Variety (Apr 1906)

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VARIETY 13 dleune. Iium a diversified speclslty. aud her lui I'lTwiin (Ions u ud staging particularly, pleased the audience. Sehepp's Dog and Pouy clrcaa gave a satisfying entertainment, and Walter Hawley and Nathalie Olcott Id a comedy aketcu are good. The Dancing Harrises, Carrolton and Hodges, blackface comedians, and Fine and Dandy, com- edy acrobats, make up the bill. nil SON 'S (Sid. J. Busou. mgr.)—Two good burlesques by the efficient stock company la (be offering this week. The olio la good aud beaded by Miller, who does a handcuff aet slmllur to that «»f IIlMltlllll. TROCADERo (1. M. Welugarden. mgr.) -Rice and Barton's Oalety company la the attraction. The company Is large aud capable and the olio contains a number of diverting acts. Business Is good. FOLLY (Empire Theatre Co., management).— Tbe Kentucky Belles Burlesquers with capable comedians and n splendid list of vaudeville acts, is attracting good attendance. COLISEUM.—The second week of Rlngllng Bros.' Circus Is drawing Immense crowds Tbe show Is the best presented by tbe Ringlings and the largest seen here. NOTES.—Sid. J. Euson has a five year lease on the burlesque theatre bearing his name, and will continue as manager of the house next sen mm when tbe Columbia Amusement Company (Eastern Wheel) attractions play there.—Frank Parrlngton, who had a prominent part in the run of "His Honor, the Mayor," and Is now Bearing a hit In "The Three (Jraces" at the Chicago opera House, will enter vaudeville at tbe con- clusion of his engagement with the musical com- edy.— The Chicago Opera House Is now booking vaudeville for next season, In conjunction with the Majestic. Olympic and Haymarket. giving artists four weeks in the city.—S. Morton Cohn sailed for Europe last week, and while abroad will secure some foreign acts for tbe Sullivan Cousidine circuit.—Maude Rockwell has signed for four weeks on the Inter-State circuit, prepara- tory to filling Eastern engagements, opening In New York. -The Broadway Trio have a musical comedy sketch which Is entertaining and serves to Introduce these clever singers and dancers to advantage.—Ixmls Harris, the enterprising young manager of "The Yankee Doodle Clrls Co.." will, after May 14, manage the burlesque stock com- pany at the Columbia Theatre, Boston. -West and Beuton are on the International circuit, and are booked as far aa the Pacific Coast.—Sid. J. Euson's Theatre and the Trocadero Theatre will be open all summer, with burlesque stock com- panies. FRANK WIESBERC CINC1NNNATI, OHIO. COLUMBIA (M. C. Anderson, mgr.)—This week's offering consists mostly of a singing and comedy Mil. which is well liked by local audi- ences. Libby and Trayer, operatic selections very good; the Two Vivians, sharpshooters, per- formed senile extraordinary rifle shots; Francescu Redding and Company, In "My Friend from IVxas." got many laughs; Norma Romano, so prano. was in good voice and sang a number of operatic selections; Fay, Coolcy and Fay. minstrel turn, was seen here for the first time and pleased; Eleanor Falk, singing comedienne, made u great hit; Walter Jones and Mabel Bite, in a singing, dancing and comedy act, went big. STANDARD (Charles M. Arnold, mgr.)—"Black Crook, Jr.." Harry Hastings, mgr. The opening burlesque. "Oh! W r hat a Night." was very funny. A gen- erous distribution of chorus numbers makes the skit above the average. The cast Includes Edna C. Burnett t, Stella Mack, Amy Butler, Lena Woods. Edna Linden. Violet Wilson, Norma Pil- grim, Alice Nolan, Francois Cameron, Mabel Gil more. Lillian Drake, Lena North, Elsie DuBois, Pearl Darrell. Gace I.asella, Hilda Olfford. Net- tle Hall. Belle Miller, Katherlne Taylor, Lillian Olrard, Viola Sheldon, Mark Adams. Arthur Clamage. Harry Hastings, Jack Curtis and Elmer Rose. The closing number, "Tbe Midnight Sup- per." was pleasing. The vaudeville part of the program was good. Amy Butler, songs, big hit; Banks ind Newton, singers and dancers, were the reel bendllnera, Newton doing some excellent dancing. Hastings and Sheldon. In "The Elop ers," were good. Miss Sheldon Is a singer above the average. Curtlu and Adams. German comedi ans, do a very pleasing turn, and have some new gags. La Sella Troupe of acrobats performed some remarkable feats, but are handicapped be- cause of one of the company being disabled. Next week. Rice and Barton's Rose Hill English Folly Company- PEOPLE'S (J. E. Fennessy, mgr.) — Bohemian Burlesquers, 1V>m Miner, mgr. The perfornrjnee this week Is clean cut and compares favorably with the best of this season's offering at this house. Andy Gardner, as Patsy, and Will Ward, as the German comedian, worked hard. The chorus Is well drilled, in tbe most part pretty and can slug. The feature act, Mile. Luba De Sarema, with her trained animals, was a real novelty. Her trained mountain bull act Is won- derful, while her pony act on the revolving pedes- tills Is a thrilling trick. All, Hunter ami All are dever acrobats, but their comedy is poor. King and Tremont look pretty and till In some time. Idt Nlcolal, assisted by the Orpheum Trio, in songs and dances, pleased. The trio slug ami daiCO very well and make a hit. Will Ward sang a number of songs which made a decided Im- pression. Mr. Ward has a line of straight comedy whlch the other members of the company would do well to pattern after. NOTE.—Harry Hast- ings will put a new show on the road next sea- son which has been named the American Maids. It will play the Eastern Burlesque Wheel. II HESS. DENVER, COL. (By Telegraph.) ORPHECM (Martin Beck, gen. mgr.) -The bill, week of 16, Is an exceptionally good oue and the Easter week business lias been heavy lu consequence. The bill Is headed by Valerie Bergere and company In a condensed version of "Carmen." Miss Bergere Is a tremendous favorite here Ip Denver and the admirable work of her self and her company was strongly appreciated. Havemann's animals, Including live lions, a ti- ger and a bear, Is a good animal act uud was re- ceived with marked favor. It was seen here for the first time this week. Bailey. Austin A Co. In "Two American Beauties." with a cast of five persons, made the strong laughing bit and kept the house In an uproar during their-act, closing to repeated curtain calls. Carson and Wlllard, Herman comedians, made a bit with their sketch, "Frizzled Finance," caught on strongly. They have a large proportion of original Jokes and are good dancers to boot. Alice Lyndon Doll, "A Bit of Dresden China," has a weak voice and furnished poor entertainment. H. De Harport. who was formerly u Denver music teacher, per- forms on the Mexlcau national instrument, the solterlo. He works in a special setting showlug •a Mexican scene, and dresses in tbe national cos- tume. The act Is u genuine novelty and Mr. De Harport is a capital performer on this odd instru- ment. He shares the musical honors with the Holdworths, novelty banjo duetlsts. The Kino drone completes the bill. EMPIRB (week of April IB.)—Rellly & Woods' big show opened to two crowded bouses Sunday. The chorus is oue of the best that has been here for many a moon. The show opens with a musical farce called "Sim- ple Simon Simple," tbe perennial Pat Rellly taking the part of Simon Simple. Vaudeville features are: The Golden Ballet, In which Ada Corbett. as Mephisto, does some very clever dancing. Ira Kessner does a good stunt with his Illustrated songs. The Revere sisters, Daly and Reno and Frank Orth and Harry S. Fern make quite a hit In a lltle skit entitled "Sign That Book." NEW NOVELTY.—Dida, an illusion act. Is well received by the audience. Mack and Elliott have a new sketch called the "New Minister," which caught on well. The Ward Trio, circus gymnasts and acrobats, do some fair acrobatic stunts. CRYSTAL.-Rand and Byros. In a skit entitled "The Return From the Masquerade," are fair. Others are J. A. Hennessey in freak monologue and original songs; Rozalez aud Mulone, acrobats, and another skit entitled "Early and I.ate." NOTES.—Mrs. Otis B. Spencer, a well known so- ciety woman of this city, who has done some very creditable work in amateur theatricals, left town Friday to take up tiie professional stage. She makes her professional debut at Salt Lake City, at tbe head of the Elizabeth Spencer Company, and opens in that city In the Orpbeum Theatre this week in a farcical playlet called "Mrs. Sher- lock Holmes, Detective," written by Ruth Bryan- Leavitt, the daughter of William Jennings Bryan, which circumstance will, no doubt, have a great deal to do with the reception of the play, espe- cially by Western theatregoers. Tbe Elizabeth Spencer Company, ufter a week in the Utah city, is billed to play a week In this city, presenting the same play and on the same circuit. Mrs. Spencer's friends are planning to give her a rousing reception on her opening evening. F. R. KEPLEY. Comedy Four, BOSTON (Chas. Schleslngcr, mgr.) Bill this week la best soeu here this sea- son. Harris aud Nelson's skit, entitled "Three Married Men," was very bad, but tbe olio pleased. It Included Nellie Hartford, a favorite, who made a Mg hit; Edith Roberts, Artie I^ewls and the Meehans. s. M. s. DES MOINES, IA. EMPIRE (M. J. Karger. mgr.)—Bill week of 16: James Walthom and Florle Princeton, big hit; Frank Milton ami the Long Sisters, good, and the De Graw Trio, comedy acrobats, who do sev- eral good turns, head the bill. Others are Falar- do, fair; Brown and Wllmot, fair; Swor and Westbrook. moderately good, and Ray Raymond, Business good. BIJOU (Fred Buchanan, mgr.) —Cate Family, good; Williams and Mayer, poor; Mason and Fllburn, only fair, and Morris Jones made big hit. Capacity business. H. O. REEVES. EASTON, PA. LYRIC (S. A. Meyers, mgr.)— Tbe first attrac- tion of the post- Lenten season at tills house proved a winner. Le Roy and Maxwell, vocalists (second week), again scored; Francelll and Lew- is, In their musical comedy, "The Bally Hoo," went big; Bertie Herron, The Minstrel Miss, big success; Tom Almond, dancing comedian, met with hearty approval; NHson and Rich, black- face comedians, made big hit with their work; Chas. and Jac Ahearn. comedy cyclists, were the sensation; W. W. O'Brien, topical conversation- alist, good; pictures closed for 16. Week of », Morris and Kramer. Al. Price, Dale and Rossi, Le Boy and Maxwell, the Bartells, John Walsh. Dudley. Cheslyn and Burns; business good. Man- ager Mevers expects to close July 1. ABLE OPERA HOUSE (W. K. Detweller, mgr.)—The Bennett & Moulton Co. closed their season of '05 and '09 Saturday, the 14th. Specialties for the week were Harry Johnson, songs, good; I/or- rett, The Dancing Juggler, Is Al and made good at each performance; J. Arthur O'Brien, mono- logue and songs, very good. NOTE.—O'Brien aud Ix>rrett are going Into vaudeville for the sum- mer. Frank lyn Searlght has gone with Kirk Brown to linlsh the season, Tuesday. 17. MAC. ERIE, FA. PARK (M. Beis, mgr.)—After being closed a week this house opened 1(5 with an excellent bill. Murphy, Whitman and company In a rural sketch "Old Friends." mixing up comedy und pathos to the satisfaction of every one, were the headllners. Harldeii Brothers, musical act, good; Al Lenhardt. Juggler, has a clever assis- tant; Lee Tung Foo. Chinese singer, proved a novelty; Jennings and Renfrew renewed ac- quaintances aud pleased; Laura Howe and her Dresden dolls made a hit. Pictures closed the show, (iood attendance. L. T. BERLINER. FALL RIVER, MASS. SAVOY (Geo. Albert Haley, mgr.) —Bill week April 16 was beaded by Frank D. Bryan and His Twelve American Beauties. Tbe act took big. Leroy and Woodford kept the audience In roars, Mr. Leroy being the funniest monologlst seen here this season. Star.ton and Modena have an Intense ly Interesting and laughable sketch entitled "For Reform." Lomalre and I/'malre pleased, as did Dorothy Kenton, clever banjolst. Mile. Celease was the opening number in a Juggling act, showing nothing new. Caron and Farnuni have something good. Their act was the biggest hit on the bill. Coming, next week. Staley and Birbeck, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew, Welson Troupe, Cora Grey, Fra- zler Trio, Fred Ray and company, and Arlington FORT WORTH, TEXAS. MAJESTIC (Chas. R. Fisher, res. mgr.) Week '.». poor business due to counter attractions ami heat. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kuuz, violinist ami vocalist, w-re very good, Mr. Kunz tteiug a tine violinist. Henderson and Ross, comedy rope walkers, were fair. Henderson was good enough, but their attempts at comedy aud M'iss Ross' singing were pitiful. Sam Devrles, illusionist, was well received. Cora Youngblood Corson, vocal aud euphonium soloist, was a very poor vocalist, while her euphonium work was much better. Richard Barry aud Virginia Johnson, travesty. "Held for Hansom," were given an ovation. Gal- bretb and Farrell, singing aud dancing act, "The Red Head and the Coon," were very pleasing. King Collins, banjo, made a hit. James Newton Drew and Company, in •Jim's Brother BUI," pre- sented one of the best sketches seen here. Mo Hon pictures. Next week, Connolly Sisters, Bur rows, Travis and Company, Cole and Cole, Ramsey Sisters. Arthur Demlug. Couley and Morrison, La Gettett. NOTE.—The Sells-Floto shows played to usual good circus crowds ou the 9th. Made a line appearance In parade on account of fioalnioia of all equipment. Performance satisfactory. TARRANT. GLOVERBVILLE, N. Y. FAMILY, (Fred De Bondy, res. mgr.)—Week of HI. Gaatrock and Warren, Ethel Clifton and Com puny and the Olympic Trio (see "new acts"). Millar Brothers' Diorama, good; Alice J. Shaw whistles ordinarily; motion pictures excellent. THE AISLE SEAT FIEND. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. GRAND OPERA HOUSE (E. C. Burroughs, res. Ugr.)- -Week 15, Pero and Wilson open the bill with a good pantomime act. Jauies Derwiu has a clever ventrlloquial turn. Clarence Sisters, singers and dancers, are fair. Jack Irwin. Ger- man comedian, is good. Adams aud Edwards, in a comedy sketch, will do. Jack O'Toole, who replaces Peter Smith as song Illustrator, is about the best song illustrator seen at this house this Kcason. SMITH'S OPERA HOUSE (Mrs. W. B. Smith, prop, and mgr.)—Week lb: Tie Merry Makers opened to big business. "Running for Mayor" is the opening burlesque and la fair. Dick Brown and Tom Robinson in the second burlesque, "The Mayor's Vacation," are the hit of the bill, excepting "The Exposition Four" in a musical act, are without a doubt the best seen here this season. Sherman and Fuller have a good acrobatic act. Next week, Williams' Ideals. C. H. HALLMAN. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Shafer Ziegler. mgr. I Joe Welch, the headllner of the bill for the week of April 16, was not at his liest, owing to trouble with his vocal organs. He had dlfli- culty in getting through his monologue the first performances of the week, but even at that scored a strong success. He is a great local favorite and his excellent characterization is always ap- preciated in Indianapolis. Louis Simon, (Jrace Curducr and their supporting players repeated the hit they have made here in other seasons In their familiar farce "The New Coachman," and Sydney Deane was well liked *ln his novel singing sketch "Christmas on Blackwell's Island." in which he was ably assisted by Frank Willing, (ieorge Holland and Fred Jarvis. There Is no mnnologulst who comes to Indianapolis that can tickle an audience more than does Nat Haines, and this original fun-maker kept the house In a Jolly mood at every performance of the week. Blanche Mellaffey, the prima donna soprano, who has been the soloist of the Weber Concert Band for the last two summer seasons, made her vaude- ville debut and scored an emphatic success. Miss Mellaffey has a beautiful voice, ami pos- sesses the good looks and self confidence neces- sary to become a genuine vaudeville favorite. She was presented with many flowers at the opening matinee. The Sisters Rappo. a pair of talented little Russian dancers; Sail! Alfarabl, the equilibrist, who also bails from the Czar's realm, and Mnllory Brothers, Brooks and llalll- day, an excellent quartet of colored entertainers, were the other contributors to a rattling good bill that greatlv pleased good sized crowds. LOUIS WESLYN. JERSEY CITY, N. J. BON TON (T. W. DinktfM, mgr.) Last week Mr. Dlnklns' own company, the Utopians, played this house. It Is a very large organization and lias a well drilled chorus and several very funny comedians. Including Larry Smith, Joe Madden. John W. Jess and Al Cnimliitrhnin. who appeared l-i the bnrlettai "Mixed. Muddled and Fixed" and "The School of Love" with the Misses Mamie Champion, Beatrice Harlowe and Lottie Black ford. The olio was a reiy good one and Included Blackford and Harlowe, the Yankee-doodle Girls; The Two Ash tons, In a crazy Juggling act; Mad den and Jess, in funny conversational act; Marlon and Pearl, acrobatic team; I*'" Edwards, singer •»f popular songs, and the show's feature. "Cun- ning." the handcuff king. Next week Parisian Hollos company. JOK O'BRYAN. KANSA CITY. MO. ORPHEUM (Martin Beck, gen. mgr.) Week l. r >, well balanced bill to excellent business. Head- liners are the Piccolo Midgets. German dwarfs who do an excellent acrobatic turn; Clifford aril Burke Mi" blackface comedians who make goodT Ferguson and I'asstnore are scon in a song and dance act wherein their dancing wins applause, three young >:irls. billed as Caprice. Lynn and Fay. furnish amusement as clever dancers; Raw Son and June furnish a distinct novelty as boomerang throwers; Rose aud Ellis do a good comedy barrel Jompiug act; the Avon Comedy Four bare u noisy sketch full of humor entitled The New 'Poacher." CENTURY (Jos. Barrett, mgr.) -The Imperial Burlesquers are tbe enter tliners* week 15 In a sketch called "An Eye Opener.*' It is a tuneful effort In three acts. The olio Includes pictures of Nelson-McGovern prize fight, Lew Palmer, a mimic; Pauline Morau. coop sbouter; Crawford and Manning, eccentrii ci inedy acrobats; Will .1. Evans, singer, and tbe clipper Comedy Four, singing quartet. Week 22, The Avenue Girls. MAJESTIC (Fred Waldman, Ugr.) Week 15. the Jersey Lilies Eitravagauta Company gave a show which pleased. The open lug burlettu is entitled "The Disputed Check" and closing one "The Two Colonels." Olio lu eludes Howard and Emerson, talking, singing aud dancing comedians; Zara and Stetson, baton manipulator*; Washburn and Vedder, song and dance artists; l'aul and Arthur, campanologists; Ada B. Burnett, singer of coon songs, and the Cliameroys. eccentric athletes. Week 22, Parisian Widows Company. YALE'S (Lloyd Brown, mgr.)—Week 15, excellent business with following artists: Neola, Dolly Wells, Wells Brothers and Black and Leslie. - NATIONAL (Dr. F. L. Flan- ders, mgr.) -Week 15, polite vaudeville to good business. FAIRPLAY. LAWRENCE, MASS. COLONIAL (H. Fred Let-*, uigr.)— Week 1C. staley and Birbeck. musical blacksmiths, are the headllners and make a great hit. Mayme Rem- ington and Her Picks, singing and dancing, meet with great favor. Welsons, gymnasts, good. Sa- bine. O'Nell and Vera Irish, sketch, good. Fields and Woob y. in airship trip and singing and danc- ing, take well, others, Antrim and Peters, change artists, and Miss Lillian Ashley, vocalist. A. B. C. LOGANSPORT, IND. CRYSTAL (Tom Hardle, res. mgr.)—Bill week of 10 Includes Blnncf and Chapman, character sketch artists, pleased; Jackson and Wentworth. in "Ginger's Troubles;" Merrlan Dixon, illustrated songs; Mr. and Mrs. F. Marlon Pierce, musical artists; kinodrome. etc.; good houses. DOW- LING (J. E. Dowlliig, res. mgr.)—The Three Ca- aflds. musical artists, pleased; Eddy Sawyer, aerial wonder; Ellsha Robinson, singer and dancer; Hope'a Dog, Pony and Monkey Circus, Surazal ami Kazall, sketch artists. Good hIiow and business. REV IIX). LOS ANGELES, CAL. ORPHEUM (Clarence Drown, mgr.)—Colby Family, Bert Coore and company, Abdul Kade'r and His Three Wives, Tony Wilson and Helolse. Sander's Dog Circus, Aucorow Sisters, World's Comedy Four, Alf Grant and Ethel Hoag and the pictures. EMPIRE (Billy Banks. mgr.) — Ryder's Monkey Circuit. Chas, Fairtona, Laura Banks. Lopez and Lopea and the pictures. FISCHERS (E. A. Fischer, mgr.)—Harry James still holds the boards with his burlesque company, and this week presents "Modern Minstrels." Vau- deville includes Yarrlek and Lalonde, imperson ators. LYRIC (O. W. Hlatt, mgr.)—Sargonla, Laurence and Pendleton. Raymond Wilson, Davis and Mclaln and pictures. UNIQUE (J. J. Cluf- tre. mgr.)—Deets and Don, Musical Spraguellos, Nellie Gerard, pictures; Unique Stock Company In "Two Old Sports " b, D. B. LYNN, MASS. AUDITORIUM (Harry Katzes, mgr.)—A fair bill for week of Id. beaded by Miller's perform- ing elephants, which scored. Frank Bush, a hit with a budget of dialect stories; Matthews aud Ashley scored heavily; The Majestic Trio, fair; Bay Cox, well liked; Jack Mason's Society Belles took well; All and Peyser, acrobatic act. poor Capacity business -NOTE.—Miss Lillian Do- herty. who leads the Society Belles, was taken with a fainting spell at tbe Tuesday matinee, and a doctor had to be called. It was at the begin- ning of the act, which was omitted at that per- formance. DAVE CHASE. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. ORPHEUM (Martin Beck, gen mgr.)—With the exception of Era Mudge, who heads the bill and the Great Francellas, who Open It, the cur- rent offering Is for laughing purposes only. Miss Mudge, making her first local appearance. Is al- ready a great favorite, especially with the femi- nine clientele. She Is doing the khaki clad soldier. the Red Cross nurse, the sailor, a bit of Dick Turplo and two other characters, all to the de- light and mystification <>r the audience. Myles McCarthy and Alda Woolcott return with "The Race Tout's Dream," which goes fifty per cent. better this season than last. Dan Sherman, Mabel De Forest and Company In "The Fall of Poor Arthur." are a No. 1 nlzed scream, as are Rosa ire and Doreto as "The Captain alid the Drunken Sailor." Foster and Foster are still big ravorltea. Murry K. Hill goes fairly well. The Francellas have a good "strong man" act, the lea lure of which Is the automobile lift by the man. Business good, OH A PIN. MONTREAL, CAN. SOHMER PARK (Lavigue & Lajole. ragrs.) — IS opened a pleasing bill, Lavlgne's band opened strong. The feature act was Chester B lodge 11 Johnstone. Be is a (lever trick bicyclist. The act went big. La Belle Faustina, contortionist; Laforal, "lancer: Mr. and Mrs. J. 'fill's Marlon ettes. and P. Delville, Singer, all took well; pic tares dosed. RoYAf. <H. C. Kgerton. mgr.) Week |fl opened to big business by Star Show tilrls, by far the best show seen here this sea son. The musical comedies, "Deserters at Large" and the "Athletic tilrls," exceptionally good; chorus prettily costumed and sang well. The comedy ami musical numbers were new and wen! great. The olio feature was 'Jen Broeck Lambert and Ten Broeck in refined musical act III a satire on music schools. Carney and Wag ner. refined singers and dancers, Lave a pleasing turn; Nolan and White's sketch made a bit eas lly. The Toreador Trio in a "dope sketch," "Hop Fiend Bill," gave Vamont, Croix and Nichols »