Variety (Feb 1906)

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i6 VARIETY OCEAN TO OCEAN SULLIVAN & CONSIDINE CIRCUIT Largest Circuit of Family Theatres In the World Owning and Operating 49 First/Class Vaudeville Theatres East, North- west and West lA/QNTPn SS SH time*. FIRST-CLASS ACTS OF ALL KINDS that WMIl 1 JEsl-Jt - can deliver the goods SOLE BOOKING AGENTS AL. ONKEN, Family Theatre, 115th St., near CHRIS. 0. BROWN. 67 8. Clark St., Chioago. CHAS k W»A * # tli T Dl.S t W.. Settle, Waah. AR CHIE LEVY. Ill Eddy St., San Franeieoo, Cal. GUS EDWARDS' "SCHOOLBOYS and SCHOOLGIRLS 99 99 THE SEASON'S HIT Wait for "THE WESTERN UNION BOYS The Biggest Singing Novelty Ever Shown; Will Be Presented in About Two Weeks by GUS EDWARDS LONDON "MUSIC HALL" i GV>e Great English Vaudeville Taper (Weekly) 401 STRAND. W. C. American Representative— Miss Ida M. Carle, Room 708, St. Tames Building, where a file of papers can be seen and advertisements will be received KIETY KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE BUILDING, NEW YORK CITY CARDS OF ARTISTS UNDER THE HEADING OP "REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS" AT FOLLOWING RATES: 1 -2 Inch single column, $2.00 monthly, Net 1 Inch ■ 4 00 M M 1-2 Inoh double column, .......... 4.00 " " 1 Inoh M 7.60 " " — BEST PLftOBS TO STOP AT WilhinMohawk ThtatreBldg.Steam Umtd- ElntrkLiahl MIUNK THEATRE. HOTEL, s.h.„.c.<.,. n.v. American plan ONLY. 8 blocka from Van Cur- ler Opera Hooee. $1.28 single; $1.00 double, per day. Half block from R. B. Station. Professional Headquarters THE BRIDGB HOTEL. Bowery and Dolaeeojr sts., K, y. city, 2 doors «b»ve Miiui ■ s Tbe s tfe. Klegaut fin nlslicd rooms. Booms riovrved by letter. Horn and Drlecoil, l*ropr|etora; Win. J. Reilly, Munuger. Professional's Haadqusrtsrs MILLEK'S HOTEL (American PlovrO S. K. comer Tentb and Race Sts., Philadelphia. A new and up-to-date hotel, home comfort*. Rates •1.80 and $2.00 per day! Special Ratea to Pro- fessionals. Harry C. Miller, Prop. SYRACUSE, N. Y. UHE VAJ*7>E'R3IL& oonmnam.r looatcd V HANNEHSTCIN'S ICTORIA theatre; or VARIETIES Next Week „£S5T8Sm Feb. 26 Prlcea, 25c. 50c, 75c \ 81.00. Mat. Every Day, 25c k 50c Positively the Funniest Act yet Imported from Kurope. Cliff Bunt's Hevalty Ctmidy Clrcis Mr. I Mrs. ROBERT FITZSIMMINS Original One-Act Comedy Skit, Introducing Mrs. Robert Fitzslmmons In Operatic Selec- tions, and Mr. Fitzslmmons Introducing some F.xpert Hag Punching. Return, by Popular Request, TOM NAWN Presenting, for the First Time Here, "A Touch of Nature." RENO, RICHARDS AND COMPANY Comedy (Jymuasts. TUB SPOOK MINSTRELS An Original Novelty In Animated Motion Pictures. MR. .It'LIl'S TANNEN Impersonator. First Time Here. MISS LOUISE DRESSER, Comedienne. MALLUHY BROTHERS, BROOKS AND HALLIDAY Colored Musical Artists. CAPRICE, LYNN AND FAY Singers and Dancers. NEW V1TAGRAPH VIEWS PASTOR'S 14th St., near 3d Ave. Continuous Per- formance. WEEK COMMENCING FEBRUARY 26th. HOLCOMB, CURTIS AND WEBB O'Brien and Buckley Treloar and Edna Tempest SPECIAL FEATURE. GRACIE EMMETT AND COMPANY Mr. and Mrs. Chas. S. Hammond I'liilln-iMiks and Reynolds Speranzns, I^ady Fencers The Emersous I'ollls le Page Montague and O'Hara EXTRA ATTRACTION—CHARLES F. SEMON GREATER N. Y. CIRCUIT To Those Who Comede If you are WILLING TO PAY A GOOD PRICE FOR GOOD MATERIAL I will brighten your business, pad your part, and enliven up your linos. If you need a Comic Song I will construct you one for laughing purposes only, give you exclusive stage rights, copyright, and PROTECT same for you. Harry Bulger is a success with my "No Bird ever flew so high be didn't have to light;" Melville and Stetson thank me for "I'm crazy to go on the stage;" Lee Harrison will work an- other year with my "Mr. Sherlock Holmes Is no one else but me." References, the above and Peter F. Da I ley, Eddie Foy, Alex. Clark, Edwin Stevens, Jefferson D'Angells, M'arie Cahlll and the best In show business. If you are NOT willing to pay a good price for good material, please don't take up my time. WILL D. COBB "WORDRIGHT" 1512 Broadway New York WANTED Young man wants position as assistant to European or American artist. Address W. S., care Variety. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. D. Hammond IN if "FAMILY JARS Week of Feb. 26 AT TONY PASTOR'S GlGLER Tailor I < 6 West 29th Street NEW YORK "Hundreds Know Me, Thousands Never Heard Tell of ate, And Millions Never Will" • • • HARRY FIDLER, the «,«„: as "HUGO, the Porter," in ERNE8T HOG AN S • RUFUS RASTUS" COMPANY Subscribe now and be sure of VARIETY EACH WEEK If subscribing "as per route" mail postal of any change to insure receipt. With his singing, dancing and talking, creates a most favorable imprrsslon, while the klnodrome closes the allow, Fair show and attendance. Sarah Bernhardt had the house Feb. 11), tnatlnec «'»«! night. ARTHUR STUART. PUEBLO, COL. EARL <G. at, Morris, mgr.L—Strong bill 19, headed by The Reauvais Trln, in 'A Military Ro- mance." u sketch with strong dn.matlc situations. concerning an American array officer and an Indian squaw. Morrel and Deeley, comedians and vocal- ists. Salvlni Bros., hand balancers; the Great Westln and company, illustrated songs and mov- ing pictures complete the bill. Business 12, very good, considering poor bill and extremely cold weather. CHAM* OPERA H0U8K. Alcansar lieu ti- tles. IS. to fair business. Orpheum Stars under- lined for 28 and Mar. 1, for benefit of Pueblo Western League Baseball Club. NOTES.—The Eagles held their annual smoker at the Grand 0|K i ra House to a packed house. The Vol Ions, acrobats; Harry X. Benumoiit. monologue, and Supon. Roman rings, entertained. The programme concluded with a fight between Jim F^lynn and Morgan Williams, for the middleweight champion- ship of the West. Flynn knocked Williams oud in the fourth round. Mrs. Frank Irving, wife off Frank Irving, of the Irving Trio, acrobats, died last Wednesday at St. Luke's Hospital, Denver, from a complication of diseases. 11. KXBKK. PAWTUCKET, R. I. NKW PAWTUCKBT—Week 19, S. R. 0. *Ig" will be used this week as it la one of the best bills of the season. Elsie Ballsrd, character change artist, good. Green and Weathers, singing, talk Ing and nnicycle act. was fine. Geo. Martin, a Juvenile song and dance artist, was clever. W. W. O'Brien, monologue and parody singer, was In excellent voice. Martin and R!dgway are pood. Francla and Rogers, as a refined comedy duo. ap peared to excellent advantage. Matt Bennle I" pleasing in his illustrated songs. The farce this week is 'Tatsy Bolivar." NICK.