- tle (•> the act, which could lie Improved lu many- ways. Paul Barnes managed to "get by" with his monologue and songs, little of either liefng • hanged since his last appearance. Lavlne and l.-onard. Grace Leonard, the Everetts and the Cardownle Sisters also appeared. The pictures, as usual, dosed the show. BIJOU (Geo. W. Rife. mgr.).—Fulton's "Jolly Grass Widows" offered the week's bill and played to th»» usual big business "The Widow's Wed ding Night" and "The Sign of the Red Light" were the burlesque ihiihIh rs and contained enough gissl comedy and music to please. The singing ^nd ap|M>ar-im-e of the chorus was satisfactory. Mile, Quit-hard. Male Yulr and Ruth Everett wer»» intrusted with the principal roles In the bin lesques, with Murray Simons, Charles Burkhardt others supporting In the comedy roles. Plnard and Walters, musicians; Thompson and Laurence. singers, ami Bush and Gordisi, grotesque acrobats. ■ poe.'.red in the olio. Numerous specialties were introduced during the action of the burlesques. CASINO (Ellas, Koenig A Lederer. mgrs . Abe Ijeavltt's Rentx-Santley Company furnished the bill. The company Is a large one, hut the class of amusement offered d<s*s not do Justice to he Kent /.'Sunt lev trademark, which Is the oldest lu burlesque business. There is room for much Improvement In both "Lady Teaser" and "A Night's Frolic." the vehicles used by the brr lesquers, and with two exceptions the olio Is de- cidedly weak. Cornalla and Eddie In a mixture of Juggling aud acrobatics scored the hit of the bill, with Lillian Tbelma and Alice Fowler, In a vocal offering a close second. James Walthour aud Miss Princeton, In a home-trainer race between a cyclist and a horse, was an added feature which pleased. It was seen here as a feature number at Keith's last season. Lew Welch. Mills and Beecher. Fentella and Radcllff and Busklrk and Rich also appealed. The Casino Is doing well, the management reaping the reward of Its earnest NOTES.—Diamond and Smith, who offer an il- lustrated song act. are resting here this week. Claude Radcllff, of Fentelle and Radcllff, who are with the Kent/. -San t ley Company, waa married 'ast week to Ella Claus, one of the Claus Sisters, who were with the Rentz-Santley Company early In the season. Radcllff and his wife will appear as a team after the close of the present season. Mrs. Radcllff's sister has gone to Smith Afrttra for her health. KINKS. OMAHA, NEB. ORPHEUM (Martin. Beck, gen. nigr.i. -Capac- ity business Is keeping up without the least varia- tion. Thorne and Carleton are making one of the lilts of the season with their bunch of clean, original Jokes, every one of which has a |*»!nt thai Is visible to the naked eye of the audience. Mr. ami Mrs. Alfred Kelcy also have a good coined* number In their skit "A Tale of a Turkey." Agnes Mahr Is one of the best toe dancers seen here this season, but for some reason falls to takp with the local audiences. Pearl and Diamond, Spatish dancers, are having about the same ex p e T teoee. Harry LeClair, In his feminine imper- sonations ami burlesque, ami Flo Adler, soprano, are old-time favorites licit' that are making as 4 ssl as ever. Lillian Mills ami Libia Morris have a black face minstrel number that could be im- proved by their wearing some Tuxedo Jackets that were not cut for their big brothers. Next week: Marshall P. Wilder, l^ewls McCord A Co., Kenned\ and Rooney, Sullivan ami Pasquclenu, Mile, Ches- ter's statue dog. Fermi tide May Trio, Weston ami Morrlsev and the ktmNlrnnic, novelties In moving HENRY WOOD. CLEVELAND, O. KEITH'S (11. A. Daniels, mgr.).—Week of 5, the Znuclgs, In their mind reading act head the bill this week. This act always takes well here, and If the audience could be convinced of the ab- sence of trickery It would be much more Impres- sive. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lucler lu "A Rustic Rotneo." were gtssl openers. Mullen and Corelli a a comedy acrobats get more laughs than the usiuil act of this kind. Joseph Hart aud Carrie De Mar in a musical sketch called "The Other Fellow." have a fair act and were well received. Dan gulnlan and Keller Mack made good with their original talkfest entitled, "The Traveling Den list": Henry Leone and Anna Dale, "A I^esson In Ofiera." fair. The licchtun! Tnuqie of acrobats do seine marvelous work. Joe Flynu, monologlat. talked for about ten minutes. Kluetograph. LYRIC «E. R. Lang. mgr.). Chas. Harris, assisted by Edna Harris, gets many a laugh In his sketch, "The Inspector ami the Maid"; Fisher aud John- sou do some very good stunts on bicycles; the (Je- romes, statuary posers, are artistic; the Sllverton- oliver trou| k* thrilled aud pleased with their tight rope walking. Raymond ami Trlcy. In a sketch: Fred C. Styles, illustrated songs ami the moving pictures complete h very fair bill.——EMPIRE iChus. W. Dcnxlugcr. mgr.).—John L. Sullivan Is the attraction here, and although he talks too much without effect, he is well liked, and aa i curiosity draws well. The High Rollers Extrava gauza Co. put on a couple of burlesques about .is good as the average. Lawrence Crane was easlly the hit of the olio, and he Is very amusing as well us mystifying with his numerous slight of hand tricks. Winters and Bissett are very good wooden shoe dancers. Wesson. Walters and Wesson. In a farce called Hotel Repose, and Crawford anu licit/Hum. billed as European novelties, make up the rest of the olio. (J. A. B. KANSAS CITY. MO. ORPHEUM (Martin Beck. gen. mgr.).—Week 4 iiad a well-balanced bill, playing to excellent busi- ness at this house Marshall P. Wilder, author ami humorist, was the headllner. and he thor- oughly pleased his audiences with his stories and anecdotes. Clayton Kennedy ami Mattle Rooney have one of the funniest acts ever seen here. At .rrotesque darning they are In a class by them- selves. Horskey, Bergere A Co. lu one-act playlet, "He. She ami He," are gissl and amusing to Judge by the laughs. Nellie Florede, a singing conic dicnue. shows considerable talent. Sullivan and I'asqiieleua appear in bright singing act. Bar Hold's trained cats, dogs ami monkeys are more interesting than ordinary animal shows. Balance of bill includes Kemp and Pearl, colored singers, and klnodrome. Week Feb. 11. Orpheum Road Show. CENTURY (Joseph Barrett, mgr. ►.- "The Jolly Girls" furnished the amusement week of Felt. 4 to moderate business in a clever extrava- ganza entitled "The Honest Politician." The chorus is abotff the average as reganls Itouiity and costumes, but needs training. The olio includes Geo. T. Davis lu Illustrated songs, and six young women who frolic around on a darkened stage with phosphorescent dresses In "The Radium Dance." Week Feb. 11, "The Dreamland Burlesquers." MAJESTIC (Fred Waldmann. mgr.). -Week Feb. I saw the Eiiro|toan Burlesquers lu a really tunc- ft i l burl etta entitled, "SehuU's Hotol." Business was very satisfactory. Olio includes Merrltt and Kosclhi, comedy sketch; Bruce and Dagneau, "The Red Feather (Jlrls." do fairly well; Morrlssey ami Rich lu a sketch entitled, "A Bargain Day in Vaudeville." belong In the ten cent houses. Week Feb. II, AI Reeves' Beaut v Show. FAIRPLAY. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. ORPHEUM (Martin Beck. gen. mgr.). -After having been sidetracked for many weeks winter opened the week with a vengeance 4 but did not Interfere with the usual turnaway business with the vaudeville houses on Sunday, and two big audiences almost went wild over the astonishing gymnastic exhibition of the three Kleos Sisters, who closed the show but were recalled a half dozen times at each performance. The Freydo Brothers also went well with some unprecedented ham] to-hand work. Murphy and Wlllard are here for the second time, playing their old skit under Hie new name of "The Phrenologist." They go as big as ever. McCue and Cahlll "The Irishmen with the Italian voices," got along well Sunday although they failed to blend the Italian goods. Mile. Chester's Statue Dog made Its first appear mice here and scored a hit. Al Carleton also went Idg. Watson and Morrlsey. who filled lu Saturday night and opened the show this week, failed to create a furore with their singing and dancing Business continues big although "Plff! Paff! Uouf!" and "The Wizard of Oz" got their shnr- last week. Martin Beck, general manager of the orpheum Circuit, and F. B. Henderson, superlu tendent of construction, spent the early part of the week lu the twin cities closing contracts for the construction of the St. Paul Orpheum Theatre to be erected at Fifth and St. Peter street, opposite the Windsor Hotel. St. Paul. The contracts call for an expenditure of $:mhumx» ami are to Is? completed by Aug. 10. Mr. Beck sails for Euro|>e Feb. ft to be gone until April 10. Two acts finished their careers here Saturday night. Panto and Mnrlow and the Bellclalre Brother^ breaking up, Miss Marlow, who succeeded Deka in tlie act, and Paulo agreeing to disagree. Paulo had been booking both acts over the Orpheum circuit. Both acts cancelled time over the Inter state circuit. The Belhialres have l»een togetlier nine years. cn.VPIN.