Variety (June 1907)

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18 VARIETY ' I I *«—^—w WILLIAM BOOKING SEASON 19O7-1908 CAB VOW GIVE AHTI8TI 86 TO 40 WEEKS WITH RLAW <a ERLANGER JULIUS CAHN'S AFFILIATED THEATRES or oovnnronov with other theatres booking through my oiticx. 1440 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY 167 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO Row Booking for the Hew York Reef Garden, Bummer. 1907. Opening June «. VAUDEVILLE AGENTS Clifford C. Fischer Araarioaa and BttrSfQan Vaudeville Artists desiring foreign time call or writ* 1440 BROADWAY, REW YORK CITY. Tel. 1487 Bryant. Cable "Control. N. Y." London Braneb: IT Orion St.. M BBBBi Sq. Cable: "Olymptoa-lc. t» *nyt*.lai« Th«r«'t a. Dollar In JACK LEVY 14# WHl 43d at. *t>w York LOUIS WESLEY & PINGUS Broadway and 89th St.. Building. Row York. »— "CHARLEY CASE'S FITK1" r. o. Written by Ch arley Case. •rear for 88o. to Oooo FnbUeaimg Oo,. B. Y. BOOKING FOR ALL THEATRICAL trade a specialty References: Newell and Nlblo, Onr Boye 1b Hloe. Pmrroa Bros., Paaopart, Pierce and Masee, Arthur Prince, Prevoat and Prevoat, The. P rMfip i. . Pjjty Prank Troupe. Pesehkoff's Dancers, Ida Bene, Rice end Provost. VAUDEVILLE STEAMSHIP AGENT. IS* Eaot 14th St.. How York City. PAUL TAUSIG Tel.. S08f Btuyva. Do You Work In Summer? H. BART McHUGH 519 Land Tttk BtriMInf, Broad and Chestnot Sts., PHTLADELPHU, PA. Pacific Coast Amusement Ass. WANTED AT **** * M *\J 11 * T ' CLAaB AOYSOr AH. KIBDS 18.9. 85. HEW YORK orrv 1207 Gslesn Gets As . PAULGOUDR Asa.. 208 S tmm BRAND " " JtflE IT, 1907, ATLANTIC ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. BOARDWALI AMP MISSOURI AVENUE ». DbAll, I L. ITTMAN. f Wanted, all kind* of feature aota. No act too large for this SID rCRN. Sole* MMr. all to S. URN. Mgr. BARBOUR—He Books the Acts For Vaudeville, Falre and Parka. Managers, tend for liata. Artista, aend open time. ------ E. L. Barbour. US La Sella St.. Ohioago. INTERNATIONAL VAUDEVILLE AGENCY F. KINO 6, Roe Laffltte, Parla. France. Cables, "Kingency." 'Phone, 248-72. Sole Booking Agent off the APOLLO MUSIC HALL, PARIS , THE MOST ELEGANT VAUDEVILLE THEATRE IN PARIS. In conjunction with Mr., Charles Seguln's enterprises In South America. WANTED: BIO ATTRACTIONS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. to start hie all-star vaudeville this week owing to bis Inability to secure high class acts. R. R. R. LAFAYETTE IND < J RAND OPERA HOUSE-^-Closed May 20. FAMILY—Closed May 18. THE MAJESTIC (O. A. Fteelinger, nigr.).—Week May 27: Vaude- Tille and moving plcturea. business satisfactory. TRAIL PARK (Geo. Malchus, mgr.).—Opened May 30. I?, s. Ladles' Military Rand drew big crowds. Mr. Malchua Iihs arranged to have free attractions at the park all season. NOTES.— Manager Dave Maurice, of the Family Theatre, refuses to grant courteales to Variety's Lafayette correspondent, as the correspondent would not "boost" Mr. Maurice's theatre. Some weeks ago a quarrel arose between Mr. Maurice and the Two Vivians. Maurice called in the Variety man, and requested a "special story," asking that the Vivians be given the worst of It. After listening to both sides, your correspondent gave the In- cident no mention whatsoever, It being worth- less as a news Item. Since then Mr. Maurice has asked for special mention in Variety, and no doubt has been assisting the newsboys in their sales each week, up to now, in vainly look- Ins for his name in print. He has been buying three Varletys weekly, probably thinking he was . left out of the first two by mistake. Falling to And what he wanted. Mr. Maurice became very angry. This Is Mr. Maurice's second year in the show business. As the years roll along, If he is still running a family theatre or something else In the theatrical 'line, Mr. Maurice will grow wiser. R. LEE CLARK. ^S£ tit KING TOGETHER United Beoking Offices Western Vaudeville ef America Managers' Association St Jamas Bide., N. T. City Majestic Theatre Bldg., Chicago, 111. FOR 200 Vaudeville Theatres from PORTLAND, ME., to PORTLAND, ORE., including every city in the United States, North, South, East and West. LONG ENGAGEMENTS CAN BE ARRANGED WRITING EITHER OF THE ABOVE OFFICES. ^ HAMMERSTEIN'S VICTORIA AMBBIOA't TAM0TJM Y. Tke attf»lBf attwt tt> BfBt-way •» lew Vaiieville Theatre tHtmi PAiACB. num. o*. WANTED All kinds of VATJDX7TXLB AOTsV One aad two weeks' engagements. Performers coming this way, send in your open time. Add T oos T. P. BOLLARD, Wanted—Silent Acts Suit- able for Outdoor Vaudeville City and its with this ts anvireameata. by getting ta teoah eflea, will lean socaethiag to tkelr W8L D. WALL, Vaudeville Agent moat Outfitter, smite 708 Keith's T Philadelphia. Pa. Theatre B*lsV«. fllBEflLLE IEUUIEIS eeee st.ii.ii acts If yen have an open week jm want te til at ahort aotloe write to W. L. T> GorrleK Theatre. Wilmington. BoL Coo cloae 8atarday night and make any dty east of Chicago to open Monday night. Man CIRCUIT CeUIIAL Mm York Ireeklvi ORPHEUM B8SI8B NCVELTY WllllaBslarg eOTNIM East Haw Yark Address all PERSONAL lelleri to PERCY a WILLIAMS, ST. JAMES BUILDING, 2CTH ST. AND BROAD. WAV, NEW YORK CITY. ORPHEUM CIRCUIT M. MBYBBFBLD, JR., Free. MARTIN BBCK. Oeneral FRANK VINCENT. N. T. Representative. All Appiicatlona for Time Moot bo Adirsossa to O. B. BRAT. Booking Manager. Majestic Theatre Bldg.. Ctdcaga. IB. LOB ANGELES, OAL. ORPHEUM (Martin Beck, gen. mgr.).—Week May 27: Ethel McDonough, "the girl behind the drum," well received; Kramer and Belleclaire, physical culture, much applause; Matthews and Ashley in "A Smashup in Chinatown." bit of bill; Volta, "the electric marvel." headllner and suc- cessfully baffles the audience. Holdovers: Princess Yolande's cleverly trained cockstoos, The Durand Trio, vocalists, and Foy and Clarke in their well- staged comedy "Under the Sea." UNIQUE.— Andre, magician; ill. songs by Homer Long; Tegge and Daniels' in comedy sketch, laughable; Unique Comedy Company in "Our College Girls," n farce by Curamlngs and Merley. EMPIRE.— The DeRell Trio, singers; the Empire Stock Com- pany in one-act fMrce, "The Undertaker"; Karl, Sylvester and Densel; Flying Flams; Hazel Bur- dette, so ub fet t o; Law Kelly and company in "The Dope Fiend": Laura Ranks, ill. songs. FISHER'S.—Musical extravaganza by Harry Montague. "Jingo's Daughter," laughable and entertaining, including some snappy songs; Lsmar, talking comedian, good. NOTES.—W. F. Flam, of the Flying Flams, playing at the Empire this week. m'rfMHi n bar the evening of May 28 and fell heavih to the stage. Though his injuries are painful, thev are not serious.—Captain Peacoke (Leslie Hope), nuthor of a three-act piece being played successfully throughout«the Middle States by the Lee Willaul Oo.. tried oat a new two-act sketch, "The Syndicate," evening 81, with a view to placing it on too vaudeville circuits. He is supported by Hazel Adelle.—Jack and Mike (Twin) Sullivan, the pugilists, are said to have signed a contract with a New York theatrical company for a five weeks' tour of the Eastern States, start- ing at St. !.<>uis. . While on the stage, the twins will do a musical act and follow it up by boxing rounds. The consideration for their "spe- cialty" (they say) Is $1,000 (one thousand dollsrs) a week. CECIL BRYAN. LEAVENWORTH KAN ORPHEUM (C. B. Martyne,' mgr.)'— Gill-Talbot Company, comedy playlet, "Her Little Game," very entertaining; Eddie Dolan, comedian, hit of hill; Hubert Deveau, pleased with cartoons; Jas. Hodges, singing and dancing, only fair; Curtis and Ada ma, German comedians, very funny. PEO- When answering advertisements kindly mention. Variety.