Variety (June 1907)

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20 VARIETY — Will Ressiters CORNER CHICAGO, SATURDAY, JUNE 8. Sbne people •appose that smoke Is Chicago's only production. Wrong. Sometimes good songs are born here. "If the Man In the Moon Were a Coon" was, also "There's a Rcom to Rent In My Heart for Ton," "Napanee," that big Indian song hit; Mon- tana, " Che cowboy song; "Let Me Down Easy," the coon oddity; the comic classic song. "Kid that Built the Pyramid," and those phenomenal, ballad hits, "Since You Called Me Deartea and "Clover Blossoms." All slides 16.00 a set. But—If yon can't nse a song, come up and look at the pictures. Suite 42 Grand Opera House. Harry Newton and Hampton Dnrand will show you. Addi all mall when yon write to WILL ROSSITER "THE CHICAGO PUBLISHER," lit LAKE STREET. CHICAGO, ILL. P. S.— Watch OUR smoke. Ve hot air. —Olympla Opera Company In "Said Pasha." The various concessions report fair business. O. M. SAMUEL. ST. LOUIS. MANNION'S PARK (Pat Mannlon, mgr.).—An excellent bill Is offered here this week. "The County Choir" Is headlined. Two male and two feu*ale voice* harmonise well and scored a hit; Harry Do Vine and Belle Williams, late of the "Beauty and the Beast," dancing and singing act; W. J. McDermott gave a laughable monologue and scored with bis parodies; Kalerotus, a novel hooprolllng turn, and Helen Stewart, comedienne, constitute the re- mainder of the bill. FOREST PARK. HIGH- LANDS (Col. D. Hopkins, gen. mgr.).—The sweet- est singer to come to this place this season la Mabel McKlnley, "The American Soprano." She made the hit of the bill and rendered songs of her own composition; Qnlgg, Mackey and Ntcker- son, singing and sketch artists, are pleasing; Red* ford and Winchester, comedy Jugglers, who can Juggle anything; Olivette, "The Man In Black," In bis "Shadowgraph" exhibition, and Mailer and Mueller, In comic and serious ballads, comprise a strong bill. Herr Emil Yon Conrad's European moving pictures began an engagement at the Odeon Sunday afternoon. They are said to come from Germany and are a novelty. Moving pic- tures of "Grotesque Comlques," Jamestown Ex- position pictures and from the French production of "Salome" are also shown In conjunction with views of foreign countries. Creatore'a band Is at Lemp's Park for a brief engagement. Every night concerts are to be held. The County Choir, after a brief vaudeville season, will return to Joe How- ard's, and Mabel Barrlson in a new musical play, "The Flower of the Ranch." Uncle Sam Is going to show moving pictures of life at sea free of charge In St. Louis ss sn Inducement for young men to Join the navy. This Is the third city to have those pictures. E. J. C. 08HK08H, WIS. BIJOU (F. W. Jenks. mgr.).—Mr. and Mrs. Robyne, Couture and Gillette, Collls Le Page, Three - Lesreys, Geo. Malchen, ills, songs. HAPPYLAND THEATRE (W. 8. Matthewmann, mgr.).—Moving pictures and Ills, songs, Jennie Lynn, song and dance. GUY HAVRRTY. TAMA QUA, PA. MANILA GROYE PARK.—Second week, good attendance. Mons. Herbert, musical, good; Fox and Ward, blackface, big hit; Ben Franklin and "Little Toodles," very good; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hyde, laughing bit; moving pictures, well received. H. Bart McHugb does the booking for this park. SHENANDOAH. PA. WOODLAND PARK (Geo. H. Gerber, mgr. Re- hearsal Monday 8). —This week's bUl includes the following: The Yamamoto Troupe of Japs, wire and perch artists: Murphy, Whitman and company have them laughing with "Old Friends"; Garden and Sommers, musical; Evelyn 81sters, singing and dancing team, and illustrated songs and moving pictures. The entire biU has "caught on," and each act is being liberally applauded. NOTE.— Toy add Toy hare secured forty weeks" time with the Myrkle-Harder Repertoire Company next sea- son aa an extra attraction. JACK THUMB. TERRE HAUTE, IND. VARIETIES (Jack Hoeffler, mgr.).—Opened Monday, June 3, to S. R. O. afternoon and even- ing, Andrews Opera company, big singing act, pre- senting "II Trovatore," line costumes and scen- ery; Howard's Ponies, best trained animal act ever seen here; Bertinos Cycle, wire act, very frood; Schoenwork, comedy trickster, good; Chas. Saunders, psrodles, good. NOTE.—John Hetxel, formerly manager of Belolt Vaudeville Theatre, Is now resident manager for Barhydt & Hoeffler theatres at Torre Haute. Fred. Stanneld, musical director, has returned from Mt. demons and la now directing the music at the New Varieties. The Varieties has Installed cooling mschlnes for LA FAYETTE THEATRE, Buffalo, n.y. A Summer Stock Season, Opening June Sd. LEGITIMATE. BURLESQUE, HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE. JOHN GRIEVE EMPIRE CIRCUIT OFFICE OR LA FAYETTE THEATRE. DOES IT PAY? \A/QRl£ FOR t*STA»C» ASK ANYBODY iNells Bergen, Eltinge, Macy and Hall, Cheridab Simpson, Emma Janvier, Virginia Earl, Eddie Leonard, Grace Gardner, Grace Van Studdlford, Edna Goodrich, Dorothy Russell, Virginia Sargent, Amelia Summervlile, Belle Gold, Jeanette Lowrle. Etc. Nella Webb, Irene Bentley, Helen Bertram, fcD. M. MARKUN, 81 Wait Slat Strw.t. New York City sjp Variety's Chicago Office IS IN THE t Chicago Opera House Block Advertisements and subscriptions received at regular rates. News items may be forwarded there, and will be promptly transmitted. VE7 A W TT Fi THREE GIRLS FOR W /\ IN 1 ML, mJ living pictures Most be of good figure. Call at ERNBT BRENGK, SIS WEST SSTH ST., New York City. A NOVELTY JOSEPH SHEA FROM LEGITIMATE TO VAUDEVILLE In a successful one act playlet, entitled "THE WR.ONG ROAD" By CHAS. HORWITZ Watch this space for their initial performance. For OPEN TIME address DAVID H. KEITH, Agent, 41 W. 24th St, New York. When an8tccring advertinementa kindly mention Variety. SEND FOR VARIETY'S ROUTE CARDS THE WILL COMMENCE WITH THE ISSUE OF JULY 6th THE FEATURE OF « 1 Variety's Route Sheet WILL BE THAT YOUR NAME IS ALWAYS THERE •J When not working name will remain with permanent or temporary address in order that you may be reached at any time. q As VARIETY publishes on SATUR- DAY, the route for the following week will allow of a letter reaching you wherever playing in this country. (J All variety artists eligible, whether playing indoors, outdoor or under can- vass.