Variety (June 1907)

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^Variety 17 There's Only One place In Chicago where the theatrical profetalon •can assemble and hare a good time while dining. That place la George SUver'a. Everybody who la acme body go* there for lunchoon and dinner. The Four Hnntlnga were in with compliments, alao George Stone, who la making a hit In "The WUard of On." Ida Em- eraon la going great In the same show. There la. nothing like real ancceas. I am aucceaafal and I Uke to see others aucceed, that's the secret of friend- ship and that's why I hare so many friends. Among my patrons during the week and next week, ao they tell me, are Mabel Hite, John 0. Slavin, Warren and Blanch ard, Willie Weston, Cliff Gordon, Howard and Howard, Jnllus Tannen, Joe Watson and "others." A fine "bill,"' Isn't it? Yon ought to aee my bill of fare. Try It. Drop In when In Chicago. Look for the sign. S. E. cor. Clark and Ban- dolph streets, Chicago. "A smart place for smart people." George Silver. Down stairs. CEORCE SILVER fink $ Ortloff Caltore 1IM BBOADWAY, Formerly with Max Telephone 4447 18th St. MEW TOBB. THE MURRAY CO. CANVASES, Poles and Stakes, SEATS, Flags, Etc BLACK TENTS, SIDB KH6w PAINTINGS, rBONTB, AND BANNERS FOB STREET FAIRS. AgenU for KIDD'S PATENT CIRCUS LIGHTS. 59 A 01 W, Washington St., CHICAGO. ILL. m$m J see Everything la NEW and S. H. Motion Picture Machines Films, Stereopticona, Song Slides ana Supplies. Same Wasted. Catalogues free. Harbach * Co., 809 Fllbart St., Phila., Pa. NEW YORK BRANCH RAVIOLI & CO. OP PARIS Largest Manaufacturera In the World of Card Board and Cylinder —-FOR Entertainments, Dance Halls, Merry-go Rounds. All kinds of latest music snd songa to order. OFFICE AMD SHOW BOOK, tl BOND ST. TELEPHONE 6868 SPRING. Especially for Skating Rinks. << Drops *» A N D "Sets" THE VERY BEST The Largest Sosnio Coneezm In the World. Water Color, Silko and Dye. DANIELS SCENIC STUDIOS, CHICAGO. WANTED A good- knockabout, talking Rube, amall in stature. For big act. State lowest salary and experience. Address A. B. C, 78 Bay 80th St., Bath Beaoh, Brooklyn. Cook, Oaka and company. Earl and Rartlett, band concerta. All new attractions. Under canvas: Cole Brothers. 10; Buffalo Bill, July 13. NOTE.— Edward C. Knupp, general agent, and John D. Carey, the man with the passes, were in the city 31, paving the way for Cole Brothers* United Shows. They don't claim the largest, but are putting up a good one, and are getting the busi- ness. The circus haa a good showing on the bill- boards. DIXON. CINCINNATI 0. CONEY ISLAND (Geo. W. Englebertb, mgr.). - A clever vaudeville bill Is offered this week. Werxen and Walton, acrobatics, applauded; Emer- son and Goeacna, blackface turn, full of comedy; Kohler and Marion, pleasing comedy; Lucille H. Harper, songa, did well; Roberts and Crabb, magiciana, pleased. CHESTER PARK (I. M. Martin, mgr.).—An exceptionally good bill. Head- linen, Hlckey and Nelson, and they delivered the goods; Conner* and Adelbert, songs and groteaque dancere, exceptionally good; The Labakina and their dog "Folly" made good, because they have a dog tbat la a wonder; The Tetchau Duo, songs, pleased ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS (Walter M. Draper, aec'y).—Innea' Band began a two weeks' engagement. The weather baa been ao cold aa to interfere with the playing of the musicians. Virginia Listemann is one of the soloists of the company. HARRY HESS. CLEVELAND, 0. OPERA HOU8E (Harry D. Kline, mgr. Monday rehearsal 10).—The headllner, Alice Lloyd, an English ainglng comedienne, brought with her catchy numbers, and the gallery whistles the choruses of all. She half sings and half recites her songa and each word gets its lull meaning. She doea her share and la well worth the aal- ary, no matter how large. Victor Herbert's "Song Birds" in a travesty on the grand opera war in >New York calls for thirty people. It la especially amusing to those familiar with the Hit tint Ion in operatic affaire. Jewell's Mannlkins have been here before, but the act haa been Im- proved and presents the "Teddy Bear" dance, which la a acream. Greene and Werner, "Babes In the Jungle." offer real jungle songs and dances, which met with success. Julian Rose, monologiat, who gets away in fine style. Mason and Bart have a comedy bar act tbat la remarkable. The Mr- Naughtons have quick-Are talk and good comedy. Vlnelli's horses, good. While doing their tricks they are whipped unnecessarily and this marred the act. KEITH'S PROSPECT (Harry A. Daniels, mgr. Monday rehearsal 10).—Eva Tan- guay says "her voice la funny, but It Is getting her the money." That la right. Eva sings her songs in a breathless manner and made an up- roarious hit. She sang till her songs and breath gave out and then made a little speech. Master Gabriel and company present "Auntie's Visit" to the delight of the children. (Jennaro's Gondolier Band renders selections of first-class calibre. Gen- naro's direction of the band is In bla own way and that is very peculiar. The Rianoa do a clever line of acrobatic work. Genaro and Bailey introduce songs and dances that brought them their share of the applause. Avon Comedy Four sing and give comedy that pleaaes. Ethel Arden and Geo. Abel and company In "Three of a Kind" were well liked. Walter C. Kelly made a distinct hit. The Keith bouse baa the largest advanced sale that it haa ever had since the opening three yeara ago. LUNA PARK (Klwood Salabury. mgr.). Llberattl'a Band began an eight weeks' engage- ment at the park and will give concerts afternoons and evenings. WALTER D. HOLCOMB. DETROIT, MICH. TEMPLE (J. H. Moore, mgr. Monday rehearaal 10).—Week June 3: Wm. Gould and Valeska Sur- ratt are the headline attraction and made a big hit; the Jackson Family, bicyclists, very clever; Julius Tannen pleaaes; Girard and Gardner return with "Dooley and the Diamond"; Aurle Dagwell alnga well; Cartmell and Harris, in songa and dances, were liked; Bowers, Walters and Crooker, in acro- batics, were good, and The Keeley Brothera. in bag punching, rounded out a good bill. ELEC- TRIC PARK.—"Fighting the Flamea" la the lead- ing attraction and drawing good crowds in spite of bad weather. WOLF'S PARK.—The Bel- monts. In songs, are pleasing good crowds. NOTES.—The Temple Theatre closed for three daya on account of the death of E. W. Wiggins, owner.—Vaudeville is given at the Nelson Theatre, lit. Clemens, Mich., to good houses. LEO LESTER. DUBUQUE, IA. BIJOU (Jake Rosenthal, mgr. Monday re- hearaal 11).—Week May 27: Farmer Burns and wrestling partner, feature act, went very well: Dixie Harris, clever child, great favorite; Rose and Severns, in "Dutch" sketch, one of the aea- aon's hits; Harry Holman, single, blackface, songs and stories, big bit; "Simmers," strong man, best ever seen; opening act by company went well. Season closed June 1. NOTES.—Vaude- ville will again be played at the Bijou next seaaon, although a stock conpany will be tried out dur- ing the summer months.—Cora Beckwith, the champion lady swimmer, resides in Dubuque. She will plav county and state fairs this sum- mer. VERA V. HAAS. EASTON, PA. CASINO. ISLAND PARK (D. E. Seguine, mgr.). Robert Garnello and company in "An Old Fool." Moving pictures close. OOMTJS, BUSHKILL PARK (G. E. Selple, mgr.).—Moving pictures and 111. songs. Baby Ethel scored heavily. YANKEE. EAU CLAIRE. WIS. UNIQUE (Win, Armond. mgr.).—Week May 27: Mabel Casedy. sir.ging, fair; Bradley and Davla, good; Gerome. fair; Morrlsey and Rice. good. WEST. ELKHART, IND. CRYSTAL (Geo. W. Lawrle, local manager. Rehearsals Monday 10).—Gerdle Gardner, always pood: The Three Aces, act refined, songs up-to- date; Draper and Son. par excellence; Madge and 1 .i 11 Inii Williams, novelty, good. C. A. B. LOUIS NAMETY TAILOR Makes the best clothes for the best dressers In Chicago. Why not let me make your clothes? Correspondence Invited. LCUIB NAMETY, 167 Dearborn St., CHICAGO, Suite #18. ELM IRA. N. T. RIALTO (F. W. McConnell, mgr. Monday re- hearaal 1:30).— King and Hasloop, Great Jordon, Vera Hopkins, Bijou Mtgnon, Trlxle Bennett and Rae Vaughn. Entertaining bill. J. M-. BEERS. ERIE, PA. FAMILY (Eckera A Lang, mgra.).— The Fords, handcuff ezperta, headline position, and pleased; Dukeabury and braehme, musical, excellent, the latter being an Brie boy; Fox and Fox pleaaed, while Charlea Reynolds had an entertaining monologue. NOTE.—Ricci and hla baud gave two concerta at Waldameer Park 6. L. T. BERLINER. FALL RIVER, MASS. PLEASANT STREET (Jaa. Mason, mgr.).— Ruth Clarke, 111. songs, good; Frostell and Em- met t, musical, excellent; Vesta Gilbert, songs and dances, good; Mason and Doran, comedy sketch, held over. Business big. CASINO (Doc. Hill. mgr.).—Joseph Spencer, singer, good; 111. songa. BuaineBs fslr. SCENIC (L. M. Boas, mgr.).— Alfred Flemmlng, songs, good; moving pictures and 111. songs. Business great. LINCOLN PARK (I. Phelpa, mgr.).—May 80: Hacker Sisters and company, bicycle, good; Healy and O'Neal, blackface, great; DeWolf Sisters, songs, excellent; Foley and Foley, club awlnging, good; Daley Brothers, expert head balancers, finest yet. Bust ness good. NOTE.—Anger and Hanley, comedians, have Just closed after a successful seaaon with the "Little Outcast" company. Open with Rose Sydell'a company Ang. 1, in Brooklyn, after a few weeks' rest at their home, in this city. E. F. RAFFERTY. FORT SMITH, ABB. LYRIC (Winfrey B. Russell, mgr.).—The Markams, sketch, fair; Maudle Cox, well received; Grace Dodd, ill. song, big hit; The Great Deldaa, Illusion, sreat act. NOTE.—The Lyric moved into the new summer aerdome 3. RED. GL0VER8VILLE. N. Y. FAMILY (J. B. Morris, mgr. Monday rehearaal 10).—Cliff Berzac'a comedy clrcua, very amuaing; Banks Brazealle Duo, fine; Wayburn'a Nightin- gales, good; Harry First and company, a big hit. MOWERS. i GRAND FORKS, N. D. BIJOU (Hugh J. Emmett, mgr.).—Week May 27: The Evans Male Quartet, alng well; Frank Holllday, 111. songs, good. SAVOY (J. A. Smale, mgr.).—Ben Cox, blnging mouologue, fair; Marx and Vedder, would be all right if they bad better talk and if the male member would drop his alleged Irish dialect; Bert Prescott, fair. ORPHEUM—Thia house Is using one vaudeville' number again. Leonard and Vail do a pleasing act, lieonard'a dancing being the best ever seen in local vaudeville. FORKUS. HAZLETON. PA. FAMILY (Harry Knoblauch and Harry Hersker, props.).—Owing to the success of last week's mov- ing pictures and ill. songa, Mgr. Hersker haa continued the bill this week. He baa secured Dal. Randolph, a noted baritone singer of New York, and T. Henry Matthews, a local tenor, to slog. Both have proved themselves worthy of praise, and carry the house by storm. NOTE.— Haale Park opened May 30. The park baa been put in the cream of condition. A new feature is a vaudeville theatre, which la being constructed and will be ready 15. RAY T. DRUM. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Real winter weather at thia time of the year has been very disastrous to outdoor amusements, and the parks have suffered a big loss. WON- DERLAND (F. M. Wlckes, mgr.». -Free vaude- ville and many attractions have been drawing the bulk- ot the small park attendance. FAIR- BANKS (Mrs. Tron, mgr.).—Creatore and bla band drew only fair attendance last week. For the next two weeks Brooke and bis Chicago Marine Band will hold forth. RIVERSIDE.—Buckakin Ben and his wild west show failed to draw. ED. B. DALEY. JAME8T0WN. N. Y. CELOBON (J. J. Waters, mgr.).—Armstrong and Clark, musical skit. "Finding a Partner," funny and pleased; Emil Hocb and company in "Love's Young Dream," another comedy act which went well; The Brlttons, a dancing act, about the best seen here in two seasons; Fred Morton, harmoniclat and paper tearing, clever, and Flood Brothers, comedy acrobats, convulsed the audi- ences. NOTE.—Edward Connelly, of New York, is ainglng ill. Bongs every evening in the park. L. T. BERLINER. KANSAS CITY, MO. FORREST PARK (D. E. Russell, mgr.).—Boston Ideal Company in "Said Pasha." Good perform- ance and crowds. FAIRMOCNT PARK (W. F. Smith, mgr.).—Boating, bathing, and In the thea- tre, minstrels; good business. ELECTRIC PARK (Sam Benjamin, mgr.).—Ellery'a Band continues to attract a large number of people despite the rainy weather. In the Greman village vaudeville la good, with Frledlander Brothers, in a musical skit, as headllners. FAIRPLAY. KEOKUK, IA. NOTES—D. E. Reeves, manager of the La Salle, is arranging with the Paterson Bralnard Carnival Company to play Keokuk in July. They played here two rears ag». Carry 13 cars.—D. L. Hughes. manager of the (Irnnd, states It will lw» Impossible JACK DAM Crawford and Manning In Vaudeville. Grotesque 4 Acrobatic Comedian* Addreaa MEYEBS A KELLER, AgenU. •1 W. Slat Street. Mew York. ——————_—_ ARE YOU TOO THIN T ASPA WEIGHT PRODUCER The Great European Discovery will Increase youP weight about 6 to 10 pounds monthly. Makea flash and rich blood. Wonderful for nervousness. High* ly endorsed by the leading medical authorities. Prloe tS.OO. Interesting booklet free. ASPA CO., Dept. B., 1865 Broadway, Mew York. CAGNEY BROTHERS 74 BROADWAY. NEW YORK CITY GOLO MEDAL SPECIAL. Miniature Railroads for Parks, Summer Resorts,etc. Ths Greatest Money /lakers sod best Attraction In the World. No Park complete without them, earning $1500 in six days. With proper care, will last 35 yeara. S^nd r.OR Catalogue. ■ "^^ ' i—^——^ I. MILLER, Manufacturer of Theatrlca Boot a and Shoes CLOG St., New York. Mentloa TAB! BHOBB a clslty. All made at short nodes. . 100 NOTICE TO VAUDEVILLE ACTS. THEATRICAL PROPERTIES AND STAGE ACCESSORIES Papier Macho and Mechanical Trick Work a Specialty. rsaasr irurtm iros. Lets of Root. F. Brunton A Sea*. B. F. Brunton. Mgr.. 410 W. 4td St.. Mow York. a* Actress or Orator EL ACTOR* And earn 920 to $200 weekly. Write for booklet on Dramatic Art by oorraapondenoe. Chi- cago School of Elocution, 614 Chloaga Opera Houae Blk., Chisago. REVERE HOUSE COB. CLABB A MICHIGAN STB., CHICAGO Now open under new management. Being re* furnished and redecorated at an expense of $50,000. MOYEB BR 08., Proprietors. "■ MILLETTES >«• AEBIALI8T8 Enroute Ringling Bros. Show. When antwering advertisementi kindly mention Variety.