Variety (June 1907)

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18 VARIETY Will Kissita's CORNER CHICAGO, SATURDAY, JUNE 1. Always look In this corner for the latent tip In songs. "MONTANA," tbe new cow- boy song. "LET ME DOWN EASY," the coon song hit. "NAPANEE," tbe greatest of all Indian aonga. "IF THE MAN IN THE MOON WERE A COON." "THERE'S A ROOM TO RENT IN MY HEART FOR YOU." "I'M THE KID THAT BUILT THE PYRAMID," and don't overlook oar two ballad lilts. "SINCE YOU CALLED ME DEARIE" and "CLOVER BLOSSOMS." ALL SLIDES $6.00 A SET. Wben you're In Chicago call at our pro- fessions 1 office in the Grand Opera House building. Harry Newton and Hampton iXirnnri will be glad to see you. Wben you write always send all mall to WILL ROSSITER "THE CHICAGO PUBLISHER," 152 LAKE STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. P. 8.—NO HOT AIR. Marine Band.—Great Falls on the Potomac la now open for the regular season.—River View Marshall, Colonial Beacb and Chesapeake Beach opened Decoration Day.—Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show played here May 81 and June 1st, giving 4 shows, turning crowds away at every performance. W. H. BOWMAN. WATERBURY. CONN. AUDITORIUM (Charles Monahan, mgr.).—Sadie Hart, James Waters, The Villers Sisters, Maceo and Pox, Hardy, Minnette Sullivan and moving pictures.—NOTE.—J. H. Dochlngs, manager of Poll's vaudeville bouse, will sever his connec- tion with same shortly as be Is to have charge of Poll's new house in Scrantou. GIRARD. TITUSVILLE, PA. OPERA HOUSE (Harry Gerson, mgr.).— Corro and Corro, comedy acrobats, excellent; Fred Newell, songs and stories, pleased; Great Miltalr, In "A Vision of Patriotism." L. T. BERLINER. WATERLOO, IA. ELECTRIC (Johnson A Nichols, nigra.).— Stem and LeOrange, musical turn, good; George Harris, blackface, fair; Helen Stewart, singing and dancing, fair. NOTES.—Matinee 27 dropped on account of failure of Renaldo Trio, acrobats, to arrive. Merritt Slaters, song and dince, stopped here en route from St. Paul to Chicago and offered services during the week but on account of a misunderstanding on the part of management they were not engaged and continued to Chicago. Geo. Harris is doing double turn supplementing with eccentric comedy, until bill can be filled.—Dreamland (Cowln A Alford, mgra.).—Playing big business to moving pictures and Illustrated songs. J. L. McClinton, formerly owner of Dreamland, has sold his half Interest In nickelodeon at Oelweln, and will seek another location. ARTHUR WELD. TORONTO, ONT. SHEA'S (J. Sbea, mgr. Monday rehearsal 1).— Bthel Arden, George Abel and company, amusing; Fanny Rice, clever; Cbas. Howard, funny; Gardner and Stoddard, good; Flood Brothers, fair; Bowers, Walton and Crooker, good; Ford and Swor, fair. HANLON'S POINT (L. Solmon, mgr.).—Dare Devil Dash and the Balllots are good drawing cards at this popular resort. HARPLY. WORCESTER, MASS. The close of the vaude\llle season at Poll's lust week gave the people of this city one week'a rest from variety. The summer theatres, with tbe exception of the one at "White City," which la not yt completed, will all open Memorial Day. A stock company opened at Poll's last week and 1* doing good business. "White City," Lincoln Park and Plnehurst Park opened Thursday. The New Park and Nickel Theatres are doing good business with tbe pictures; also tbe Franklin Square Theatre. Rlngling Bros. Circus Is due here next Mond-iy. HARLOW L. STEELE. WASHINGTON, D. C. NEW LYCEUM (Eugene Keruan, mgr.).— "Miner's Americans," with an entire new com- pany except Will Ward, who Is the leading comedian. The show is not up to the average. LUNA PARK (Cfaaa. J. Good feller, mgr.).— Luna Park opened its second season Saturday, May 26, and has many new amusements. The park is improved wonderfully. The free show this week Includes the famous Gilmore Troupe aerieliats; Rice anl Elmer, Bucb Brothers, and The Royal Berlin Military Band of sixty pieces. GLEN ECHO HIPPODROME (L. J. Sy- niondM. mgr.).—Glen Echo opened 27 to good at- tendance. The Vaudeville Theatre la controlled by L. J. Symonda and eight acts are booked every week. The park is controlled by L. D. Shaw, who has charge of the park and all concessions. NOTES.—Cbevey Chase Lake opened Its regular season 30. The leading feat- ures are dancing and band concerts by the U. S. YOUNGBTOWN, 0. Despite unfavorable weather conditions the park season has opened with encouraging buslneaa. AVON PARK (Joseph Wess, mgr.).—Webb's seals and sea lions (free attraction). Earl and Bartlett, "Les Models Parlslennes," Tbe Kings, Martyn tbe Mimic and the Myrtle Byrne com- pany, sharp shooters. 1 DOR A PARK (Robert Cunningham, mgr.).—Charles and Anna Glocker, A. C. Rio, Harry Le Clair and De Chaunt's dogs. THE NEW BIJOU, popular-priced vaudeville bouse, will be ready to open in August.— NOTES.—John Price, of the Gus Hill forces, and his brother, Garfield Price, of the Price-Butler stock company, have Joined hands for the Sum- mer season. They will play the parka of the Middle West In a blackface singing and talking set.—F. "Obub" Sullivan and his wife (Josephine Gassman) spent a few days here with relatives last week. C. A. LEEDY. EDWARD S. KELLER OF MYERS <& KELLER AMERICA'S REPRESENTATIVE VAUDEVILLE AGENTS, WILL BAIL FOR LONDON, SATURDAY, JUNE 16TH American acta wishing to be represented by him, call at once with photos and pictorial matter. tl West Slst Street. New York DOES IT PAY? ~* """" ~ ~~ L>OtS IT KAYY ^^ —~ m * ASK ANYBODY— Nella Bergen, Emma Janvier, Eltlnge, Macy and Hall, Cberidab Simpson, Virginia Earl, Eddie Leonard, Grace Gardner, *arV a-mma Janvier, Virginia uan, luiaie i^eonara, urace uaraner, tPCiQ VNSTAr*^*' Qrace Van Studdlford, Kmia Goodrich, Dorothy Russell, Virginia Sargent, r UIt Amelia Summervllle, Belle Gold, Jeanette Lowrle, Etc. Nella Webb, Irene Bentley, Helen Bertram, CD. M. MARKUM, ■ ■ SI West ai»t Street. New Torlt City CASINO GIRLS Big Extravaganza Company JESS BURINS TVIanager ALL KINDS OF ACTS Suitable for a First Class Burlesque Organisation. ALSO CHORUS GIRLS Everything furnished. Playing the Eastern Circuit of Burlesque Theatres. Address JESS BURNS, Room 288, Knickerbocker Theatre Building Annex, New York. SEND FOR VARIETY'S ROUTE CARDS THE WILL COMMENCE WITH THE ISSUE OF JULY 6th THE FEATURE OF Variety's Route Sheet WILL BE THAT YOUR NAME IS ALWAYS THERE * * * 1& When not working name will remain with permanent or temporary address in order that you may be reached at any time. 1§ As VARIETY publishes on SATUR- DAY, the route for the following week will allow of a letter reaching you wherever playing in this country. When answering advertisement* kindly mention Variety.