Variety (Dec 1906)

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VARIETY IS ORDERS FOR THE ANNIVERSARY OF ON DECEMBER l5tH —should be immediately forwarded to ensure good position Advertising copy or photographs (with reading matter) should be sent at the same time There is one regular issue only between now and the date of the ANNIVERSARY NUMBER, DECEMBER 15th Be represented in the first annual number of the representative variety paper No advance In advertising r*mt< One One halt page or. $100.00 50.00 One quarter page Two inches across page for that lssu< $25.00 One inch across page $8.40 16.80 One inch tingle column 2.10 — Three columns . Full* half and quarter p $40.00 Double column > as above $20.00 Single column • . . $10.00 NEW RICHMOND HOTEL (EUROPEAN PLAN.) EUBONB THEATRE, northeast oonar Clark and Klnsie streets, TWO M1EUTE S FBOK THE CLARK BTREET BRUMS. CHICAGO, ILL. Everything new and modem. They ell may It le the heat appointed theatrical hotel In the Windy City. Rooms elngle and In mites. AL. J. 1XYBM, Prop. Leatheroid Trunks Pacific Coast Amusement Co. Owning and Operating 30 First-Class Vaudeville Thenlrea last, Noiihwoet and Want WANTED AT ALL T1ME8 ' FIRST-CLASS ACTS OF ALL KINDS CHRIS. O BROWN, •7 So. Clark St. CHICAGO that can deliver the goods. IOL-B BOOKING AGENTS FREEMAN BERNSTEIN, ARCHIE LEVY, AL. ONKEN. 1J56 Broadway, Suite 6. 9.10, 1207 Golden Gate Ave.. 206 American lank Bid* NEW YORK CITY SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. SEATTLE. WASH? LIGHTER THAN STEEL 30 TIMES STRONGER THAN WOOD LEATHEROID MFG. CO. for New Theetrleal Catalogs*. MS BROADWAY, BSW TOSS, St The Bilhorn Telescope Organ THIS lnatrnment la a genuine well bailt roidlng Organ; It la nt nnlnM lain. t*. a*aaf.bat S— __.. —t. T ...... of nntold ▼alas to maaleal troapee and wherever portabilitx la required; It is light, atroog end durable—« child can open or close It. Thoeaands are In nse In all parte of the world. We have eeveral dlCerent patterne; every orgen guaranteed aa represented or money refunded. Bend for foil descriptive BILHORN BROS, IBS K. Lnko " JERSEY CITY, V. 7. KEITH A PROCTOR'S.—Mooney and Holbein, Horace Wright, Harding and Ah Bid, Rooney 8is- tern. "The Immense phone," an Immense phono- graph, was the best number on the bill. Mathews and Ashley, character comedians; "A Night In English Vaudeville," very good. Big business. House success. BON-TON (T. W. Dlnklns, mgr.).—The "Empire Burlesquere," good show and well balanced olio. PETE. act; Emma La tow, wire, liberally applauded; Claude Austin, juggler, "oil can," big laugh; Brown and Wilmot, fair dancing; C. Dillingham, illustrated songs, good voice. NOTE.—Al Sar- del, of Jacobs and Sardel, barrel jumpers, met with a serious sccldent at the Lyric In Sioux City last Saturday matinee. He was doing a trick blindfolded, two tables high, when a barrel over- balanced, throwing him to the floor on hla head and be was unconscious for ten minutes. Cut on head and Injured internally. JAMES L. RINO. score; Norton and Nicholson, many laughs; Chlnko, fastest juggler aeen here; Minnie Kaufmann, splen- did solo cycle riding; Swor Brothers, good black- face act; Hayward, Conroy and Hayward In "Marriage Is Sublime," fair. OHAPIN. KALAMAZOO, MICH. BIJOU (Harry W. Crull, mgr.).—Anna Berger Lynch, cornet soloist, pleased; Burkbardt and Berry, comedy talking act, good; Lizzie WeUer, trick pianist, clever and well received; George E. Kershaw, singer, good; Spellman's performing »*>ars, hit of the show. FRED R. YODNO. KANSAS CITY, MO. ORPHBUM (Martin Beck, gen. mgr.).--Rose Coghlan In "Forget-Me-Not;" The Marco Twins, laughable; Italian Trio, good; Hennlng, Lewis and Hennlng, fair; The Arlboa, acrobats, novel; Rich- ard Lynch, burlesque of illustrated songs, good. CENTURY (Joe. R. Donegan, mgr.).—"A Temporary Husband" and "A Trip to the Moon" are the titles of two musical skits In the "Tiger Lillles." George P. Murray and May Belmont are the leading lights; also In the olio, which also Includes La Belle and Grant, physical culture; Murphy and Barrett, farce; Corbly and Burke, Irish comediana. MAJESTIC (E. G. Davidson, mgr.).—"The Ben man" Show company, big busl- Show pleasing and well liked. Olio good. FA1RPLAY. LEAVENWORTH, KAN. PEOPLE'S*.—Ring and Williams, good comedy MARION. IND. CRY3TAL (J. H. Ammons, mgr. Monday re- hearsal 10).—Week 10: Stevena and Keeley, scream; Bud worth and Wells, well received; Ed Hays, blsckface, very good. BELL (H. 8. Bell. mgr. Monday rehearsal 10).—Weaver, "the sleepy athlete," hit; Gay, "the handcuff king." also hit; Bell and Rlcharda, musical, pleased; Blaney and Vincent, pleasing; Hazel Roblnaon, illustrated songs, good. GRAND (H. G. Som- iimts. lessee).—Sampson and Zaecbo, very good; Harry Marvelle, contortionist, good; Clever Tana, ventriloquist, first class; Innes and Ryan, comedy, good. A new Illustrated singer, Blanche Inula, was liked; she has a aweet voice with expression. L. O. WETZEL. MONTREAL, CAM. THEATRE ROYAL (H. C. Edgerton, mgr. Mon- day rehearsal 10).—"Rialto Rounders" in a clean, clever show. Company la clever and wear dainty costumes. Sarney and Wagner, dancers; Bam Howe, parodies. Parisian Living Pictures, Martin and Meek, sister team, and Bison City Quartet In clever vaudeville. All went big. AL M. PRENTISS'. MT. VERNON, V. Y. ORPHEUM (Henry Myers, mgr. Monday re- hearsal 10:30).—The Four Shades, pleased; Steven- son and Nugent, dancers and singers, dancing good; Leroy Benson end company, instrumentalists, fair; Karlem Carman and company In "The Last ('as,'," very good; John Clinton, comedian, hit; Ivii Irby, singer, liked; Doherty*s poodles, well received; Harry L. TIgbe In "Those Happy College Day a" (New Acts). NOTE.—This le Mr. Myers' first week as manager at tbia house , and the outlook Is very encouraging. PETER. HOUSB (W. 8. Clark, mgr.).—Rice A Barton's show this week has a record. Show la bigger and brighter than ever. JOB O'BRYAN. MEW BEDFORD, MASS. HATH A WAYS (T. B. Baylies, mgr.).—Good bill. Jack Norworth, "The College Boy," le play ing a special engagement here this week. His monologue act Is original and very clever, though many of bis points go past the matinee audiences. Ward and Curran are old favorites hero and are going well. Grand Opera Trio, Bowers, Walters and Crooker, Henry Cllve, Earl and Bartlett and the De Ms cos complete an all-around good show. KNOT. NEW HAVEN, CONN. POLPS (S. Z. Poll, prop.; P. J. Wlndlsch, re*, mgr. Monday rehearaal 10:80).—Hermann, mysti tied; Rooney and Bent, Immensely received; Bay Cox, good; Emil Hoch and company In "Love's Young Dream," laughable; Young and Brooks, musical, good; Jeanne Ardelle, fair. E. J. TODD. MILFORD. MASS. EMPIRE (S. B. Stlftcr, mgr.).—Iols Dodge, alnger, fair; The Beat ties, hoop rollers and club jugglers, excellent; Don J. O'Nelly, character artist, fair; Mark and Laura Davis, singing and talking, fair. CHAS. B. LACKEY. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. ORPHEUM (Msrtln Beck, gen. mgr. Sunday rehearsal 10).—Patty Brothers, hit; Vassar Girls, NEWARK, B. J. PROCTOR'S (R. C. Btewsrt, mgr. Monday re- hearsal 9).—Fred and Pauly, clever gymnaatlc set; Daisy Dumont sings warm songs In a cold manner; Ortb and Fern, good; Lavlne and Leonard, good; Emma Francis, good; Jack Wilson, Ada I.«ne and Bert Green, good singing snd dancing, with droll sayings; Mary Dapont and company, ordinary; Raymond and Caverly, good; Claire Beaay'a cata close. WALDM ANN'S OPERA READING, PA ORPHEUM (Frank Hill, mgr.).—Jacob snd bin dog, fair opening act; Majestic' Trio, colored .nter ta Iimts, mediocre; Goldsmith and Hoppe, pleased; Arthur and Mildred Boylan and company, presenting "Jack and Jill," very clever child actors and pleased; The Lyric Five in the rural playlet "No Place I.Ike Home," ordinary; Sam Collins, the German comedian, in a monologue entitled "Bite of Everything," did not seem to please; Delmore and Lee, aona of Beading, are the headllnera and pleased In their aerial novelty, "A Study In Black." BIJOU (Updegraff A Brownell. mgrs.).— 20-28: Phil Sheridan's "City Sports." 291: P. S. Clark's new "Runaway Girls" com pany, pleaaed. KBLLBY.