Variety (Apr 1907)

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VARIETY »5 RGPRC6CNTATIVC ARTI8TS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS ESCAPED FROM 4 8 O JAILS. fanagemtnt BEN J. GREENE. ORIGINAL JAIL BREAKER Broke Jail, Hoboken, V. J„ April t. Week April 8, Poll's, Waterbury. R. A. ROBERTS THE ORIGINAL PROTEAN MOTOR WEEK APRIL S, HAMMEBSTEIN'S, N. Y. CITY. MURRY K. HILL THIS WEEK, ORPHEUM, BOSTON. "THE JOLLY GIRL." Annette Wiltsie SINGING COMEDIENNE. Leading soubrette, season 06-07, Weber ft Ruh'i "Parisian Widows" Co. THE i. SUNNY SOUTH to THIS WEEK, KEITH'S, PHILADELPHIA. PERRIN TILLIE Somers and Storke IN AN UP-TO-DATE COMEDY MUSICAL 8KETCH. Singing, Dancing, Comedy, Musio. Addreu care "Jolly Grass Widows" Co., en route. Mai da Dupree THIS WEEK, YOUNG 8 PIER, ATLANTIC WrY. chas. BURKE and DUPREE maida AND "THE INKY BOYS." Permanent address: Knickerbocker Building, care of Empire Cirouit, New York City. Three Sisters tag CoWS Sensational European Lady Acrobats and Equilibrista Manager, PAUL HERZOG. Week April 8, Alhambra, N. Y. City. BESSIE WYNN In Vaudeville Now playing Orpheum Circuit THE MOST 8ENSATI0NAL HIT ANY ARTIST EVER MADE. VICTORIA THERE IS ONLY ONE NATURAL AND ORIGINAL KIT. The Biggest Draw- ing Attraction Ever in Vaudeville SO ME OP MY MSW SON Oft, AFTER THIS WEEK (Chas.) Y nd l_EE (Harry) will dissolve partnership CHARLES HOEY Who has always been the PRODUCING MEMBER of the firm, having written all material used by Hoey and Lee (or the past six years WILL CONTINUE WITH ANOTHER PARTNER SAME STYLE OF ACT; WORKING IN "ONE." Next Week (New Act) Doric, Yonkers, N. Y. LESSON No. 2 Memory is a contrary cuss. You hare to tie a string around your finger to remember what you want to remember, and you have to tie a rope around your neck to forget what you want to forget. Don't forget we are making a hit on the Keith circuit. Schenectady, N. Y., April 8. Will Challenge the World for Juggling Balls. ADDRESS, WILLY HAMMER8TEIN. WATCH FOR THE 11 BALLS. A NEW BIG SCENIC ACT IN "ONE/ OFFER "A STORY OF CHINATOWN.' J MO. A. WEST • • THE MUSICAL BROWNIE" BOOKED SOLID Ptraan«ikt Addrwi, 1*31 W. 66th ST.. CHICAGO. ILL. Kaunas City World, March 18, 1807.—John A. West, a Bttflral fcoauNttao, k< w* big with a novel makeup. NEXT SEASON. J. A. WEST AND CO. When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety.