Variety (June 1907)

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= VARIETY 19 T3T PASTOR'S 14th St., 3d At. Continuous, 20 A SO Cts. MBXT WEEK, MONDAY. JUNE 10. 1907 The Only Charley Harris Kelly and Adams Maxwell and Dudley O. M. Mitchell Will Rich and Flow Adams and Onhl Howard Osborn and Wallace The Harlem Brothers Blchy W. Craig Tilly Shntoy Oharles B. Lawler and Daughters EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION The Yorke Comedy Four PLE'S' (M. Cunningham, mgr.). Buah and Elliott, comedy acrobat*, vecy good work; Mean and com- pany. In "The Wrong Telegram," liberally ap- plauded; Toble Stark, Imitations, ability; Mile. Wulfen, contortion, very good; Albertia, novel feats ef strength. AIR-DOME (Chaa. Keane, mgr.).—Mr. Keane will close the tbea t se for one week, so that a canvas covering may be provided. The business so far this season has been very poor on account of weather. NOTE.—Manager Mar- tyne of the Orpheum Theatre has departed a little from the ordinary ran of vaudeville theatres In this city, by establishing an amateur perform- ance, one night each week, which has proven to be very popular. J. EDW. FAULKNER. — FOR SALE FELT ACROBATIC FAD M foot long six ft. wide. B. FAUST SEN, 242 W. 43d Bt. MARION. IND. CRYSTAL (Amnions A Dubois, prop's. Monday rehesesal 10).—The S Aces (New Acts); Draper and Son. equilibrists (New Acta); Williams Sis- ters, good: Ruth Safttbj 1)1. songs, in excellent voice. GRAND (Sjfia Pickering, mgr. Monday •enearsal 10). —<Bd. lysine, clever Juggler and a big hit: Geo. Tan, blackface, very good; Janet. Adler and company, clever but not |n quite smooth working trim; Ulrlch, fair magician; Blanche Innls. HI. songs, good. L. 0. WETZEL. Tel. 1600 Main. Ralph Lang&feld ARTIST Besnery Built, Painted and Fireproof ed. Beat scenery artistically and mechanically for Office and studio, Columbia Theatre, WASHTBOTON AHD TILLABY STREET* least money. , BY T. if SUDES mow : * Y FOR JUST BECAUSEI LOVED YOU SO $6.00 PER SET (Rag. Price 910.00) Chats I. Karris, 31 W, 31tt St- Hew York 77 METER COHEN Manager ANN HAMILTON «» CO. — PRESENT — "BEGGARS" Copyright by M. L., • Class D. IXC, No. 0068. Mexican Study — SECOND SEASON — Addresa BELLOWS * OREOORT. 1440 Broadway. New York. ALF. G. HERRINCTON'S "LADY BIRDS" "THE ISLE OF SOMOA" A New Two Act Musical Extravaganza by NED NYE, BOB BLT and GEO. A. NICHOLS 3 Comedians for Irish, Jew and light comedy parts. All must sing and dance; also a good leader. WANTED—Chorus Girls who can sing and will work. To those who can do the above a good salary will be paid. ROOM 7ao, KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE BUILDING, New York City. I HOLD THEM FOR SB MINUTES. MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS, THE HEBREW AHD DAGO BEN WELCH ALWAYS WORKING. Every Contract I Sign I Fulfill. Boohed Solid, Season 1907, 1908. ■YERS « KELLER,, 31 West 31st St., New York. VA Baila on Kaiser Wilhelm II., THE MAD MUSICIAN. Kindest regards to all friends. THIS WEEK HAMMER STEIN'S. Tuesday, June 11th. BURLESQUE COMPANIES AND VAUDEVILLE HEADLINES'$ Who Want First-Class SHOW PRINTING Should Oat Estimates from THE EMPIRE CITY JOB PRINT, GEO. J. PHILLIPS, Hit. StO PEABL ST., HEW YORK CITY. EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF SHOW PRINTING EXCEPTING LITHOGRAPHS. MARSHALLTOWN, IA. NEW RLJOU (IV Nelson Downs, mgr. Sunday rehearsal *3).—Week May 28: <ieorge Yeoman, German Comedian (New Acts); Simon Varnum, violinist, pleaft.'d; The Keltners. comedy sketch, good; Miss Smith, ills, songs, fair. THEA- 'fOUlUM (A. Cm. Gist, mgr.).— Leoara Redel in ills, songs, and motion pictures draw good. KARL INGLKDCE. MILFORD, MASS. NIPMUC LAKE PARK (Dan. J. Spraguc. mgr.). —"Bldora and Norlne, fine; Toy and Toy, excellent; Tom Hefroo, great; Howard and Under, good; Ah Ling Eoo, clever. Thomas' Ideal Orchestra. E. E. Thomas, director, has been engsged to furnish the music. CHAS. E. LACKEY. MILWAUKEE. WIS. NEW STAR (Frank Trot t man. mgr.).—"In Merry Old England'' and "Kelley's Hotel" are the two burlesques given by the Fay Foster company. The singing was decidedly poor. The 0H0, which consisted of Barry and Heck, hand and bead bal- ancers, exceptionally good; Bessie Phillips, sou- brette, veil received; Kresko and Groves, song and dance, ordinary; and Louie Dacre, natural; would have fallen rather flat had It not been for the first mentioned team of acrobats. Walter Houlihau, stage manager of the Star, brought them iuto. the limelight for the first time this week. Week June 9. "Miss New York, Jr." CRYSTAL (F. B. Winter, mgr.).—Very good bill headed by Geo. A. Beaue and company in a sketch entitled "A Woman's Ways." Other numbers are Tops and Topay. man and dog, applause; Hedrlz and Prescott, soft and wooden shoe dancers, very good; Stoddard and Wilson, musical, passe; Theo. Ullmark, song, good selection; and Crystalgraph. NOTES.—Frank Trottman, of the New Star, Milwaukee, la editing a paper called "The Weekly Star," which Is devoted exclusively to burlesque and vaudeville. This Journal is Issued weekly to the patrons of the Star Theatre and the public in general.—Grand Theatre cancelled all acta for week of June 2, house closing.—White City in- tends to open its gates shortly. No admission will be charged to the grounds and free acts will be featured same as last year. The company baa not closed with anyone aa yet, to manage the park. —Pabat Park ia doing a nice business and draws well with its wild west show. B. H. BENDER. MONTREAL. CAB. DOMINION PARK (H. A. Dorsey, mgr.).—Con- sidering the poorest park weather ever known, this resort is doing good business. Vander Marcben's band concerts are much appreciated feature. The Four Baltus, equilibrists, very popular, as are Les Arldos, held over. All line shows are doing satis- factory. The grounds are in excellent shape and on the whole Dominion Park is a gigantic amuse- ment place for Montreal and is appreciated.—»— THEATRE ROYAL (H. 0. Bgerton, mgr.).—Pat White and "Gaiety Girls" opened second week 8, and are pleasing. The Del ton'a closed last week. For next week there win be some changes with this show, which will close the house for the season.—STADIUM (J. A. Christln. mgr.).— Thompson's elephantB, held over, and Beaudoln. wire artist and Juggler, added. Looks like "ad- vanced vaudeville" here for coming season. Much capital la being placed on picture shows, several are now under construction and are on the "family theatre" order. SOHMER PARK (Lavlgne A Lajoie, mgrB.).—This psrk is showing good vaude- ville to fair attendance. Lafrere Sisters show s new strength act, snd are popular; Nanyon'a birds are here for the first time with nice act; Holman Brothers, comedy bar, fine; Va la dons Duo, cyclists, big bit; Mile, de Matha, French singer, held over. AL. M. PRENTISS. NEWARK, N. J. PROCTOR'S (R. C. Stewart, mgr. Rehearsal Monday 9).—Sydney Deanes, "Christmas on the Island," very cleverly worked oat; Norton and Nicholson are slwsys popular here; Nichols Sisters, blackface, very funny; Pauline Perry, prima donna, In pleasing selections; Martinelle and Sylvester, comedy acrobats, do clever feats; The Chad wick Trio have a laughable skit; Miss Chad wick is a very good buck dancer; The Moores, In singing and dancing, good, and Sungaporl, the Indian mys- tifyer, has a novel act. HILLSIDE PARK (W. E. Thaller, mgr.).—Demareat's Wild West, with Kennedy and Quatrelll in their ball rolling act, and other amusements, are drawing the crowds to this park.—ELECTRIC PARK (C. A.Dunlap, mgr.). —Azard Brothers, acrobats, clever; The Emerald Comedy Trio created laughs, as did Warren and Brockway, musical comedy; Chantrell and Schuy- ler, travesty artists, and Joe Hardmann, the nomologist; The Great White Yogi had them guessing. OLYMPIC PARK—Balloon ascensions. looping the loop on a cycle and a society circus of ten sets, changed weekly. The opera company Is playing "The Belle of New York" this week. NOTES.—W. E. Whittle, the ventriloquist, and Lowell and Lowell, comedy contortos, of this city, soiled for London June 1 to open on the Moss- st«>ll tour.—Morris Lovett was given a benefit last Monday evening. The house was packed. He is the treasurer of Waldmann's.—George Holden, the magician, will work all the large parks during the snmmer.—Clare Cascelles, of this city, la making good with the "Gibson Girls," a new girl act. JOB O'BRYAN. NEW ORLEANS, LA. WEST END PARK (Thos. S. Winston, mgr.).— Kremka Brothers, headllners. Their gymnastic work Is highly appreciated. Musical <>oolmans, solid bit, an excellent park attraction. Rial to Cornedv Four and Hallev and Rehan were held orer. WHITE CITY (Chas. C. Matthews, mgr.). Louis Weslyn Author ef Mr. and Mrs. TfaeadaU's kit, " Two Men sad s Bottle " and many other successful sketches and songs, WILL BE IN NEW YORK JUNE 10 for the sum- mer. Address, CARE X. WITMARK ft SOBS. West 37th street. The best of vaudeville material written. THREE CLEVER SKETCHES BOW BEADY. FRANK KENNEDY Author of many successful Faroes, Comedies, Sketches. Monologues, stc. In the oountry tfll September. First class artists in need of new material address Box 08, BROOKLINE, NEW HAMPSHIRE. ———■—■—■—■■ THE PCHFORMERM' MOMK BfluWD ZIEMER Near Enjoy a good St., B. Y. Olty. seal altar the shew. SKETCHES WRITTEN BY JACK BURNETT THE "AOTWRIOHT." 44 B. CLARK ST. Get tha Tims. MATT WOODWARD Author of •• A Jolly laran." "Blssmlmg Lisa.' Co-author of "Tha loyal Chef." etc. Writes original SKETCHES and SONGS, or WORKS OUT YOUR IDEAS. Write, 210 W. 40th Street, New York City. Tel. 0044 Got. JUNIE McCREE and JOHN GILROY Collaborating for all who want plays, Songs and Mooolofuos Written Address Baft 00th ft,, (Phone 007 Coney Island.) , V. T. CHARLES HORWITZ Author of tha hart Comedy Sketches hi rtlle. Such hits as "Mrs. Murphy's tees band." "A Horse on Hogaa," r 'A Areata m ■ta. a.i«- retain. r. r ^ >• rw. «{ tha For Sale; Wiggins Farm," "The Tionpe," "The Old Lara," and orer on* 100-104 W. 00th St., B. Y. Olty. Oars of Mark-Stan Building. II. S. PRINTING (0. PROFESSIONAL PRIHTINO 45 W. 28th St. New Yerk City 'Phone 3780 Madison Sq. Street and Evening Gowns. N COSTUMES 108 WEST SOD STREET. BEW Y0BZ. Telephone 711 Chelsea. Silko'ine Tights. $2.00; Worsted Tights, 88.00; Cotton Tights. $1.00; Silk Tights. from 88.05 up; Shirts to matoh, all aame price aa tights; Pumps 80 cents; Gaiters. $1.00; Elastio Supporters, $1.00; Cloth Supporters, 85 cents. Send for catalogue and samples of tights, free. Positively a deposit required. Satis- faction guaranteed or money refunded. SPICE R BROS., 86 Woodbine Street, Brooklyn. N. Y.; New York Office. Lin- coln BIdg.. 1 i nl"ii Square. When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety.