Variety (June 1907)

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VARIETY 17 Off for Europe on a Throe Months' Pleasure Trip FRANK FOGERTY «■ HELEN TRIX Beat Wishes to All (MRS FOGERTY) TIME FOR NEXT SEASON ALL FILLED IN AMERICA. AMERICA'S FUNNIEST QUARTETTE Y 4 (LEONARD, CUNNINGHAM, JENNY AMD ROLAND) Wish to announce to their many friends that they BAIL FOR EUROPE August IS, OPENING XV PRAGUE SEPTEMBER 1. Thanks to many managers for kind offers. JOSEPH A. JENNY, Manager, Braddook Hotel, 186th street and Eighth avenue, N. Y. City. PASTOR'S 14th St., Sd AT. Continuous, 20 A 30 Cts. VEST WEEK, MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1907. FRANK BUSH CHARLES WHALEN AND CABBIE WEST TEBBY AMD ELMER WILLIAMS AMD MELBURN The Weston Sisters Ivy and Ivy Martin and Rtdgeway Arthur and Lucille Nagei and Adams Carlton Barney and Dolly Flynn Grace A Her ton EXT RA ATTRACT ION VERNON, THE VENTRILOQUIST. (Continued from page 15.) mgr. Monday rehearsal 9).—Charlotte Parry, protean sketch, good; Anna Laughlln, good; Waterbury Brothers and Tenny, Al Weston, Silver and Kmery, Brady and Mahoney, Sophie Everett and company, The Mascsgnls, novelty dancers, all entertained very well. HILLSIDE PARK.— Demarest's Wild West Show, balloon ascension by John Mack, menagerie, new lake with 600-foot bridge and motor boats, San Francisco Destruc- tion, the Egyptian Hall of Mystery, Death of Sit- ting Bull, Austin's Museum, dancing and skat- ing, Kennedy and Quatrelll, late of Barnum A Bailey show, will ascend flight of stairs 00 feet high on a rolling globe.- JOB O'BRYAN. Variety's Chicago Office IS IN THE Chicago Opera House BlocK Advertisements and subscriptions received at regular rates. News items may be forwarded there, and will be promptly transmitted. Chicago Film Exchange 120 EAST RANDOLPH STREET, CHICAGO Headquarter! for Edison Kinetosoopes, Powers' Cameragraphs, Belig Polyscopes. Exclusive agency for the VIASCO Balling agenti for Paths, Vitograph, Edison, Biograph, Polyscope, Lubin, and all foreign Alms. AU machines and Sims always ready for immediate delivery. PIUMS POR RENT SPECIAL:—Jamestown Naval Review, 660 feet, price $71.60. Ready for immediate delivery. Orders filled in rotation. Wire your order with deposit. OSCAR ZINN, Writer of Vaudeville Aots Nothing but the very best original up-to-date material—nse one of my acts and get the money. 8KETCHES FOR SALB—One for Comedian and Soubrette (mistaken identity); very good act, Novelty Act, for A Comedy 4, all male (a laugb in every line). Italian Act. for Character Comedian and company of 1 male and 2 femalea (a tale of pathos and comedy). Several other Playlets, etc. For information and terms write to 08CAR ZINN, 686 E. 78th street, New York City. FRANK KENNEDY The author of many successful Faroe Comedies, Sketches, Monologues, etc., will he in the country till September. First class artists in NEED of the RIOHT MATERIAL write me. BROOKLINE, H. H., Box 98. A NOVELTY FEATURE ACT. EUGENE LEPELLETIERS JEANZ In their New Western Playlet, entitled "ON THE CHEYENNE TRAIL," by Jack Burnett. Special scenery, Costumes, Accessories. OPEN AFTEB JULY 87. Address Bternad A Hayman, Western Vaude ville Association, Majestio Theatre, Chicago. BARBOUR— He Books the Acts For Vaudeville, Fairs and Parks. Managers, send for lists. Artists, send open time. Address E. L. Barbour, 118 La Salle St., Chioago. HEW ORLEANS, LA. WEST END PARK (Thos. S. Winston, mgr.).— Rialto Comedy Four headline. Some attention to stage deportment would Improve. Keller and Rehun dispense a line of punnery, seemingly taken from the best of last aesson's output. Their finish is too abrupt. Mabel Berrs ssng new songs, snd John Zimmer Juggled. The concessions were well patronised on Sunday. NOTES.—Johu Chsffe, press agent of West End Park, has re- turned from Frisco. Jas. Corcoran has been ap- pointed business manager of "White City." O. M. SAMUEL. 08HK08H, WIS. BIJOU (F. W. Jenks, mgr.).—Mr. snd Mrs. Robyns, Jess Hasel, Gladys Csrleton, Rand snd Byron, Geo. Malchou; good show. HAPPY- LAND (W. S. Matthewman. mgr.).—111. songs snd moving pictures. Msy 29, Gollmar Bros.' circus, t"wo performances. GUY HAVERTY. ROCHESTER. V. Y. LYCEUM (M. E. Wolff, mgr.).—Show opened with the Juggling MscRsnns, club jugglers, clever; Irene Kainard and her "ksndy kids," good; Charles R. Sweet, good but had severe cold; "The Song Birds," enormous bit; Henry Lee, fine; Harry Love, good; Jewell's Mannlkins, great; "The Governor's Son," featured next week. Man- ager M. E. Wolff has written a sketch, which was played on Decoration Dsy by the artists ap- pearing this week. Lee will Impersonate Abe Lincoln. The entire company of "Song Birds" will participate. It has not been advertised, as it is expected to be a surprise. "The Song Birds" are drawing people 2 or 3 times. Vaudeville here continues way above the sver- sge snd both houses are still drawing capacity. COOK'S OPERA HOUSE (W. B. MscCulIum, mgr.).—"The Stunning Grenadiers," big; Gennaro's Venetian Band, well liked; Ha mold's Dog snd Monkey Pantomime, hit; Marshall P. Wilder, had the house; Jackson Family, good; Howard and North, nleased: Tom Nawn, always a favorite; Genaro and Bailey, clever dancing. Camllle D'Arville featured next week. BUM. ST. LOUIS. MANNION'S PARK (Pat. Mannlon. mgr.).— Mack and Elliott are headliners snd are two great laugh makers; Howard and Howard, "Mes- senger Boy and the Thespian," were very well liked: Tom and Edith Almond have a delightful musical set. Edith Almond being very proficient with several musical Instruments, while the man won recognition with his dancing. His dancing on n pedestal with Ice skates was well re- ceived. Athiea, comedy Juggler, contributes good work and Thayne Roselle, singer, was liked. SYRACUSE, N. Y, GRAND OPERA HOUSE (C. H. Plummer, mgr.).—The closing bill was one of the best offered this season. The Colonial Sextet, went big; Matsettl Troupe, best act of its kind ever seen here; Chlnko, good; Camllle Trio, good; Avon Comedy Four, went big; Peter Donald and Meta Carson, made good; Minnie Kaufman, bicycle riding, went big; The Brlttons, pleased. SAM FREEMAN. TERRE HAUTE, IND. LYRIC (Jack Hoeffler, mgr. Monday rehearsal 10).—Foster and Foster, In "The Volunteer Pianist," great act; Dixon and Fields, German comedbins, good; Inness and Ryan, good; Otura Japanese TVoupe, great. Lyric closes. VARIETIES (Jack Hoeffler. mgr.).—Opens I with the following bill: Howard's Ponies. Andrews Opera Company, Chas. Sanders, The Burtlnos, comedy cyclists, and Schonwerk. the Coin King. DREAMLAND (J. C. Allardt. mgr.).— Crowded dally. ELECTRIC (C. J. Allardt. mgr.).—Capacity daily. NICKELDOM (C. J. Allardt. mgr.).—Good business. AIRDROME (Sam Young, mgr.).—Opened 27 with n good show but to only fair business. LAKE VIEW PARK (O. J. Holden, mgr.).—Free vaudeville to poor business. TRIMBLE. TOLEDO, 0. The Toledo T. M. A.'s, No. 20, held their sec- ond annual benefit at the Arcade Theatre on Sun- day and made a big success. Many good acts donated their services, Including Hilda Thomas and Lou Hall. Dick Lynch. George Reynolds, Naomi Mull. Rsy Nlel, The Pulaski Troupe of five. Josepblne Helnseln, Haggerty and Lester and several others. THE FARM (Joe Pearl- steln. mgr.).—Some good attractions were seen at the opening of this house on Sunday. The favorites are Albertlne Melich's cockatoos, the World's Comedy Four, the Murray Sisters and Lucie and Vlatl. SYDNEY WIRE. SKETCHES WRITTEN BY JACK BURNETT THE "ACTWRIGHT." 44 N. CLARK 8T, CHICAGO Oat the "Two-a-Day" Time. MATT WOODWARD Author of "A Jolly Baron." "Blooming* Liie.' Co-author of "The loyal Chef." ate. Writes original SKETCHES and SONG8. or 'WORKS OUT YOUR IDEAS. Write. 215 W. 49th Street, New York City. Tel. 6644 Col. RRED J. BEAMAN Skilful Skit 'Writer" Anther of the $1,000 Prise SKetcH "Suppressing the Press 19 And more than Si other snoossafnl vaudeville acta. PRICES MODERATE. Address JACKSON, MICK. JUNIE McCREE and JOHN GILROY Collahoratlng for all who want plays, ■ketches, Songs and Monologues Written Address East 86th It., Shespahead Bay, V. Y. (Phone 597 Coney Island.) CHARLES HORWITZ Author of the beat Comedy Sketches In Vaude- ville. Such hits as "Mrs. Murphy's 8econd IIu band." "A Horse on Hogan," "A Strange Bey," "For Sale; Wiggins Farm." "The Last of the Tioupe," "The Old Loto," and oyer one hundred other successes. Tor terms on aketehee, monologue*, ete., ad- dress, CHARLES HORWITZ, 108-104 W. 81th St., V. Y. Oity. Care of Mark-Stern Building. U. S. PRINTING (0. PROFESSIONAL PRINTING 45 W. 28th St. New York City ' Phone 3786 Madison Sq. Street and Evening Oowns. FRANK IM COSTUMIER 168 WEST 88D STREET, NEW YORK. Telephone 711 Chelses. Silkoline Tights, 18.00; Worsted Tights. |8.00; Cotton Tights, fl.00; Silk Tights, from $8.95 up; Shirts to match, all same price as tights; Pumps 86 cents; Gaiters, $1.00; Elastic Supporters, $1.00; Cloth Supporters, 25 cents. Send for catalogue and samples of tights, free. Positively a deposit required. Satls- fsction giiiirante*-!] or money refunded. SPICER HRoS., SU Woodbine Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.; New York Office, Lin- coln "Sldf . 1 I'nIon Square. When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety.