Variety (Mar 1906)

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VARIETY 13 HARTFORD, CONN. HARTFORD OPERA HOUSE- (Jennings A Graves, muni.). —Week Feb. 26, Wood and Ward, comedy juKKling and hoop rolling; Hensen and .lames, sinking und dancing act; Marie J an sen was In tine voice ami greatly pleased; Wlllard Newell and company In "I^uat Night." were a suc- • i'-s; Duffy, BawteUe nml Duffy, acrobats, were on Mils program, but only one of the performer* appeared; Vernona Jarlteace sang and gave reel tatlous; Metcalf, Paddock nnd Edwards gave a pleasing musical act; the Great Alexander, fe- male Impersonator pleased; the Wonderful Spllk Is a new act in which a bicyclist rides on a funnel shaped track over a cage containing three lions: very startling and brought forth a great ileal of applause. POLI'S i Louis E. Kilby, ingr.l. -Week Feb. 2fl. Lucille Saunders, a former Hart- lord girl, proved a drawing card and pleased at each performance; Jackson family of bicyclists did some of the finest work ever seen in this city; the Dixie Serenaderg were good and closed with a minstrel first part; Harry La Rose and company in "The Sailor and the Horse" was very funny; Chassino. the European shadowgraphlst, pleased; a sketch by Godfrey and Henderson, fair; Couture and Gillette, comedy acrobats, good; the electro- graph pleased the little ones. W. H. RHODES. 8ANTA CRUZ, CAL. (Mrs. 0. W. AllHky. mgr.) show. The Seminary Girls head the program, a ,burlesque "urn with catchy songs and a little comedy. The two Warren sisters head the Gaiet\ Stock Company. One of the good numbers and the first time in Topeka was "Phroso," a mechanical novelty operated by electricity. Herman Thomp- son sings the picture ballads. The stock company are Ruth Allen. Florence Lane, May Monte, Myra Warren, Ix>ralne McNenl, Florence Musgrave, .Jewel Drape, Nellie Morris and Kittle Rumford. A farce comedy, "The New ."ludge." is the pro- gram Kane from srtme week 24. CRAWFORD (Crawford & nigrs.)—Good business, hooking entirely the Sulllvan-Considlne circuit and offering good attractions. LOUIS H. FRIEDMAN. verv fair show week of 19. offers a Powers and Freed, POTTSTOWN, PA. GRAND OPERA HOFSE, -William Porter. Jr., of Oswego, N. Y., succeeds W. H. Haker as mana- ger. Rill for 20-38 includes the Three Graces in an amusing turn: Hyde and Heath in a sketch, "A Load of Hay"; Rreint Hays, hanjolst, Is a good banjolst: John ait«r] Mamie Conroy, an eccen- tric comedy nnd dancing act; Harry Oreen, illus- trated songs. L*wrenee Trio present a trick house act called "Moulin La Chateau." The kinetograph closes the show. Business good. March 1-3, the Three Alarcorns. the Mexican Trio and six other acts. AUDITORIUM FAMILY THEATRE (Drown & Kinney, mgrs.).—Week of IP: Business excellent. Week of Feb. 20: Mat- thews. Jugglers, are great. Flips and Ix>retta, colored comedians, made a hit. Mr. and Mrs. opened the program and pleased; LeMaire and l.cMaire have a fair comedy act; The Halsworths, musical and dancing turn, clever; Teddy Sim- mons and Dorothy Warde In the sketch "A Curi- ous Cure" won much applause; Tommy Burnett •sng sweetly, and the Buckeye Trio in an aero bath- act "In a Tramp's Dream" were good. The Parkoscope wound up the bill. NOTE.—Fran- c.s.a Redding billed as headllner for the week was taken sick and will appear later. L. T. BERLINER. LANCASTER, PA. NEW FAMILY (Edward Mozart, mgr.).—Bill for week of 20 an exceptionally strong one headed by Bartlet and Collins in an act entitled "Every- thing Their Own." which pleases Immensely. Mil- lar Brothers introduce their Diorama. Baby Owen and Co.. with Baby Owen as a little Memo in "Dreamland," proved a big hit. As acrobatic clowns the Kennard Brothers rank with the best of their class. Tom and Gertie Crimes as travesty artists are good. Alice Gleason, contralto, has a good voice and uses it to advantage. The Kinelo- graph solves the servant girl problem. LA FAYETTE. TERRE HAUTE, IND. LYRIC THEATRE (Jack Hoeffler. mgr.).—Week •2>;-. Bill headed by the Baader-LaVelle Bicycle Troupe, is the headline act. Palmer and Jolsou come next in the "Hebrew and the Coon." Nettle Fields was booked and featured, but did not sp- here 20 to large houses. The performance starts with a satire in one act entitled "All In One Night," introducing the whole company. March 2. • The High Rollers." J. J. M. HOB0KEN, N. J. BMP1RI (A. M. Bruggeinauii, mgr.).—Bill week 20: Nat Haloes, nonsensical nonsense, kept his audience roaring. Rlccobono's horses scored a hit. .lames Nelll and Fdythe Chapman. In "The Lady Across the Hall," excellent. Ryers and Her- mann's pantomime made a strong hit. Helen Rclmer O. K. Elvira Francelli and Tom Lewis, assisted by John Dale, in "The Ballyhoo," fair. J. K. Hutchinson and company In "The Idol Smasher," very good. Florence and Charles Qregaon's anions singing travesty pleased. Next week: Billy Van, Smedley Sketch Club, Eckert and Berg. Orpheus Comedy Four, Archer's Five Filipino Girls, Mile. Latina, Klein and Clifton, Kinetograph. Business excellent. JOHN J. BRENNAN. FORT WAYNE, IND. TEMPLE OF VAUDEVILLE (F. E. Stouder, lessee and mgr.).—The bill week of 19 was good, hut contained one act which forbids a favorable comparison with the two weeks preceding. The Baader-La Velle Trio is far above any cycling act seen here. Kemp and Pearl, colored comedians, are a real treat. The Petet Family pleased. Rose and Severns are handicapped by bad material. J. News from The House Melodious" FITZSIMMONS IS SINGING AT •••. Hammerstein's Victoria this week THE NEWEST "EDWARDS'" MELODY—— I'll Do Anything in the World for You (BY COBB AND EDWARDS) Get wise and get this one. IT'S GOING TO BE THE FIRST, AND THE ONLY SUMMER SONG SUCCESS Gus Edwards Music Publishing Co. 1512 BROADWAY, NEW YORK [CITY^ (Next door to Rector's) Also publishers of "IF A GIRI, UKE YOU IOVED A BOY WKE ME," "TWO DIRTY UTTI,E HANDS," "SOME- BODY'S SWEETHEART I WANT TO BE, M " IN A MTTI,B CANOE WITH YOU," "KISS ME ONCE MORE GOOD-NIGHT," and "WHEN THE GREEN LEAVES TURN TO GOU>.» H BODM poor boy soprano, but is more COB- novelty Instruments lists, plesae because they ap- i"-nr in clean and well fitting costumes and make no attempt to combine humor ami music. Rrley ami Late, comedy sketch artists, entertain with good Hue of talk, interspersed with "luffing. Master Willy Scott, tin sings some poor BOUgS very well, scions of ihe presence of his mother In the wrings than of the audience. Anita Walton, noubrette, need not depend On the management for her salary us she received several pieces of money from Ihe audience, Who evidently mistook her for an ama- teur, and not without reason, Allen Dougherty sluu's -I'al of Mine." Illustrated, and makes a de- served lilt under great difficulties, as he Is suffer- Ing from a severe cold and follows three singing Hits. Pictures good, business poor. STKVK. T0PEKA, KAN. XOVKLTY (A. II. Hag.ui. mgr.).— The Lenotre. Kuropean novelty, head a strong bill. Hart and Dillon, Instrtunentalllta nnd singers, went well. Lottie West Synlonda, the Irish Countess, goes well In stories and songs: the Voltons, society ncrohats, clever, The Novelty gives three per- formances daily and winds up with moving pic- tures. Business good. STAR (I* M. Gorman. nigr.).—l'iaylng to capacity nightly with a strong Stuart Harrow, smoke picture artists, are good. George Leh, Illustrated songs, is still popular. The Three Jackson*, In bag punching and boxing. excellent in this line. The Kinetograph ends the show. Business on the Increase, J. II. WEITZENKOBN. FORT WORTH, TEXA8. MAJESTIC (Charles It. Fisher, res. mgr.).— Week 19: Good crowds lo sec an evenly balanced show. Tegge ami Daniel, German comedians, were a good opening number. Illustrated songs. The IVwslng Austins. Jugglers and dancers, were very clever and amusing. I'ro/.onl, accordion player, received repeated encores. Hairs and Kate Jack- son, sketch. "'His off Hay," were well received. Mile. Pat tec. singer, was well received. Capt. Blccardo and bis lions were well liked for such an act. Motion pictures. Next Week: Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hughes In A Matrimonial Substitute"; Capt. George Auger and Llllnutlana In "Jack, the Giant-killer": Tom Ripley, The De Mtonlos, Miss llardle Langdon, Morris Mauley and liollie Ster ling; motion pictures and Illustrated SOUgS. TABBANT. ERIE, PA. PARK (M, Bels, mgr.).— A One large audiences week 26. The pear. Her place was tilled by Hurry Hill i-i monologue; act went big. Stelner Itrolbers do a 'triple bar act. Pictures close the bill, Week of March .">: He Wide and Zeldor, European novelty act; Mathews and Manning. Wallace and Beach, Alice Lewis, Dainty Duchess. Note.—Eddie Ac k ernuin has Joined the I'.aadcr I.a Velle Cycle Troupe. Oskara and Oskars, novelty performers, joined the Jack Hoeffler show en tour. Burr's trained dogs, ponies and horses; Fred Cole, aero* hat. go with the .lack Hoelller tent show this spring. J. II. bill attracted Two lau-Taa TROY, N.Y. PROCTOR'S (W. II. Graham, rea. mgr.). The bill this week Includes Le Domino Rouge In her dancing act, well received. Joe Morris, one of i hose quaint Jewish characters, caught on. Lau lence and Harrington, In a sketch entitled "in- stalments," were amusing, Milllman Trio, high wire performers, very good. The Mllbml Trio, muslrsl act, received much applause. The Eight Midlands. In a singing and posing act. are | leas |ng. Mitchell and Marron, mins trel entertainers, are humorous. Lavine ind Leonard, styled the automobile Jugglers, made a hit, the J»iU closing with motion pictures.— ROYAL iW. II. Duck, res. mgr.;.— Phil Sheridan's City Sports opened \V. Sherry did not seem to please. Mlna Barbour was unable to sing her Illustrated songs part of the week because of a told. Pictures close the bill. DK W1TTE. LOGANBPORT, IND. CRYSTAL (Tom Hardle, res. mgr.).—Bill week of 20 Includes M. Samuels, Impersonator; Feme Shinier, Illustrated songs; I^g Danovos, good; Crescent Quartet, amateurs; kinodrome. Busb ness, S. R. o. March .'», Marjoile D.inett, Jenks ami Clifford, Feme Shinier, Metzger, Dida, etc. Note Messrs. Amnions & Dubois, of the Crystal Circuit, have leased the old Irwin Opera House, at Goshen, Did., and will reopen It as a "Crystal" next month. UKVIDO. Vote Baker) the German comedian, was taken quite ill in,Chicago last week with gastritis, having to canrej his engagement at r11«- Olympic Theatre in that city. lit- is recovering, and will ojx'n at the Majestic at Hot Springs on Monday.