Variety (Apr 1907)

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VARIETY 1* Early American History Primitive Savagery Deeds Of K<f uestrian Daring HOME AGAII mm LIVING PICTURES & HEROIC PAST &%*** Madison Square Garden. For a Brief Engagement Cnly. Two Performance* Daily, 8 and t P. M. THE BATTLE OF SUMMIT SPRINGS. A Vivid Scene of Barbaric Warfare. THE GREAT TRAIN HOLD-UP. A Realistic Review of Western Brigandage. 4 HOLIDAY AT "T—E" RANCH. Sports and Pastimes of the Plainsmen. AN ATTACK ON AM EMIGRANT TRAIN. Rough Riders Assembled from All Nations— Cowboys, Indians and Wild West Girls. Col. WM. F. CODY (Buffalo Bill) POSITIVELY APPEARS at Every Performance. Reviews, Drilla and Pageants. Battle Scenes and Cavalry Charges. American History Shown in Tabloids. An Exhibition of National Interest. Admission, including numbered seats, 25c. and 60c. (26th and 27th Street Entrances Only). Re- served, 75c. (on sale only when doors open), $1.00, $1.00, according to location. Box seats, $2.00, $2.50 (Madison Ave. Entrance only). Mall orders accompanied by currency receive prompt atten- tion. Box office open 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. KEOKUK, IA. LA SALLE.—Inness and Ryan, best ever. Dutch Waltoue, musical, good. Marjorle Hope, singing and dancing, good. D. C. Ward pleased. R. R. R. LAWRENCE. COLONIAL THEATRE (J. Fred Lees, mgr.).— Abdullah Brothers, European eccentric comedy ac- robats, good; James Richmond Glenroy, mono- logue, pleased; Gardner and Maddern, t arrette and only fair; Helene Le Boeuff, vocalist, excel- lent; Chas. and Fanny Van, very good; Will H. Sloan and company, comedy skit, laughing hit; Diamond and Smith, illustrated songs, scored. Extra feature—Harry L. Tighe and Hla Col- legians, a laugh from start to finish. LYCEUM THEATRE (William L. Gallagher, mgr.).—Nellie Hartford's Burlesque company, olio: Bessie Doyle, songs and dances, fine; Felix Martin, French co- median, funny; Blanche Lorlng, illustrated songs, good; Inman, contortionist, clever; Felix Martin's Burlesque, hit. JOHN J. JOYCE. LEAVENWORTH, KAN. ORPHEUM (C. B. Martyne, mgr. Sunday re- hearsal).—Shepp's Dog and Pony Circus makes a hit. Wm. R. Abram and Johns Agnes in their playlet "The Realization" get the applause. Pur- cella and urban, wooden shoe dancers, fair. PEOPLE'S (Maurice Cunningham, mgr. Sun- day rehearsal).—Lalord and Ryanson, blackface, singing and dancing, very good. Three Dees well applauded. Doc Holland gets the laughs with his Jokes. Marie Morrell'* juggling good. The Three Hutchenson's, "The Man from Texas," well re- ceived. LONDON, OAK. BENNETT'S (J. H. Alox, res. Valdare troupe of cyclists, very Circus, extremely funny; Mareeno, Mareeno, equilibrists, good; Wilbur Bachelor and the Maid," pleased Smith, comedienne, good; Arthur tlons, average; Bertie Herron, the itrel mlaa. a hit. M. G. mgr.).—Bessie fine; Berzac Nevarro and Mack in "The greatly; Sue Yule, imlta- orlginal mln- HUESTON. LYNN, MASS. AUDITORIUM (Harry Katies, manager. Mon- day rehearsal 10).—The Phays' expose act, top; Geo. Abel, Ethel Arden and Company won a l«rge reception; Frank Mayne and Company, "The Third Degree," good; Reldy and Currier, "'nglng, well liked; John Birch, the man with the hats," scored; "The Sexton's Dream" open- ed the ahow. DAVE CHASE. MARION, IND. THE CRYSTAL (J. H. Amnion*, prop. Monday rehearsal 10).—Week 15: Medallion Trio, the hit; the Hawes Sisters, singers and dancers, fine stage presence; clever; Harry De Barr, black face, good "coon" shoutpr and some new stories; Ruth Smith, Illustrated songs, very good. THE GRAND (S. W. Pickering, mgr. Monday rehearsal 10).— Rome, Mayo and Juliet, burlesque minstrel, a scream; Appleby, banjoist, clever; Glenroy and RuenaU, comedy, good; Herbert Mitchell, mono- logo*, Al; Blanche Innls, illustrated songs, very *ood. L. O. WETZEL. ••THE AUTOMOBILE GIRLS" GRACE P. EDNA Burke and Urline Comedy Monologue and Latest Songs Week of April 29tH, Pastor's Theatre ~ Permanent Address i 19 £ # 14^ St., N. Y. City ACADEMY HOTEL TWIN SISTERS GALARD WITH "TRANS-ATLANTICS" BURLESQUE (0. RE-ENGAGED FOR SEASON 1907-8. Open for Summer dates after June I st. Address as per route Week April 29, Casino, Philadelphia, Pa. Week May 6, iasth St, New York City- May 13, Waldman's, Newark. May 20, Gayety, Baltimore. THE GREATEST FIGHT PICTURE EVER TAKEN ...THE GREAT... NELSON-GANS 09 NT EST {ORIGINAL) The film is now available for Popular Price, Vaudeville Theatres or Picture Shows. I guarantee the original. Will gire you the entire light or any number of rounds desired. If you desire to break your house record play this film. Strengthen your ahow with film. WILL BENT OR SHARE. For terms write or wire CHRIS O. BROWN Sultm SOI-2-3-4 07 80. Olmrk St., OHIO AGO, III. PHENOMENAL SUCCESS from coast to ooaot MAXMILLIAN VIOLIN VIRTUOSO, Accompanied by his sister on piano. Keith's Philadelphia—Changed on the bill from third to tenth after first performance. Keith's Union Square—Ditto. A refined act that pleases all. HENRY PINCUS, Representative, Per. Address, 59 East 118th street, New York City. 1 NOTICE Henderson's Central Theatrical Exchange REMOVED to 92 LA SALLE ST., CHICAGO (Northwest corner Washington street). Suite 29. Larger and more spacious quarters. Booking vaude ville for theatres and parks. WANTED—Big comedy and sensational feature acts. CAN GIVE 25 WEEKS. Address W. F. HENDERSON, 02 La Salle Street, Chicago. Do You Work in Summer? Meritorious acta ou aecure six or more weeks on my summer park circuit, comprising sea- shore and mountain resorts. Bute lowest aalary la letter. H. BART McHUCH 519 Land Title Building, Broad and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Pacific Coast Amusement Ass. Owning and Operating SO Flrat-Claaa Vaudeville Theatre* last, Northwaet and Weat tajaajTrn AT ALL TIM SB. FIRST-CLASS ACTS OF ALL KINDS FfHH ItU that eaa deliver the fooda. a*OL~R BOOKING AOBNTS CHRIS. O BROWN, FREIMAN BERNSTEIN, ARCHIB LEVY, PAUL COUDRON. Iway, Suite 6. 9. K), 1207 CakJen Gate Ave.. 206 Aeuarken Sank BUg SAN FRANCISCO. CAL SEATTLE, WASH 7e So. Clark St, CHICAGO 1356 NEW YORK CITY NOTICE THE NEW FIRM H. J. WOOD (0. Music Publishers, 48 W. 28th St., N. Y. City. and Their Two Big Hits, "I'M SURPRISED and "W»y Wis I Ever Born Uzy" Are certainly makin' 'em sit np and take notice. Come on in; the water's great. MARSHALLTOWN, IA. NEW BIJOU (T. Nelson Downs, mgr. Sunday rehearsal 8).-Week 14: Excellent bill headed by The Vagges, novelty bag punchers, fine; Merger- ate Grace, "The Summer Boy," scored; Billy mSK*^? blackfaie . KW^t; Watson and Cotton, "Did You Ring?" fair; Raymond and Moxley pleased; Mamie Smith, good. NICKKLDON (A. O. Gist, mgr.).—Moving pictures and songs opened this week. KARL J. INGLBDUE. MILFORD. MASS. EMPIRE THEATRE (S. B. Stifter, mgr.).- Dollle Sharpe, songs, fine; Bailey ft Austin sketch, clever; Green and Weathere, novelty, flue; W. H. Smith, comedian, good. CHAS. B. LACKEY. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. ORPHEUM (Martin Beck, gen. mgr. Sunday rehearsal 10).—The Nellls in "The Lady Across the Hall," cleverly played comedy; The Royal Musical Five, high class musical act; Fredericks Family in heavy weight, Roman ring and con- tortion, fair; Aurle Dagwell, hit; Carrol and Baker, Hebrew comedy, good; Original Bootblack Quartet, favorites; Yuma, line automaton and contortion act. OHAPIN. MUNCIE. IND. STAR (Ray Andrews, mgr.).—Chas. and Marie Hecklow, good; Jamie Donovan, Irish comedienne, very fair; Cole and Coleman, musical, well re- ceived; Frank Gray, ill. songs, good; Doyle and Kmereon Trio, juggling, good. GEORGE FIFER. NEWARK, N. J. PROCTOR'S (R. C. Stewart, mgr. Monday re- h««art4al 9).—Francis Wood, hoop roller, fair; the Misses Bruce and Dalgneau have a very good Hinging act; Josle Sadler, B. H. O'Connor and W. S. Jackson have a laughable skit; Relff Brothers, dancers, have anything beat in their line seen here; Benjamin Chapln In "At the White House," very entertaining; Golden Gate Quintet (colored) pleased; the O'Kabe Troupe, acrobats, very good act. NEW ARCADE (J. M. Kltchell, mgr.).—Vervalln and Robinson, musical artists, very good; Florence Allwood, Il- lustrated songs, good; Ed Bowers, droll talking act; Kitty Morris, coon shooter, made a hit; Sadie Rice, songs and dances; Mlaa Holmes In a planologue. WALDMANN'S OPERA HOUSE (W. 8. Clark, mgr.).—The "Trocadero Burlesque" Co. are here again with a rery good show. JOB O'BRYAN. The ** Nom de Plume " King Robert A. Reiser COMPOSER or Mabel McKinley's GREAT 8UCCES8E8. "Fanelli" and "Golden Rod" Watch maffaainea for my article. "Composers Who Are Not, or, Living Lies." Permanent Address HITLARD. 43 WfSI 28tl ST., H. Y. (. When answering advertisements kindly mention Vamtty.