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VARIETY 21 areing (phujf c. b.) Vr Europe's Greatest Sensitionilist Dlreot from phenomenally •ncceatful tew la "» Republic. AMnt myeelf. Penonal \ JACK DESstOsTT. fair; Powers and Freed, musical team, good; 'itie Four Harrises, dancing; act, caught the house; Frank Gray, 111. conga, good; J. G. N«i- gent and company In "The Abaent-tnlndVd Beg- gar." well recelTed. MAJESTIC (Leroj Tudor, tngr.).—Rand and Brron, comedy sketch, good; Pearl Jackstm, rong Illustrator. gooaT; John H. W. Bryne, story teller, fair; Ma nolle Gage and Mas- ter Jcsaler, songs, well received; The Buckeye Trio, comedy pantomimic act, received good ap- plause. GEO. FIFER. " Put This* hi VMr Mint task FURNISHED ROOVS MRS. PHIL GIBBONS m E ltth Bt, Msw Toifc. FOR SALE Two Taylor Trunks, 88 and M makes. Inquire o f EDWARD MAfcflK. tOI W. eAd St, Msw York , MILLETTES AERIALIBT8 Cn route with RINQLINO BROS*SHOW MXLFORD, MASS. LAKE NIPMUO PARK (Dan J. Sprague, mgr.). Fauat Brothers, excellent; Williams snd Melburn, fine; Seeback, clever; J. Francis Dooley and com- pany, fine. CHAS. E. LACKEY. IEWAHK, N. J. PROCTER'S (R. C. Stewart, • mgr. . Monday rehearsal »).—May Tully In "^teja, Look, Listen," clever young actress and hamfW good Sketch; Arnoldo's wlM animals, well (gained; Charles F. Semon, very funny; Hlhbert aaf- Warren, new- comers, met with-a warm greetraftt Wlttmr Mack and company In a one act comedy, good; M*»lvUl* and Hlgglns, took well; Viola Duval and her girls can sing and dance. ELECTRIC PARK (C. A. Dunlap, mgr.).—Hume, Cain and Hoey, Bowen and Llna. Brown and Wright, Frances Glrard, Enoch, "the man flsh." and Valleclta's leopards. HILLSIDE PARK (W. E. Thsller, mgr.).— Demsrest's Wild West Show still drawing the crowds. The newcomers are Charles and Annie Wlllard, expert cyclist*; James Armstrong, comedy acrobat, with Johnny Mack, Harry .Kennedy, Mamie Mason snd the other cowboys Snd girls. OLYMPIC PARK (Hans Wevers, mgr.).—The Aborn Opera Company In "Robin Hood." The Society Circus Is still a drawing card. JOE O'BRYAN. MONTREAL, CAN. DOMINION PARK (H. A. Dorsey, mgr.).—Big business and excellent weather. Curson Sisters, serlallsts. held over, sensational set; The Stubble- field Trio, trspese, good. The afternoon opening is at 1 o'clock and the closing Is at midnight— one hour earlier and one hour later. SOHMER PARK (Lavlgne ft Lajole, mgrs.).—The Okabo Troupe, held over, big feature act; the Onrl Troupe In comedy Juggling; Three Learons, eonsY-'. edy globe; Agnes Mahr and company in dances; Daisy Dumoiit. comedienne, and Mile. De Matha, singer, are billed. With Lavigne's band concerts, this makes a big show.—VICTORIA RINK (Brooks ft De Kiraly, mgrs.).—This place has "caught on" and good vaudeville la shown this week. Chefulo and Capretta, wlsarda; Slgardo, wire artist; Carleton Sisters, and other acts, with pictures. AL M. PRENTISS. NEW ORLEANS. WEST END PARK (Al. Blstes. mgr.).—Laura Howe's Dresden Dolls, originally a Lasky-Rolfe production. The act bears the imprint of that firm's earlier endeavors. It Is clever in a small way -and scored handily. Fox and Du Ball are good dancers. A change to summer attire snd some attention to fse!al make-up would improve. Their Ringing might be omitted with profit. Fred and Annie Pelot and Orba*nn's cockatoos sre held over. WHITE CITY (Chas. C. Mathews. mgr.).—Olympla Opera Company In "The Ge'sna" to fair business. O. M. SAMUEL. MT. CLEMENS, MICH. NELSON'S OPERA HOUSE (Fuerst ft Klein, mgrs.).—Good vaudeville this week, headed by Harrison L. Davies, handcuff expert. LEO LESTER. MUNCIE, IND. STAR <Hay Andrews, mgr.).—Alburtus aud Altus, Jugglers, good; Lovello, ventriloquist, very OMAHA, NEB. LAKE MANAWA (Wm. Byrne, mgr.).—Every available car between Omaha and the lake was packed all day last Sunday, taking thousands to this resort. Bathing U a popular feature. Boats, miniature railroad and the roller-coaster did a land-office business, twelve cars being used on the roller-coaster from early morning until the park closed. Prof. Andrew made his balloon ascension, performing acrobatic feats while in midair, and Pauline Courtney, with, new ill. songs, at the Casino, very much liked. PARLOR (Bert Olin, mgr. Sunday rehearsal 11).—Baby Toby Clark heads program, but failed to make connections in time for the Sunday performances; Frank Coulter was placed instead, singing and dancing, fair. James Wilson, comedy crayon, took well; Tot Young, assisted by Grace Manning, did fairly well with a burlesque in magic. JEWEL, Electric (Robt. Qffrssn. mgr.).—Moving pictures still drsw capacity business in spite of the hot weather. WHBATON. ^i OTTAWA, CAN. BENNETT'S UNIQUE (Gus. S. Grilling, mgr.). —Penny arcade apd moving pictures, changed ^ETgSPERCY WILLIAMS'-S7 COrpheumI «Always the Best Vaudeville In Boston" WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, JUNE 17 Matmtm Evry Day at 2 P. M. Ewning* at 8 P. M. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE! Ssoo.sl **« Last Week of tils) WoHeVa Greatest Athletes BELLCLAIR BROS. Positively the Moat Sensational Aerohatlo Act In Vaudeville WELCH, FRANCIS A CO. I ALMONT & DUMONT 21 SKA & KING 7 CHADWICK TRIO "IN THE LATIN QUARTER" Pr«.ttn<rd br VIOI.A DE COSTA AKD COMPANY SUE SMITH T KINETOGRAPH Mosher, Houghton & Mosher | ELLCLAIR Trying Hard to ELEVATE OS. twice weekly; excellent business. WONDER- LAND (I. Daniels, mgr.).—Moving pictures, con- tinuous, doing good business. BRITANNIA AUDITORIUM (J. B. Hutchinson, mgr.).—Thomp- son's elephants, very Interesting and good; Muller, Chun and Mailer, hoop manipulators, excellent; Madam Saheras, mind reading, mysti- fying, causing big talk; Eddie Garvey and Mollle Thompson, sklc, pleasing. PARC ROYAL, null. —Moving plctnrea and vaudeville, doing big busi- ness, especially on Sundays. AYLMEK AUDI- TORIUM (Gus. 8. Greening, mgr.).—Moving pic- tures, ill. songs snd vaudeville; standing room only. NOTES.—Gus 8. Greening, local mansger of Bennett's enterprises. Is summering in New York and vicinity for a short time, with family.— Bennett's Unique staff conslsta of: Pianist, Mr. Smith; 111. songs. Harry Carson, late of London; L. Gould, operator, and Thos. Brlerly. supt.— C. W. Bennett, general manager Bennett's enter- prises, Is spending week In town. OOOR. PITTSBURG, PA. • GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Harry Davis, prop.).—Camilie D'Arvllle Leads the bill. Her best, number was the "drinking song." Her sweet rich voice was heard to advantage. The "Fadettes" rendered a very well selected pro- gram. The organization improves each visit and earned the applause. Clayton White and Marie Stuart have a bright playlet, "Masle" that, though it is not as good as "Paris," gives both good opportunity. Sydney Desne was called on for an encore to his song, and "Christmas on Blackwell's Island," repeated the hit made here before. Grace Cameron pleases, and The Great Trovallo proved a good ventriloquist. ChaB. Carmell and Laura Harris have a very good singing and dancing act; Mason and Shannon, fair; The Bessie Valdere troupe of cyclists are very clever; the Cook Bros., Jngglers; La Belle and the Kaufmann Bros, complete the bill. NIXON (Thos. P. Kirk. res. mgr.).—A very evenly balanced bill Is offered here this week. "The Gibson Girls." from the "Belle of May- fair," easily head the bill. Annabelle Wbitfonl sings and acts the part of the "Gibson Girl" in a way that Is pleasing. The act was en- cored time and time again. W. C. Fields, the tramp Juggler, is a wonder and his set kept the sudlence laughing all the time; Harry Bulger gave a laugh with his "Mink's Rink." and with Hattle Arnold do a very funny roller skating bit; Sidney Grant, one of the best of story tellers told some old ones. An artist as clever as he should get new material. Julian Rose Is popular here and his Hebrew story of the wed- ding kept the house in laughter. The Max Tour- hellon troupe of cyclists and acrobMts were very good; the Olympia Quartet, ordinary; Williams and Tucker in "Sklnny's Return." clever, and too much praise cannot be given Miss Williams, they were very well received. LUNA PARK (E. E. Gregg, mgr.).—Don Phlllpplni and his Spanish Band are the attraction this week. The band is a splendid musical organization, and the large crowd enjoyed every number. CONEY ISL- AND—Though not quite complete the park is open and on Saturday and Sunday many thou- sands visited the resort. P. 8. C. SANDUSKY. 0. MAJESTIC (W. C. Dunn, mgr. Monday re- hearsal 10).—Frances Swart*, supported by Lau renee Gordon, in "The End." more than pleased large crowds the latter part of last week; Fox and Fox, good, held over; Jack Mllburne, songs, good; Daum and Smith, musical, excellent: Sartello, magician, fair; Half week 17: Y-Alar- con, "the Mexican trio," in a novel singing and dancing act. headllners; Bessie I* Court, dra- matic reader, excellent; Les Donovas, French flexible marvels, have a novelty comedy act that Is reallv good; J. E. Love, good. IDLEIIOUP. (Joe Howard, mgr.).—"The «100 Bill" Is the attraction: to big business. THEATORIUM (Clmrlev Reark, mgr.).—"The Green Ooods Man" Is proving n winner here. ELECTRIC (Vincent Menuez. mgr.). —"Daniel Boone, the Pioneer," 1» the attraction. Business good.——ROYAL (Olllarn Bros., mgrs.).—Tills house opened 1."> with "The Apprentice" and "The Stolen Pig" to big business. CEDAR POINT (George A. Boeckllng. mgr.).— Rnsso's Italian Rand attraction at the Coliseum Sunday. OPERA HOUSE (E. W. Hall. mgr.). —Ainiee. the sensational dancer. Is attracting large audiences dally. Billy Mead and dog "Sparkles" Join next week. HINDU (J. C. Morris, mgr.).—Ri*mor. the Indlnn Yogi, and Mile. Aza are showing to good business dally. DOC. SHENANDOAH. PA. WOODLAND PARK (G. H. GerN*r, mgr. Mon dny rt MS rail 1). -This week's entire bill Is one sereaM ef laughter. All the asjaben on the bill lire being warmly greeted with plenty of applause, but the biggest'laugh may Is* credited to Cluis. W'nyno. assisted by Miss Gertrude Dei Roelie and company In the ludicrous sketch "H> A. M., or the Morning After." A distinct novelty In eon- iHTllon Is ii moving picture Illustrating the star's many e xp er i ences on a night of hilarity and revelry, which is both funny and at times n trifle Spicy. The act is a red hot hit. The comedy I.Ike act of Hill. Cherry ami His* Is proving Itself a revelation to Woodland audiences, as It Is Just chuck full of amazing feats. The comedy work Is also of a high order and takes well. Cunning- ham and Smith continue to keep up the laughter for the andtenee with "The Shoplifter" sketch, and the former's acrobatic work as the policeman. Tom Hefron. monologue, made an Instantaneous hit. Prof. Jeffcott, splendid on the piano. JACK THUMB. ST. LOUIS, MO. SUBURBAN GARDEN (J. Oppenhelmer. mgr.). -A tremendous crowd witnessed Amelia Bingham Sunday night, when, for the first time on any stage, she played Lady Mary Fulton In Fredrick The Good Old Summer is Nore At last, and we have just finished pos- ing slides for that rollicking summer song "There's Roim For Us All On the Trollty " So if you are looking for a summer hit, here it is. And don't forget that tre- mendous success f ■ "Dreaming "Nuf Bed" regarding this one, but we will just mention another, making a trio that's hard to beat We refer to "Schooldays" And here are a few more late ones: »! omewbere Somebody Is Wiitinf tiigy Noon" at Antonio" " Tike Ne Btck to New York Town" «Tte Tile tie (kirdi Bells Toned" " Deirest Pocolontis" " meres Nobody Else But YotT "Kittle Kirey" AND 50 OTHERS AT $ 5. 00 Per Set *5. 00 WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR EDISON MOVING PICTURE MA- CHINES AND ACCESSORIES. MACHINES AND FILMS RENTED WITH OR WITHOUT OPERATORS. HAVE YOU SEEN HARSTH'S INSPECTION DEFYING RHEOSTAT? TICKETS ON ROLLS, in any quan- tity. Give us a trial order on these; we will surprise you. The Never Closed House WRITE, WIRE, CALL OR PHONE AT ANY HOUR DAY OR NIGHT. Harstn&Oo 138 E. 14th St. NEW YORK Phone 3812,3813 Stuyvesant. When answerinff advertisements kindly mention VARIETY.