Variety (Mar 1906)

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14 VARIETY arles | eonard p letcher CHARACTER STUDENT Presenting His Original Protean Novelty "AN EVENING WITH CHARLES DICKENS AND OTHER GREAT NOVELISTS J J Introducing Artistic Impersonations from the Greatest Works of Fiction, including his latest and ' greatest success, a condensation of Charles Warner's sensational one-act play, adapted from the French of M. Antoine, "AT THE TELEPHONE 99 FLETCHER The ■■ Book-Worm " Always Studying J Always Working I Sixth Year In Vaudeville I A Success In America ! A Success In England I A Success In South Africa I Booked In England and Australia until March, 1908 Vroof of FLETCHE7CS Versatility and Enterprise REPERTOIRE Richard Mansfield, as "Baron Chevrial," in A Parisian Romance. Richard Mansfield, as "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Richard Mansfield, as "Beau Brummel." Richard Mansfield, as "Richard III." Richard Mansfield, as himself, in curtain speech. Sir Henry Irving, as "Mathias," in the Bells. Sir Henry Irving, as "Robespierre." De Wolf Hopper, as "Wang." Stuart Robson, as "Bertie," in the Henrietta. Thos. Q. Seabrooke, as "King Pommery," in the Isle of Cham- pagne. Ezra Kendal, in Monologue. James A. Heme, as "Nat Berry," in Shore Acres. E. J. Morgan, as John Storm, in the Christian. Beerbohm Tree, as "Zakuri," in the Darling of the Gods. William Gillette, as "Sherlock Holmes." Forbes Robertson, as "Dick Heldar," in The Light That Failed. Wilson Barrett, as "Wilfred Denver," in the Silver King. E. S. Willard, as "Cyrus Blenkarn," in the Middleman. Charles Warner, as "Coupeau," in Drink. Charles Warner, as "Kleschna," in Leah Kleschna. Charles Warner, as "Paul Marex," in At the Telephone. President Roosevelt. Admiral Schley. Mark Twain. Chauncey M. Depew. Charles Dickens. Emile Zola. Leo Tolstoy. Sir Conan Doyle. Rudyard Kipling. Longfellow. Fagin, from Dickens' Oliver Twist. Bill Sykes, from Dickens' Oliver Twist. Grandfather, from Dickens' Old Curiosity Shop. Sidney Carton, from Dckens' Tale of Two Cities. Uriah Heep, from Dickens' David Copperfield. Micawber, from Dickens' David Copperfield. Pecksniff, from Dickens' Martin Chuzzlewit. IN PREPARATION A New One Act Comedy Sensation, written expressly for Mr. Fletcher, by Harry Jackson, entitled: 11 A BREEZE FROM THE WEST " ROUTE MARCH 5, COLONIAL, NEW YORK. MARCH 12, ORPHEUM, BROOKLYN. MARCH 19, ALHAMBRA, NEW YORK. MARCH 26, PROCTOR'S 58TH ST., NEW YORK. V^tot^****^