Variety (Dec 1906)

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VARIETY ofrTVY WILLIAM MORRIS BOOKING VAUDBVILLB 1440 Broadway (Holland BUg.). N.Y. CHICAGO OPF1CE ItT - Tel. 8487 Bryant. Cable. "Control," New York. Clifford C Fischer's International Vaudeville Agency I b be bboadwat, mnr tobbt. HOLLAND BUILDING. CHAS. ESCHERT with Al Sutherland, St. Jamea Building. Booking only good acts. Anything Thtrt't m Dollar In JAGK LEVY 140 W—1 42d St. mm York GlGLER Tailor 6 West 29th Street NEW YORK FELIX REICH. JAMES E. PLUNKETT. VAUDEVILLE AGENTS ST. JAMES BUILDING. MSttoAfSW«- 'Phone, MM Madlaon Square, Rockway AND Conway COMEDY SINGING AND TALKING ACT. BOOKED DP TO APRIL MND THRU WESTERN VAUDE- VILLE ASSOCIATION. "CHARLEY CASE'S FATHER" Wrltta* by Charley Out, 888B<BBB Send P. O. for Me. to Oaoe Publishing Co., Lock- port, N. T. Booking Big Acts CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. VAUDEVILLE AGENTS LOUIS JOE WESLEY & PINGUS Broadway and 80th St. Building, Now York. Suite 208. National Hotel Tan (EUROPEAN) Street and Wahaah A CHICAGO Tho Home of TaudoTlUe Artista. la vicinity ot* •U thoatreo. Modern. t» to date. Writ* for rateo. WHEN TOD FLAY Hitliwiys, New Bedim, Mass. STOP AT THE Mansion House JAS. F. McADAMS, Pray. FURNISHED ROOMS SPECIAL RATES TO THE PROFESSION. 47 8. Clark At. next to 01y»,U Thoatra, MBMJ 8 "ft LONDON "MUSIC HALL CFAe Grmat English Vaud*-VilU Tapmr (W„KJy) 14 LEICESTER ST., LEICESTER SQUARE. LONDON. W n ENG. RsffMtsssti file of a Miss I«a M Carlo, Room 70s, ft. I can b« osm eoai ad*ertis«m€«ts will BuUaing, wk o« roccivnei Dusseldorf, Germany 8*40 ,or InJunaUal Journal for Variety Artlota which inolodos the "Artists " for Amerloa: VARIETY, 1408 tko »» (• HMO), York «ty. FORT WAYNE, DTD. TEMPLE OF VAUDEVILLE (F. E. Stouder, lessee and mgr. Monday rehearsal 10).—Clever Conkey, monologue Juggler, very good; Inneas •nd Ryan, singing act. good; Fox and Foxlo, clrcua act. well received; Lew Wells, monologist and saxophonist, as usual; Ameta, mirror dancer. excellent. DB WITTB. HARTFORD, CONN. POLI'8 (Lonla B. Kllby, mgr.).—Emma Cams la billed aa the headllner. The Kltamnra Troupe of Japanese tumblers, Jugglers and equilibrists were well received. "The Sunny South" Introduces ten colored people in plantation melodies and dances. Foster and Foster in "The Volunteer Planlat" pleased. Golden snd Hughes had a black- face turn. Leonard and Anderson filled In. Scott and Wilson did some good tumbling. W. H. RHODES. OL0VER8VILLE, N. Y. FAMILY (Fred De Bondy, res mgr. Monday rehearsal 10).—Belle Stone, "mysterious sphere," good; Jsck Brown snd Lillian Wright, "the danc- ing wonders," excellent; Solomon II., In lightning mathematics, good; O'Connor, Saunders and com- pany, fair; Al Edwarda, mnaical monologue, fair. MOWBR8. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. GRAND (Shafer Ziegler, mgr.).—The Orpheum Show (direction of Martin Bock) played Its annual Indianapolis engagement here. The show this sea- son Is well arranged, well diversified snd affords excellent entertainment throughout. Too European illusion, "Menetekel," exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. \JU V^gnn mm m*n^m~^mM WW eoj«*"Pw ffrogWwv njnonnj PASTOR'S 14TB ST.. 8D AVE.. CONTINUOUS. MAM OTS. NEXT WEEK, MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1908. GRAODB EMMETT AND COMPANY, Jones and Walton, St. John and Lefevre, Mr. and Mrs. Darrow, Dill and Ward. BROCKMAN AND BOYLE—SPECIAL FEATURE. Three American Girls, Two Lucklea, Casper and Clark, Saunders and Cameron, De Chanut Dogs. Mirror of Travel, The Vltagraph, And aa an Extra Attraction, UNA CLAYTON AND COMPANY. HAMMERSTEIN'S AMERICA'S MOST FAMOUS VARIETY THEATRE VICTORIA «4 The steppiof stoat to Broadway •t ft "MINERS AMAT1TJ13 1THY FRIDAY W««k December 3 8th Ave. " N %fr^ ry Bowery HJSW 819 RIC ORPHEUM HEADLINE ACTS AND A good time in a small YONjXBRS NEW YOIK MT. VERNON NEW YORK OTHERS WRITE. ALVIENE'S Viudiv Uli Sihnl of ..tin* listititi if Sttp luoiig Grand Oporn Moose Bulldlog 23rd St. and Eighth Avo. Now York City Now acts Vaudeville arts, 1.0M aa tt eaefi for illastratod of tko kind in Hew York. whipped Into ahayo. sketches, etc, Unght. on the stage. JUST OPENED "CALL' THE EUROPEAN new mm HOUSE Lessenlch A Nstlon, Proprietors. Wo Cater to the Profession. SIOUX oity, iowm First Building East of Oporn House. Lots on Easy Terms Bronx aod Pelham Parkway Near Morris Park Raeo Trsok. Writs for full particulars. HUDSON P. ROSE COMPANY GEORGE RIO. SKETCH BUREAU Playlets and Sketches bought, sold; leased, writ- ten to order. Acts revised and staged. Loading Authors, Stage Managers and Prodscers on our •UN. ACTOtS aad V4IIITV A8TIST« TO w088 IN ACTS. LOUIS BALLBTT, Manager Sketch Baroaa Dopt. BILLOWS B GIEGOiT'S THEATRICAL EXCHANGE. 1440 BBOADWAY Percy G. CIRCUIT COLONIAL New York ORPHEUi Brooklyn ALHAMBRA HaMen ORPHEUM IBeetea NOVELTY WillloMsburc 80TNA1 East New York Address all Borsoaal letters to PENT 0. WILUMIS. 1441 Broadway, low York Olty. ORPHEUM CIRCUIT OP triOrl CLASS VAUDBVILLB TMBATRBS M. MBYBRFELD. JR., Pros. MARTIN BECK. General Manager. FRANK VINCBNT. N. Y. Representative. All Applications for Time Mnst ha Addressed to C. B. BRAY, Booking Manager. Majestic Theatre Bldg., Chicago, III. VAUDEVILLE HE.OLINEIS -.000 STIIDlie 1CTS If yon have an open week yon want to 811 at abort notice writs to W. L DOCK8TADBR. Garrlck Theatre. Wilmington, Del. Can close Saturday night snd make any city oast of Chicago to open Monday night. TAYLOR TRUNKS UE IMITATED MORE TIM Mi OTHER SUES WHY? Over 50,000 TAYLOR XX TRUNKS IB TJSE. and all genuine Taylor Trunks have the same "Taylor" stamped on all the iron trimmings. (. A. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS 33 Coat Randolph St., CbIcbbo 133 Woof 30tb SI., Now YoFk ND CATALOOUI MAKE ymis THING TALK VOICE THROWING Without any " natural gift" I became a prsltsslensl ventril. oquiat as years ago. Write »ie. and I will explain by peraooaJ letter just how I teach the art to ANYBODY at trifling coat rter. SBB, a BMBBB INICgshnui HAVE YOUR CARD IN VARIETY Berol-Konorah, aroused much Interest. It is one of the beat illusion sets. Ned Way burn's "Rain Dears," with pretty Neva Ay mar aa the chief "dear," were enthusiastically received. Ed F. Reynard, the ventriloquist, waa given a warm welcome to his home town, and pleased with a wonderfully clever act. Walter C. Kelly was very entertaining in his unique monologue. The other contributors to the bill, sll of whom were well liked, were: Clsude and Fannie Usher In their playlet; the Basque Quartet, European operatic singers; Work and Ower, comic acrobats, and Wilson's remarkable monkey, "Jessie," a truly wonderful slmisn. EMPIRB (Chaa. Zimmerman, mgr.).—"The Oay Morning Glories" opened the week here and gave a show that waa decidedly "spicy." Lawrence Crane, the magician, waa the feature of the performance. "The Olrl In the Hcariet Hose," a dancer of the Midway sort, helped swell the attendance. OAYBTY (Edward Shayne, mgr.).—"The London Belles" were at the Gayety the first hslf of the week, presenting a pleasing burlesque show. "The Lid Lifters" played latter part of last week, giving a per- formance that contained many unuaually good features. LOUIS WBBLYN.