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VARIETY 25 REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS BRINDAMOUR ORPHCUM tieAOLINCR ACGOMPLISME8 NOVEL AND UNCANNY FEAT Brindamour, at the oloie of his set at the Orpheum last night, performed the uncanny triok of RINGING THE CITY HALL BELL. He asked anyone in the audience to name a bell which was desired rune and whioh could be heard in the Orpheum. ATTORNEY CHARLES O. IRISH said, "THE CITY HALL BELL." "How many timet would you like to have it rung?" asked Brinda- mour. "Three times." said Mr. Irish. Brindamour raised his arm and struck the air. The City Hall bell struck. Once again, and it struck again. Once more, and the bell struck the third time. PERSONS ON THE STREET THOUGHT THERE WAS A FIRE, AS WHEN THE BELL RUNG the time was exactly 10:88 P. M.—Schenectady "Star." Rung the City Hall Bell The only man in the world who ever performed this SENSATIONAL FEAT. Management of BEN. J. GREENE BERRY The Advanced Vaudeville Pair. e A BERRY COMEDY MUSICAL DUO. Booked solid in vaudeville by Edward 0. Hay man and John J. Murdoch, Western Vaudeville Association. Opening en the Orpheum Circuit Sept. 1st. America's Leading; Irish Piper, PAT A Clever Little Danoer, UM TJT A OOMEDT SKETCH. Y Open for Parks, July 18. TANNER and GILBERT In a Burlesque Comedy. 'HOW TO MAKE LOVE," McMAHON and] [CHAPPELLE'S \ M "PULLMAN PORTEOAIDS »J NOW/ IN UAUDBUILLB MARGUERITE Rome »«» Ferguson Bookod by William Morris Oft thm Oommt Commencing Junm 10th. Castellane and Bro Sensational Bieyelists. The only ones turning a haok and forth somersault on s bicycle. A novelty aot. AH communication* care VARIETY, ChiosfO Offloe, Chicago Opera House Block. MORAN Management Msurice Kraut. Season '07-'08. Booked for summer by Wm. Morris* Western offloe. Permanent addrow. SO. PAULINA ST., CHICAGO. ILL. Week July 1. Cook b Park. Evanaville^ Ind. THEY MUST LIKE IT HARRY LA ROSE and MOW PLAYING THE PACIFIC COAST, IRD TIME. Sam Sidman PRINCIPAL COMEDIAN AMERICAN THEATRE FOR THE SUMMER. SAM FRANCISCO, OAL. Josephine Gassman AND "PICKS.' ATLANTIC CITY for the Summer. Prom June to October. JOSEPHINES VILLA. WHY NOT HAVE YOUR CARD IN VARIETY M /\ PARISIAN SEINS/\TI01N Direction JACK LEVY K. & Y N N 23d Street Theatre, Week July 8th LOUISE DRESSER. After a successful season with Lew Fields' "About Town" Co., ESPECIALLY engaged for a limited tour with K. & E. "Advanced Vaudeville." Management MYERS & KELLER, 31 W. 31st St., N. Y. JIMO. A. \A/E Pei ft tsnent AddreM, 161 W. MOWNII" 66th ST.. CHICAGO. ILL. Just finished 53 Consecutive Weeks on Orpheum, Kohl Castle and Majestic Circuits. Next Adv. will tell more. kindly mention TaJOBT*