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i6 VARIETY A Biff Uit with LENA LA COUViER Featuring fit My Irish Rosie" With the Empire Burlesqucis. Published by Francis, Day & Hunter 15 WEST 30TH ST. Near Broadway NEW YORK portion of "Breaking Into Society," the comedy in which they toured the popular price bouse* the past season. The combination made a splen- did number and the audience was willing for them to continue after they had left the stage. Ham and Kitty Morton are using a new song which is not near so good as "Ain't I, Maggie V Clara Is just as pretty and attractive as ever and with her brother has several good hits in the act. Following closely in matter of applause was the Empire City Quartet, forced to go through Its entire repertoire before the house was satisfied. There is Just enough comedy used to carry the act through and the parodies of one of the Cooper Brothers were well received. Emma Cams, the only single art on the bill, scored with several good songs. She was attractively cos- tumed, In good voice and bad her audience humming with her after the first song. A con- densed version of "The Lost Boy" was given by Edward Blondell and Company and aside from the poor finish seemed to please. It drags con- siderably. Repetition is the principal fault with the Florente Troupe, who have been seen in this city before. Numerous excellent tricks were per- formed, but with so many skillful acrobats on the stage it seemed unnecessary to repeat so much. Jewell's Manikins opened the bill, win- ning liberal applause and there were moving pictures to close. CASINO (Ellas ft Koenlg. managers).—Bar- nold's Dog and Monkey show was the principal feature of the bill presented by the "Cracker- Jacks" which played a return date at this house. The dogs give a wonderful performance. There is little or no change in the program from what was seen before. BIJOU (W. V. Jennings, manager).—W. B. Watson and his burlesque™ were accorded a warm welcome on their second visit to this city this season. The show remains about the same as before. Watson's as usual, takes full ad- vantage of the latitude allowed him In approach- lug the limit of Indelicacy. LYCEUM (J. G. Jermon, manager) .—The "Bon Tons" are back to their starting point, giving the same show that was offered at the Casino. Harry Bentley opened the olio alone and Hen IMerce did a good bit of work us a Western tough in the burlesque. "Just Kids" by Rawson and Clare and "The Olrl in the Bed Mask" re main as features. TROCADEBO (Fred Wilson, manager).—What was formerly Sam Devere's Company played this week under the name of the "Brigadiers," giving 'Tit a treat to hear The Mad Musician "VASCO" play "My Irish Rosie" Orpheum Theatre, Brooklyn, April 29. Published by Francis, Day & Hunter 15 WEST 30TH ST. Near Broadway NEW YORK the same show as was seen at the Bijou, except that Andy Lewis, who was 111 at that time, ap- peared in his original characters and bad an act it: the olio. CINCINNATI. By HABRY HESS. COLUMBIA (11. M. Ziegler, manager. Suuday rehearsal 10:30).—St. Onge Bros., novelty cyling, concluding with a monologue by Fred St. Onge, tine; raul Klelst, musical novelty, better than ever; Alice Davenport and Company In "Now," ordinary; Eleanor Falke, songs, pleased; Hallen and Fuller In "Her Sunday School Boy," full of laughter aud exceedingly well done; Piccolo Midget*, big hit; Lew Sully, repeatedly encored; Harry Gllfoll. divided honors with Hallen and Fuller. STANDARD (C. B. Arnold, manager) .—Rose Sydcll's "London Belles." T»»*» opening chorus Is lively, the stage settings adequate and the girls hsve numerous changes of costumes which they make the most of. Vera Harte In "Cupid's Cavaliers" msde a hit. "Sasaparilla Snow," by Miss Sydell, made a big hit. The olio consisted of the Weston Sisters, singing, dancing and bur- lesque * act. Campbell and Mack in "The In- spector." The Tivoll Trio sang well. Harry Marks Stewart, Hebrew comedian, pleased. Zenda, the feature of the show, is seen here for the first time and la the talk of the town. PEOPLE'S (James E. Fennessey, manager).— "Thoroughbreds." During the first part Josie Flynn with the assistance of the chorus sings 'Crocodile Isle," which is the hit of the show. Blanche Bedford, a member of the chorus, Is given an opportunity and slugs "Linda" entirely too fast. Miss Belford, however. Is a good looking girl and gives promise of future success. Blanche Washburn and Josie Flynn in the olio act in a manner that would indicate that they are trying to see how far they can go without police Interference. Mile. La Tosca, contortion- ist, Is very good. Douglas and Cunningham sing aud talk a little bit and then exit. Laurent Trio gave an exhibition of acrobatics and strength. Nil. Id aud Bellly have a nice dancing turn. The chorus Is handsomely gowned aud taken alto- gether the show is an excellent combination well put together. 1 ATLANTA, OA. PASTIME PALACE (T. P. Holland, mgr.).— Le White, Illustrated songs, good voice and song selection; Prof. Rand's canines, scored; Leonard and Rose Rowes, "A Tip on the Derby," big success; Perry and White, song sketch, went big. STAR (J. B. Thompson, mgr.).—Blamphln and Hehr, "From Grand Opera to School Days," good act, but poor dressing; the Florellas, alag- ers and dancers, fair; Lewis and Lessinger, com- edy sketch, hit of the bill; Bennington Brothers, gymnasts, clever act. BBIX. ATCHISON, KAN. EMPIRE THEATRE (R. J. Rleley, mgr.).— Three Dees, comedy sketch, good; Miss Burgeon, song pictures, clever; Bunnie, song and dance, very good; "Dr. Dippy," by the Empire Stock, a screaming success. NOTES".—H. M. Ernst has been selected as manager of the Air Dome by Crawford, Phllley and company.—Mgr. Bleley, the director of the Empire, will be interested in For- est Park amusements.—The Lewis Amusement Co. Is fast shaping White City, to open here May 8th. DICK BOSONKO. AUBURN, N. Y. BURTIS AUDITORIUM ANNEX (E. S. New- ton, mgr.).—Billy Morrlssey, monologlst, headed the bill; Madge Dm telle, coon songs and buck duncing, whs well received; Myrtell Bussell, slng- and dancing comedienne, fair; Frank Brooks, Illustrated songs. NOVELTY THEATBE (E. J. Murphy, mgr.).—Semi-weekly change of mo- tion pictures. NOTES.—Eddie Crawford, the cartoonist, has accepted the position of treasurer ut the Novelty Theatre of this city.—The Burtls Roller Kink has closed for the summer. BILLY JOYCE. BALTIMORE, MD. MARYLAND THEATRE (F. C. Schanberger, mgr.).—Almaslo, Juggler, very clever; Three Du- monds. excellent^ Ladell and Crouch, singing and dancing, liberally encored; Herbert Wllke and company, "Remembrance," ' excellent; Swor Brothers, comedians, well received; The Onlaw Trio, wire specialty, big bit; Qua Edwards' "Schoolboys and Schoolgirls." liberally encored. MONUMENTAL (Sam. M. Dawson, mgr.).— Jolly Grass Widows are playing a return date and doing good business. CAYETY (W. L. Bal- lauf. mgr.).—The Dainty Duchess company. ZOO RING (Col. P. J. Mundy, prop.).—Is very |H>pular and drawing big bouses. LUBIN'S (E. C. Farle, res. mgr.).—"Doomsday." second week, with the following vaudeville numbers: Tom Mack, tJoldlc Fulls and Georgette. SYLVANUS. BAY CITY, MICHIGAN. BIJOU THEATER (J. D. Pllmore, manager).— Allire and Uml, club jugglers, good; Truman Seymour, lllustrnted songs; The Carters, comedy musical act, pleased; Arthur Browning, singing and dancing tramp, good; W. H. Fields. Hebrew comedian, well received; Sharpley and Flynn, Irish comedy sketch, light applauded. II. C. HERTZ. BUFFALO, N. Y. SHEA'S (M. Shea, mgr. Monday rehearsals 10).—For the 27 minutes it held the stage "The Red Owl" was a big success, as well as Beryl Hope in the leading part. Howard and North, excellent. Frans Ebcrt and company, good. The Musical Avoloe, fine. Eleanor Dorel. pleasing. Scott and Wilson took well. The Mimic Four, fair. The Gllnserattl troupe, big card. GAB- DEN (Chas. E. White, mgr.).—"Majesties" had their own way with bualness big. LAFAYETTE (Chas. M. Baggs, mgr.).—Bellly and Wooda* Big Show with Paddy Lavln as an extra feature had big houses. WASHINGTON (Lewis F. Linn, msrr.).—Mons. Carole, good. Continuous vaude- ville, 111. songs and moving pictures also. niP- PODBOMB THEATRE- CO. (Elwyn Edwards, mgr.).—Business exceUent. Harry Mason, songs, good. Pearl Rounds, Musical Johnson, Margie Edwards, return engagement. BIJOU DBEAM (W. K. Kellmire. mgr.).—Tri-weekly change of interesting subjects In moving pictures to good business. NOTE.—Golden and Maley, a new team of this city, made their premier 19 at the Lafayette in "The Sons of Sunny Italy." The sketch went with a rush, having plenty of rapid fire talk, good songs and ginger. The summer season at the Lafayette and Garden promises good burlesque and vaudeville people. DICKSON. BINGHAMTON, N. Y. ARMORY THEATER (H. A. Bailey, manager. Monday rehearsal 10).—Harry LeClalr, character comedian, very good; The Boldens, colored en- tertainers, good; Will O. Matthews and Nellie Harris; "Adam the Second" went big; The Fet- ching Brothers, musical novelty, good; The Vil- lage Choir, good singers; The Three Livlers, sen- sational wire acrobats, something different; Ad- ams and Hack, eccentric mystical novelty, good. JOGGERST. CLEVELAND, O. KEITH'S (H. A. Daniels, manager. Monday rehearsal 11).—Robert Hllliard, headlines with "The Man Who Won the Pool"; The Jackson Family, cyclists, good; Three Keatons, hit: Lew Hawkins, monologlst; The Flood Brothers and Young America Quintet. LYRIC (Ed. Anthony, manager. Monday re- hearsal 11).—Mile. Louise Ramona. excellent singer and heads the bill; Schaefer Trio, singing and dancing, good; Robinson and Grant, good comedy act; Bradley and Davis, comedians; Mor- ii-ev and Rich, skit. EMPIRE (Geo. Chenet, manager. Monday re- hearsal 11).—"The Fixer." James J. Cooper is IT with the Gay Masqueraders. The olio is ex- cellent. STAR (Drew A Campbell, managers. Mon- day rehearsal 11).—Colonial Belles, Chas. Rob- inson. They have a very strong olio. WALTBR D. HOLCOMB. DALLAS, TEXAS. MAJESTIC (B. S. Muckenfuss, mgr.).—Klein, Ott Brothers and Nicholson headed the bill; Three Polrers, good ring and bar work; Frank Milton and De Long Sisters, well received; Nich- ols and Smith, best trick bicycle riders of the season; Grace Anderson received encores; Wilson and Blch coldly received. LYRIC (W. H. Rice, mgr.).—F. L. Perry took well; Edwin Ed- wards pleased; The Two Lucases, fair novelty act: and Hill and Vernon, well received. DALLAS OPERA HOUSE (Geo. Anzy, mgr.).— Dockstnder's Minstrels played to S. R. O. houses April 10 and 17. E. A. A. DAVENPORT, IA. FAMILY (J. A. Munroe. mgr. Monday rehearsal 10:30).—Week 15: Tom Kum. Siamese contortionist, fair. Neola, Juggler, fair. Golden and Hughes, blackface, very good. Eph Williams, high school ponies, hit. Tom and Anna Collins, comedy singing and talking, fair. Miss Mullln, illus. songs, good. Clarke and Temple In comedy, "The Man and the Maid," excellent. Gladys Carlton, singing snd duncing, good. Slrronji, "handcuff queen," over- done. Gooddall and Gralg were closed after Mon- day night show. ELITE (Chas. Berkel, mgr. Monday rehearsal 11)<—Al Polsen, blackface monologlst, good. Devlin aud Elwood in comedy, '"Ilie Poet," fair. Tuscana Bros.. Boman Battle Axe, good. Evans and Evans, dancers, good. Four Shannons, singers and dancers, hit. Elverton, baton and gun spinner, excellent. Guy's Parlor Minstrels, very good. Cluxton Bceknian Co. In •The Circus Rider." One of the best sketches that has ever played this house. Lena Kline, ill. songs, good. LEO. B. GBABBE. DES MOINES, IOWA. EMPIRE (M. J. Karger, mgr. Monday re- hearsal 11).—Josephine Gassman and her pick- aninnies, coon songs, entertaining; Glrdeller's dogs, enjoyed; La Belle Meeker, acrobatic act, good; Jay Bogart, blackface, well received; C. W. Bowser and company, sketch, plenty of ac- tion, applauded; The Pryors, singers and dancers, very good; Sisters St. Claire, vivacious and en- tertaining soubrettes. L. C. J. DETROIT, MICH. TEMPLE (J. II. Moore, mgr. Monday re- hearsal 10).—"Polly Pickle's Pets in Petland" U the head liner and was well liked; Little Hip. trained elephant, was a pleasing number; Dick Lynch (Detroit boy) was given a rousing recep- tion, and was repeatedly encored for his burlesque Illustrated songs, the pictures for which are made by Fred Nash, a local newspaper artist; Thome and Carleton, in a bright and snappy dia- logue, were the laughing bit of the bill; Al II. Weston and company made good with their clever sayings, songs and dances; Mazux and Masette are first-class comedy acrobats; The Kemps, colored, open the show and please; Ralph Johnston has a sensational bicycle act that was full of thrills. LAFAYETTE (J. J. Nash. mgr. Mon- day rehearsal 10).—The Tessuwari Japanese Troupe are the feature, and have a fine act; The Aldeans, comedy bar performers, good; Fyvle Deneh. contralto, has a good voice and pleasing manner; the Melroy Trio, in songs and dances, fair; Will Vidocq, blackface monologue, fair talk and good parodies: Arthur Beavals and company, "The Wlldtlower," introducing Teresa Maridor as a squaw, was well liked; Sadye Bosenzwelg, violinist, was very well received; John X. Cough- lln, club swinging, ordinary act. CRYSTAL (Albert Light, mgr. Monday rehearsal 11).— Larry Haggerty, Irish comedian, has a lot of good stories and is easily the best monologlst seen at A feature with The "Tram-Atlantic "Show. Friend \ Downing Singing fifi My Irish Rosie" Yes, it's by Jerome & Schwartz. Published by Francis, Day & Hunter 15 WEST 30TH ST. Near Broadway NEW YORK this house this season; Robt. Schoaller. sings Illustrated songs; The Scotts, in shadowgraphs. pleased; The Bebouts, sketch team. In songs and dances, were well received; Tonj Davenport In feats of strength and Juggling, very good. AVENUE (Drew & Campbell, mgrs.).—Miner's "Bohemians," with Andy Gardner I Ida Nicola 1, are doing good business. Wrestling Isnits are given at every performance. OAYETY <H. H. Hedges, mgr.).—Rice & Barton's Big Gaiety Company are playing a return engagement and pleasing. NOTES.—While returning to her hotel from the Temple Theatre last Sunday night, Panny Rice, the comedienne, lost her dia- mond bracelet. On Monday morning it win re- turned to her by Wm. O'Donnell, steward of the Musicians' Club, who had found It on his way home from the club.—On Tuesday night the mem bers of the Detroit I/xlge No. 1 Knights of Ever- lusting Pleasure and ladles attended the Temple Theatre in a body in honor of Dick Lynch, the Detroit performer who Is a member of the order. LEO LESTER. DULUTH. MINN. METROPOLITAN (W. II. Longstreot. mgr. Monday rehearsal 11).—Williams' "Im|>erinl Rnr- lesqners" more than pleased. The show Is hImivc the average. Pauline Moran, comedienne, hit; Gray and Graham played several different In- struments well; Dconzo and McDonald, barrel Jumpers, pleased; Murphy and Magee. comedians. fine; Zlmmer, Juggler, excellent act.-- -1U.HM' (Joe Maltland, mgr. Monday rehearsal 2).— Gavin, Piatt and "Peaches" in singing act; ex- cellent; Harry Braham, "The Man with a Hun dred Faces," fine; Mabel Entwlstle and company, comedy, pleased; Lorrence Marcel, soprano, good; Reeves and Kennedy, singing and talking act, good; Isadore Silver, pictured melodies, fine. HARRY. EAU CLAIRE, WIS. UNIQUE (J. M. Nash, owner; W. Armoud, res. mgr.).—Hawley and Olcott, sketch, fair; How ley and Leslie, singers and dancers, fine; MlM 1/eslle's child impersonations very clever and hit of the tdll; Morrison and Roma, fair; Dracula, contortionist, good. WEST. She likes it, and so will you when you hear Nellie Beaumont Singing fifi My Irish Rosie" The Great Irish Song Hit. Published by Francis, Day & Hunter 15 WEST 30TH ST. Near Broadway NEW YORK When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety.