Variety (Apr 1907)

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TARI1TY ax MAX BURKHARDT In Charge Professional Department "AND A LITTLE BIT MORE" FRED FISCHER at Sherman House, Chicago, 111. F. B. HARMS COMPANY 1431-33 Broadway, N. Y. City TOLEDO, 0. TUB VALENTINE (Otto KlWes, mgr. Sunday rehearsal 10).—"For Love's Sweet Sake," by Will II. Thompson and Company, la exceptionally clever and full of pretty sentiment. La Veen and Croaa are also good In balancing act; Newell and Nlblo In a musical act went big; the sketch. "The Unexpected," Davis and Inea Macanley, Is amusing; The Sisters Whltlock drees stunning- ly, sing nicely and make a big bit; Searl and Viola Allen and Company, In "The Travelling Man," are good and "The Sunny South," by twelve colored artists, also found fsvor. THE EMPIRE (Abe Shapiro. mgr.).—Al Beeves* "Big Beauty Show." The bit of the olio Is Charles Hearn'a bicycle act. THE LYCEUM (Ed. Kelsey, mgr.)—This week Barney Gllmore and Co. In "A Rocky Road to Dublin." This show contains several good char- acter sketches and considerable Interesting at- mosphere, but this depends mainly upon Barney to puU It through. 8YDNEY WIRE. the Ohm's animal act pleases. STAB (F. W. Stair, mgr.).—The "Cherry Blossoms" gave a performance a little above the average. HARTLEY. TROY, V. Y. PROCTOR'S (W. H. Graham, mgr. Monday re- hearsal 10).—Minnie Kauffman, trick bicyclist, won rounds of applause; Frank Bush got an en- thusiastic reception; Chlnko, Juggler of unusual ability; Murphy, Nichols and company, "From Zasa to Uncle Tom," splendid comedy; Agnes Lynn, singing and talking skit, good; Black and Jones, colored entertainers, excellent. LYCEUM —The "Champagne Girls" opened a three-days' engagement here. For the last half of the week, the "Merry Maidens," with John J. Sullivan. J. J. M. TORONTO, CAN. SHEA'S (J. Shea, mgr. Monday rehearsal 10). —Edwards Davis snd company In "The Unmask- ing," made good; Jullen Eltlnge, clever; Chas. T. Semon Is funny; Henry snd Alice Taylor, wonderful rifle shots; Brown, Harris and Brown have s funny turn; Hamilton and Hill sing well; WASHINGTON, D. 0. NEW LYCEUM THEATRE (Eugene Kernan, mgr.).—Williams' "Ideal" return date to good business. Several changes have been made since here last. NOTES.—The Columbia Theatre In- augurated Sunday vaudeville this week, mak- ing four houses in town open on Sunday night. The Symphony Quartet, composed of Messrs. H. Chick, Louis Schrlvener, N. Hunter and D. Gal- Sebastian Merrill ' Act Formerly Known as Marvelous Merrills. RETURNS TO AMERICA SOON. THE ORIGINATOR OF ALL CYCLE SOMERSAULTS. WATCH FOR T HE M EW ONE. THIS ONE WILL NOT BE COPIED SO SOON. A FEW WEEKS IN SEPTEMBER OPEN. Addren CHAS. SASSE, NEW YORK MANAGERS, TAKE NOTICE (JACK) (BEN) BOYCE and BLACK COMEDIANS AND SINGERS. Invite offers for next season—Farce Comedy or Burlesque. Big Hit. Closing Olio. 60 Laugh* to the Minute—-000 Laughs to the Act. En Route—"Lid Lifters" Co., Gayety Theatre, Brooklyn, week April 22. Hurtlg ft Seamon's, Harlem. April 20. Permanent Address—Care White Rats of Amerlcs, 46th St. snd Broadway, N. Y. City. FRANK FINNEY Will produce all the burlesques for the Stock Company at Sid J. EusorTs Theatre, Chicago, this Summer ::: ::: OPENS MAY |g The Greatest Act of the Kind in the World Dimetro Bilyck's Trained Seals and Sea Lions ANOTHER OF THE BIG NOVELTIES EXCLUSIVELY MANAGED BY \M. &. CLEVELAND Suite 535. Knickerbocker Theatre Building, 1402 Broadway, New Yerk lcher, local boys, made their debut In raude- ville last Monday evening at the Majestic the- atre and were a success. The act has bookings for the summer over the Southern circuit. W. H. BOWMAN. WATERBURY, C0~NN. JACQUES (J. H. Dockings, mgr.).—The Kra tons, clever hoop act; Martini and Maxmllllan. entertaining burlesque magic; The Levlnoa, fair; I la Urannan, an unassuming singing comedienne, good; Callahan and St. George, both clever ar- tists; Grant and Hoag, Grant worked hard and Miss Hoag looked pretty; Pour Bottomleys, carry- ing two local boys, a hit. GIRABD. balancers, good: Mabel Berra, songs, big hit; Richard Buhler and Co., in dramatic sketch, "The Cracksman," well received; Halley and Con well, black face, lively turn; Dudley, Desmond and Dudley, songs, fair; Unita and Paul, acrobatics. good act. BIJOU (Nash ft Burrows, nigra. Monday rehearsal 10).—Week 16: The Castanos, dancing, well received; the Leavys In comedy, "Getting a Divorce," good; Harry Brabam, Im- personator, good; Reeves and Kenny, song and dance, pleased; Lorlne Ma rebel, songs, good; Joseph and Myra Dowllng, In "Lot's Wife," good; Hazel Mcl/askey, songs, good. S. J. HORTON. WHEELING, W. VA. COURT THEATRE (Edw. Pranxhelm. mgr.).- Ezra Kendall, 20, delighted large audience.- BIJOU THEATRE (Bijou Theatre Co., mgrs.).— Vaudeville week, 22. C. M. H. WINNIPEG, MAN. DOMINION (G. A. & V. C. Kobold, mgrs. Mon- day rehearsal 10).—Week 15: Leonard and Louie, WORCESTER, MASS. POLI'S (J. C. Crlddle, manager. Monday re- hearsal st 10).—May Boley and Her Polly Girls, head the bill; Bedford and Winchester, excellent comedy Juggling act: Leo Carlllo, Chinese dia- lect comedian, very 'clever; Clifford and Burke, blackface, good; Vernon, ventriloquist, clever; Mr. and Mrs. Allison. "When Minnie Yumped Her Yob," were funny. The Big City Quartet were good.—PARK (Alf. Wilton, manager).— John L. Sullivan's athletics and vaudeville. Sul- livan pleased, but the vaudeville was poor. HARLOWB L. STEELE. Utilise yeur Basemen apace for A MOTION ICTURI SHOW. ARCADE MANAGERS! J THE RENO MOVING STAIRWAY WILL CARRY THE CROWD down and up and the Operating Coat le under one dollar per da y lA/rlte> use for particulars. RENO INCLINED ELEVATOR CO., - - 555 West 33d Street, NEW YORK Max Witt's "Singing Colleens "In Songs of The Old and New World." GRAND OPERA HOUSE, SYRACUSE, N. Y., THIS WEEK. Address IV|JLX])C M Care JOS. W. STERN A 00., 102-104 West 88th St., N. Y. City. TAME ELEPHANTS 4.y z to 6 FEET HIGH Trained Animal Acts For Sale LIONS, males and females, 2 to 6 years old ' LEOPARDS POLAR BEARS ZEBRAS INDIAN ANTELOPES LLAMAS EMUS Swans, Ducks, Oaeta, 1,000 Monksyt, Small aad Moastar Ssakat LOUIS RUHE, 248 Grand St, NEW YORK ... A HIT ... Knight Bros, and Sawtelle Comedy Dancing: Novelty, at Keith's Union Square Theatre, N. Y. City. Oa Next to Last (4.30 and 10 o'clock), Following Two Bis; Comedy Headhners—-Besides the rest of the Show—snd made A HIT. Address car© VABIETY. CHARLES W. THOMPSON THEATRICAL COSTUMES 201 EAST 10th STREET, Corner 2d Avenue NEW YORK CITY When answering advertisements kindly mention Vabhty.