Variety (June 1907)

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VARIETY 15 fink s, Oriloff Tailors NEW YORK. IMS BROADWAY. Formerly with Max Marx. Telephone 4467 88th 8t. THE MURRAY CO CIRCtfS CANVASES, Pole* and Stakes* SEATS, Flags. Eto> BLACK TENTS. SIDB SHOW PAINTINGS. FRONTS, AND BANNERS FOR STREET FAIRS. Agents for KIDD'S PATENT CIRCUS LIGHTS. 08 * 81 W. Washington St., CHICAGO, ILL. Everything in NEW and S. H. Motion Picture Machines Films, Stereopticons, Son g Slide* ana Supplies. Same 'Wanted. Catalogues free. Hsrbach a Co., 809 Filbert St, Phils., Pa, (hides W. Thompson Theatrical Costumes 801 E. 10TH ST., COR. 8D AVE., N. Y. CITY. NEW YORK BRANCH GAVIOLI & CO. OP PARIS Largest Ifananfscturers In the World of Card Board and Cylinder FOB Entertainments, Dance Halls, Merry-go-Ronnds. All kinds of latest music snd songs to order. OFFICE AND SHOW ROOM, 81 BOND ST. TELEPHONE 5808 SPRING. Especially for Skating Rinks. a Drops " A N D «< Sets 99 BEST AND CHEAPEST The Largest Soenlo Concern in the World. Water Color,. Bilko ana Dye. DANIELS SCENIC STUDIOS, CHICAGO. DULUTH, MINN. BIJOU (Joe Maltland, mgr. Monday rehearsal 2).—The 8 Keltons, musical, fine; Al Jolsen, monologue, pleased; Ellsworth and Burt, comedy sketch, pleased; the Manning Trio, refined sketch, pleased; Isadore Silver, pictured melodies, fine; Cavana, wire, big hit. HARRY. EASTON, PA. CASINO, ISLAND PARK (D. E. Segulne, mgr.).—Mons Herbert presenting his "Musical Dining Table," fair; Irving Walton, an up-to- date entertainer, pleased; Ben Franklin scored with his pong-*; Fox and Ward, blackface come- dians and singers, well received. COMUS, BTJSHKILL PARK (George Selple, mgr.).—Mov- ing pictures and Illustrated songs by "Baby" Ethel. "YANKEE." ET.MTRA. V. Y. FAMILY (O. W. Mlddleton, mgr. Monday re- hearsal 10).—George P. Watson and Florence Little In "A Matrimonial Bargain," excellent; LARGE DOINGS In Chicago this week. GEO. M. COHAN directed the orchestra In the Brookfleld march and two step at the Colonial Theatre on Wednesday, and "00 Miles From Boston" went greater than ever. We were all there. "Dream City," with Joe Weber and Otis Harlan st the Garrlck is a good laughing show. I lsughed all through the perform- ance, and so did everyone there. Max Silver, son of old George Silver, also representative of F. A. Mills, was In Chicago for the first time In five years. When In Chicago drop In. I-ook for the 8. E. Cor. Clark and Randolph streets. Down Stairs. Best cuisine and service. "A smart place for smart people." GEORGE SILVER 'Hit? Four Dancing Bells, good; Tanean, Felix and Claxton, good musical act; Iva Donette and dogs, well received: Will Campbell and Stock Sisters, unusual juggling act. End of season at this house. RIALTO (F. W. McConaell, mgr. Mon- day rehearsal 1:30).—The Joyces, Diamond Sisters, Bijou Mignon, Trixie Bennett, Mayme Barnes and Rae Vaughn, entertaining bill. J. M. BEERS. ERIE, PA. FAMILY (Eckley A Lang, mgrs.).—Gillmore Sisters went with a rush and pleased; Sol Berns, a return date, clever German; Leonard and Bas'ldo, sketch, good and Charles Osborne, good. The Buffalo Bill show will be here In July. L. T. BERLINER. FALL RIVER, MASS. SHEEDY'S (CMS. B. Cook, mgr.).—Stock Company with Bert Walters, comedian, good; Florence Ilarley, scubrette, fine; Jere Sanford, illustrated songs, good. PLEASANT ST. (Jas. Mason, mgr.).—Bertha Carey, singer, fine; St. Peters and Bell, songs and dances, good; Ruth Clark, pictured songs, excellent; Marlon Mar telle. soubrette, fine; Mason and Doran, co.nedy sketch, very good. SCENIC (L. M. Boas, mgr.).—Edward Sennouge, xylophone sollst, very good; Albert Fleming, Illustrated songs, good. NOTE.—Vanity Fair opened to the pub- lic Saturday, May 25tb. This is a new amuse- ment park, located on the Providence River, near Providence, R. I. This park Is going to have free vaudeville. E. F. RAFFERTY. GLOVERSVILLE, N. Y. FAMILY (J. B. Morris, mgr. Monday rehearsal 10).—The Faust Family, pantomime musical com- edy, well received; Bruno and Nellie Rosebud, pleased; Dale, Moore company, big hit; Frank Bowman, good; Fred Rlvenhall, good. MOWERS. HAMILTON. CANADA. SAVOY (J. G. Appleton, mgr. Monday re- hearsal 1).—This week marked the closing bill for the season. Willie Gardiner opened the show with a neat dancing and roller skating specialty that caught the audience from the start; Mattle Lockette, a dainty comedienne; Fred Karno's Pantomime company, "A Night In a London Music Hall" and "A Night in the Slums of London." In both sketches the players won Instant ap- proval; Musical Ix>we also made a splendid Im- pression with his selections, and Harper, Des- mond and Milliard, clever colored singers and dancers, ronnded out a well-balanced bill. JACQUES. HAZLETON, PA. FAMILY.—The season closes this week with nothing left but itoving pictures and illustrated songs. Next Fall the theatre will be remodeled. It wil lreopen some time in September. Hazle Park opened May SO. RAY T. DRUM. JAMESTOWN, N. Y. CELERON (J. J. Waters, mgr.).—Season opened at this house May 27 with temperature at the freezing point and audiences only fair. Sam Watson with his "Farmyard" had the headline position and carried off the honors; Deltorclll and Ullssando repeat their old mu- sical act but It still pleases; The Kemps are fair colored entertainers; The Mozarts have a rather unique dancing turn; Tom Ripley, blackface, fair. Rlngllng Brothers will be here June 28. L. T. BERLINER. KANSAS CITY. MO. FOREST PAR.C (D. L. Russell, mgr.).—Bos- ton Ideal Opera Company In "The Mascot," big crowds; Tlvoll Quartet sing with Lenge Band free concert*. Special feature: The Delaur-Deb- rlmont Trio, rton here before at the Orpheum. ELECTRIC PARK (Sam Benjamin, mgr.). Two concerts dally by Ellery's Bsnd. Free vaudeville In the German village. FAIRPLAY. KEOKUK, IA. CASINO (C. II. Dodge, mgr.).—Acme Comedy Co. LA SALLE (D. E. Reeves, mgr.).— Moving pictures. "White City on Wheels" Carnival Co. (Ed. Helns, mgr.).—27-31. ORAND OPERA HOUSE (D. L. Hughes, mgr.).— Mr. Hughes will put on a week of "advanced" or "modern" vaudeville to be brought here from the Keith and Orpl.eum Circuits. Bill to be an- nounced later. R. R- R- LA SALLE, ILL. MAJESTIC (F. B. Hooper, mgr.).—Vaudeville, singing and dancing. Acts well presented and well received. This theatre closes June IB. WEBSTER PARK (Seldl A McCluskey, mgrs.).— Webster Park Is an amusement park between Spring Valley and La Salle. Opened May 19. Vaudeville. LEAVENWORTH. KA8. ORPHEUM (C. B. Martyne, mgr. Sunday re- hearsal).—Tony Ryders, monkey circus, very good; Evans and Lloyd, comedy sketch, very en- tertaining; Alf Holt, comedian, awarded hearty applause; Corlune Harris sings agreeably; La Adella, danaeuse and change, well received; C. B. Martyne sings the Illustrated songs. PEO- PLE'S (M. Cunulugham, mgr. Sunday rehearsal). —Burton Sisters, singing and dancing, good; Bush Family, featuring Johnnie Bush, hit of the bill; The Four Bourtons, trapese performers, good; Castino and Lawrence do a novel feat of dancing upside down, received liberal applause; Clarence Haslett snd B. J. Krampe, Illustrated pongs. AIR DOME (Chas. Keane, mgr.).— Jennie Fischer sings well; Davis and Davis, blackface singing and dancing, responded to a number of encores; Chapman and Nelson, acro- bats, very good. Leslie Pomeroy will sing Illus- trated songs, succeeding John Hartman. J. B. FAULKNER. MARSHALLTOWN, IOWA. NEW BIJOU (T. Nelson Downs, mgr.).—Brooks and Vedder, "The New Housemaid," fine; T. Nelson Downs, "King of Kolns," big bit; the Swlngalals, banjolsta, fair. KARL J. INGLBDUE. MILWAUKEE, WIS. NEW STAR (Frank Trottman, mgr.).—Rellly and Wood's, with Pat Rellly keeping the house In a constant uproar In both the pieces. The olio consists of the following: Daly, the Mad- man, clever; Berg's Merry Girls, singing and dancing, good; Cunningham and Coveney, sketch, entertaining; Yale and Rogers, "The Buster Girls," catchy, and Ruth Wright, song, good voice. Next week Fay Foster Co. CRYSTAL (F. B. Winter, mgr.).—Golden and Hughes, blackface comedians, well liked; BIssett and Scott, dancing, good; Three Troubadours, singing, very musical; Nugent and company, sketch, "The Rounders," very clever, and illustrated songs and Crystalgraph. GRAND (W. W. Braden, mgr.).—Eddie Gray and company in "His Last Match," appreciated; Musical Millers, good; Henry Frey, comedian, hit; Brooks and King- man, acrobats, applause: Irene Harris, songs, good voice. ALHAMBRA (James Hlgler. mgr.).—"The Tenderfoot," with vaudeville and ihe chorus of Seminary Girls, who are as enter- taining as usual. B. H. BENDER. MILFORD, MASS. NIPMUC LAKE PARK DAN (J. Sprague, mgr.).—Reded and Hadley, pleasing; DeChantal Twin Sisters, entertaining; Six Sullys, fine; Kelley and Bartlett, great. NOTES.—Clayton Frye, last season with Sim Williams' "Ideals." Is spending a few weeks at his home here. Marie Jansen, the comic opera star, is vacatlonizlng here. CHAS. E. LACKEY. MONTREAL. Summer PARK (Lavlgne and Lajoie, mgrs.). —Fair crowds to cold weather, two shows 25. Lnvlgne's Band, a musical hit; J. Lafond, a clever little clog dancer, a strong number; M. Young (of La Dell and Young, comedy acrobats), comedy hit; Frank Mocuon. daring aerial trapeze equllb- rist, strong turn; 'Hie Jeruu.n Duo, musicians, and Franklyn and Hyatt, Impersonators, took well. This park opened Its summer shows 20th to shiv- ering crowds. The vaudeville Is good. For the week: The Three Sanatoras, Jap jugglers, good; Pauline Viola's leaping hounds, One; Ml lie Lucia de Matha, French singer, good bit, and Rainzo, Arno and Zeb furnish a good comedy turn. DOMINION PARK (H. A. Doraey, mgr.).—Fair crowds. For week 20 Van Der Merchen's Band Is a big feature and pleasea; Les Arldos, gym- nasts, a hit. THEATRE ROYAL (H. C. Eger- ton, mgr.).—Pat White and his Gaiety Girls are drawing good houses and pleasing; The piece shows good numbers and the chorus Is large and works well. The olio la featured by the Three Deltons, comedy gymnasts, featured In olio; Grace Barrett In songs, good: lhe Four Terrors, acrobats, excellent: Lewis and Green, funny talk: Pat White as "Casey" is funny. This com- pany remains another week with an olio change. Eugene Trembly, champion lightweight wrestler of the world. Is taking on any man that pre- sents himself and is a good drawing card. STADIUM.—Eph. Thompson's elephants are get- ting good houses. The animals are working fine and the act Is very popular. AL. M. PRENTISS. MUNCTE, IND. STAR (Rsy Andrews, mgr.).—Elliott and West, singing and dancing comedians, good; Billy Durant, Chinese musical act, good; The Auto Langdon's, comedy, well received; Frank Gray, pictured melodies, good; The Manhattan News- boy's quartette made the hit of the season. GEO. FIFER. NEWARK, N. J. WALDMAN'S OPERA HOUSE (W. 8. Clark, mgr.).—"Dainty Paree" Burlesquers, first time here, with good company, including Muller and Holden In a novel act which made a bit, as did Lawrence Cram* and company in Illusions. Others were Itlchy Craig, Harry Le Mar, Arthur Yulll. Klttv Morgan. May Crawford, Meta Pelnse and Bessie Nltram. PROCTORS (R. C. Stewart, (Contlnueed on page 17.) A Sure Thing!! "There's Room For Us All On The Trolley" Will Be A Hit. PLAY IT. Leo Feist, STA N R l ER « J PIONEER Ticket Co. 7 22 BROADWAY MEW YORK. ROLL TICKETS BEST AND CHEAPEST. ONE TRIAL AAKED FOE. CAQNEY BROTHERS 74 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY GOLD MEDAL SPECIAL. Miniature Railroads for Paries, Summer Resorts, etc. The Greatest Money /lakers and best Attraction In the World. No Park complete without them, earning S'fSOO in six days. With proper care, will last 35 years. S ino kjk Catalogue. I. MILLER, Manufacturer of Theatrlca Boots and Shoos OXOO BALLET SHOES a spe- cialty. All work made at short notice. SOI W. MA St, New York. Tel. 100 One! kfeatloa variety. NOTICE TO VAUDEVILLE ACTS. THEATRICAL PROPERTIES AND STAGE ACCESSORIES Papier Macho and Mechanical Trick Work s Specialty. ""ssissr IRUITOI BROS. Late of Robt. F. Bran ton A Sons. R. F. Brunton. Mgr., 419 W. 42d St., New York. LOUIS NAMETY TAILOR Make* the bent oloihes for the heat dressers In Chicago. Why not let me make your clothes? Corn spowlsiit * invited. LOUIS NAMETY, 167 Dearborn St., CHICAGO, Suite 612. Asa ACTOR ass Actress or Orator And earn fjr, to 1800 weekly. Write for FREE booklet <>n Dramatic Art hj correspondence. Chi- cago School of Elocution. 514 Chioafo Opera House Blk., Chioag-o. When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety.