Variety (June 1907)

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14 VARIETY The Chas. K. Harris Courier Dt>ote4 to tho interests of Bona* and §in g or $ Address all communication* to CHAB. X. HARRIS, tl W. lilt St., V. T. (Meyer Cohen, Mgr.) Vol. 6. New York, June 1. 1907. No. 8. OUR LATEST LOVE BALLAD The Coming Song Hit "Just Because I Loved You So II Send at Once for Copies. Orchestra" tions in Any Key but much of his material is new and up-to-date. He won plenty of laughs and bad bis audience helping Mm In the song at the finish. Spessardy's Rears opened, the animals showing numerous tricks which proved interesting. Tommy O'Brien- Havel was second on the bill and, assisted by Ktfle Lawrence, gave the old sketch, "The News- boy and The Maid." O'Brien contributes his acro- batics, while Miss Lawrence dances a little. It is not as good as "Ticks and Clicks" and It re- mtiliied for the finish to win the applause. Dainty -Alice Lloyd, who won her way Into the favor of local theatre-goers last week, was given a rousing welcome again. She changed her repertoire of eoogs, retaining three of the best from last week and her success was Just as pro- nounced. The same may be said of the Mc- N'aughtons, who shared chief honors of the bill with ther side-splitting comedy act. Their bur- lexque boxing finish Is the talk of the town. Next week's bill la Mclntyre and Heath, "Gib- son Girls" (held over) Wilfred Clarke. Carson Sisters. Shean and Warren, Maude Lambert, 11 m ltitii Trio, Charles R. Sweet, Irene Lee. TROCAOBRO (Fred Wlllson, mgr.).—The sum- mer season of stock burlesque was inaugurated this week by W. B. Watson's "Cosy Corner Girls," and If the favorable impression met with on the first showing Is a criterion, the pstrcf* of summer burlesque are In for something of better class than has been offered here In past seasons. In fact the Initial show comes pretty near being better than the majority of the regular Wheel shows, except for the absence of one or two capable comedians and a rather weak olio. Wiitson used a little headwork In putting his show together, starting with twenty-five minutes of song for an opener. There Is not a male In- troduced In the first part, but twenty chorus girls dressed In simple but pretty and spotless white dresses render about a dozen popular mu- sical numbers, an innovation that Just suited the Troeadero patrons, who filled the house and responded with liberal applause. Mazle Delacy, Delia White, Elsie Delroy, Julia De Jenue, Mabel White, Irene White. May Russell. Emily Price, Kdna Hvland, Alice Gilbert, Lula Leslie. May Irsh. KUa Barrett, Mayme Helms, Delia Talll- fero. Belie DuBois and one or two others of the senre of girls were given an opportunity to "stand out" In solo, duet and quartet numbers, and collectively the chorus surpasses many that have been heard here during the regular season, in singing. The girls average good as to looks and appearance and there are a number in the rank and file who have classed as favorites with burlesque patrons during the past season. Florie and Lillle Millershlp, local girls, who were with the Watson show last season, held con- spicuous places in the ensemble and put lots of life and spirit Into the first part. Both are at- tractive In appearance and help work up the numbers hi good ehape. They also appear in the olio, where they dance well. Here they spoil (heir singing by shouting. They have clear enough voices to be heard without screeching and It will have an ill-effect on their voices later on. There Is a baton Juggling number In the olio billed as "first appearance In America," but the act Is made tin of two teams which have a familiar apnearnnce. It Is a good act, neverthe- less, the work of the two men being clean cut, showy and worthy of special praise. The act is well dressed, the two women comely and the four made a good Impression. Grade and Rey- nolds opened the olio with quite the roughest bit of slapstick comedy without reason or merit that has been offered here In a long time and Gibson and Hyland closed with a noisy sketch called "The Broncho Buster." There were moving pictures and for the burlesque "The Bashful Venus," which was used by the Watson Bnr- l< Miners during the past season, was shown, with Billy Watson as the principal entertainer. It is promised that the chorus will be Increased to thirty next week and there will be a weekly change of olio numbers. COLUMBIA TI1EATRE.— This house, which was operated by Charles Blaney previous to his taking the old Arch Street Theatre, was added to the Summer stock burlesque houses, opening this week with a burlesque In two sections put on by James Gallagher, who was with Edmund Hayes' "Wise Guy" company last season. There are seventeen girls, headed *>y Harriett Belmont nnd Violet Hood, several of whom were also with the "Wise Guy" company. The olio Included Gil- bert and Raton, Hebrew act; De Kalby Brothers, dancers; Connelly Sisters, singing and dancing, and the Four International Comlques. NOTES.—A most enjoyable "Scamper" was held by the members of the "White Rats" who were playln* here last week. The session was held at Zelsse's Hotel. Junle MeCree was the "Big Chief" and had such entertainer* as Will M. Cretsy, Willy Zimmerman, Walter C. Kelly and Harry Kelly to keep the fun going. Among the actors and "Hats" present were: Junle Me- Cree. Will M. Creasy, Walter C. Kelly, Harry Kelly, James Kelly, -Willy Zimmerman, James J. Corbett. Charles Semoo, John L. Kearney, Fred swor, Willy Pantser, "BUlie" Reeves, Alf Reeves, Smith and Campbell, Mason and Shan- non, Clemenso Brothers, Camllle Trio and Bert Cooper. Among the Invited guests were H. L. Dleck. drsmatlc editor "Record"; H. B. Craven, dramatic editor "The Public Ledger"; George M. Young, "Public Ledger" and VARIETY; Will S. Autlsdal, Mark Luescber. Leo Donnelly. Frank L. Poth, Charles Schrader and several others.—Gertie DeMilt, who was a member of Fred Irwin's "Majesties" last season, appearing with the Watson Sisters, In a "sister act," was recently married snd lives in this city with her husband, William 11. Sbeeban, a young physician <>f South Philadelphia. Mrs. Sheehan has been re- hearsing for a vaudeville sketch called "The Delegation," but according to her husband she will not return to the stage permanently.—While the baby elephant, "Little Hip," was being ex- hibited In the lobby of Keith's Theatre, the rival management across the street had a stuffed ele- phant mounted on a platform decorated with a '••ml reading "Our Show Is on the Inside." It caused considerable amusement.—Billy 8. Clifford will spend most of the Summer In Paris, sailing from New York June 15.—"Pat" Casey was In our town Monday and, with Fred McNaughton, made a thorough Inspection of Keith's Theatre. The house la not for sale and there was nothing significant In the tour.—Jack Kearney has gone to Atlantic City to try to discover why Philadel- phia is called slow. Kearney came here four weeks ago to spend a couple of days and on Monday the "Mayor of Toklo" was here yet.— Elsie Faye underwent a severe operation on her throat last week snd was In no condition to do herself Justice at Keith's. She has some good time booked and hopes that the operation will relieve her of an ailment that has been a source of discomfort for a long time.—Colonel Sam Dawson, who will have charge of the Summer stock season at the Bijou, dropped into town suddenly on Tuesday. He declared with a tremor In his voice that he had not yet secured Lillian Russell or James K. Hackett for his stock com- pany, hut says the season is young yet.—Floyd Ijtuman. who piloted the "Casino Girls" season before last for Ellas A Koenlg, also returned to town. He may be found at the head of one of the burlesque companies next season. ALBANY, V. Y. PROCTOR'S (H. B. Graham, mgr.).—Hill and Hill, Ethiopian ragtlmers, hard workers, who took well; Rafayette's dogs, very good; Chas. Howison, singer, excellent; DeWltt, Burns and IVHTanco In "The Awskenlng of Toys," very good; Sue Smith, the singing flower girl, very good; Lasky and Rolfe's Military Octette, high class.—NOTE.—This Is the last week of vaude- ville here, to be followed by opera for the sum- mer. MARTEL. ASHLAND, PA. WOODLAND PARK.—Opening bill Included Ameta, mirror dancer; Murphy and Andrews In "The Irish Rose"; Seymour and Dupre; Toy and Toy, and illustrated songs. Performance pleased. H. R. M. BALTIMORE. MD. MONUMENTAL (Sam. M. Dawson, mgr.).— "Washington Society Girls." The musical numbers good, with a handsome chorus, well costumed. GAYETY (W. L. Ballauf. mgr.).—Although the regular season has closed at this boose they will continue to book extra shows as long as the present cool weather lasts. Brooklyn Belles Bur- lesquers. the present sttractlon. LUBIN'S (R. C. Earle, res. mgr.).—The Five Lublns, singing and dancing, very good; Ernest Lenore, singing, fair; Minnie St. Clair, dancing, very good.- LYRIC (Bernard Ulrlch, mgr.).—The third week of "Pop." concerts. SYLVANUS. BAY CITY, MICH. BIJOU (J. D. Pllmore. mgr.).—The Great LaVarre. magician, same old thing; Truman Sey- mour, ill. songs; Lena Davenport, comet 1st. good; Mllano and Alvln, comedy sketch, "Only a Joke." heavily applauded; Josephine Gassman and "picks," big hit. H. C. HERTZ. BUFFALO, N. Y. SHEA'S (M. Shea, mgr. Monday rehearsal 10).—"The Six English Rockers" and Nellie Kloredo. fine "girl act"; Gould and Surratt, well liked; the Three Ken tons and little Jingles, gave good measure; Les Dumonds, hit; Stuart Barnes, excellent; Harry Fontelle and Ed. Carr, Buffalo lM>ys. have a novelty In "Outland Junction," good; Km lie Hoch and company In "tove's Young Dream"; Willie Pantzer and company, novelty acrobats. WASHINGTON (Louis F. I .Inn) Kelly. "The Handcuff King," great; the North Carolina Twins, moving pictures. Illustrated songs, business good. HIPPODROME (C. E. Edwards, mgr.).—Moving pictures and Illustrated songs, fine. THE GRAND opened 28, pro- viding a good bill of moving pictures.—THE NEW opens with moving pictures 10. BIJOU DREAM (Chas. P. Dempsey, mgr.)— Constant change of novelty In moving pictures, good. UNDER CANVAS—Cole Bros. Circus, 10. LUNA PARK (R. H. MacBroom, mgr.)— Opened season 22. New attraction brought out the crowds. Crystal, Fort Erie and Olcott Beaches opened 30. All have been refitted and offer fine attractions. DICKSON. CINCINNATI, 0. By Harry Hess. ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS (Wulter M. Draper, mgr.). -The Kilties Band began a week's en- gagement, offering several unique features. An- gus r'nmr, -l:inc er and bag-piper, was very good. The band is under the direction of Albert Cook. CHESTER PARK (I. M. Martin, mgr.).— Tills week's bill very enjoyable. La Mont's Cockatoos, pretty exhibition; Dorothy Rae, soo- brette, very good; Goldsmith and Hoppe, musical team, very good; All, Hunter and All were the hit. LAGOON (W. C. Clarke, mgr.).—A tight wire act by Herr Granada snd Mile. Alma Fedora was very good; The Five Mslverna, acrobatic act, good; Charles Carroll, ventriloquist, Injects con- siderable comedy Into his act; Etta May Ash ton, good; The Four Keels, grotesque comedy, and Frevoli, magician, on the bill. CONEY ISLAND (George W. Engelbertb. mgr.).—The opening very clever acrobatic act by Kohler Bros.; Louise Ramola, songs, warmly ap- plauded; Woods and Ralton, very good; Alvln Bro»>., pleasing; Magnettl Family, very good; Banta Bros., very good. NOTE.—The sudden drop in the weather has materially effected the attendance of all the Summer reports. CLEVELAND. OHIO. KEITH'S (H. A. Daniels, mgr. Monday re- hearsal 11).—May Tully and company in a one act play "Stop, Look and Listen," In which Miss Tully does clever character work; Mile. Nudje. equipoise, remarkable hand balancer; Brown and Nevarro, colored duo, in character changes with a variety of songs that pleased; Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Kemp, "Tales of the Wild," splendid collection of act pictures; Chas. Barry and Hulda Halvers, eccentric comedy and singing specialties; Harry Armstrong and Wm. Clark, sing original songs; Hoey and Lea, He- brew comedians, good; Four Casting Dunbars, acrobats that are great. LUNA PARK (El- wood Salsbury, mgr.).—The Navassars, ladles' band. Is making a hit and draw crowds to the park. The Bartlet Brothers, acrobats, furnish a good free attraction. WALTER D. HOLCOMB. Cobb's Corner SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1907. No. 66. A Weekly Word with WILL the Wordwrlgbt. There's a song la the world for every singer and a singer for every song. How that I have written the song, who will sing it 1 THERE'S A GIRL IN THE WORLD FOR EVERY BOY AND A BOY FOB EVERY GIRL. Chorus: There's a girl in this world for every boy and a boy for ovary girl, And aa sura aa fata, if you'll only wait, soon or lata you will meat your mate. Now I don't know so much about love and such, but I know this much must bo, If there is a girl for every boy, you ore the girl for me. Copyrighted, 1907, by F. A. Mills. Words by ma; musio by composer of "I Won- der if You Miss Ma." WILL D. COBB Wordwright. Published by F. A. Mills, Hew York, DALLAS, TEXAS. MAJESTIC (B. S. Muckenfuss, mgr.).—Cooke and Miss Kothert are beadllners, not only In name, but in act as well. Cavaradossi and Bea- trice Mercedes, high class act. Ball and Zell are blackface comedians of no mean ability. Murray K. Hill Is one "f the best monologlsts ever seen at the Majestic, and above all he has new jokes. Anna Woodward has an excellent voice. Will- iams. Thompson and company, ordinary. LYRIC (E. Edwards, mgr.).-—Claudius and Scar- lett, banjolsts; V!ola Napp, single acts, wearing especially attractive costumes; Verln and Burr, pleased; Fdwin Edwards, HI. songs. LAKE CLIFF CASINO (W. H. Baldwin, mgr.).—Bald- win MHlvilh- Stock Co. In "What Happened to Jones." CYCLE PARK (W. R. McAdams, mgr.).—North Bros., comedians, stock and vaude- ville, E. A. A. DANVILLE, ILL. LYRIC (Jack Hoeffler, mgr.).—Laurant, ma- gician, fine; Harry Newman, very fair; Burton and Brooks, good; The Nellie Andrews Opera Company In "H Trovatore," good. DES MOINES, IOWA. EMPIRE (M. J. Karger, mgr. Monday re- hearsal 11).—McNutt Sisters, a Des Moines pslr. who have played the leading circuits, appeared in song and dance; Duffy, Sawtelle and Duffy. "Papa's Sweetheart," well received; Samson and Zaccho, physical culture, good; Memphis Kennedy, musical, amusing; Perkins Lappln and company, dramatic sketch, fairly entertaining; Jules Her- ioii, "The Little German," drew applause; Dandy and I.yon. comedy acrobats, very good. NOTE. -This bill closes the Empire's seuson. Mr. Karger Is well satisfied and plans Improvements costing f30,000. JAMES. DETROIT, MICH. TEMPLE (J. H. Moore, mgr. Monday re- hearsal 10.)—Villi*' Daly Is the bright particular star of this week's bill and made a bit; Eddie I/*'on a I'd. with the Ward Brothers, and colored n.-sl*t.-ints chorus in "The Land of Cotton," has a pleasing number; Julie Ring and company present a sketch and were very well received; The Majestic Musical Four, big bit; The Four Rianos in acrobatics, clever; Belleclalre Brothers do some hair-raising feats and please; Donot Bedenl and hla acrobatic dog, good, and Carlln and Otto in Dutch talk, were the laughing hit. NOTES. —Al Green, leader of the Temple Theatre or- chestra, was re-elected Chief Grand Snork of the Knights of Everlasting Pleasure at the recent convention held at Cleveland. Ohio.—Both Wolf's and the Electric Park report good business. LEO LESTER. LA FAYETTE THEATRE, Buffalo, N.v. A Bummer Stock Season, Opening June 3d. LEGITIMATE. BURLESQUE. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE. JOHN GRIEVE EMPIRE CIRCUIT OFFICE OR LA FAYETTE THEATRE. THE TWO COMEDY CHARACTER CREATORS Brady *nd Mahoney "The Hebrew Fireman and the Foreman" (Dot's a lahen for an Irishman.) An ORIGINAL Oooklall of Talk and Song Inciting Incess- ant daughter. Fighting the Flames AT PROCTOR'S, NEWARK, MAY 27. KEITH'S, PHILADELPHIA, JUNE 3. WATCH US GET PROMOTED P. S.—THIS ACT IS SECURELY COPYRIGHTED. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR INITIAL PERFORMANCE. A BIG NOVELTY MAURICE KLISTO-MO" (A European Star) (From Legitimate to Vaudeville) In an Operatic Sketch Entitled "The Dream of the Opera By HORWir/ FOR TERMS See DAVID H. KEITH, 41 W. 24th ST., NEW YORK *• When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety.