Variety (Mar 1906)

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i8 VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS The FRANCO- AMERICAN COMEDIENNE Specially engaged for March 5, Washington, D. C; March 12, Baltimore; March 19, Philadelphia; then four weeks in New York City. JEANETTE DUPRE At liberty after April 16. For time and terms address (permanently) Hotel Navarre, New York. ROSE WENTWORTH WAIT FOR THE NEW ACT THE ORIGINATOR ' OF THE MESSENGER BOY ON THE VAUDEVILLE STAGE. Al. W. Maddox, Supported by Maybelle Melvin PRESENTING THE AT THE PRESENTING THE UNIQUE CHARACTER SKETCH, HT U ■=* gj qp J\ ^p I ^^ [^ •• READ WHAT THE REAL CRITIC OF LOWELL, MASS., SAYS. Maddox and Melvin's now sketch, fi %£ the Station," la to gay the least, great. Mr. Maddox is the original messenger boy, and will be favorably remembered by Lowell playgoers as one of the leading lights In several comedies which played in t his city during the past Ave years. In his latest vehicle he is given unusual opportunities to display his ability, and he certainly takes the bull by the horns, so to speak. Miss Melvin Is a charmer, and her singing adds much strength to the piece. As a stranded actress, full of hope, she looks and acts the part. YA//v\. /VIORRI8, Agent 5IME " Caught Us " and besides praising: us highly, made a sugges- tion. WE HAVE TRIED TO PROFIT BY IT. WB NOW INVITE CHICOT TO OVERHAUL US. "coyviE ONE, CO/VIE /%LL." see it yourself* NEXT WEEK, MARCH 5, PASTOR'S (Return Date) A man who's wise will advertise And take this as a Hint There's not an actor on the stage Who dosn't liRe His name in print 87" except HOWARD AND NORTH Mr. Fred Karno's cimftco. "A Night in an English Music Hall" Manager, ALP. REEVES. Agents, Wm. MORRIS and H.B. MARINELLI Notice to Proprietors, Managers and Others Interested The sketch is the property of and was produced by Mr. Fred Karno in London, and all rights are legally protected. Infringe- ments of same will be immediately dealt with. T i* Famous Jackson Family In their Marvelous Bicycle Act Are the bif features at Hartford this week. THE TALK OF THE CITY. Yours truly, Goo. M. Jackson, Jackson Family. "SNITZ" MOORE Management DIVE KRAUS MURTIU * SEA/ION PRESENT ERNEST H0GAN (do unbleached American) .- "RUFUS RASTUS 11 Season 1 906—07 JOE EDMONDS " Th " S gi j a* * Vaudeville H ayes and Wy"ne The Singing and Dancing Couple En Route "Funny Mr. Dooley" Co. HERZOG'S HORSES THE GREAT HORSE SHOW MANUEL and JOSEPHINE HERZOC The Mystic and His Hats MARSHALL and his German atsiiUnt, HERR PAVL. fust returned from their successful tour of Curepe. ADDRESS WILLIAM MORRIS ■ ■■111 Popular ■ ^L Mm ■■ Morning lib! ■ "<-<"< liead-rllner at Ghase's, Washington Week March 5. Harry Corson Clarke ACCOMPANIED BY Margaret Dale Owen IN VAUDEVILLE TIME FILLED JAMES THORNTON Owing to extensive booking hove canceled European time 'Phmnm 2490 J-Hmrtmm Addross, 1420 Fifth Avo., Now York ED Better act than I ever saw you do.— JAMES THORNTON MAJESTIC Presenting a High MUSICAL Class Musical FOUR Comedy Act Kntire new act next season. Feature with "New York Stars" Co. Gruel* Gruel BLACK FACE COMEDIANS En Route Williams' 4I Ideals" Co. COMEDY, ACIOBrTIC! I bVLLlY ACT Faust Trio V. Jerome. I.ottle Freemont. J. Rosa. with "New York SUrs.'* OPEN JUNE 3d AND LATER Address 939 B. 136th St.. N. Y. City Hi & Smith Artistic Delineators of Refined Singing and Wooden Shoe Dancing. Address WM. MORRIS POLI CIRCUIT BROCKMAN, MACK "THE COUNT ON MOTHER'S ACCOUNT" BELMONT Booked until June 11th. It's a good act