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38 VARIETY REPHB«CNTATIVE ARTI6T* RBPRC«ENTr\TIVC ARTI6TS HANDS OFF I WE ARE THE ORIGINATORS OF OUR FINISH, SINGING "I'VE SAID MY LAST FAREWELL," THAT HAS CREATED SUCH A SENSATION. ONLY A FKW OPEN WEEKS. AND Direction of Wl. 8. BEINTHAM ALICE LLOYD She Is the Talk of New York Acclaimed the season's success. The dainty delineator of high-grade delicacies. The personification of refinement. Acknowledged the acme of perfection. Box office records scattered at every performance. tn ™ 1 WEEK KEITH & PROCTOR'S 23d Street A Success Unequalled in the Annals of Vaudeville Agent, Clifford C. Fischer Manager, Tom McNaughton HAVE YOUR CARD IN VARIETY McMAHON'S "MINSTREL MAIDS ff AND McMAHON (Q. CHAPPELLE MAJESTIC MUSICAL FOUR APRIL 7, HOPKINS, LOUISVILLE; APRIL 15, HATMARKET, CHICAGO. MR. ALSERT SUTHERLAND, Representative, St. Jamee Bid*., N. Y. THE FAMOUS JACKSON FAMILY World's Most Marvelous Cyclists WEEK APRIL 8, KEITH'S, PROVIDENCE, R. I. DBCATUR RBVIHJW, March 5.—Russell and O'Nell In "The Fifth Anniversary" are the feature of the bill. The work of both Mr. Koaaell and Mies O'Nell Is excellent. Their sketch la different from moat vaude- ville acta became it haa much In It that la serious and Is true to life. DATE MANY THANKS BLANCHE RUSSELL 0 NEIL Presenting' "THE FIFTH ANNIVERSARY" a Classic in Irish if II BOB and TIP Late of Marvellous FRANK and BOB Vow Doing the Funniest Acrobatio Doff Ast In Vaudeville. ASSISTED BY "JOS AND BOBBIE." TWO MEN AND TWO DOGS. LET ME WRITE YOU AN ACT SEARL ALLEN 222 EAST 14TH ST., NEW YORK CITY VOW OH KEITH CIRCUIT. MONS. HERBERT And His Musioal Dining- Table. Just Returned from a Western Tour. THE BIO HIT OF MINER'8 "MERRY BURLESQUERS.' ALI, HUNTER N ALI OOMSDT ACROBATS AND BOXERS. At liberty next season for Vaudeville, Musi oal Co medy or Burlesque. We all play parte, one principal comedian. Address as per route la VARIETY. 8INOERS AND COMEDIANS Bowery Comedy Quartette Sherwood, Fox, Blatter, Peck, with Clark's "Runaway Girls," Open for Parka the Coming- Bummer. W. T. SHERWOOD, Manager. , 16 MINUTES OF CONTINUOUS LAUGHTER IN "ONE," JIMMIE PAUL HYDE and ROBINSON Playing' our 27th consecutive week on the Pacific Coast with our neat straight and "Dutch" act. Week March 11th, Empire, Frisco, with circuit to follow. OPEN FOR BURLESQUE COMING SEASON. Addreae WESTON A BURNS, SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. ELLIOTT. BELAIR ELLIOTT J IN AN ACT Or ACTION A Pleasing Combination of Mirth and Skill An Act Suitable for PARKS, FAIRS and VAUDEVILLE TANEAN, FELIX - CLAXTON THAT COMEDY MUSICAL ACT. HOME ADDRESSi Sli I. Sirs St., lew York City. When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety.