Variety (June 1907)

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26 VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS fXX VENTRILOQUIST WITS A PtOMVnoi Ed.F.Reynard And His r&moui Koohsaloal Flguree. Sn Route Orut Orphenm Road Show. Dirootioa XARTTM EKOX. Gartelle Bros. I8M Duly Burgess Of the Jolly Two. M0NI8H A BUROE88. MAY TULLY ■ GO. rrom the Legitimate to Vaudeville end W« Gold Brick Df "8TOP. LOOK AMD LISTEN." Time all Booked on Keith-Prootor and Orpheum Circuit*. Elinore Sisters is mw aot la ONE. aaaaoa of 1907-1, entitled "TXE A0TBE88 <AND THE MAID" Copyright Gliu D, axe. No. Sftfil. Direction of GEO. HOMAN8. MS AND MT TRADEMARK. HY. GREENWAY SYLOW FLEXIBLE EQUILIBRIST. Season 1907, 4 Paw A Balls Bros.' Oirous. AND CO. The Abbotts Featuring BABT FRANCES ABBOTT, In "The Little Leading Lady." A dramatic play- lot by Geo. L. Kennedy. Address 807 W. 88th St., or ALBERT SUTHER- LAND, St. James Bids;., N. T. N. Y. Dramatic Mirror: "CHRIS BRUNO and Z fri ABEL RUSSELL had everything their own way and made one of the biggeet hits of the season in their new skit "THE INSURANCE AGENT." "THE NAJLROW FKLLBJL' " HARRY (. PRENTICE Producing a one-act farce entitled "OUR HUSBAND." By OKAS. XORWITS. THE GREAT KAUFMANM TROUPE 424 AXES STREET, ROCHESTER, V. T. Cable "Cycle-.—, Rochester. M. T." Cable Address Ger- many, "Bicycle, Ber- lin." 16 MIN8. IN "ORE" THE REAL ITALIANS LEW I MILLIE PIOTTI CHARACTER SONGSTERS All Good Agents. 1 "The Parties From the West" Up i Winchell AND THE PIANO En Route "Now Century Girls" Company BE8T COLORED MUSICAL ACT IK VAUDEVILLE SPILLER MUSICAL BUMPERS Agent, WESLEY A PINCUS. Back in Vaudeville. Address all agents. THE LAUGHING HIT OF THE BILL Estelle Wordette i Co. "HONEYMOON IN THE CAT8KILLS" Keith A Proctor's 125th St. Week June 3rd I I Week May 87, Temple, Detroit. Mr. ALBERT SUTHERLAND, Representative. St. James Bldg., N. Y. Look, at Liberty for Kezt Delia Faytelle "SINGING COMEDIENNE." Positive hit With Manchester's "Cracker Jacks." Address per Route. HOMER B. MARGUERITE MASON AND KEELER Fontaine, Beauchamp and Fontaine Opera House Block. FROSINI I THE WIZARD OF THE AOCORDEOM Mrs. JULES LEVY AND FAMILY la Their Mustoal Melange. Booked solid until Sept. St. OPEN FOR NEXT SEASON. ALF. T. WILTON, Exclusive Agent, 880 St. James Bldg. mm. REMINGTON AND HER PICKS Always Working. Bowen I Una Comedy Horizontal Bar and Casting. Open after June 1. Address care VARIETY. WAHLUND TEKLA TRIO European Novelty Artists. Week May 87, Vanity Fair, Providence, R. I. ARTI8TIC SPECIALTY WITH GENUINE XERIT LULU JOSEPH KEEGAN and MACK (Late of GALLAGHER & MACK) A character singing and talking act. Intro- ducing the following changes: 1, The Two Fashion Plates; 8, An English Country Girl; 8, The Italian and the Lady; 4, The Cowboy and the Squaw. Open next season for burlesque. Permanent address, 88 3d Ave., N. Y. City. Telephone 8163 Btuyvesant. BILLIE REEVES, ORIGINAL DRUNK Fred Karno Co., "A Night la English Rail." WEEK JUNE 3, XEROX, PITTSBURG. "SENSE AND NONSENSE" 8 < Stasias? sad Talking la "One" " * t- : iNrisHsR »*** MR. and MRS. John T. Powers "THE FLAYERS" 17 Minutes of Laughter and Applause. Address care Variety, Chicago Office, Chicago Opera House Block. HUNTRESS All time filled. Address A. E. XEYERS, 167 Dearborn Street, Chicago, HI. NEVER IDLE PETE BAKER June 0, Waaser's Park, Joplin, Mo. " 16, Park, Kansas City, Kan. " 83, Airdome, Leavenworth, Kan. RETURN TO VAUDEVILLE AFTER AN ABSENCE OF THREE YEARS OF Eddie Game, IMollie Thompson AND COMPANY in "WANTED A PARTNER," Introducing their original oharacters of "Foley and McLaughlin, the Headliners.' Direction of LOUIS WESLEY. AN ELECTRICAL SURPRISE MARTYNNE Famous Parisian MIRROR DANCER Most Gorgeous Act in Vaudeville /\. E. mi Carrying 12 YBR8, Agent, Plate Mirrors 1 7,000 Pounds Baggage; 2 Electricians Dearborn St., Chicago, 111.