Variety (June 1907)

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30 VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS Ed.F.Reynard AM Mis Iimu IsBsBBsBaBl DfVM. OK MOTOH TOUR UNTIL SEPT. Gartelle Bros. 8KATORIALISM F. Daly Burgess Of the Jolly MoNISH * BUBO MAY TULLYt CO. riMi the Legitimate t» Vaudeville u4 Me ••Id Brisk XV "STOP. LOOK AND LISTEN." •11 Elinore Sisters la se e — t in owe, Moot *r isot-o , entitled "Til ACTRESS AMD Copyright Olass D, XX*, Be. 0001. Direction of OK). HOMAHB, HY. GREENWAY AND CO- SYLOW FLEXIBLE EQUILIBRIST. Season 1907, 4 Paw * tails Bros.' Oirous. The Abbotts Featuring BABT FRANCES ABBOTT, In "The Little Leading Lady." A dramatlo play- let by Oeo. L. Kennedy. Addreai 207 W. 38th St., or ALBERT SUTHER- LAND, St. Jamee Bid**., K. T. N. T. Dramatic Mirror: "CHRIS BRUNO and MABEL RUSSELL had everything their own way and made one of the biggeet hits of the aeaaon in their new akit "THE INSURANCE AGENT.'.' mm m w widbaqt TWLLMMf THENAJUtOW HARRY (. PRENTICE Producing s "OUR My OMAB, MOB fUSS o.titled kaufman* rmmup£ ROCHESTER. K. T. Cable "fj» glasses, Rocheeter. M. tV* Cable Address sassy, "Bioyole, Mm. " At Liberty fa TIE HEAL ITALIAN lew-Millie Piotti Tas we work is One. Address U So. Martin St., Fertiee Frem the Weet" Hayes 3 Winchell AMD TKM FXAMO En Route "New Century Otrie" Cens—y BEST COLORED MUSICAL ACT ZM VAUDEVILLE SPILLER MUSICAL BUMPERS Beginning Weak Jane St. Agent, WESLEY ft PIMCUB. Back Is Vaudeville.. all TKM LAUGHTNO KIT OF TKM KILL EstelleWordettejCo. "HONEYMOON IN TKM OATSETLLS" First Open Weak August 5th. Week Joss S, Shea's Buffalo; Week Jane 10, Orpheum, Boston. Mr. ALBERT SUTHERLAND, Representative, St. James Bide;., M. T. Leek, at Liberty fee Mast Delia Faytelle "SJjromQ ooi Positive kit with Maacheetor*s "Cracker Atiresa per Route. HOMER B. MAROUERITE MASON KEELER Fontaias, Beaichamp and Foatsine ssis T FROSINI TKM WIZARD OP TKM AOOORDEON Mrs. JULES LEVY AND FAMILY Is Their Xssissl Xslssge. Booked solid until Sept. SS. OPEN FOR NEXT SEASON. ALP. T. WILTON. Exclusive Agent, SSt St. James Bids;* mm vmw AND HER PICKS Always Working;. Bowen 8 Una Comedy Horiiontal Bar and Opas after Jans 1. WAHLUND TEKLn TRIO European Novelty Artists. ALBERT SUTHERLAND. ARTISTIC SPECIALTY WITH GENUINE MERIT LULU KEEUAM and MACK (Late of GALLAGHER ft MACS) A character singing and talking act Intro- ducing- the fallowing: changes: 1, The Two Fashion Platee; 2, As English Country Girl; 8, The Italian and the Lady; 4, The Cowboy and the Squaw. Open next assson far burlesque. Permanent address, SS Sd Asa., N. Y. City. Telephone SIM Stuyveeent. —^—— ■ Fred Karno BILLIE REEVES) ORIGINAL DRUNE Co., "A Night la English vr.ii •» HaU. WMMK JUNE 10, LYCEUM, ROCHESTER. AND NONSENSE" and Tatting in "One »» P'nR. and MRS. John T. Powers 17 Minutee of Laughter and Applause. Address care Variety, Chicago Office, Chicago Opera House Block. HUNTRESS All time filled. Address A. M. Dearborn Street, Chicago, DX MEYERS, 107 NEVER IDLE PETE BAKER June 0, Wasser's Park, Joplin, Mo. " 10, Park, Kanaas City, Ran. " SS, Airdome, Leavenworth. Ran. FAMOUS PARISIAN Largest Act in Vaudeville Carrying 12 JUST FINISHED 80 SUCCESSFUL WEEKS ON THE SULLIVAN A CONSIDTNE CIRCUIT. HMADLXMKR /*. B. MBYBRS» Agent f MIRROR DANCER Plate Mirrorsf 7,000 Pounds Baggages 2 Electricians OM MYERY BILL AMD BROKE MANY HOME RECORDS. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. WANTED EVERYBODY TO KNOW-THAT Is Booked Solid until 1909—Orpheum and Keith's Circuits. Exclusive Agent, ALT T.WILTON, St James Building, N. Y. JUNE 8TH-SEPT. 15-OAKLAND, CAL.-iooa 54TH ST. Jn m&m OtHWCtm^y SwVSvTWS'SSSweg wMSsojf SS0sltfOS) VARIETY.