Variety (June 1907)

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VARIETY 27 REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS MANAGERS, TAKE NOTICE. CHARLES ROBINSON AMERICA'S FAMOUS CHARACTER COMEDIAN. is AT LIBERTY to talk Vaudeville, Musical Comedy or Extravaganza. A comedian with a reputation and a following. Positive drawing card with any show or Vaudeville bill. At present doing one of the best single singing and talking acts of its kind, "The Tramp and the Hebrew," making the two distinct changes in front of the audience. TWENTY MINUTES of SOLID LAUGHTER in "ONE." P. S— In preparation, a NEW MONOLOGUE by AARON HOFFMAN. Address care WHITE RATS, 40th street and Broadway, New York City. HARRY CORSON CLARKE IN A NEW SKETCH NEXT SEASON THE MAM WHO TALKS AND SINGS HARRY L WEBB Eighteen minute* of clean entertainment. Address as Par Route. NED NYE THE DANCING TALKER. Next Week (June 17), 58th Street, New York. BAKER TROUPE Most laughable oomedy oyole aot in raudeville. MYRON BAKES, Manager, address care VARIETY. FRED KARNO'S Comedians WEEK JUNE 17, JARDIN DE PARIS, NEW YORK ROOF. "A Night in the Slums of London," "A Night in an English Music Hall" (including BILLIE REEVES, the original "drunk"), "Amateur Night At the Club," "Jail Birds" in repertoire. All productions copyrighted and protected. Attorneys, House, Grossman and Vorhaus. All Communications ALF REEVES, Manager, en route. MR. GEO. W. DE HAVEN PREENT8 ROSE DE HAVEN SEXTET BARRETT SISTERS. MIRIAM CARSON. IN "THE UNDERSTUDY." AND ROSE DE HAVEN. FLORENCE WILLIAMS. VERA STANLEY. ALWAYS A FEATURE. ALWAYS A SUCCESS. CARLOTTA »» STILL "LOOPING THE LOOP THE ONLY ACT OF ITS KIND IV THE WORLD. JACK MAUDE Lawrence 1 Harvey Management In «« HIS FATHER'S SON JACK LEVY 140 WEST 42d STREET NEW YORK CITY »» PROF. DEWAR'S CATS AND BIS FEATURE WITH THE HAGENBECK-WALLACE SHOW, BROOKLYN, THTS WEEK. PAULINE MORAN Biasing comedienne. Booked for the summer by William Morris' Western office. INVITES OFFERS FOR NEXT SEASON. Permanent address. 168 B. PAULINA ST.. CHICAGO. Sam Sidman PRINCIPAL COMEDIAN AMERICAN THEATRE FOR THE BUMMER. BAM FRANCISCO. CAL. WHY NOT HAVE YOUR CARD IN VARIETY NOVELTY CHANGE AMD ALL IN "OVZ" WITH THE OLD OPERAS FOR THE FUN. MIS9 GRACE HAZARD /v\ THIS LITTLE AOT IB ALL Of RHYME, C5 DO MOT OOPTjIF YOU DO COPYRIGHTED AMD 'TIB MINE. ~ BKIDDOOI thsERE WILL BE TROUBLE FOR YOU. nr "A BIT OF ORIGINALITY t • ADVANCED MIMICRY HONE AT PRESENT 753.5th ST., MILWAUKEE When BiMicsr fa f 9 4v m ti $mmmt$ kindly mmtiion Variety.