Variety (May 1906)

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14 VARIETY and Mlmli'U Kingston repeated their versatile sketch ami made the MUM lilt as on previous en- gagements. Julia King and company offer a < omedj sketch for the first time In this city, and, judging frniii the applause. It made a decided hit. Datum Brother* have a nuuiher of new tricks in i-ieir acrobatic act, and Count De lint/, and Brother contributed considerable comedy In their bicycle a<t. Mallory Bros., Brooks and Halllday have a musical art that is refined and entertain lug. Lamont'a Cockatoos uive . marvelous exhibi- tion. Tha act scored a hit. The Gleasons and Houlihan were well received in a singing and dancing specialty. The diversified hill also in- cludes Williams and Melbourne, banjolsta and vocalists; Fay and Lola Durbyelle. shadowgraph artists: Ed and Kittle Deacon, In a comedy sketch; Bonnie Gay lord, comedienne; Harry and Denton, nerialists, and the Klnodromc moving pictures. OLYMPIC (Abe Jacobs, mgr. for Kohl & Castle). —Jas. T. Powers winds up his last week in vaude- ville prior to his departure for Europe. Mr. Pow- ers and his company duplicate their former hit. The Rappo Sisters Introduce their Russian dancing specialty, which was seen at the Majestic about three weeks ago and scored a hit. Forest City Quartet have a good collection of songs. Emmons. Emerson and Emmons cause much laughter in their sketch. "Only « Joke," which is familiar with vaudeville theatregoers in this city. The Haeker- Loster Trio have an acrobatic bicycle act that made a hit. Madame Romano won merited ap- plause for her selection of high class Bongs. Leah Russell, the "Yiddish Girl," Is one of the hits on the bill. Sadt Alfarabi. Russian equilibrist, aston- ished the audience with a number of remarkable feats. Emily Nice has a number of popular songs which she renders In a pleasing manner. Burt and Bertha Grant, colored singers and dancers, re- ceived a good share of applause. Four Tennessee- ana have a well arranged musical act which is entertaining. Others are John and Alice McDow- ell, comedy sketch: Frank Bowman, magician, and Llndstrom and Anderson, athletes. HAYMARKET (W. W. Freeman/ mgr. for Kohl A Castle).— Manager Freeman has Les Brunnlns for the headline feature. They have a novelty Juggling act which Is above the average. Harry Corson Clark, assisted by Margaret Dale Owen and company, again present Mr. Clark's farcical comedv. "Strategy," which made a hit with the west slders. Mary Dupont aud company present a comedy entitled "left at the Post." which contains some well written dialogue and amusing situations. Steeley, Doty and company, musical comedians, were the recipients of much applause for their highly diverting musical numbers. Agnes Mahr is a clever singer and dancer and received several encores. Lew Sully has a number of new stories In addition to old ones, and manages to keep the audience In constant laughter. Klne and Gotthold present "A Medical Discovery," which deserves the success achieved, la Tell Brothers, in gladiatorial poses and athletic feats, pleased Immensely. Edith Richards, Instrumentalist; Col- lins Brother*, singers and dancers; Mile. Dalr, trapeze artist; the Llpplneotts. singers and dancers, and Patty Sisters, singers, are also on the bill. . , INTERNATIONAL (W. S. Cleveland, mgr.) — Manager Cleveland lias reduced the prices of ad- mission at his theatre from 75 cents to 30 cents for the *pst seats. The radical change will in no way nffeet the policy Inaugurated by the man- agement presenting high class vaudeville acts. The program this week contains Kvans Lloyd and Caroline Church in a comedy sketch entitled "The Man Across the Way," Which was well received; Billv Link, comedian, assisted by Willette Charters •»nd his Ho-bo-Cnn Soldiers, present a unique comedv sketch which is interspersed with good singing and dancing. The act made a hit. Louie Dacre, of burlesque fame, scored a hit with her singing and dancing. Swor and Westbrook. Craw- ford and Duff. DeShlelds and Mehrlng and Brown and Wllmot are j-mong the newcomers of the week. The Ellnore Sisters, who scored a big hit last week, arc retained for another week. SID J. EPSON'S (Sid J. Euson. mgr.)— The stock company presents two burlesques. The pieces are prettily costumed and give the principal mem- bers of the company excellent opportunities. In the olio are Harry Baker. Rackett and Douglas, Campbell and Brady. De Vere and De Vere and the Magnolia Quartet. This theatre will be open throughout the summer. TROCADERO (J. M. Welngarden, mgr.)—W. S. Clark's Jersey Li'les proved a strong attraction at this State street house. The company is un- usually strong and well cast. The two burlesques by Dan Gracey. entitled "The Disputed Check" and "The Two Colonels." were entertaining. Guy Ka«son, Dan Oraeey, Ada Burnett. Nellie Emer- son. Rena Washburn and Frances Clare are among the principals. Miss Clare Is one of the best sou- brettes seen in burlesque. She has vivacity, voice and magnetism. In the olio appeared Zara and Stetson, baton manipulators; the Musical Bells, Washburn and Vedder. the Chameroys. NOTES.—Geo. Austin Moore has closed with "Tammany Hall" company, and will re-enter vaude- ville, opening on the Orpheum circuit at Minne- apolis. Pna Clayton, assisted by Francis Morey and Marie Gebhardt, will shortly present In this city a new and novel comedy sketch entitled 'What's In a Name?" The Majestic and Olym- njc theatres will be open during the summer months. FRANK WIESBERO. CINCINNATI, OHIO. COLUMBIA (If. C. Anderson, mgr.)— The bill offered this week is pleasing, five acts being new to Cincinnati theatregoers. The greatest Interest centered in the turn of Marshall P. Wilder. Who kept the audience in an uproar. The clever man- ner In which he told his tales was the subject of much favorable comment among the audiences. George D. Melivllle and Mamie Conway presented "An Amateur Mesmerist." which was a good open- ing turn. Dlonne Twin Slaters, mandolin soloists, very good; Georgia Gardner and Joseph Maddern, In a sketch, which, while admirably acted, in so antique as to hobble on crutches, Phyllis Allen mnde a big hit with a new song. Emmet Devojr aud company. In "The Saintly Mr. Billings." proved laughable due to the good work of Miss Hermlne Shone. Beatrice MeKenzle and Walter Shannon have a neat act in "A Montana Beaut." Rosalre and Doreto, who close the bill in an aero- li.ulc stunt. "The Captain and the Drunken tailor." are the cleverest acrobatic comedians who have appeared in Cincinnati In years. Next week. Lea Harrison, Steeley. Doty and Coe, Wat- son, Hutchlns. Edwards and company, Brothers Dlerlck. Charles and Edna Harris. John Birch and Frcvzlnl. with liceollo Midgets as an"extra feature. STANDARD (Charles B. Arnold, mgr.) — Transatlantic Rurlcsquers, Hurtlg & Seamon, mgrs. Tills company presented two burlesques which were unworthy of comment. The olio consisted of Reld and Wilson, in songs; Block and MeCone, acrobatic comedians, and the Incubator Girls. Next week. Rontz-Santley Company. PEOPLE'S (James E. Fennessy. mgr.)—Baltimore Beauties Company. T. W. Dinklns. mgr. The opening burlesque. "A Scotch Highball." made a good impression due to Miss Nellie Melville. Sadie Melville. Pauline Der- rell. Anna McDermott. Elsie Diamond, Mae Len- non. Mollle Allen. Helen Tour, Anna lennon. Ath- leen Arlington. Cora Thrush and Francis Weston, who compose the chorus, which is the best seen at this house this season. The excellence of their voices, and the vigorous manner in which they went through their military drill was enough to save the performance from being tiresome. The dosing burlesque. "A Busy Night." was well Staged, the chorus again doing all of the good work. In the olio were Edna Davenport, coon shouter and buck dancer, very good; Martini and Maxmllllan. billed as "the world's worst wizards." correctly named: Glenroy Brothers, bag punchers and boxers, good: Eddie Armstrong, assisted bv Bertha Bertrand. good, but Miss Bertrand so far excels Armstrong that she is the real hit of the turn; the Zarrow Trio, in a bicycle pantomime, had a strong turn, but the straight man of the trio Is the real hit of the act. and did some new stunts. Next week. The High School Girls. II, HESS. DENVER, COLO. (By Telegraph.) ORPHEUM (Martin Beck, gen, mgr.)-Bert Coote heads a bill that is bringing big business week of 30. He is offering "A Lamb on Wall Street." a sketch not far removed from "The Henrietta." and In which he has a part so well suited to his unique style that he cannot well fall to score. As It was he did a really clever bit of acting, receiving excellent support from his com- pany. Ellzateth Murray has been a favorite here since her first appearance here with the Orpheum Road Show in Its Initial tour. Her negro and Irish songs and stories are Inimitable and she was re- ceived with every demonstration of favor. Keno. Walsh and Melrose have some clever acrobatic tricks, but they spoil the general effect with some very poor comedy. They would do better to drop the comedy and make appeal with their straight work. The Sclplo-Argonnntl Trio, offering se- lections from grand opera, please Immensely. The organization is a mnsiclanly offering and it was accorded immediate favor. Tony Wilson, assisted bv nelolse. In his tremplln bar act, make a hit of proportions. Not only is Mr. WIN n'l bar work exceptionally clever, but the use of the bounding net adds much to the effect of the act. Rawson and June, with their boomerang throwing, have been seen here before, but were well received, while the Amoros Sisters in a mixture of j ogling, tumbling, singing and trapeze work scored In every particu- lar. The Klnodrome closed as usual. TABOR GRAND.—The perennial lew Dock- stader. the funny man of minstrelsy, with his big show, has "came" to town once more (29) to make glad the hearts of those who love to see and hear the blackface comedian. One minstrel show a year Is almut enough for Denver theatregoers. and thev have fallen into the habit of waiting for T>ew Dockstader for this treat. Long before the curtain arose for the first part the "S. R. O." sign was placed over the box office. The big house was not large enough for the crowd and the orchestra was compelled to sit on the stage at both perform- ances Sunday. Mr. Dockstader has changed his thing machine to a "rubberneck" wagon and from It gives out his local "gags." Manuel Ro- mr.lne is «*till with the company and sings as sweetly as ever. John King. Billy Ciawiey and others do good work. Barney Fagln and Tommy Ryder have arranged some very effective dances and the battery of 16 men are agile and graceful In their work. The company, no doubt, will do a record-breaking business this week. EMPIRE. -The Empire Road Show, called the Empire Musical Comedy Co.. opened to crowded honses 20. The show Is one of more than usual merit. The burlesque section Is a take-off on se- cret society initiations and the players managed to get a good deal of action in it. The vaudeville bill was fair. The "Musketeers," male quartette, do some good singing. Miss Bessie Taylor has a voice of much power, but not exceptionally sweet. She wore some beautiful dresses during her stunt. NOVELTY— Wells Brothers and Dolly Wells, singers and dancers, are the headllners on this week's bill. Others on the program are Foster and Henderson, comedians; The Three Dees, acrobats and hand-balancers; Markley. the boy banjnist, said by the press agent to be a'"wizard;" Charles Ma- ginn and Ladelle In a new sketch. CRYSTAL.—"Father" and "Mother" Jones head the bill. Others are Brandon and Harvey, In a singing and talking act; Mr. and Mrs. Oottlob, in a laughable little sketch called "Government Bonds." The Maerilles do a musical act and B. C. Belleville In a monologue and singing act. F. R. KBFLKY. DES MOINES. IA. EMPIRE (It. J. Karger, mgr.) -Week April 30- M.iy 6. The Four Singing Kids, the Newsboys' Quartette, very clever and big hit: Bush Family, fine, aud J. Frank Ely, head the hill. Berger and Weber, good. Bergere Sisters, fair. Lauree and Southern, ami moving pictures. Capacity busl- ,„.**.-. —NOTE*-.—John A. Oetchell and B. F. Elbert. Jr.. have leased the BIJou Theatre of Fred Buchanan and will use It for moving pic- tures exclusively. Mr. Getcliell will Introduce the lllust.ated song feature popular In Eastern ilties. The new attraction will open May 12. The name of the house will be changed from BIJou to Nlckelama. H. VERNON REAVER. EABTON, PA. LYRIC (S. A. Meyers, mgr.)—Week 80 business good, entire bill well received. Harvey and De Yora, singing and dancing comedians, made good; Karl Dusgan, Illustrated songs, good; Mens. Her- bert, novelty musical act, scored; Ned Bennet, bona soloist, big hit; Hubert DeVeaa, cartoonist, good; Curtain and Blossom, acrobatic comedians, well received; Black and Jones, a clever team of colored entertainers, took well. Pictures closed. NOTE.—All arrangements have been made for KI ogling Bros.' Circus, which shows here May 28. MAC. ERIE, PA. PARK (M. Rels. mgr.)—Good vaudeville ruled week April 30. James and Myra Dowilng pre- rented "The Sage Brush Widow," a humorous sketch, which won much applause. Sinclair and Carlisle have a comedy wire act, In which several daring tricks are interspersed. West and Lewis nresent a sketch In which the transformation scene causes comment. Cameron and Toledo, in songs and pantomimic contortions, pleased. Consor's Dog Show, and Whipple, the ventriloquist, conclud- ed the bill, and were satisfactory. Parkoscope had some good pictures. L. T. BERLINER. FORT WORTH, TEX. MAJESTIC (Chns. R. Fisher, res. mgr.)—Week 23. fair patronage. Whiting & Brocee, girl dancers and singers, fair; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kelcy. sketch, "A Tale of a Turkey," the best seen here recently: Gllllhan and Perry, In a sing- ing act, were well received; Wahlund and Tekla. strong man and woman, put on a good act; Cora Beach Turner, singer, received several encores; Caetellat and Hall, in sketch, amused; Halght and Thomas presented "A Wise Fool." Motion pictures. Next week. Wlllard Newell and company in "Last Night:" Miller Browning and company, In "Caught;" Chester, equilibrist: Gardner and Re vere, Chas. McAvoy. Ies LnRoses. NOTES.— The Majestic closes for the season May 19. The Interstate Company could not complete a circuit of summer parks, so they will be out of the imusement field until fall. Gentry Brothers' Dog and Pony Shows on the 19th played to the usual good attendance and gave a pleasing per- formance.— All the Indians with Younger Broth- ers' Wild West Showa now playing at Rosen Heights. "White City." got drunk and were locked up. After their release they quit the show. TARRANT. GLOUCESTER CITY. N. J. EMPIRE (J. E. O'Brien, mgr.)—Bill week of 30 includes the Renos, comedy acrobats, big hit: Carey and Cotter, singing sketch, good: the De Greans, comedy sketch. Immense hit: Billy Bow- ers, blackface comedian, good: May Ogden, ballad- lst. well received: Ben Leigh, singing and talking comedian, good. The summer stock was Inaugu- rated this week and produced the funny farce, "The House of Trouble." BRIGHTON (Chas. B. Young, mgr.)—New acts week of 30 Include May Emerson, soft shoe dancer, big hit: Saville and Mack, sketch artist, good; Dot Raymond, the Southern nightingale, big hit. Holdovers are Sey- nour Sisters. Anna Wright. Marie Abendona, Reese Le Roy and Myrtle Young. NOTES.—During the performance at the Brighton Theatre Wednes- day evening Myrtle Young was tendered a recep- tion In honor of her birthday, and was presented with numerous presents, among which was a hand- some diamond ring presented her by Manager Young. The Olympla Minstrels are billed for the City Hall Auditorium May IS. Washington Park (on the Delaware) opens May 12 for the season. Manv new amusements have been added. B. S. L. OL0VERSVILLE, N. Y. FAMILY (Fred De Bondy, mgr.)—Week of April 30. Rice Brothers, fair: Morris and Kramer, good dancers; Torbay. silhouette artist, great: Dale and Rossi, excellent German comedy: The Red Raven Cadets, disappointing, new cos- tumes and an Al drill master would add value to the act. Motion pictures fair. NOTE.— < harles Davis, formerly connected with S. Z. Poll's Theatres as pianist, has taken a similar position at this house. At his first appearance Monday afternoon his overture number won him a better hand than was awarded any of the per- formers, even the cadets. THE AISLE-SEAT FIEND. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. GRAND OPERA HOPSE (E. C. Burroughs, res. mgr.)—Week April 29: Miller, the Handcuff King, is the feature act this week; this act excel- lent. Dill and Ward, who have been seen here liefore. keep up their reputation as dancers. Ax- tell and his dog "Heine." well received: Tippell and Kllnent pleased with a musical act; Walter Davis, who replaces Jack O'Toole as song Illus- trator. Is a local singer; Clark G. Grady. German comedian, gets the laughs, and the klnodrome shows some new pictures that pleased. Big busi- ness all week. SMITH'S OPERA HOUSE (Mrs. W. B. Smith, mgr.)—Week April 29: Sam Devere's own company opened to good business. The open- ing skit, "The Health Resort." is not as good as some that preceded It. Andy Lewis, In the bur- lesque, does some of the Iwst comedy work seen at this house this season. The olio is unusually good, Andy Lewis and company being the feature. The Shrodes. In "Just Nonsense." were well received. The Irving Trio, singers, made a hit with the audi- ence; Keene, a comedy Juggler, has nothing new to offer. NOTES.—Jack O'Toole, who was song Il- lustrator at the Grand, has left for La Crosse Wis., where he will manage the BIJou Theatre, which Is controlled by the Sullivan Consldlne Cir- cuit. C. H. HALLMAN. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. GRAND OPERA ROE81 (Shafer Zlegler. mgr.) —The bill for the week of April 30 at the Grand was a well balanced and smooth running program. None of the acts stood out with special prominence over other*. lee Harrison, the comedian, whs the bcailliner, giving an entertaining assortment, of stories and one clever song. John Birch scored a hit of big proportions with his original "melo- diama." Janet Melville and Evie Stetson, old favorite* in Indianapolis, also scored a decided success, and Slgnor Froslnl, "the wiaard of the accordeon," proved a big hit. The Brothers Dler- ickx. a trio of strong men, gave an interesting exhibition of gymnastics and feats of strength; the Musical Byrons did a neat and pleasing turn; Watson, Hutchings and Edwards furnished their well known farce, "The Vaudeville Exchange," which is funny In spots, and Charlie Harris, the veteran funmaker, contributed a merry making spe- cialty that would have been more successful had It not been placed first on the bill. Business was not up to the Grand's standard. Next week the headline attraction will be Emmet Corrlgan in "The Card Party," and with Lew Sully, and a number of other high-class people participating, the show should be a splendid one. LOUIS WBSLYN. KANSAS CITY, M0. ORPHEFM (Martin Beck. ge*i. mgr.)—Week 20 had an excellent bill with two animal acts as the l'est features. Business ruled big throughout the week. Singer's Monkeys are intensely Interesting and are well trained. Richard Haveman's animals are easily the hit of the bill. Dan Sherman. Mabel Deforest and company present a very funny sketch entitled "The Fall of Poor Arthur." An- other pleasing sketch is called "The Way He Won Her," by Thos. J. Keough and company. Alice Lyndon Doll sings some new songs and does some impersonating. Murry K. Hill sings some original parodies and does a monologue. The Seldoms won applause yesterday for their statuary posing. CENTURY (Joseph Barrett, mgr.)—Reilly & Woods Company were the attraction week 29. and did good business. The Burletta "Simple Simon and Simon Simple." was genuinely funny. It Is a mixture of burlesque, spectacular, farce comedy and vaudeville. Olio Includes Ira Ressner, who sings songs which are Illustrated on a screen: Kennedy and Evans. Irish comedians; the Revere Sisters, who dance In an acceptable manner; the Golden Ballet, composed of 14 pretty girls who make a big hit with their dancing: Reno and Daly, comic acrobats, and Orth and Fern. In a comic skit. Week 6, "Miss New York, Jr."— MAJESTIC (Fred Waldmann, mgr.) —Rose Sydell's London Belles was fully up to the standard and drew large crowds week 29. It Is a whirl of com- plications In two acts. Olio Is complete with good vaudeville turns. Vera Hart sings well, McCall Trio sing, dance and act In an acceptable manner. The Weston Sisters are another bunch who make good In song and dance. W. S. Campbell and James Wesley Mack produce a sketch wherein they Introduce twenty living models of statuary. The Bijou Trio are novel comedians. Relyea In- troduces physical culture. YALE'S (Lloyd Brown, mgr.)—Big business with excellent bill week 29. NATIONAL (Dr. F. L. Flanders. mgr.)—This playhouse Is doing an excellent busi- ness with a carefullv selected bill of vaudeville urtlsta week 29. FAIRPLAY. KENOSHA, WD3. BIJOU -First half of week April 23: Robert- son's trick dogs. West and Fowler, sketch; Grace Coyne, soubrette: F. Daley Burgess, comedian: Margretta Newton, monologue and songs. Second half: Kellsey Moore, wire artist; Wm. Anderson. Illustrated songs; Franco, Impersonator; Rlno and Azora. acrobatic act, and Margretta Newton. A. NICHOLS. LAWRENCE, MASS. COLONIAL (H. Fred Lees, mgr.)—The bill for week of 30 Is one of best seen thus far this sea- son. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew. In "When Two Hearts are Won." lead. Others are Fred Ray and company, sketch, very good; Arlington Comedy Four, take well; Cora Gray, vocalist, fair; Wilton Brothers, acrobats, first rate; Fraser Trio, good; James A. Kiernan and company. In musical come- dy, on a par with leaders. Coming next week: Werdon and Gladdlsh, Lawrence and Harrington. Tyce and Jermon, Carlotta, Balbeno Bros., Will Dockrey and Dean, Eddsall and company, sketch. A. B. C. LOGANSPORT, IND. CRYSTAL (Tom Hardle, res. mgr.)—This week's bill is 'way above par and capacity business rules. Summers and Winters, singing and dancing come- dians, are a scream from start to finish. Princess Sotanl and company, Hindoo magicians, neat in api»earance and act; Master Sumner, illustrated songs, clever; Sam and Ida Kelly. In "M'cGulre's Troubles." great laugh producers; in fact, the whole bill. Including the moving pictures. Is an emphatic hit. DOWLING (J. E. Dowilng. res. mgr.)—Musical Forrests. in classical selections, did well; The Three Kldders, In a sketch, were ordinary; Bessie Crawford and Lnla Watts, in vo- cal selections; moving pictures, etc. Fair busi- ness. Underlined for last half of week: Manley A Sterling, Adams & Edwards, J. C. Fox. Russell A Davis and others. NOTES.—Clarence Russell will run vaudeville under canvas here during the summer, commencing June 2. RBVILO. LYNN, MASS. AUDITORIUM (Harry Katzes. mgr.)—Brlnda- nmni, the jail breaker and handcuff king, is her*' this week. He has caused some sensation, and each performance shows that he Is a drawing card. The Spook Minstrels scored with the picture effect, but the singing was rather poor; the Dixie Sere- nades, colored singing and dancing act. went big: Neff and Miller, blackface comedians, good; Harry and Kate Jackson went well with a comedy sketch; Lillian Ashley was well liked; Cherry anil Bales, comedy bicyclists, opened the show and scored with their riding alone. The pictures rioted an unusually long bill. Next week, Jas. J. Corbett In monologue, Byron and Langdon, Petch- lng Bros., Felix Barry and company. Morton and Diamond, Patty Brothers and Mary Goggins. NOTE.—Benefits for the San Francisco sufferers have been given at all local theatres and much money has been raised for the worthy fund. DAVE CHASE. MARION, IND. CRYSTAT, (John H. Amnions, prop, and mgr.) — Bill 30: Rice and Walters, comedy sketch; The