Variety (June 1907)

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16 VARIETY WILLIAM MORRIS BOOKING SEASON 19O7-1908 CAM MOW GIVE ARTIBTS tS TO 40 WEEKS WITH RLAW <a ERLANGER JULIUS CAHN'S AFFILIATED THEATRES XV COHJTJHOTION WITH OTHER THEATRES BOOKING THROUGH MY OEFICX. 1440 Broad way. NEW YORK CITY 167 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO V«W Booking for the Vow York Roof Garden, Bummer, 1907, Opening June S. VAUDEVILLE AGENTS Clifford G. Fischer A merioan aad Europooa Vauderllle Artists desiring foreign time coll or write 1440 BROADWAY, Iff YORK OTTY. TsL 8487 Bryant. Cable "Control. V. X." London Branch: 17 Green St., Leicester 8q. Coble: "Olymploolc, London." Anything Therts a Dollar In JAGK LEVY 140 Wbbe 42d tM Now York LOUIS WESLEY &PINGUS Broadway aad 89th St, Building, Vow York. Suite tOt. "CHARLEY CASE'S FATIEI" Written by Charley Oaae, oomediaa. Send V. O. order for tie. to C* V. Y. Case Puhlishing Co., rlAAI/l Ski *% H7/\D A I I EUROPEAN STEAMSHIP LIMES DUUMNli r \J if ALL theatrical trade a specialty References: Moron ond Markey, 4 Mllono, 4 Merrlls, McDonald and Huntington, Mellch'o Birds, McPhee ond Hill, Matthews and Ashley, Marnos, Agnes Mahr, Juggling McBanns, Rose Naynon'o Birds. VAUDEVILLE STEAMSHIP AGENT. 104 lost 14th St., Vow York City. PAUL TAU9IG Tel., 2099 Stuyre. Do You Work In Summer? Meritorious onto sea oocure six or more week* on my summer park elronit, StAts lowest eelary hi letter. H. BART McHUGH 519 Land Tttle Building, Broad and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Pacific Coast Amusement Ass. WANTED «*«•«• 1, FIRST CLASS ACTS OeT ALL KINDS that esa doUrer the) CHRIS. O BROWN, 74 So. Clark St. OHIOAGO BERNSTEIN, 1354 •reaswor. Salle 4. 9.10, YORK CITY OOKING AGENTS ARCHIE LEVY, 1207 Galeae Goto Am. PAUL GOUDRON. 204 Amerfaes task Bleg SEATTLE. WASH INTERNATIONAL VAUDEVILLE AGENCY KIN 5, Rue Laflitte, Paris, Fiance. Cables, "Kingency." "Phone: 248-73. Sole Booking Agent off the APOLLO MUSIC HALL, PARIS THE MOST ELEGANT VAUDEVILLE THEATRE IN PARIS. In conjunction with Mr. Charles Seguin's enterprises in South America. WANTED: Big Attractions of Every Description BURLESQUE COMPANIES AND VAUDEVILLE NEADLINERS Who Want First-Class SHOW PRINTING Should Got Estimates from THE EMPIRE CITY JOB PRINT, GEO. J. PHILLIPS, MgT. 840 PEARL ST., MEW YORK CITY. EVERYTHING IN THE LIME OF SHOW PRINTING EXCEPTING LITHOGRAPHS. GRAND OPENING JUNE IT, 1907, ATLANTIC HARDEN ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. BOARDWALK AND MISSOURI AVENUE S. BLATT, ^■■■■■■Aiia-Sa S,D '**"• I*. H YM AN. f *-«wrieawow». M9%m Mf | r# Wanted, all hinds of feature acts. Ho sot too large for this house. Irtflrsss all to ». F CRN. Majr. J^ *• • It KING TOGETHER United Btoking Offices Western Vaudeville of America Managers' Association St. James Bid*., N. T. City Majestic Theatre Bid*. Chicago, IH. FOR 200 Vaudeville Theatres from PORTLAND, ME.. to PORTLAND, ORE. , including every city in the United States, North, South, East and West. LONG ENGAGEMENTS CAN BE ARRANGED BY WRITING EITHER OF THE ABOVE OFFICES. ^ AMERICA'S MOST FAMOUS TAJLTSTT HAMMERSTEINS VICTORIA "Tssststiisf ttsflt ts Broaewsy" lew Vaudeville Theatre PASTIME PALACE, ATLANTA, OA. WANTED All kinds of VAUDEVILLE ACTS. One sad two weeks' engagements. Performers coming this way, send la your opea time. Address T* P. HOLLAND, Manager. Wanted—Silent Acts Suit- able for Outdoor Vaudeville Performors with prestige located Oity aad Its osrvtroaasaata, by with this offloe, will learn la to WM. D. HALL, Vauderille Agent and moat Outfitter, Suite Iff Keith's Theatre B'ld'g, Philadelphia. Pa. the rcmFmmmERB' home BER1ARD mm ltt-itt Near T ourteeuth St., M. T. City, meal after the show. •The H of the Seal A la Carta ttf AMD Ml 0. W. LTOMS, Sonrlce t A. M. to Midnight. ORE CITT, THE BRADYS JAMES KITTY Just finished 40 weeks Sullivan aad Considine Cir- cuit aad Southern California Time. Percy G. ALHAHIRA CIRCUIT COLONIAL Now York Brooklyn Ntrlta Boston NOVELTY WlllltBtltrg 60THAM East Now Ytrk Address all PERSONAL letters te PERCY a WILLIAMS, ST. JAMES BUILDING, 26TH ST. AND BROAD- WAV, NEW YORK CITY. ORPHEUM CIRCUIT •ff> HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE TMBATftBt M. MBYBRrSLD, JR., Pros. MARTIN BECK, General Manager. FRANK VINCBNT, N. T. Represents tire. All Applications for Time Must he Addrooasil to 0. B. BRAT. Booking Msnsgsr, Majestic Theatre Bldg., Chicago, 111. IIIIEflLLE lEAOLIIEIt 600D STaNBaBD ill. k yea waat to HI st AND If yoa have aa opea short actios write to W. L AKH1I. STAPES, Garrlsk Theatre. Wllmlattoa. SsL Csn close Saturdaj night sad make say dtj oast of Chicago to open Monday Bight. ALPHA VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT Local Sana Interstate Booking WANTED First Class Acts at all time.. This Circuit to prepared to gaarantoe good sets from SO TO 40 WEEKS continuous engagement. Managers are lnrlted to co-operata LEVBY a LEVEY, Proprietors, 2053 Suiter Street (Suite 6), San Franclsco.Ca Hfornia When antwering advertisements kindly mention Variety.