Variety (Sept 1906)

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22 VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS "THB MUSICAL LAUGH MAKBR8" ECKHOFF ""> GORDON FRED ANNA ■* TWINTY.FOUR MINUTES REAL MUSIO REAL OOMEOY SOLID LAUGHS AND APPLAUSE AWAY FROM AI*I« OTHERS Address REICH, PLUNKETT ft WESLEY, 1133 Broadway, N. T. City "A Night in an English Music Hall" MANAGER, ALT. REEVES. <* — -• Have already played in all the principal Vaudeville Theatres East and West. The original and legitimate production, recognized by fair-minded managers and press. Sept. xo, Orpheum, Boston. AGENTS, WM. MORRIS AND H. B. MARINELLI. METROPOLITAN O RE R A Mme. ANNA PLUM, Prima Donna TRIO Signori T0RT0RIC0 and BUSBI In condensed verslooe of "II Trovatora" and "Fas«t" trios. Scenery and co«tam« change*. Bona flde Grand Opera 8Ingers who have enng In Grand Opera. IDA GAELS, Easiness Re p resentative, it. Jubm Building. BARBER-RITCHIE TRIO WHEELWRIGHTS Week Sept. S, Utica, V. Y. Now Booking Next Season. Addreta: Reich. Flunkett * Wesley, Boom lOti. St. James Block, 1133 Broadway. THE ORIGINATOR BARNEY JOHN Ferguson and Mack Booked solid until December. Direction JACK LEVY. At Keith's Union Square This WeeK THAT FUNNY 4 The Quartette Without an Equal WATERBURY NEXT WEEK. ird, Cunningham, Jenny (EX Roland PROCTOR'S 6TH AVENUE, SEPTEMBER 17. OVER lOO LAUGHS A MINUTE MYERS * KELLER, Agents. J08. A. JENNY, Manager. GROGAN THE MAN THEY ALL KNOW? GROGAN GROGAN BILLY SPENCER EN ROUTE WITH TOM MINERS "BOHEMIANS/ With Tom Miner's NO POSERS OR FOURFi USHERS 11 Bohemians " SAM SILVER IS WITH ME FRANK PAULINA BERRY & BERRY ECCENTRIC COMEDY MUSICAL DUO. Booked Solid by STERNAD Ob HAYMAN Permanent address oars VARIETY, Chicago Office, 79 B. Cisrk street. Week Sept. 8, Bamona Park, Grand Rapida, Mich. ECCENTRIC PARODISTS Morris and Morris "FUN ON A BROOM-HANDLE" Big suceess in Europe and repeating the aame here. Dlreotion GEORGE ROMANS. Have Vour Card In VARIETY EN ROUTE EAST. LUGB ™d LUGE HIGH-CLASS MUSICAL ARTISTS NOW PLAYING OVER THE KEITH CIBCUIT. Week Sept. S—G. 0. H., Iittaburg (Twioe Dsily). Week Sept. 10—Chase's, Wsahington. •• Oh, Maries" •• /V\y ch»galoop Isn Here' 1 DAVE ROSE Makea the Day-go. No, I am not a real Italian, but I like apaghetti. Playing an Italian organ grinder with "THE BIG SCREAM ," TOM MINER 8 "BOHEMIANS." WOODS i WOODS SENSATIONAL NOVELTY TIGHT WIRE ACT. AN ACT IN WHICH THE LADY WORKS. For open time addreas WE8TERN VAUDEVILLE ASSN., Majeatio Theatre Bldg., CHICAGO. THE D/% JOHN fNGilNC* VtONDEhS FRANK FOX and DuBALL In a refined singing and dancing act Booked solid on Keith, Kohl ft Castle and Orpheum Circuits, chas. BAKER and WARDELL »■..,,> GERMAN OPERATIC COMEDY DUO. Soaaon '06- 07 Hastings ft Arnold's "Bachelor Club " Burlesqusrs. Thanks to managers for kind offers THE ONLY AND ORIGINAL! Address the Mvstifver Lincoln, Nebr., August 80. In spite of the opening of the new vaudeville theatre here in Lincoln, I have bad to display the S. R. 0. sign at each performance. Featuring Paul the Mystifyer, whom I consider one of the greatest drawing cards in vaudeville. L. M. GORMAN, Manager Bijou Theatre. AGENTS Wkm Permanent Address care VARIETY, Chicago Office, 79 S. ClarK St. Tj