Variety (Feb 1906)

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12 VARIETY makes good with Hebrew dialect bit, and Halght and I••-iiit have a farce skit. TABoR GRAND—Weal and Yokes In "A Pair of Pinks." to well pleased crowd*. CRYSTAL—Thf Great Loon. Illusionist, last year on tli»' Orphoiim circuit, heads very fair bill. Good business. NOVELTY.—Soils Brother*, Mexican musicians, four In number, are a good feature. Hill well balanced. Good buslnees, JAMES r. noland. PHILADELPHIA. KEITH'S (H. T. Jordan, mgr.).—There were only four iitw offerings in this week's bill and two of these, Hugh .leans, styled a "baseball equil- ibrist," an<l Wan! and Ward, singers and dancers, were on too early to Interfere with the entertain- ment. The third was Fritz Ullrich, a violinist, who Is reviewed under New Aets. Lillian Tycc and Irene Jeruion funtlsbed the other. They haw a slnping turn that Is better than anything of lis kind given here lately. The act suffers only from a poor selection of costumes. Miss Tyce scored a hit with her rendition of a very old Irish yodel. Arthur Dunn has made a change in his "com pany" since last heard here. He now has Marie (Hazier, who played the part of "Princess Angel Cake" in "The Runaways" when Dunn was the comedian In that mush al comedy. Their sketch Is changed very little, but It works better. Miss lilazbr haa a rasping laugh which she should cut out at once. Dunn was forced to tone down some of his stuff, which was very much on the bur lesmie order. Theresa Dorgeval was well re eelved In her selection of songs, which she sang well. Jewell's Mannlklns proved a delight to the young foiks and interested the elders too. The guigley Brother! went as well as they deserved with the old Jokes they handed out. Carlin and Otto offered several of the best parodies heard here in a year. They are good enough singers and would improve their act greatly if they did more of this and less talking. Their dancing was also acceptable. The honors of the bill belonged to the Katifmann Troupe of bicyclists. The make up of the troupe Is different and from a riding standpoint is not as strong as when Minnie Kauf- mann was with it, but it nevertheless scored a big bit and, when the riders are drilled a little more, there will be no room for complaint. It Is one of the showiest acts In vaudeville and Its neatness in every particular Is to be highly com- mended. The Knnfmnnn Troupe could be used to advantage by nomberleea variety performers as a lesson In dressing. Frank D. Bryan and hi* American Girls were held over and repeated the success of last week. The Edgartons, trapeze performers; Herr Saona. in a very BOOT imitation of Henry Lee's act, and the Luciers, In an ac- ceptable rustic comedy sketch, with the usual moving pictures, made tip an entertaining bill. CASINO (Ellas, Koenip & Lederer, mgrs.).— -The Blue Ribbon Girls presented almost an entirely new roster here this week and changes proved for the better. Ten of the chorus women were let out and a girl band of ten tilled their places. The latter are rehearsing a specialty number. Olgo Ollie rejoined the show after an illness and she sang well. Adams and Drew were added to the olio and work In the burlesque numbers. The bill could be further Improved, by a change of the wornout material used in the burlesque numbers, otherwise It pleased the audience. NOTES.—Floyd Lauman. representing Fllas, Koenlg and Lederer, has taken to the road with the Casino Girls Company. He intends to tlx up the show for its trip through the West.—John Ford and Mayme Gehrue. vaudeville favorites here, appeared In the musical comedy, "Lovers and Lunatics," at the Grand Opera House, and played to big business. KINKS. BOSTON, MASS. PALACE (Chan. Waldron, tngr.).— Charley Wald- ron offers at the Palace Theatre this week the Jersey Lilies Company, an organization that is composed .»r a number of clever comedians and a score of handsome and talented girls. The vehicles are two lively burlesques, "A Disputed Check" and "The Two Colonels." The first denls with the adventures of a gay old countryman who goes to New York for the first time and who gets Into all sorts of trouble. The other presents a case of mistaken Identity that Is full of complications. In the vaudeville part of the entertainment Oracey and Burnett have a clever sketch that Is full of good things, ami the three LaMazo Brothers present a comedy acrobatic act; the Hells render some charming instrumental selections upon a variety of Instruments; Zara and Stetson give a wonderful exhibition of baton manipulating; Howell and Kmerson contribute some grssl sink- ing and dancing, while the l.illie Quartet, the Misses Kmmett, McNeil and Washburn and Guy Rawson, render some good numbers Interspersed with lively dancing. The entire entertainment Is excellent, and there are many novelties Introduced. HOWARD ATHENEUM "(Carl Lothrop. mgr.). Troja Is at the Old Howard again this week. She Is the saucy singer of aaucy soups. but really she isn't sascj at all. She Is Ju-< "nifty" and piquant, with the air of a Parisian and the smile of a winsome, bewitching American girl. The Iflllman Trio of wire performers and the Dollar Troupe of tumbling athletes are there "with the goods." Harry Antrim and Yetta Peters, in a skit called "A Tarry at Darktown, ' are new to the Howard. Tiny make g<NMl. Will J. McDermott. he of eccentric motions; Carcvv and Haves, comediennes; Crowley and Foley. Kimball and Donovan, the ('airmails in illusions, Charley Farrell. the clever delineator; Rowley and Maud Dunn. Dave llallentine, t,|ie balladist; Hallmau and Cm 11a and the Howardacope round out the olio. Al'STIN & BTONB'S MUSEUM (Stone and Shaw, nigra.).—For ten cents you ran transporl yourself to the far west and revel In the "wild Hid woolly." The scenes <>f beyond the Mississippi are presented this week at Austin \ stone's Museum In all their vivid actuality. Cowboys, scouts and trappers come fresh from the plains, with Bronco John at the head. All the uirls in Powell's Minstrel Maids come out in new cos tnines this week, and they make a very prett> picture. There were new soups, new dances, and the comedians sprang u lot of new Jokes. The Daly a, the Tuylors, El*ie Ballard, Frauk Marion hikI Brenuau Brother* contributed to the vaudeville show. A. POWERS. HOBOKEN, N. J. EMPIRE (A. M. Bruggemuiiu, mgr.).—Week of i-\ uenaro and Bailey in "A Cigarette Caae," big hit; Trcioar, ex-Harvard athlete and physi- cal culture disciple, is a strong addiliou to this week's bill; J. C. Nugent A: Co. in "The Rounder," v\ on luataUl popularity; Adolf /ink ill iuiii.iiluiln .in,! bh'fei.ipii UoVvltJT, UiUdc .. grCUt bit; Charlotte Raveuscraft, the girl with the violiii, went us strong as any on the bill; ll.illi day und Leonard, Irish comedians, went big; 1 luleg ami Burke, in stageland satire, fail; t lie Chatueroya, eccentric athletes, good. Week Of 19, Clayton White und Marie Stuart, Steely, Doty and COC, Tie Denlek and Farin, Joaseliu Trio, Kdsall and Forbes, the Be Alios, Daisy Harcourt. Johnson and Wells und Buby Helena. No l'i;.—Mr. Ruy, of Wood and Ray, is writing a luvv act for next sea sou in which he will use one or two more people. JOHN J. BRKNNAN. CINCINNATI, 0. STANDARD (L'hurles B. Arnold, mgr. ). —Boo Manchester's Cruckerjicks in "The Ruzale-Daz- zle Uhis"; Bob Nan Oaten, John Hciiniiigs, Rosb Lewis, Charles O looker, Shepurd , Camp, Anna (ilockcr, Ruby Looul, Lilllun Held in the prin- cipal roles. Burlesque, hit. Most of the comedy work pleased. The closing burlesque, "Nutuie in Marble Hall," was handsomely mounted. In the olio were Cleuieiiso Brothers, ucrobatle musicians, hit; Lillian Held, soups and dunces, hit; Charles and Anna Glocker lu u baton swiuping act, good; Shepurd Lamp, in songs und parodies, good; lleu- ulUgOi Lewis und Heutiiiips lu a musical comedy entitled "Mixed Drinks," big hit. Next week, M. If. Thelae'a Casino Girls, with Hal Godfrey At Co. in "A Very Bud Boy" as a special added attraction. PEOPLE'S uTamea k. leuuessy. mgr.,).—Miner's Merry Burlesquers, Robert Mills, manager. The opcnlnig burlesque, "Doctor She," wus poor, while the closinp burlesque, "A Night on Broadway," wus runk. In the olio were Mil- dred Li rover, coon songs, fair; La Toy Brothers, comedy acrobuts and barrel jumpers, fair; Hick- inuu & Coleman. In "Just a Little Nonsense," p»*>r. The sketch is so poor that the good work of the artists Is lost -ipht of; Hipgius and Berg- man, singers and dancers, hit; Billy Noble, the Dixie Boy, scored heavily; I'ontinelle, imitation anio uaioii act, proved liie real hit of the per- formuuee. Next week, The Thoroughbreds, with the Laurent Trio, Henry and Francis, NTblo and Reilly, Orletta and Taylor, Willie Weston, Mile, l.a Tosca, Washhurn and Flynn, Chaa. Douglass and Harry McAvoy. GRAND OPERA HOUSE (John H. Huvlin &. Harry Rainforth. mgrs.).— "The Pearl and the Pumpkin," Kluvv & Er- langer. mgrs. Whole show great hit. The Kr- coli -Ariaza Castillian Troubadours scored big hit. Next week, "Babes iu Toylaud." COLUMBIA (M. I'. Anderson, mgr.).—John Zimmer, novelty Juupler, opened the bill for the week, but de- serves a better place, as his act was one of the hits of the bill; Dixon and Anger, in "The Baron and His Friend," fair; Vernon, ventriloquist. good; Wilfred Clarke & Co., conslstlnp of Miss Thee Carew, Miss Eleanor DeMott and Archie Giles in "What Will Happen Next?" scored a big hit; Artie Hall, coon shouter, made quite a lilt with her peculiar style of singing; the Na- vajo Girls, consisting of 12 girls in a musical and singing act, proved to be the real headliners. The artistic rendition on the violin by Miss Elsie t'ulloiu was enjoyed; Lillian Belger, comet; Lillian Given, trombone, ami May 10vans, whis- tler, received six encores; Marvelous Howards, in thought transmission act, naata, fair. Next week, keye, Willy Zimmerman, Mindell Kingston, Charlie Eltou & Co. Nelson Strnkosch, the Su Vans. hit; four Boise*, gym- Macart's trained nion- John W. World and Case, Etull Hoeh, Jane Downs, Mnic. Avery II. HESS. WASHINGTON, D. C. ('HASH'S (Miss H. W. DeWltt. mgr.).—The bill this week contains a specimen of about everything in vaudeville, from a one-ring circus to grand opera. Julian Bltlnge, in female Im- personation, was the hit of the bill; S. Miller Kent appeared In "Just Dorothy." The sketch Is not much, and If It were not for the clever players the act would have been a failure; Violet Dale, In Imitations, well received; George Wil- son again scored a hit; the Rose Went Worth Trio pave an exhibition along the line of an old- fashioned One nap circus; the McCrath Brothers contributed some well rendered banjo selections, the Troupe Plcehlanl In an acrobatic ami bal- ancing feats, good. The motion pictures close the show. -KERNAN (Eugene Kernan, mpr.).— The Utopians are playing their second engage- ment at tlie house this season. The show haft been greatly Improved. The comedy staff has been strengthened by the addition of Madden and .less and Larry Smith. The burlcsqucrs are good. The olio Is bright and snappy, Stanly and Scan- Ion in a novelty musical act, were well received; the Irving Trio in son! and dames, and the Trio Ash ton n iu an eccentric Juggling act. THF MAN IN BLACK. NEW ORLEANS, LA. ORPHEUM (Martin Beck, pen. mpr.L--- Ferry Forney deserves Rrsl place on the bill for week 12 Watson, Hutchlngs and Edwards are the headliners. Their "Vaudeville Exchange" goes well with the upper pari of the house. Georgia I.ewis should be taught the art of make-up. have her dress washed and pet a new coon sonp. The Doria Trio are excellent sinpers Horsky Rcrpere \ Co, have a rotten act. Arthur Doming told m mi- antiquated jokes. Barnold's doga and cats are el vep. Business is hip. Bill for week P> includes Abdul Kader and Wives, Hazardous I.oop, Herbert's Dogs, Kennedy and Rooney, Mitchell and Cain. Artie Hall and \m Gette. GREENWALL (Henry Greenwall, mpr.).—M. If. Thelse's "Wine. Woman and Sonp" opened to s. l*. O. at both performances II, They offer "A DOy at Niagara Falls" and "Fun In the Sub- way." The burlesques are headed by Howe und Scott, who own the bouse while they are on the stage. The olio Includes Raymond and Clayton, who eould Improve their act by eliminating some unclean material. Fredericks Bios, and Bevlus iu their musical act, scored heavily. Bonlta, with her Picks, made a hit. The show Is the best that has played the (ireenwall this Reason. Route's Knickerbockers, week IP. NOTE.—The Cosmopolitan shows are exhibiting corner Canal ami Dupre streets. Chas. Staid, a high diver, Is Ihe main feature. o. If, SAMUEL. BATTLE CREEK, MICH. BIJOU (W. S. Buttelhld. mgr.). Week of 12, Goto, Japanese Juggler, best in his line here this season; Miss Maxlne Sloan. illustrated soups, local talent: Tom lief ion with his talented part mr "Crutch," a big hit; L.vstcr and Cooke, wire artists and novelty mush al, act ; Three Gardner Children iu a sketch, "The Theatrical Agent," big hit. Cllnetoscope all ne'n pictures. N. RITCHIE. NEWARK, N. J. PROCTOR'S (R. C. Stewart, res. mgr.)- The much heralded Le Domino Rouge heads the bill week 12. This in not tii»- hit that Is expcCtCd Of so-called big acts. The finale is positively tint. Some suitable climax should l«' reached by so clever a dancer us the Doinlno if she would re main a sensation when the mystery of her identity wears off. Ed Rlondell A Co. In "The Lost Boy." nood; Camllle Trio have one of the beet comedy triple bar acts seen here this season; Hurry lister and his impersonations, fair; Hawthorne and Burr. dialect comedians, fair; Dan Harrington. ven triloqulst, good; Mallory Bros.. Krooks and 1 lit 11 - day, colored entertainers, have a refined musical act. Talbeli and. Rogers, conversationalists, would do vvell to pet some new jokes, as those used are too old oven for "Jersey." Motion pic- tures good. Next week. Mile. Thereso Reni. Rlee and Prevost. Omar Singh, Geo. W. Monroe, Gertrude Reynolds. Kelly und .Vhdette. Harry Brown and motion pictures. WALDMAN'S (W, S. Clark, mgr). -Rice and Barton's Rose Hill English Folly Co.. week 12: good three act bur- lesque called "Knights of the Red Carter." Olio lair. Idylla Vyner, singer; Blanche Newcomb as Buster Brown; John B. Cain, Harry Fvans and Henrietta Wheller. sketch, "A Terrible Night." Lane Sisters, dancers; Bison City Quartette and Van Bros, musicians. 0B8ERVARE. KANSAS CITY. MO THE ORPHKUM (Martin Beck. gen. mgr.).— Week Feb. it. Orpbeum Road Show did banner business at tlds play house, with one of the most evenly balanced bills seen here. Every act was good and there was not a dull moment. Campbell and Johnson have a most startling and urotesque bicycle act. Edward Blxby Is a elevrt' parodist and slnirs iti p.Kid voire. Jules and Ella Garrison have n travesty on Antony and Cleopatra which makes a big go With the audience on account of the awkward "supers" who represent the Roman army. Winona Winter Is a dainty and pretty little mimic. Her imitations are very carefully Worked OUt. As I ventriloquist she is above the average. Merlan's Dogs are the beat seen here for some time. The Fords do a reniarkald.v evenly balanced song and dance act. Colonial Septette Musical troupe are far above the average. THE CENTURY (Joseph Barrett, mgr.). Week 11 saw "Innocent Maids" trying to make good and they succeeded In showing that they were Innocent and Innocuous in all that goes to make up a the atrlcal entertainment.' 1 The chorus is only worthy of mention, olio includes Eugene Jerge, illus trated soups; Mazie Alcene and Fdytha Hamilton, another pair of "ginger girN," do the regulation sister act. CurtlB and Blossom, acrobats; Mat- key and Moran sing and dance; DeoOSO and El- liott appear in "Leap the Bumps." ImsI part Is called "Stranded." Week 18, Dreamland Bur lesqmis. -MAJESTIC iFred Waldinaiin. mgr.i. —WeTfc 11 l i r bt i ght Al: R eeves' Blp Bennty Show with pood business .throughout the week. The hist part is called "The Chadwlck Trial." Olio Includes Dora Roceo, violinist of merit; Hilton ami Zeph. soni;s; The Destelle Sisters dance Oil their IOCS; Savoy Quartet comedy; Nelson-Farnuin. aero hats. Al Reeves Slugs Strongly. Chorus Is vvell trained and fair to look upon. Week IS. •"Flu* World Beaters." FA1RPLAY. OMAHA, NEB. ORPHEUM i Martin Beck. pen. mpr. i. The week started out with the largest Sunday nil dienccs of the season which have kept Up right along, Marshall P. Wilder apparently being the principal attraction, although the hill throughout Is one of the most entertaining ones of the season. Wilder Is making exceptionally pood although his nlgh-clacs work occasionally shoots a little over the heads of local audiences. I.ewis Mi Cord Is back with his well known skit. "The Night !••• fore," which be has entirely revised, but has failed to evolve a new climax nearly so satisfying as the original one. Watson ami MoTTlsey have a number that Is deserving of a better place than the opening of the bill. Miss Mnrrtsey putting on a new dancing step that has made a hit. The I'ernande Trio in novelty Instrumental stunts and paper manipulating are one of the bits of the bill. Sullivan and Pasqiieleu i have some exceptionally good character work. Kennedy and Rooney have oi f the heat eccentric comedy stunts of the season, while Mile Chester's statue dop was the artistic success of the bill. Next Week Martin [Seek will be in personal charge of the OrpbeUm ron.I show hen. HENRY WOOD. —_— - e KENOSHA, WIS. RUOfJ (John O'Brien, res. mgr.). Bill for first part of week of 12: Ben Turpiu. in Ids "Happy Hooligan" turn; The Great Penis, equilibrist: The Hoofs, comedy sketch; Ada llenry \ Co.. sketch and aerial: Martins win mm h applause In their trapexe work. Klnctoscope cloaea show. Coming latter part of week: Sprapue and Mack, come- dians: Palp«', clay modeller; Mr. and Mrs. Kane, corned T sketch; Harry De Mario, contortionist; \erial Martins, the feature act. Klnctoscope closes show. TED SANFORD. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. LYRIC (W. S. Moss, mgr.).—Week S: The Al cazar Beauties, in "Romance of a Suit Case" anil "A Midnight Dream," drew good houses. Show pleased.——BON TON (J. II. Young, uigr. i. Week .V Robert Fills. Westln. KUly and De Mai (poor), Ba/ile and ltus. De Laska. .lames O Wise, and kiuetoscope Uood business and show. ORPHEUM (Jules F. Bistes, res. mgr. I.—Week ">: llallcn and Hayes. Welch and Maitlaml. Ed ward Davis \ c, , joe Newman, La Oerte, Klekko and Tr.ivoll. All took well. Mr. Davis and Mi> tola Van Dyne were especially good In "The Unmasking." Good business all week with s. it o. matinee Saturday. .I.\Y E. JOHNSON LOS ANGELES. CAL. ORPHEUM (Clarence Drown, res. mgr.). Week of •"»: Eight AlllsouH, headliners, strong hit; l.v. Brunln. novelty (see New Acta); Five Vernon Troupe. \.\ loplionists. vet\ fnlr, Kstcllc Woidette and Jules Kusell. In "A Honeymoon lu the Cats kills." get a whole lot of laughs; Fred Lennox, In the G e or ge Ade sketch. "On His Uppers/' is still popular in Ids second week; Rlee und Cad,*. German comedians, are big local favorites; Mt'r bert's Dogs ^'o well. This house is doing Ihe business of the city. RANDOLPH BARTLBTT. TROY. N. Y. PROCTott'H (W. H. Graham, res. mgr.). Week 12 17: A good bill I* provided and will undoubted i.v tax the capacity of the house. The offerings are Max Waldron. female iiuiersouator, is good; Tin- Three l>umouds are pleasing; Reno-Richard* Co.. comedy acrobat*, do stunts lu trick tumbling, and are really clever; Frank and Myrtle Chambci lin. iu "The Cow I o\ ami the Lady." pave an e\ hlbltton of expert ia-.-o handling. The Sully Fam lly, four In nnmler. iu "An interrupted Honey moon," fair. The Peiots. humorous Juggler*, seemed to please. I'etroi and Opp. Comedian*, sinpers and dancers, fair. The bill concluded with new motion picture*. ROYAL (W. H. Buck. res mgr.».—12-17: Clark's "Runaway Girls" Company opened before two Immense audiences. Tin- show is bright and snappy; gorgeously cos turned and has modern electrical mechanical ami scenic effects. Amateur night, Thursday. Coming, ••Vanity Fair." 10-24, J. J. MULLEN. FORT WAYNE, IND. TEMPLE OF VAUDEVILLE tF. F. Stouder. les see and jnpr.). Not since the Temple adopted the continuous policy have the patrons of this tiouse enjoyed stleb a good bill as was provided the week of the ."tli World and Kingston were probably a little the best offering, as their act 1^ versatile in addition to being clean ami interesting. T. Nelson Downs again demonstrated that he is without a peer in coin manipulation. Bttdd Bros, are above the BVerag( of acrobatic acts that come to the Temple, and they happily desist from spoil lug their work by "trying themselves out" as m<> noloL'ists between turns. Castle ami Collins are • lever dancers, executing some new and clever steps. Cora Beech Turner pleased each of the thirteen audiences that tilled the Temple last week with her pleasing voice and fetching gown*. Nina Barhoiir gave two ballads with pictures, and the kiuetoscope completed the bill. DE WI'ITK. GL0VERSVILLE. N. Y. FAMILY THEATRE (P. P. Craft, res. mgr.). Week of 1L\ Tom Almond. In a rather remarkable dame upon Ire skates; Irene I.ce, the Olrl iu Trousers, an Immense hit: The Alarcons. Mexican musicians, one of the pi'ds of the quartette sings a contralto solo In English, With a 'cello obligate played by one of the men, which Is the scoring number of the bill. Miller's elephants from the Hippodrome, the only Indoor animal act of its magnitude ever seen here. Motion pictures, on 11 miry. THE AISLE-SEA T FII.ND. P0TT8T0WN, PA. GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Edward Mozart, pen. mjrr.; Louis II. Baker, res. mgr.). The Great "Sears" headed the bill, B-10, presenting the Eu- ropean Illusion. "Apa " This net was new here and received the recognition it deserved. Teddy Hlutonds & Co.. comedy sketch. *»A Curious Cure." was admirably staged and well acted, receiving lots of applause. The Esterbrooks, refined musical artists, made a lilt and won favor. Burke and Finn, boxing act, are funny. J, \V. Harrington. milUlC and Imitator, is one of the best ever heard here. Ilorneman, comic magician, good. lllu*. trated Kings, by J. W. Harrington, were the be*l heard here. Feb. 12 II: The De Matos, gymnast*, lu trapexe work, pot applause. Cherry and Bate- do a good turn on the wheel. Weoler and McGlll's (omed.v sketch. "A Postal Card." is breezy. An ger and HaUley do a neat clop dance and ship. Marve'lc and Gleason, In "Brother Tom's Friend.'' are fair entertainers. The Klnetograph. Feb 1" 17: Three Bantu Bros and Von Well, Instru llteutalists, preaentlng "A Day in Camp." Fred and May Waddell. comedy elub jugglers; Dawson and Bell, grotesque artists; Fox ami Summer*. comedy sketch, "The Pen? Collector;" Grace Whltehouse, singing comedienne. AUDITORIUM FAMILY THEATRE (Arnold and Kinney, mgrs. I Week of rjth, business ami show good. The \ulltoriuiii lias the lest hill for this week ever seen hen-. The Marvelous Marriott Twins, bicyelo act, head the hill. The Tonakas. Jap jupplers, d > w lerful stunts and please immensely. Tanner and Oilliert get applause with their capers. J. 11. WEI r/KNNORN. PAWTUCKET, R. I. At the New, Pawtiicket Theatre the large an dieiice showed their appreciation of the efforts of Manager Capron to present a vaudeville bill thai has not as yet been equalled al that popular home of amusement, Miss Marie Jensen, one of Amer lea's great operatic stars, contributed several Vii eal selections; enthusiastic applause. Tom Bryant, a blackface comedian, was a favorite, a* wop also the Seeker Wilkes Company, in Blnghlg. talking and dancing acts. Blllle and Edith Ora